Huanxi Boy: I Am Fang Yuan, And My Appearance Fascinates Song Qian

Chapter 92: Qiao Yingzi Critically Strikes Fang Yuan (Part 2)

Qiao Yingzi began to think hard to find an excuse, how to meet her lover.

The little girl in love is very anxious if she doesn't see her for a day.

They still have beautiful fantasies about love, and a sweet word or a long-term promise can make them dedicate their bodies and minds.

But young women like Song Qian and Tong Wenjie are different. Although they also like to listen to sweet words and long-lasting love words, most of the time, they can stay awake. . Restrain your urges.

In adolescence, emotion often trumps reason.

In the period of young women, reason overwhelms emotion.

This may be the difference between a young woman and a girl.

Qiao Yingzi thought hard to no avail, Song Qian greeted Tong Wenjie and the others to enter the house.

At this moment, Tong Wenjie's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Fang Yuan calling.

After a few minutes, the phone hung up.

Seeing that Tong Wenjie's expression was wrong, Song Qian asked, "What's wrong? What did Fang Yuan say?"

Tong Wenjie said: "Fang Yuan has a fever. He just took a temperature of over 39 degrees. Let me go to the pharmacy to buy some antipyretics for him. Let Fang Yifan and Lei'er do the questions here first, and I'll go out for a while. "

Song Qian grabbed her and said, "Is there no medicine at home?"

"It's all expired, and it hasn't been replaced for a while.

Song Qian was speechless.

"Okay, don't rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine. If you take too much medicine, it will have side effects. It happens that I have soup on the stove. I will give him a bowl in a while, bring it over, and let him drink a little. It will be fine if you sweat under the quilt."

Tong Wenjie was a little surprised and said, "Your medicinal soup can also cure fever?"

Song Qian said: "It's almost the same. The medicinal soup I made is specially for sweating."

Tong Wenjie thought for a while, and said: "Okay, then you can serve me a bowl later, and I will take it over."

"Success, it's about the same anyway, it's almost done."

Song Qian came to the kitchen, put some medicinal soup in a rice bucket, and told him: "After drinking this stuff, let him sleep under a quilt and sweat, and when he wakes up, he will feel comfortable all over, and the fever will subside naturally."


As Tong Wenjie said, he was about to leave with his rice bucket in his hands.

At this time, Qiao Yingzi knew that her chance had come, and she said, "Mom, Wenjie Aunt, let me deliver it, I'm fast.

Tong Wenjie waved her hand and said, "No need, I'll just go back by myself.

Qiao Yingzi said: "Aunt Wenjie, let me go, you are not here, no one can hold Fang Houer down."

Although Song Qian on the side was surprised why her daughter was so active, she also followed Qiao Yingzi's words and said: "If she wants to go, you can let her go, and Yingzi is right, your family Fang Yifan, except you , I am not afraid of anyone, I really may not be able to control others."

Tong Wenjie said: "Okay, then I will trouble you, Yingzi."

"No trouble."

Qiao Yingzi was overjoyed, but Song Qian told him, "Come back and do the questions after delivery."


Qiao Yingzi responded impatiently, and ran towards Tong Wenjie's house impatiently with the rice bucket in hand.

Along the way, Qiao Yingzi was wondering whether Uncle Fang would be very surprised and pleasantly surprised when he saw him.

Thinking of Fang Yuan and seeing his surprised expression, Qiao Yingzi's heart immediately began to jump up and down.

It can be said that Qiao Yingzi has now lived in the shape of Fang Yuan, as long as Fang Yuan is willing, Qiao Yingzi can show up at any time.

Jiang Taigong went fishing, and those who wished took the bait.

And Fang Yuan is the same, as long as he wants, even if he is lying there, someone will come up to move him.

In this way, Qiao Yingzi jumped up and down, and soon came to the door of Fang Yuan's house, but to her surprise, the door was not closed.

Qiao Yingzi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Uncle Fang just kept the door waiting for him, and if he counts, he will come over?

It seems that they have a good understanding, the more they think about it, the happier Qiao Yingzi is.

So he gently opened the door and walked in.

"Uncle Fang?"

Qiao Yingzi looked around, left and right, looking for Fang Yuan, but when he came to the living room, he didn't find Fang Yuan. Qiao Yingzi moved his nose and smelled a different smell.

The smell is a little weird, a bit like burning mosquito coils, but it's different, and she can't tell exactly what's different.

At this time, Fang Yuan was still hiding in the dark, with a black cloth covering his eyes. He wanted to play a perverted game, so there was no need to be polite to Tong Wenjie.

The more polite you are, the more she will look down on you.

The harder you strike, the more tender she becomes.

Women are truly amazing creatures.

However, even when he was beaten to death, it never occurred to him that the person who came was not Tong Wenjie, but He Yingzi.

Hearing footsteps gradually approaching, Fang Yuan violently opened the curtain and rushed out.

He also carried Qiao Yingzi out, almost scared to death, and he hadn't recovered yet at this time.

Then he was stunned by Fang Yuan's light words and a title.

"Baby wife, how about we do something different today?"

Qiao Yingzi's heart trembled violently, and she couldn't believe her ears. Uncle Fang actually called him baby, which was nothing, after all, Fang Yuan called her that before.

But adding the word "wife" at the end has a different meaning. Uncle Fang wants to make himself his wife.


Before the word "uncle" could be uttered, he was blocked back. Fang Yuan knew very well that doing anything at this time would be futile, and the only thing he could do was to do it.

But even when he was beaten to death, he didn't expect that the person in his arms was not Tong Wenjie, but Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi wanted to resist at first, but Fang Yuan kept talking about love, how could she bear this as a young girl.

"You know who I miss the most when I'm sick? It's you."

"I have a fever, and I want an infusion, but it's not the one in the hospital, but the night I miss you.

"The injection can hurt my body, but it can't shake my determination to miss you."

"Except Wushan is not a cloud, but I want to go to Wushan Yunyu with you."

"There was once a sincere relationship in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I didn't understand it until I saw you, and I started to regret it. I lived in vain before. If love has a time limit, I hope it will be 10,000 years, but now I just want to say seven words to you, baby wife, I love you."


After hearing so many love words, especially the last sentence, Qiao Yingzi let out a groan and completely gave up resistance.

That's it, give yourself to Uncle Fang completely.

Fang Yuan, on the other hand, was secretly complacent, joking, thinking of him as a love sage sea king and a scumbag, who has been in love for so many years, and has never failed once he makes a move.

Just ask who can escape?

But soon, Fang Yuan's smile froze, he grabbed it with his big hand, isn't this the right size?

It's so small, and the voice just now doesn't seem to belong to Tong Wenjie either.

Fang Yuan woke up in horror and realized that the person in his arms might not be Tong Wenjie. Thinking of this, Fang Yuan broke out in cold sweat.

He quickly took off the blindfold, and finally saw the sleepy Yingzi with his eyes closed in his arms.


Fang Yuan was confused.

"Yingzi, why are you?"

"Uncle Fang?"

Qiao Yingzi opened his eyes after he couldn't feel the movement for a long time.

This is Qiao Yingzi who opened his eyes, his face was full of emotion, he took the initiative to kiss him, and said: "Uncle Fang, I want to marry you.

Fang Yuan:

Fang Yuan was stunned, this was not his plan.


Seeing that there was no action on the listing, Qiao Yingzi took the initiative.

Song Qian's house.

Song Qian waited for a long time, but did not wait for Qiao Yingzi.

While wondering in my heart, I also started to worry, what's going on? I just went out to deliver a medicinal soup? Why haven't you come back now?

It's been half an hour. Could it be that something happened? Thinking of this, Song Qian couldn't sit still anymore.

"Wen Jie, you stay here and watch the two of them do the questions. I'll go out and see why Yingzi hasn't come back yet."

Tong Wenjie nodded and said, "Okay, you can go."

Afterwards, Song Qian put on her shoes and went out. She walked around the community, but did not find Qiao Yingzi.

At first she wondered if Qiao Weidong had come and abducted Yingzi again, but after thinking about it carefully, she found it impossible.

Even if the father and daughter want to meet, it must be secretly, it is impossible to disappear so blatantly once they go out and never come back.

Didn't this tell her clearly that Qiao Weidong did it? Qiao Weidong is definitely not that stupid.

Thinking about it, Song Qian also felt that it was impossible for Qiao Weidong to do this.

Then, Qiao Yingzi must still be at Fang Yuan's house.

But what is Zi doing at Fang Yuan's house?

With curiosity, Song Qian walked towards Fang Yuan's house.

Of course, until now, Song Qian still didn't know the connection between Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yuan, otherwise she would definitely be fried.

Arriving at Fang Yuan's house, Song Qian rang the doorbell.

Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yuan woke up with a start and hurriedly separated.

Fang Yuan looked at Qiao Yingzi, his hands were wet, and he quickly pulled them back.

commit a sin!

Why did I become so obsessed all of a sudden?

"Yingzi, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine, Uncle Fang, do you think Wenjie Aunt is back?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "Probably not, you Wenjie Aunt has the key."

"Then what shall we do now?"

The doorbell outside the door kept ringing, and Fang Yuan's brain began to spin rapidly. He suddenly looked at the rice bucket in Qiao Yingzi's hand and said, "Are you here to deliver me medicine?"

Qiao Yingzi nodded. At this moment, she was also extremely nervous, afraid of being discovered.

Fang Yuan said: "Then it's easy to handle. For a while, I will be regarded as me. The fever is too serious and I can't drink the medicine by myself, so you feed me the medicine, so I go back late."

Qiao Yingzi was a little scared, and questioned: "Is this possible?"

"Give it a try, a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, at the moment, we have no other choice.

After agreeing on a good idea, the two began to act quickly.

Fang Yuan went back to the bedroom and lay down, pretending to be terminally ill. Like Joe, if he opened the rice bucket, he took a small spoon and bowl and put it beside him, pretending to be drinking medicine for Fang Yuan.

After doing all this, he walked towards the door and opened it.

When she saw her own mother standing outside the door, Qiao Yingzi skipped a beat in her heart, feeling like being caught.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Despite trying to calm down, Qiao Yingzi still spoke intermittently and stuttered.

Song Qian said: "I asked you to deliver some medicine, why haven't I seen you back for a long time?"

Qiao Yingzi said: "Uncle Fang has a serious fever and can't drink the medicine by himself, so I poured the medicine soup into a bowl for him.

Song Qian said: "Really? Let me see."

Song Qing came back to the bedroom while talking, and sure enough, she saw Fang Yuan lying on the bed, looking terminally ill.

Song Qian was taken aback, even Qiao Yingzi was surprised. If she didn't understand the real situation, she might be deceived


I was thinking in my heart, Uncle Fang's acting skills are too real.

People who didn't know thought they would die in the next second, Song Qian said: "Didn't Wen Jie say that you just had a simple fever? How could you be so sick?"

Fang Yuan squeezed his throat, pretending to be hoarse, and said, "I'm fine, I just have a fever, a little bit severe, I drank the medicine soup you made, and I should sleep for a while.

It's okay, you guys go ahead and leave me alone. "

Song Qian was a little worried, and said, "Why don't I ask Wen Jie to come back and take care of you?"

Fang Yuan waved his hand, what happened to Yingzi in the morning, how could he be in the mood to play with those fancy things now.

He just wants to be alone now.

"No need for Song Qian, I can do it by myself, you all go back, the study of the children is important, don't delay their grades.

"Oh well."

Seeing Fang Yuan's insistence, Song Qian did not continue to persuade her.

In the end, he could only leave with the reluctant Qiao Yingzi. Fortunately, when Fang Yuan found out that the other party was Qiao Yingzi, he had already dealt with the incense, otherwise today's matter would be uncertain.

How will it end?

It seems that Qiao Yingzi inhaled a relatively small amount, so there shouldn't be any major problems, and I just checked her body and excreted some toxins.

This is even more problematic. Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi left Fang Yuan's house. Up to now, they have not paid any debts and have not suspected the improper relationship between Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yuan.

Qiao Yingzi, who was pulled back by Song Qian, was obviously a little unwilling and unhappy, but there was nothing he could do.

I can only find another chance to continue the fate with Fang Uncle this morning. To be honest, he is still a little greedy, when the two of them get along today.

Very comfortable.

After returning home, Qiao Yingzi also tried her best to calm down her mood, so as not to be seen by Song Qian again, and then strictly control her, so that it would be even more difficult to contact Uncle in the future.

Also, when facing Fang Yifan and Tong Wenjie, she always had a very weird feeling in her heart.

I can't tell, I don't know the way.

Anyway, it is a very complicated emotion. If you count according to his relationship with Fang Yuan, she should be regarded as Fang Yifan's stepmother, while Tong Wenjie is Fang Uncle's ex-wife.

In fact, Qiao Yingzi still doesn't understand why the two want to divorce. Fang Uncle is obviously so young, so handsome, and so warm and interesting.

Even Wen Jie and Aunt don't know how to cherish, so let me take care of Fang Uncle instead of him in the future.

Accompanied by Fang Uncle for a lifetime, Bai (Li De's) has never ceased to grow old.

This is the truest thought in Qiao Yingzi's heart.

On the other side, Fang Yuan was lying on the bed, unable to calm down for a long time.

I really didn't expect that after the phone call today, it was not Tong Wenjie who came back, but Qiao Yingzi.

Fortunately, I found out that it was Qiao Yingzi, so I didn't continue to act, otherwise he would be punished too much.

Fang Yuan got up, changed the sheets on the bed, and threw the old ones into the washing machine for washing.

After opening the windows to ventilate the air, and tidying up the inside and outside of the house, Fang Yuan finally relaxed.

Then he went down and took out the garbage, so that Tong Wenjie couldn't find anything.

As a relatively generous and philanthropic man, he must learn to clean up the battlefield. After tidying up, it was already noon.

Tong Wenjie called and asked him how he was doing. If he was fine, he would come over for dinner.

After Fang Yuan replied "It's much better", he locked the door, left the house, and walked towards Song Qing's house.

The meal at noon can be said to be relatively rich.

They are all Song Qian's special skills, and the taste is not bad.

Kung Pao Chicken, Braised Pork, Green Pepper Shredded Pork, Stir-fried Green Beans, Sliced ​​Cucumber, Potato Shreds, Vegetable Tofu and Salted Fish Soup.

Three meat, four vegetables and one soup, the two families ate very happily, especially Qiao Yingzi, taking advantage of the free time of eating, peeking at Fang Yuan from time to time, and Fang Yuan was carrying all the food on his back.

Someone gave her a veiled look, which filled Laozi's heart with sweetness.

For the first time, he ate a lot, and Fang Yuan was not polite, so he was full.

After eating and drinking enough, the three small branches still do the questions.

Fang Yifan was always looking around and trying to copy the answers, and both Qiao Yingzi and Lei'er were arranged by Tong Wenjie to be far away from each other.

To make it clear is to not give Fang Yifan a chance to plagiarize.

This made Fang Yifan have no choice but to bite the bullet and answer the questions one by one, but he didn't do the questions all the time in the afternoon, and he had to give a few children time to rest.

Otherwise, tomorrow is Monday, and it’s the time for school to start again. They don’t have a good rest, and they have to doze off in class.

It's better to rape at home.

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