How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 735 Unwilling Zerg

Chapter 735 Unwilling Zerg

The goal of the foragers is to quickly occupy the surface of the planet, so they can't just rely on rhizomes to expand.

No matter how the rhizome grows, can it grow and expand at supersonic speed? This is obviously not possible.

In order to solve this problem, in order to complete the task of occupying the world as soon as possible, the collectors released biological rockets that carried the same race and development resources.

These rockets, like intercontinental missiles, fly to high altitudes and then fall back to the ground to set up camp in new places and expand their roots.

The collectors dug deep wells, used hydraulic pressure to extract solid helium, and then used solid helium to cool down the surface environment they occupied.

From the perspective of a bystander, the gatherers are very similar to the Zerg, the only difference is that the gatherers do not have those various low-intelligence organisms running on the ground.

Because the collectors don't need those things, for them, it is a waste of resources.

And when the rhizomes expanded by the collectors in the inland dock with the same species on the ocean side, a planet-level water transport channel will be completed. They will erect high water towers, and use the connectivity of liquid water to transport liquid water to inland.

At the same time, the Zerg side was also in action, a large number of strip-shaped large organisms drilled out of the ground.

This is a Zerg organism that can stretch its own body and undertake the task of Zerg underground troop transport.

Living in the interior of a nest-like structure in the ground all year round, after receiving orders from the Zerg command hierarchy, it will expand and contract its body, stretching itself to an astonishing length, thereby forming a passage with its own flesh and blood.

All Zerg organisms can enter the ground through the head of any elongated organism, and rely on the fast speed of the elongated organism itself to travel underground.

Since the elongated organisms can be connected to each other in multiples, all the Zerg organisms can emerge from the head of any elongated organism to launch a surprise attack on the enemy area after entering the elongated organism.

The reason why the Zerg was able to hide underground in time during the antimatter purge of the collectors is that this long organism can be said to be indispensable.

According to the emergency plan made before the Zerg was baptized by anti-matter, they retreated to the ground first, temporarily avoiding the edge, and then rushed out of the ground after the bombing, relying on the planet and the collectors to engage in a tug-of-war.

Hiding underground went smoothly, but there was a problem with returning to the surface, because the rhizomes also expanded underground. According to the habits of the collectors, the rhizomes would extend to the core of the planet.

The rhizomes of the collectors are capable of fighting. In order to be able to expand underground, their heads are single-molecule tips, which can penetrate almost anything, as long as that object still belongs to the category of molecular materials.

Due to the relationship between the rhizomes, many long organisms of the Zerg were ruthlessly slaughtered before reaching the surface.

However, there are still a group of lucky Zerg long creatures that were not killed by the rhizome, because the foragers have not yet expanded the rhizome coverage to a global scale.

The long creature drilled out of the ground, squirmed the cavity in its body, and vomited out a large number of Zerg organisms from the petal-shaped mouth.

Among the Zerg organisms, one is flat in appearance, with a pair of huge clamps at the front end, and biological tissues similar to membrane wings and fish fins on both sides.

This creature cocooned on the spot not far from the long creature, and it swelled very large in a short time.

When the swollen and wriggling cocoon breaks open, the Zerg nest is exposed, and with the birth of the nest, the creep begins to spread around the nest.

After the larvae were produced, they immediately began to transform into cocoons and transform into other organisms of the Zerg race.

The Zerg organisms on the ground guard the nest, while the Zerg organisms in the air spread out to expand their field of vision and search for possible enemy targets around them.

After searching for about two to three hundred kilometers, the flying organisms of the Zerg encountered the rhizomes that were expanding their coverage area.

The collectors noticed the Zerg creatures in the sky, but they didn't pay attention to them. The rhizomes continued to expand, but the Zerg side was not as calm as the collectors. As the saying goes, the enemies are jealous when they meet, and they have been cleaned by the collectors. How can the Zerg be calm after seeing the gatherer's ground unit.

The Zerg command hierarchy immediately ordered the organisms in the air that were originally in charge of scouting to spit out acid shells, attacking the rhizomes surging like tides on the ground.

The acid shells corroded some roots. Seeing this result, the air units of the Zerg spit acid shells more and more unscrupulously, but they could continue to spit acid shells. Lethality is plummeting.

Originally, it could kill a few rhizomes, and splash corrosion to kill the surrounding rhizomes, but it became impossible to kill even a single rhizome in just a few seconds.

If the Zerg command class can access the collector's life field, they will definitely know the reason at the first time.

After the first acid shell killed many rhizomes, the collectors began to research countermeasures, and then the rhizomes began to secrete a mucus layer with a high alkali content on their outer layer.

As we all know, contact between acid and alkali will produce salt and water. Even if the acid solution of the Zerg is a biological acid, which is specially prepared, it cannot jump out of this chemical framework.

As for where the alkali of the rhizome comes from, of course it is local materials. There are both acidic and alkaline substances in the soil.

After a lot of tossing, the worm acid in the Zerg organisms had been sprayed out, and the Zerg command hierarchy was unwilling but had no other way to let the Zerg creatures in the air retreat.

But the collectors are not a place where you can come and go as you please. In the words of the earth-do you still want to run after pretending to be forced?

The rhizome group used the temporarily scraped materials to piece together a biological version of a large heat ray cannon, and after notifying the rear to pass a strong current, it directly roasted the Zerg creatures flying in the air.

At the same time, according to the route of the Zerg, the aerial scout, and with the perspective of leaping creatures on the track, the collectors locked the expanding Zerg group.

Massive rhizomes began to rush towards the Zerg's expanding position.

The Zerg side is also aware of this situation. Faced with such a severe situation, the nests are actively producing armies of organisms, including ground and air, and all kinds of arms.

There are a large number of immobile organisms bred on the ground, which are divided into two types. One is the organism that has attacked the leaping organisms in outer space before and can spit acid and ion plasma, and the other has a very long and thick Tentacle, the tentacle has a heavy and sharp spike, which attacks the enemy by launching the spike into the air and then falling down.

The swarm is waiting!

Through the eyes of the Zerg organisms, as those curtains of raised dust appeared on the horizon, the Zerg command hierarchy knew that the enemy's army was not far away.

The entire Zerg army started to move, and the Zerg command class didn't intend to wait until the enemy came close before passively defending, they had to take the initiative to attack!

The advantage of taking the initiative to attack is that even if they lose, they still have a certain buffer area to buy time to think about countermeasures. The Zerg command class has its own calculations.

It's a pity that the Zerg's command class is too naive, and the problems it faces next cannot be made up for by strategy and tactics.

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