Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 131: Finishing and Returning to Beijing

The crew of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" came to Lijiapo Village, located west of Xingping City. This place was named Maweipo more than a thousand years ago.

What we are going to shoot today is Gu Zhongyu’s last scene on the set, which is also the final ending of the TV series, Maweipo Mutiny.

The ending of the original version of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" ended with Zhang Xiaojing and Tan Qi parting ways outside Chang'an City. It didn't start at the beginning but ended at the end, and many things were not explained clearly. It seemed too hasty.

Therefore, the ending of this version is adapted according to historical records. After Zhang Xiaojing rescued Tang Xuanzong and tripped Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong and An Lushan became the biggest beneficiaries. The former became the most powerful minister and prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, while the latter lost his biggest political opponent and could now plan with peace of mind to overthrow the Tang Dynasty.

Time flies, four years later, in the fifteenth year of Tianbao, Yuyang Ji came and shocked the people, and the Anshi rebels finally broke through Chang'an. Li Longji fled in panic with his harem and hundreds of officials to Maweipo.

Li Longji, played by Tang Guoxiang, looked desperately at the imperial guards surrounding the room, then looked down at Concubine Yang kneeling on the ground, waved helplessly and asked the guard to hand the three-foot white silk to Yang Yuhuan.

Finally, surrounded by everyone, the eunuch Gao Lishi took Concubine Yang to the Buddhist hall and hanged herself.

At this time, the camera came to the other side. Yang Guozhong, played by Li Jie, discovered that the Forbidden Army had mutinied and wanted to kill him. He immediately snatched the war horse and fled. Just when he was about to escape with his superb equestrian skills, a gun shot from the darkness. The crossbow arrow hit the horse's belly!

The war horse fell to the ground, and Yang Guozhong was thrown off his horse. At this time, Zhang Xiaojing, who was dressed as a bad guy and carrying a small crossbow, also appeared in front of him and slowly took out the saber from his waist.

Yang Guozhong looked at Zhang Xiaojing in horror. He did not expect that this chess piece that he had once used would now become the one who wanted his life.

Finally, everything ended when Zhang Xiaojing raised his knife and dropped it, and the simulated human head thrown by the prop master rolled to the ground.

This also corresponds to the record in "The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao An Lushan" that the knight Zhang Xiaojing shot Guozhong first and fell from his horse.

"Congratulations to Teacher Gu for wrapping up the film!"

The staff on the side took out the fireworks tube that had been prepared long ago and placed it on Gu Zhongyu's head twice as if to welcome a new person. The scattered ribbons fell all over him, and then took out a bouquet of flowers and handed it to his hand. superior.

"Thank you all, comrades, keep up the hard work. We will see you back in Yanjing." The filming of Zhang Xiaojing's scenes played by Gu Zhongyu has finally been completed, and the crew will continue filming for about a month before it is over.

After the whole team finished filming, most of the staff did not need to evacuate and went directly to the filming of "The Legend of Wu Zetian" on the spot.

Other creative staff also came up to hug Gu Zhongyu goodbye one by one. Thinking of the next time they would meet, Nazha just came up and gave him a sweet kiss. Fortunately, the kiss was on the cheek, so it wasn't too much.

Everyone saw it in their eyes and felt jealous in their hearts. Mr. Gu was so good with women that no one came to kiss him when he was consummated.

Fan Binbin's face didn't look good. Originally, her role was actually over, but "The Legend of Wu Zetian" was about to start filming, and she had to stay and keep an eye on her, otherwise she would leave with Gu Zhongyu this time.

"Congratulations, Teacher Gu. The big boss is lucky. The whole team gathered around you to finish filming the scene first. It's not like us who had to eat crotch noodles for a month."

Wan Qian's sour tone was mainly because after Fan Binbin joined the group, she had no chance to be alone with Gu Zhongyu. Now that he has finished and left, she is really reluctant to leave.

Fortunately, I am also an artist in Zongheng. Even if I don’t have the chance to work together in filming in the future, there are still many opportunities to meet. You know, many artists were in love with each other one second in the movie, but when the movie is finished, they may not see each other again for several years.

For example, if you are filming with someone today, and when the filming is finished, you find that they have gone in and used a sewing machine, then you will never see them again!

"Don't envy me. I'm as tired as a dead dog after running around every day. It's not like you haven't seen it. Just fighting with Li Yuanyu Bo left me covered in injuries."


When the assistant Bai Lu heard this, she couldn't help complaining in her heart, "Yu Ya is so smart and fierce, filming during the day and also filming at night!" Tonight it's Li Yuan, tomorrow night it's Fan Binbin, and the day after tomorrow it's Wan Qian. Several people take turns coming into your room to audition, and the audition lasts all night. I think you feel very comfortable!

In fact, this is what Bai Lu, as a child, doesn't understand. Do you think Gu Zhongyu is willing?

Think about it: after a day of filming, you are tired, your back is sore, and you are still injured, and then a woman walks into your room with a murderous look on her face, without considering your feelings at all, and just says: "Are you okay?"

This shit has to work even if it doesn’t work!

Not to mention that sometimes more than three people come in a night, because the three women also have a tacit understanding. Only when one person comes out, the next sister will sneak in. It is so orderly that Gu Zhongyu even doubts whether they are planning to. Kill yourself in wheel fighting!

In order not to die prematurely, after finishing filming, Gu Zhongyu and his assistant quickly returned to the hotel to pack their luggage and prepare to leave. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"You're leaving now and you don't even say hello to me?" Just when Gu Zhongyu was instructing Bai Lu to pack her luggage, Li Yuan came to the door. Today the crew went to Maweipo for filming, and she didn't have anything to do, so they stayed here. The hotel is closed.

Bai Lu looked at the two of them and felt that it might be inappropriate for her to stay here. When she was about to leave, Gu Zhongyu stopped her and asked her to close the door and come back later to deliver the gift he had prepared.

I knew you would do something inappropriate for children. I have prepared the tools and other things in advance and put them on the bedside. Don't let me come to deliver them later!

Bai Lu left temporarily and took away Dun Dun who wanted to stay and watch the game. The two of them looked at each other in silence for dozens of seconds, and then hugged each other at the same time in tacit understanding...

Li Yuan didn't know what was wrong with him. If the first time was a misunderstanding after drinking and the second time was to anger Fan Binbin, then what was the third, fourth and Nth time for?

Was he, the general attack, just straightened out like this?

After a long time, Li Yuan took the initiative to help Gu Zhongyu put on his clothes. He didn't say anything, and he didn't think of saying anything. After all, the relationship between the two was neither a couple nor a sponsorship or a transaction. In fact, except for the first misunderstanding or when they were on the boat, the two had never talked to each other for more than three minutes. Every time they came up, they got straight to the point.

"If you have anything to do or want to talk to someone, you can contact me."

"I don't even have your phone number." Li Yuan paused as he buttoned his clothes and said.

Gu Zhongyu smiled mysteriously, put on his clothes, opened the door, called Bai Lu in, gave Li Yuan the gift he had prepared, and then dragged his suitcase and left in style.

Li Yuan opened the gift box, and there was a brand new Apple phone inside. When he clicked it, he found that there was already a string of numbers in the address book.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then it quickly disappeared.

Calm, it's just a broken phone, and I slept with Gu Zhongyu so many times, I should be the one giving him the gift!

Chapter 125 is out, you can go and read it now

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