Gu Zhongyu closed the notebook with satisfaction, praised Yang Caiyu, and told her to work hard and not be proud.

"Teacher, please take a look at mine too!"

Wu You, who was standing by, saw that the teacher had finished reading the homework of the two little sisters, and couldn't wait to hand in her own. Gu Zhongyu opened it and looked through it. It was better than Nazha's, but not much better, but he was too lazy to care.

"You and Nazha should work harder on cultural courses in the future, otherwise even if you become famous in the future, you will be called a vase."

For Wu You, a girl, it seems that the only outstanding role in her previous life was the policewoman "Big Bear Sister" in "Yu Zui"! When it was broadcast, she became a little famous for this heroic policewoman role.

Unfortunately, after the popularity of "Yu Zui" passed, Wu You's subsequent resources did not increase, and the few dramas she played later did not make any splashes. Before Gu Zhongyu traveled through time, this sister was almost nowhere to be found in the entertainment industry!

Gu Zhongyu had already obtained the film and television adaptation rights of "Yu Zui". But it is only 2011 now. In his impression, by the end of this year, the penetration rate of smartphones in mainland China is only over 30%, and the number of 3G network users has only exceeded 100 million. Without a high enough penetration rate of smartphones and high-speed data transmission services, the online drama industry cannot take off!

Or, slightly change the plot of "Yu Zui" and make it a TV series?

After thinking about this idea for a while, Gu Zhongyu quickly dismissed it. The wonderful part of "Yu Zui" lies in the subversion of tradition and the "rebellion" and "publicity" that goes against common sense. The male protagonist Yu Zui and his friends in the play are proficient in eating, drinking, gambling, smoking, cheating, deceiving and stealing. Fighting on university campuses, looking for prostitutes in KTVs, setting up scams on overpasses, selling themselves in the sensual world, playing with swords in public places, and fake bed scenes in hotel rooms. The scale of the scenes is so large that ordinary audiences who have never come into contact with online dramas are dumbfounded!

To put it bluntly, in a sense, the most successful part of the whole film is its deviation from the main theme narrative method. It not only subverts the audience's normal cognition of the police group, but also does not have too much condescending preaching and too much orthodox teaching. It is not so pretentious, but easier to accept.

But if it is changed to a TV series, it will be completely different. The censorship of online dramas in this period is relatively loose, but the censorship of traditional TV dramas has become increasingly strict.

If it is to be broadcast on TV, the plot and character settings of "Yu Zui" will have to be greatly changed! And it will be changed to the point where it is unrecognizable and even mothers can't recognize it! In that case, the original charm of the work will be lost, and it will only become a mediocre work. Think about it and forget it!

"You two should not have signed an agency yet, right? If I remember correctly." Gu Zhongyu thought about it. The conditions of the two women, Yang Caiyu and Wu You, are actually pretty good, at least among the freshmen of this year. They are still good seedlings. In the spirit of loving talents, he suddenly had the idea of ​​recruiting the two.

"Teacher! I haven't signed yet." Wu You heard that the teacher wanted to sign him, and hurriedly replied.

"Neither have I." Yang Caiyu's tone was a little calmer.

"Well! You should all know the teacher's company. Many seniors from previous years are also here with me, so I won't introduce them here. If you want to have a bigger development in the entertainment industry in the future, you might as well consider signing with Zongheng Entertainment. Anyway, the teacher can guarantee that I will always let you have a play to shoot. Nazha is now an artist of Zongheng Entertainment, and you can also learn about her."

"Well! The teacher treats me very well and takes good care of our students from Beijing Film Academy. You can rest assured." In fact, Nazha didn't want to see these roommates join the company, because every time Teacher Gu recruited a new female artist, she would feel a little nervous, for fear of affecting her status.

Of course, these are all in her mind. On the surface, she always shows a well-behaved and obedient appearance. She knows that this is her advantage, and Teacher Gu will eat this!

"Teacher, I do!" Wu You immediately expressed her attitude. She had an average family background and didn't have much ambition. If she could sign with a big company like Zongheng before graduation, it would be a blessing for her.

"Teacher Gu, if we sign with your company, what will the agency contract be like? How many years will it take? Are there any guarantees for acting or other resources? In addition to normal artist work, will you take on other business?" Yang Caiyu didn't give an immediate reply, but thought about it and asked Gu Zhongyu in return.

"Bitch! Greedy!"

Nazha had already cursed in her heart. In her opinion, Teacher Gu took the initiative to extend an olive branch. You didn't appreciate it and took it well. You dared to ask for this and that. It's obvious that you are a bitch!

After listening to Yang Caiyu's question, Gu Zhongyu felt that this sister was quite smart and didn't eat the pie he drew directly. Generally, newcomers would nod and agree directly when they heard that they could enter a big company like Zongheng Entertainment.

He adjusted the backrest of the chair, changed into a comfortable position, put Dun Dun on his lap, and began to answer her questions while petting the cat.

"There are several grades of artists managed by our Zongheng company. Generally, newcomers who have just come in will sign the most common rookie contract. The contract period is three to ten years, and the company's share is between 30% and 60%. If the contract period is long, Yes, the company's share of your share will be reduced after signing the contract. As the profits you bring to the company, the popularity and reputation of your works increase, or you win some awards, the contract can continue to be upgraded. We now have There are five levels, and the company will only take a 10% commission for the highest-level economic contract. Currently, the company’s most famous female artist, Teacher Fan Binbin, has signed such a contract. Moreover, we also support artists to open their own studios, and there are no restrictions. You accept drama appointments and activities from outside companies.”

"As for resources, you don't have to worry. Zongheng has almost the most film and television drama projects in the industry. In all the company's film and television drama projects, the main roles are basically artists from its own company. In the first two years after the newcomers come in, they will have less filming time each year. No less than 100 days. Usually, the lead role is arranged for the second and third female roles. After the work is broadcast, the audience's evaluation of you and the company's assessment will determine whether to upgrade resources. As long as you work hard enough, one or two movies After the show, I can take on the role of the female lead.”

"As for what you said about taking on other business! I understand what you want to ask. Let's put it this way, the teacher is a person who can't get rid of the dirt in his eyes. I never let the female artists of the company accompany me for drinks, and I don't allow anyone to be in my company. There’s nothing wrong with it! In Zongheng Entertainment, no one can play with unspoken rules!”

Gu Zhongyu is very confident. After being in the industry for so long, he has never made unspoken rules for any female artist. It’s not that I have high moral character, but I think it’s too low! What he pursues has always been love between you and me. With our conditions, is it necessary to play with any unspoken rules?

Only middle-aged rich people with fat heads and arrogant faces play these things, and they are engaged in art!

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