Walking out of the compound, it was almost dusk. Gu Zhongyu was listless. Although the old man's ban on him was officially lifted, he couldn't be happy.

My mother had given him the contact information and meeting place of the blind date. One week later, at 10 am, at the 1901 Coffee Shop, if he didn't go then, he would have to wait to eat the old man's fried pork with belt!

Oh! Let's take it one step at a time! Fortunately, the old man just asked him to go on a blind date and didn't give him instructions to get married immediately, otherwise it would be really difficult.

At most, I would pretend to date each person for a while, and then break up with the reason of personality incompatibility. After a few more times, they should give up this ridiculous obsession of letting me go on blind dates!

That's it!

Whistling, Gu Zhongyu drove back to Beijing Film Academy. He had no classes scheduled today. Thinking of leaving Dun Dun to Nazha to take care of, it had been a day, and he should bring this little thing back. If he didn't play with the cat at night, he wouldn't even be able to sleep well!

He came to the door of the girls' dormitory with familiarity. As a boy, he was not allowed to enter the girls' dormitory, but who made him a school teacher! Teachers care about the physical and mental health of students, so it's reasonable for them to come and have a look, right?

"Hehehe! Little guy, don't resist! Let us suck your pussy for fun! We'll buy you canned food later."

Gu Zhongyu pushed the door lightly, and the door opened. At first glance, he saw Nazha and her roommates Yang Caiyu and Wu You pressing Dun Dun on the chair together. Six hands were groping the cat's body and mind, accompanied by shrill laughter and Dun Dun's helpless meow!

The three girls who were intoxicated with petting the cat heard the sound of the door opening, and suddenly turned their heads to see if this was their beloved teacher Gu?

Dun Dun, who was being held down, also saw his shit shoveling officer, and his eyes, which had been lifeless, glowed again!

Dun Dun! You've worked hard! It's all Dad's fault! You've been wronged!

Gu Zhongyu felt extremely guilty at this moment. Why did he let Dun Dun, an innocent 15-pound kitten, endure all this? Isn't this what he should endure at his age?

If you have anything, come at me! Let go of my cat!

"Ahem! I didn't see anything just now."

The three girls were also embarrassed and wanted to pick their feet at this time. Teacher Gu saw all the perverted looks of them sucking cats just now. How can they pretend to be ladies in front of the teacher in the future!

"Teacher, Dun Dun is back to you." Nazha picked up the kitten with both hands and reluctantly handed it to Gu Zhongyu's hands.

Dun Dun, who returned to the shit shoveling officer's hands, was as if pardoned. He first looked at Gu Zhongyu with his eyes, as if questioning why he came so late. Then the whole cat shrank in his arms, and looked warily at the three girls who had just "molested" him.

"Ahem! How are you doing with the homework I left for you yesterday?" Gu Zhongyu asked in a serious tone.

"Almost...almost, there's only a little left to do!" The three girls said they were still writing furiously. The academic performance of students at Beijing Film Academy is generally not very good, and many are even semi-illiterate. It is really difficult for them to write a 3,000-word after-class composition.

Not everyone is like Gu Zhongyu, who scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination and chose to apply for the 2001 Beijing Film Academy undergraduate class. After all, this score is enough to enter Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College.

"Well, let me check the progress and give you some pointers on how to write. Just go back to your respective positions and open your notebooks." Gu Zhongyu also knew that this homework was too difficult, so he decided to sacrifice his personal time to teach the students!

The three girls returned to the desks under the beds in the dormitory, opened their notebooks, and waited for the teacher's guidance. In order to cultivate the writing skills of these students, Gu Zhongyu asked them to write their homework by hand.

Well, let's take a look at Nazha's first!

"Why is there a typo here? What is the idol genre in modern film studies? Is this a word you invented?" Hearing the teacher's accusation, Nazha felt a little embarrassed.

"I asked you to write about your feelings and experiences on the future development of the domestic film and television industry! Why did you write a bunch of Western dramas for me? Are you tired of Chinese food and want to switch to Korean kimchi?" Nazha's face turned black after hearing it.

"To be honest, I may be really ignorant. The teacher knows every word in your article, but when they are connected together, I really don't know what it means. Tell me what you wrote first!" Nazha was almost crying because of the teacher.


Gu Zhongyu was almost angry to death after reading half of Nazha's article!

I have been teaching for so long before, and I have encountered this kind of situation. Gu Zhongyu really didn't have much hope for the cultural level of these Beijing Film Academy freshmen, but every time he corrected homework, his fragile little heart was still stimulated!

Although it is said that cultural level does not represent everything, actors do not need a high level of cultural level. As long as they have a good image and temperament, are talented, and practice more, they can also become excellent actors.

But at the very least! You can't be a hopeless illiterate, right?

You can't be like a fool and don't know what to say when facing a sudden question from a reporter, right?

You can't read the names on the list wrong when giving an award speech, or even don't know how to read them, right?

You can't not even do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two-digit numbers, and exclaim that someone is a top student when he sees someone solving a linear equation with two variables, right?

You can't even write four simple words like "bless the motherland" and get two wrong at once, right?

I have endured all of the above, but as a Chinese, you should at least know how many years the Anti-Japanese War lasted, right? If you don't know these, what kind of actor are you? It's polite to ask you to go back to school for re-education!

You should go back to your mother's womb directly!

Don't be angry! No one can replace you when you are angry! Gu Zhongyu comforted himself like this!

"Teacher, please take a look at mine." Yang Caiyu took the initiative to hand over her notebook at this time.

Gu Zhongyu looked at her in surprise, then opened the book and read it.

Well! This little classmate wrote well! He was able to understand the essence of that class. What he wrote was meaningful. He not only summarized the content of Gu Zhongyu's previous lectures, but also had his own opinions and views. He also quoted the ratings, website ratings and popularity of some film and television dramas as data support. It was beautifully written!

In Gu Zhongyu's memory of his previous life, he didn't have much impression of Yang Caiyu. The only thing he remembered was that he fell in love with a wretched uncle who could be his father, and he directly made it public!

In the domestic public opinion environment, such a young actress's publicizing of such an age-gap relationship is no different from destroying her own future, and her career will not improve much.

Looking at Yang Caiyu's pretty face, Gu Zhongyu felt more and more that it was a pity to let Chen Jingfei, the old bastard, get involved.

Nazha, who was standing by, looked at Yang Caiyu standing next to Teacher Gu, and her face turned from black to green!

This little hoof, she loves to show off so much, is she trying to steal Teacher Gu from me?

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