At noon, the living room was filled with a table of delicious food. The mother, who had rarely cooked in recent years, bought a lot of his favorite dishes when she knew her youngest son was going home, and started preparing early in the morning.

"Well! The braised pork made by mom is still authentic. You can't eat such authentic Mao's braised pork outside now." Picking up a piece of braised pork and putting it in his mouth, Gu Zhongyu ate it with oil dripping from his mouth.

"Then why don't you go home for two years? Let mom miss you every day?" Gu Bohua choked his brother with dissatisfaction. If it weren't for his mother, he wouldn't be busy running around to pull strings between his father and brother!

"You are the only one who talks too much! Zhongyu rarely comes home today, you two brothers should have a few drinks." Sister-in-law Hu Mei spoke. As the only daughter-in-law in the family, although she also felt that Gu Zhongyu's behavior of not going home for two years was excessive, but today was a good day and she shouldn't say these anymore.

"Sister-in-law is right, brother! Come on! Let's have a toast." Gu Zhongyu picked up the glass and clinked it with his brother. His brother has taken care of him a lot in the past few years, otherwise his company's business would not be so smooth. After all, he is the person in charge of the publicity department. Without his brother's relationship, many things would be difficult to handle.

"I forgot to tell you something just now." Gu Tiejun saw that the two brothers were about to drink, and planned to say it first, lest the father and son would forget it after drinking too much.

"What's the matter?" Gu Zhongyu put another glass of wine into his mouth. Could it be that the old man has any other conditions?

"You have to go on a blind date for me!"


Gu Zhongyu sprayed out a mouthful of old wine directly, and almost splashed the little bean sitting on the chair!

"Why do you suddenly ask me to go on a blind date? I don't want to get married yet!" Gu Zhongyu didn't expect his father to make such a request. He never thought about getting married, otherwise the fish pond he had been nurturing for a long time would explode!

"You don't want to get married yet! How old are you? When your brother was your age, his son could go out to play! Now the eldest son has both a son and a daughter, but you haven't even laid an egg for the family!" Gu Tiejun said angrily. His eldest son, Gu Bohua, has been sensible since he was a child, and he doesn't need to worry about his career or family.

The youngest son is about to turn 30, but he is still single. Although he has decided not to care about his son's future work, he must have the final say in the family. He can't let him hang out outside every day and even do things like hooking up with married women! If it were the past, he would have been paraded directly!

"I'm not a chicken, what kind of eggs do I lay!" Gu Zhongyu understood that the old man wanted to use marriage and family to encircle his restless heart and let him stop being so careless, but he really didn't plan to get married!

So many little sisters are waiting for him to take care of them!

So many mature sisters are waiting for him to comfort them!

Not to mention that he has so many friends in the martial arts world, how can he continue to be a little white dragon in the waves after getting married?

But the old man's attitude is very firm, as if he will scold you immediately if you don't agree! Thinking that he had just eased the relationship with his father and could not destroy the prosperous situation of stability and unity, Gu Zhongyu took a deep breath and decided to obey his father's wishes first!

"Okay! I can see that you let me go home today just for this matter, right? Big brother?" Gu Zhongyu glanced at his big brother. He knew what reason his good big brother used to convince the stubborn old man before.

"Haha! Everything in this world is conditionally exchanged. If you want to get it, you have to pay! You kid should get married." Gu Bohua did not deny it. In his opinion, his younger brother did those things because he had never had a stable family.

"The blind date should have been chosen for me, right?"

"Your father's friend introduced her to me. She is also from a military family. I saw the photo of the girl. She is generous, dignified, tall, and a good match for you." Wen Hongqi was very happy today. She and her husband were very satisfied with this girl. I think her son would like her too.

"Let me warn you first! She is a decent girl, not those girls you knew before. If you don't like her or don't get along well with her, you can tell us and we will arrange another blind date for you. If you dare to bully her, I will break your legs!" Gu Tiejun gave his son a shot of prevention first, so that his romantic nature would not flare up and he would not admit his mistakes. Then he would have no place to put his old face in front of his comrades in the future!

"What are you talking about! Who do you think I am? Ximen Qing? How can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air?" Gu Zhongyu felt wronged. Although he did have the disease of the widower, it was always a fair fight between us! How can you say that you are bullying me?

"Stop pretending! I get angry when you talk about this! In all these years when you were out there, you didn't have anyone else except that Liu Yufei? Do you really think that your mother and I are old and blind?" Although Gu Tiejun said that he did not monitor his son, he always cared about his personal life. He felt embarrassed when he thought about his son's love history that could not be written in a book!

"Zhongyu! Let me count for you. The first person you were with was Liu Yufei. You didn't hide this." Seeing that this topic was opened, mother Wen Hongqi also became interested and began to count on her fingers.

"The one with the surname Yang, the alley girl you played with when you were a child! I saw her on TV a while ago. The little girl is pretty good-looking! Are you a couple?"

"And the one who played Jinsuo, my mother doesn't like that girl very much, don't get in touch with her anymore!"

"And the girl named Gao, I went to see the movie "Nanjing! Nanjing", the girl's performance was quite touching."


"Mom! Stop talking! Stop talking!"

Gu Zhongyu was so embarrassed that he almost crawled into the ground. Being a playboy is one thing, but being publicly executed in front of his family is another!

And he found that the old man, who was originally emotionally stable, blushed more and more as he listened. Why did the chopstick gesture look like holding a knife? It seemed that he was ready to come up and kill me at any time!

Why do you know all my love history? Arrange someone to monitor me?

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongyu looked at his eldest brother with a suspicious look. He was in charge of publicity work, which was very convenient for him to do these things. He was the most suspected in this matter!

"Don't look at me! I didn't ask anyone to watch you. Your affairs with these girls are not secrets! People outside the circle don't know, but it's not difficult for people inside the circle to find out. I just asked the people below to regularly organize the things you did in public and send them to my parents. I don't know what you did in private!" Although he didn't say it, Gu Bohua was full of admiration for his brother's rich love history.

Why didn't he die of exhaustion in bed because of this little bastard?

When he thought about his actions being regularly organized and sent to the old man, Gu Zhongyu suddenly felt like he was not wearing any clothes. It was a sunny day in September, but he felt cold all over!

Can you guess who this blind date is?

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