Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 10: My Ex-Girlfriend Who Disturbed My Sweet Dreams

"Thank you, Teacher Gu, can I think about it?" After hearing Gu Zhongyu's answer, Yang Caiyu still did not express his position, but said that he needed to think about it seriously.

"Okay, think about it slowly. If you think about it clearly, just tell the teacher directly." Gu Zhongyu didn't take it seriously. He just wanted to help these students with good intentions. He really didn't have any evil intentions. If the other party had other high-level ideas, He didn't bother to care. In any case, it is your own choice, and you have to bear the blessings or misfortunes.

"In two days, let Nazha take you to Zongheng Entertainment to sign a contract with Yang Tianzhen. You can also bring a lawyer to help you read the contract carefully." After everything was said, Gu Zhongyu also stood up and hugged Dundun to leave.

It was getting late, and it was not appropriate for me to stay in the girls' dormitory any longer.

"Teacher, let's see you off!"

"Need not."


He returned to his home at eight o'clock in the evening. After arriving home, Gu Zhongyu went directly to bed. His eyelids kept drooping, and he wanted to sleep!

Last night and today at noon, I drank so much that he was so drunk that he vomited. If he hadn't kept hangover pills with him, he wouldn't have been able to withstand the attacks of the old man and the eldest brother. Now that the most important thing has been solved, he can also have a good time. Slept all day.

"Meow!" Dundun stood on the edge of the bed with his paws and let out a dragon's roar. The poop shoveler was getting lazier and lazier, and now he even forgot about his eating time.

Oh, I almost forgot, you little thing haven’t eaten yet!

Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to get up, walk to the cat food bucket outside the living room, open the lid, scoop out a big spoonful, and then shake it twice like the hand of a cafeteria lady picking food. If he felt dissatisfied, he would shake it twice more...

"Okay, let's eat!" Gu Zhongyu, who felt about the same, poured the cat food into the basin on the ground.

Dundun stared at the cat food in front of him, which was so sparse that he could see the bottom of the bowl. He looked up at Gu Zhongyu with eyes like bells. He lowered his head and looked at his rice bowl, then raised his head and looked at him again, looking in disbelief.

"What are you looking at? That's it. Look, you've almost grown like a pig recently. When I held you just now, my hands were trembling." Gu Zhongyu looked at Dundun's serious eyes and almost doubted this. Has the cat become a spirit? Why is it becoming more and more anthropomorphic?

Dundun was very angry. Seeing that Gu Zhongyu had no intention of adding food to him, he simply glanced to the side and squatted down.

Today, even if my kitten dies of starvation and jumps out of the window, she will not eat any more of your stinky cat food!

"Whether you want to eat or not!" Gu Zhongyu didn't get used to it when he saw that Dundun was having a bad temper with him, and said that it's up to you, since I'm not the one who's hungry anyway. Dad, I'll go back to bed and dream about Duke Zhou.

So Gu Zhongyu went back to bed and lay down, falling asleep within five minutes.

"I can't afford to be hurt, I really can't afford to be hurt..."

The sudden ringing of the earthy bell woke Gu Zhongyu up at once! He regretted a little bit why he chose such magical music as his ringtone. It was so noisy that his ears hurt, so he would change it later!

"Who is it?" Gu Zhongyu fumbled for his phone, put it next to the pillow, turned on the speakerphone, and asked impatiently.

"I'm your dad! You bastard! I sent you a message and didn't reply. You said at the dinner table that you wanted to ask a few experts from the army to be consultants and use the experimental base for filming. But you have to give the script to them first. Movie The content must not affect the country’s image!”

"Don't worry, old man! I guarantee that the central idea of ​​the movie is both popular and professional!" Gu Zhongyu's sleepiness immediately dissipated when he heard that the call was from his father, and it was related to the filming of a new movie.

"There is also a blind date arranged for you, don't forget it..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zhongyu sent a message to his secretary Jiang Shuying, asking her to prepare a script and send it to the military review personnel.

After sending the message, Gu Zhongyu threw his phone on the ground and prepared to catch up on his sleep.

"I can't afford to be hurt, I really can't afford to be hurt..." Less than two minutes later, the demonic singing sounded again!


You should have just turned off the phone!

MD! Gu Zhongyu still had to get out of bed and pick up his phone. This time it will definitely not be the old man calling. No matter who it is, he will give the other person a Zuan greeting before speaking, so that they know that disturbing people's dreams comes with a price!

"Who are you? Can't you call me tomorrow if there's anything?"

"What's your attitude? Are you so tired of me now?" A gentle but angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Um, it's Sissi! Sorry, I didn't check the caller ID." Gu Zhongyu's tone immediately relaxed. It turned out that the call was from his ex-girlfriend Liu Yufei. Isn't this a big misunderstanding?

"You go to bed so early? It's only 9 o'clock!"

"I've been socializing a lot and drinking a lot these past two days, so I haven't had much sleep. Why don't you make up for it!"

"Teacher Gu, are you socializing too much? Or are you fooling around too much?" Liu Yufei criticized mercilessly. This scumbag definitely didn't do anything good.

You women...

Why do you always think that I don't do good things? Don’t I have my own job and career?

There are 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week. Even if I am a tough guy, I can’t play every night!

"You know clearly whether you are fooling around or not. I don't bother to care about you. We have been broken up for such a long time." Liu Yufei pretended to be indifferent.

"Since you know we've broken up, why are you calling me so late?" She didn't mean what she said, but Gu Zhongyu didn't bother to expose her. Although they broke up two years ago, they have actually kept in touch. Liu Yufei occasionally comes out to have dinner and chat with him.

They are not like lovers, nor are they so ambiguous as friends. Gu Zhongyu couldn't find words to describe their current relationship.

Speaking of which, although Gu Zhongyu, this scumbag, has experienced so many relationships, after careful recollection, the one with Liu Yufei is the most impressive.

The two debuted at about the same time. When they were filming "The Golden Age", they had some small ambiguity. However, Liu Yufei was still young at that time, and nothing really happened between the two.

But later, when the two collaborated for the second time on "The Return of the Condor Heroes", it was different. At that time, Tianxian was already a big girl, and Gu Zhongyu also founded his own company, his career was thriving, and his talent was prominent. Both parties admired each other very much, and they quickly confirmed their relationship as lovers without many twists and turns.

The young couple also bought a house together. Because Liu Yufei likes cats, Gu Zhongyu adopted Dun Dun, who was just born at that time. This little kitten is the witness of their love.

In this relationship, Liu Yufei was very serious. She really hoped to walk into the palace of happiness with her lover in the future.

Unfortunately, her sincerity was fed to the dog. The paparazzi secretly photographed him and made him realize the true face of Gu Zhongyu. After crying, he decisively proposed to break up!

Gu Zhongyu didn't have the face to keep him. It was his own fault.

The two returned the gifts given by each other, sold the house, and left Dun Dun to Gu Zhongyu, officially announcing the end of this relationship.

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