Better stay at home,

The next day, I went to school full of energy.

When it was time for a break, Fang Yifan ran out and dragged the others to play.

Lin Lei'er was still working on the questions seriously, while Qiao Yingzi returned to the room and started to be dazed.

Thinking of what she did with Uncle Fang today, Huan Yinzi's face flushed red.

"Uncle Fang is really necrotic, can touch his place.

Qiao Yingzi murmured, thinking of Fang Yuan hugging her and calling her precious wife, Qiao Yingzi felt like her heart would melt.

"Fang Uncle, you must wait for Yingzi. Yingzi must marry you when she grows up, so we can do what we want to do."

"Qiao Yingzi, the sky is destined to be long and fast."

Qiao Yingzi has never been so eager to grow up as she is now, and even if the reality allows, she wants to marry Fang Yuan now and be Fang Uncle's wife.

Unfortunately, the reality simply does not allow it.

She is eighteen now, and there are still four or five years before she can get married, which is really a torment.

Song Qian didn't know that Qiao Yingzi was thinking about such things, so she dragged Tong Wenjie to a yoga studio.

Tong Wenjie looked at her in surprise, and said, "Isn't this the yoga studio opened by that mistress? Why did you bring me here?"

Song Qian said: "I have already figured it out. The relationship between me and Qiao Weidong can only be a lifelong relationship, so there is no need to avoid him, just do what you want, and leave Xiaomeng as Qiao Weidong's girlfriend. Her yoga level and business ability are still good."


Tong Wenjie gave Song Qian a thumbs up.

Song Qianfei rolled her eyes, ignored her, and the two walked in arm in arm.

On the other side, Fang Yuan was free again, and started to find fun for himself, and thought of Wang Manni involuntarily.

He took out his phone and started sending messages to Wang Manni.

"Sister, are you still used to living in the house?"

It is rare for Wang Manni not to go to work on weekends. She looks at the mansion she dreams of, and always feels that she has to do something. Good brother, let her look at the mansion, so it shouldn’t be a problem to enjoy the top bathtub by yourself, right?

Wang Manni took off all the clothes on her body, put on a clean bathrobe, and finally filled the bathtub with water, and there were some flower petals for bathing in the outer box

Such a top-notch house naturally needs someone to take care of it on time.

Of course, these were all arranged by the system, and even Fang Yuan didn't know it. Wang Manni took some rose petals and sprinkled them gently in the bathtub.

When the water level reached, she took off her bathrobe, stepped into the bathtub with her long slender legs.

Enjoying the feeling brought by the top bathtub, flower petals and incense, and some cosmetic products for smearing the body on the side, all of which are top-notch.

I thought that I used to wash my hair with only dozens of dollars for shampoo, and more than ten dollars for shower gel.

Thinking about the things in this mansion again, no matter how cheap it is, it costs tens of thousands. Wang Manni couldn't help but become intoxicated.

Reveling in this luxurious atmosphere, purely enjoying the enjoyment brought by this top bathtub, it is indeed the top mansion of Wanliu Academy. The bathtub here is compared with the place she rents

It is simply a world of difference.

Lying in the top-of-the-line bathtub is making Wang Manni more firm in her thoughts. She wants to live a luxurious life. You will always cry in a BMW, and you don't want to laugh in a bicycle.

This is a true portrayal of Wang Manni's current mood. As long as she has money, nothing is a problem.

But now she would think of all of this, it was Fang Yuan who brought her, but Fang Yuan was too young, she was a little bit reluctant to do it.

But living in such a top-level house these days has made Wang Manni stronger in her belief.

Fang Yuan, she must meet this good brother.

Only by taking care of this good brother, she can continue to live such a luxurious life.

Just when Wang Manni closed her eyes and was enjoying herself in the bathtub.

Her mobile phone vibrated suddenly, and when she picked it up, it happened to be a message from Fang Yuan.

"Sister, are you still used to living here?"

The corner of Wang Manni's mouth raised slightly, and she immediately replied.

"I'm not used to it, without your good brother, I live alone in such a big house, and I feel scared.

On the other side, Fang Yuan also saw the message from Wang Manni.

He knew exactly what kind of person Wang Manni was.

On the surface, she seems to be a poor girl who came to the big city from the countryside with a dream and worked hard.

Wang Manni, who was born in a small town, was unwilling to live a mediocre life. After graduating from university, he stayed in Shanghai and entered the luxury sales industry for eight years.

She wants to take root in this big city with hard work. She is diligent, hard-working, and hard-working. In order not to miss every customer who enters the store, she developed the habit of holding back her urine. As a result, she developed nephritis and passed out from the pain. She really did her best for her work.

In big cities, there are many ordinary you and me, just like Wang Manni, who forget their bodies for work, have irregular meals and work overtime. Everything I do is to realize the unattainable dream in my heart.

Love money, love self-esteem more

It is undeniable that Wang Manni likes rich people. When she ran into Liang Zhengxian on the cruise ship, she knew that he was the Prince Charming of her dreams, but she didn't rush forward (aibg) immediately because she knew the gap between the two.

When Liang Zhengxian chased him to Shanghai, the two started dating.

She thought she had met the Prince Charming in her life, but she was deceived severely. Some people say that she deserves it, who told her to love money.

Liang Zhengxian and Wang Manni

To be honest, how many people in this world don’t love money? Money can bring us a better life, as Zhong Xiaoqin said later: I didn’t think money was so important before, but now I know it’s good to have money, because Money can bring us a better life.

There is nothing wrong with loving money as long as it comes from the right path.

Wang Manni didn't love money and was desperate. When she finally learned that Liang Zhengxian didn't really love her, but regarded her as an accessory, she loved him very much, but she still gave up bravely. She loves self-esteem more than money.

don't make do, don't force

After leaving Liang Zhengxian, Wang Manni was hit hard. Quit your job and shut yourself at home.

When her ex-boyfriend Jiang Chen came to cook for her and clean up the house, Wang Manni came back to life little by little. I thought Wang Manni would be with Jiang Chen. If so, it's a story of "wandering for many years [and finally marrying an ordinary ex-boyfriend].

Wang Manni is still Wang Manni, she has not looked back.

When they broke up back then, it showed that the two of them were not suitable. Even when they were down and down, they would not eat inappropriate "returning grass" in order to find support.

Jiang Chen and Wang Manni

I think, if you were most girls, you might find Meichen.

Even if she resigned halfway and went back to her hometown to go on a blind date with Zhang Zhi, who seemed a good match to outsiders, she still refused.

Wang Manni has always been the Wang Manni who never settles down, and this outlook on life runs through her from beginning to end.

Wang Manni and Zhang Zhi

Never give up the dream, dare to break the routine

After being depressed, Wang Manni finally returned to the big Shanghai she had been thinking about.

In order to be able to stay, she started a "debt collection" job that was not suitable for girls.

In order to do this job well, she risked everything. Don't be afraid of losing face, guard the door, eat instant noodles, and take the initiative to learn from others.

The tenacity of Wang Manni is fully reflected in this job.

Therefore, when Wang Manni was wearing a black windbreaker and black-framed sunglasses, and asked a difficult client to pay back the arrears in a few words, she had regained her true confidence from this job.

Finally, through her own efforts, she was approved by the boss. The boss wanted to give her the position of store manager or sales supervisor, but she refused. She doesn't want to set her own life course, she also wants more possibilities. She decided to go abroad.

Wang Manni, Gu Jia and Zhong Xiaoqin have dinner together

When I saw this, I expressed my admiration for her, as if it aroused a sleeping dream deep in my heart.

After experiencing all kinds of setbacks and hardships, not everyone can still have the original intention to pursue a higher dream. Regardless of whether they are constrained by reality or have endured the pressure of life, most people have forgotten what their dreams are like, but Wang Manni has lived what everyone wants to be.

But this is only superficial, and in Fang Yuan's eyes, the real Wang Manni is like this.

In Wang Manni's plot, the character's monologue is simply deep into the bone marrow, and any sentence can hit people's pain points. What impressed Fang Yuan was the sentence Wang Manni said while lying on the hospital bed: "A grown-up The important sign is to say all good things to outsiders, and those who are hurtful or silent are to be said to the closest people." For a moment, people feel, ah, this is me. Such heart-wrenching lines include "Compared to the increase in housing prices and rents, what is more frightening is the constant moving, because you will never be able to take root in this city." Anyone who has worked hard in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou must have been deeply touched.

And Wang Manni was sitting alone on the balcony in the dead of night, lamenting life full of literary and artistic atmosphere, and on the other hand, what did she do to take root in Shanghai?

Woolen cloth?

With a monthly salary of less than 20,000 yuan, renting a house of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, deducting five social insurances and one housing fund and 2,000 yuan a month for parents, the rest is almost moonlight after excluding living expenses. All this is for "every time I sit on the balcony and look at the lively crowd below, I feel that I belong to Shanghai."

There is no doubt that Manni works hard and she is ambitious. But is it really worth spending nearly half of your salary to live in the bustling area of ​​the city center, pretending to be a Shanghainese just to see the bustling crowds downstairs? After eight years of work, it’s still moonlight, while swallowing the rent and paying the rent, while fantasizing about glorious future. Her efforts are just to satisfy her own vanity, thinking that one day she can marry a rich man and live the upper-class life she wants. Although she wants to marry a rich man, she doesn't want to make herself feel bad, so she doesn't accept gifts when facing the cruise man, and she doesn't want others to rent her a house, hoping to be independent. However, this is just because the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the ability is not worthy of the ambition. Manni is always in conflict. She wants to get a rich husband, wants to be independent, does not rely on men, and is reliable. Demons are independent.

She is ambitious, hypocritical, money worshiper, and likes rich men. However, with her own salary, it is impossible to buy a house in Shanghai, and the poorer and humbler she is, the stronger her self-esteem will be.

Because this is the only thing they can have left, this is their pride, and Wang Manni is no exception.

This ridiculous self-esteem meets reality, and the result is self-evident.

Either you pretend to be lofty, and in the end it will be nothing.

Either you just accept reality, give up your ego, and eat like hell.

As long as you are rich and powerful enough, self-esteem is a joke.

And Fang Yuan has always been a helpful person, he can give Wang Manni dignity and the life she wants.

Both of her conditions were met at the same time, so naturally Wang Manni couldn't turn out his five fingers

Shan, but now, what Wang Manni has to do is to hold on to Fang Yuan, a good brother.

If you can't grasp it, everything in front of you will disappear, it will become a bubble, a passing cloud.

Therefore, facing Fang Yuan, Wang Manni's current attitude should be positive and enthusiastic.

Seeing Wang Man, you replied to this message, Fang Yuan smiled knowingly, and decisively sent a voice message.

"Sister, don't be afraid, if you love me, come and accompany you."

Seeing the news, Wang Manni bit her red lips lightly.

"Good brother, my sister is waiting for you at home, you have to come early, my sister is afraid by herself.

After finishing speaking, perhaps in order to seduce Fang Yuan, a good brother, Wang Manni deliberately raised her jade leg covered in foam.

"Sister, wait for you."

Faced with this undisguised seduction, Fang Yuan acted in a timely manner, showing the shyness he should have at his age.

"Sister, don't be like this, I'm still a child."

After all, Fang Yuan is playing a pure white paper boy now, so he can't let him flirt with Wang Man like an old driver, right?

That would be no fun, no fun.


Seeing this news, Wang Manni couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking that the younger brother she knew was quite interesting.

Faced with Fang Yuan's shy answer, the other party became more enthusiastic.

I took a few more photos and sent them over.

"Sister, you are good or bad, I have a nosebleed."

Fang Yuan pretended to be tender at the right time, which would make Wang Manni feel more fulfilled, and couldn't help but continue to post her own optimized photos, and Fang Yuan always watched with relish.

Two people are also talents, one dares to post, and the other dares to watch.

The more Wang Manni talked, the bigger she got. He sat up from the bathtub, looked at his delicate clavicle, and suddenly had an idea.

She stood up from the bathtub, put on a thin bath towel, went to the cupboard barefoot, and picked out a bottle of red wine.

Finally, he sat back in the bathtub, opened the red wine, and poured some into his collarbone socket.

Picking up the phone, took a picture and sent it, and then made a charming expression, saying: "Good brother, sister is waiting at home, do you want to drink red wine here?"

When Fang Yuan saw the photo, he couldn't help but gasped. He heard that Wang Manni was quite good at playing.

"Sister, I like drinking red wine the most."

Seeing the message sent by Fang Yuan, Wang Manni's mouth was slightly raised with a sense of impatience in her tone.

As expected of a younger brother, he is really easy to handle.

As long as I get a good brother, won't I be able to live in this villa if I want in the future?

The more she thought about it, the more interesting she felt.

Then the two began to flirt continuously, and Fang Yuan was not idle. He said he was going to see Wang Manni, and the man just wanted to do what he said.

But the other party actually invited him to drink red wine, so he had to be courteous no matter what he said.

When I passed by the mall, I spent more than 700 yuan to buy a lipstick of Givenchy's Zhannan color.

Take it as a small gift from myself to Wang Manni.

To be a man, you must know how to tease a girl. It's very simple, and the best way is to prescribe the right medicine.

Since Wang Manni worships money, buy her some expensive bags or lipsticks, cosmetics and so on.

Could it be that she will be very happy, once she is happy, won't your chance come?

However, Fang Yuan didn't flirt with Wang Manni all the time, and then kept it in a timely manner, with a sense of distance.

After all, distance produces beauty.

If you behave like licking a dog at this time, you will be looked down upon by the other party.

I must show that I am only attracted to her because of her beauty, then I will let the other party know that what she is proud of is her appearance is the biggest reliance.

worth mentioning.

In this way, Wang Manni waited for Fang Yuan's arrival in Wanliu Academy. He took a shower, and then specially sprayed on the high-end perfume on the cabinet.

Today, she is going to give her good brother a deep blow, and even take him down directly.

If you take down your younger brother, you don't have to worry about your future life.

On the other side, Fang Yuan was driving a car, driving towards Wanliu Academy at a high speed. Wanliu Academy is still quite far from Scholarly Garden.

Even if Fang Yuan stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, it would take several hours to get there.

PS: Ask for collection, recommendation, reward, support, subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket.

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