Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 132 The benefits of being a peacemaker

Gu Zhongyu, who had filmed two movies in a row, wanted to take a good rest this time, so he didn't mention his return to Beijing to anyone. However, he had just left the airport when Wang Jin's phone call came from nowhere. After learning the news that he had finished filming, he invited him to a family dinner at Mei Mansion.

Wang Jin told him that Zhao Wenzuo had agreed to negotiate for the sake of Gu Daguan, and was on his way here. He hoped to resolve the matter tonight. The war between the two sides had lasted too long this time, and it had already caused damage. Lots of bad effects.

Now that all the parties involved are here, Gu Zhongyu is the only one left to be the peacemaker.

So at seven o'clock in the evening, Gu Zhongyu came here with his assistant Bai Lu in the private room of Mei Mansion's family banquet.

Both Zhen Zidan and Wang Jin came specially from Xiangjiang and waited at the door early. When Gu Zhongyu's car arrived, Wang Jin diligently came up to help open the door.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your hard work. Please come over as soon as we get off the plane."

"It's too late for me to be happy when someone invites you to dinner! Long time no see, Teacher Donnie Yen."

Zhen Zidan came up with big teeth and shook hands with Gu Zhongyu. In fact, according to his original intention, he was not willing to cease the war, but his friends around him persuaded him to settle down. In addition, his Zhen Kung Fu Performance Company will also be in mainland China in the future. He was just trying to make ends meet, so he finally chose to make peace with Wang Jin.

Then several people entered the box. There were quite a few people waiting inside, including other actors from the "Special Identity" crew, Zhang Hanyu, Zou Zhaolong, and a woman. Gu Zhongyu had a vague impression but couldn't name her.

However, this young lady has a broad mind. Among Gu Zhongyu's female friends, only Da Mi Mi can compete with her.

Several people stood up and greeted Gu Zhongyu. Wang Jin pulled Gu Zhongyu and sat down at the main seat: "Come on, come on, you all know Hanyu and Zhaolong. This guy should not be familiar with him. He is the nearest to us in Xiangjiang." A relatively popular young female artist—Chen Jing.”

The broad-minded Chen Jing introduced herself shyly: "Hello Mr. Gu, I am Chen Jing. I have admired you for a long time. This time I finally get to meet you in person. I am still your fan..."

Her Mandarin is not very standard, and her accent is a bit soft, which is in sharp contrast to her charming appearance.

Wang Jin interrupted her speech: "Now that you have met your idol, why are you sitting so far away? I usually ask you to improve your acting skills, but you always say that there is no one to teach you. Today, Teacher Gu is here, and you still don't know how to seize the opportunity?"

So Chen Jing obediently sat next to Gu Zhongyu,

Because the two of them were very close, Gu Zhongyu could now take a closer look at her appearance. Suddenly he remembered something and asked, "Did you star in last year's "Love Night Pussy"?"

Chen Jing was overjoyed: "Mr. Gu has seen my movie? Yes, I acted in it. The low-cost movie will make you laugh."

Sure enough, it's this girl. The "Love the Night" series of movies can be regarded as the marginal masterpieces of Hong Kong movies in recent years. The main theme is a group of young people letting themselves go in nightclubs and looking for true love. I don't know who has such a leisurely life. Are you having trouble going to TM nightclub to fall in love?

Later, Chen Jing also starred in a movie called "Pulp Comedy", in which she played the role of Xu Jiaxin, a young model with a sharp mouth and "explosive mouth". It is considered the most famous role in her acting career. The coquettish temperament and fire shown in the play The spicy figure is still very eye-catching.

Especially the new usage of exploding candies, which even a veteran like Gu Zhongyu found very novel.

As the name suggests, this movie drama is completely out of touch with high-end interests and is really vulgar, especially the part where the mule fart is filmed. Friends in Guangxi couldn't help but want to kill someone after watching it!

Wang Jin's intention in calling this woman here is self-evident, he wants to use this explosive candy to please Gu Zhongyu.

In the Hong Kong film and television industry, this way of thanking people for asking for help has long been popular. Regarding this, Gu Zhongyu just wanted to say: Please continue to keep this tradition!

Is this the benefit of being a peacemaker? Love it, love it.

Bai Lu watched her boss make a new love, and rolled her eyes secretly. It seemed that this woman couldn't run away either. So I first wrote down Chen Jing's name on my phone and planned to write it down in a small black book later.

Zhao Wenzhuo would arrive in a while, and several people took advantage of their free time to start chatting about Gu Zhongyu's previous science fiction film.

"Mr. Gu, your movie "Ball Lightning" ruined our boss Yang's movie so badly that he almost cried because of the compensation. If your movie is released in the future, I will have to avoid it. "

Zhang Hanyu also felt this: "Not only you, but also our company's "Reverse War" failed miserably at the box office, but I feel that the loser is convinced. I watched Mr. Gu's movie, and the loss was not unfair at all."

"No need, we are in different fields. Director Wang, your comedies are also unique. After all, science fiction films are still the domain of Hollywood. We don't know yet whether we will lose money or make money with our next science fiction film!"

Wang Jin felt that Gu Zhongyu was too modest: "How could it be? The first part of "Ball Lightning" had a box office of 1 billion. No matter how good the sequel is, it can still have 700 to 800 million without losing money."

Gu Zhongyu shook his head: "I'm not referring to "Ball Lightning". This series is just a small trial, with a total investment of just over 100 million. It's nothing. The movie I really want to make may cost 500-600 million in upfront costs alone." Don’t worry about losing money when you’re starting out!”

Really good at showing off!

Everyone present was silently muttering in their hearts that nowadays, if a domestic film can have a box office of 100 or 200 million, it is considered good. You even say that the cost of shooting more than 100 million is so insignificant. Are you dreaming?

"Investing 500 or 600 million to make a movie? The box office must be more than 3 billion to recover the cost? The movies released in Hong Kong in a year do not have so much box office. This is probably a bit unrealistic, right?" Wang Jin now thinks that Gu Zhongyu is too arrogant. With such a box office volume, no one in the world except Hollywood can get such a result with a single film.

Gu Zhongyu did not argue. Summer insects are not as good as ice. The current movies in Hong Kong are too small. Although there are occasional masterpieces like "Wushuang", they are just a flash in the pan. Most of the time, they are still repeating themes and plots.

Even "The Tomorrow War" invested and filmed by Principal Gu later is the same. The gorgeous science fiction special effects, the core story is still the old routine of soldiers catching thieves, and even the police in it are still doing British military salutes. The colonial atmosphere is really well preserved. It deserves the box office to fail!

While everyone was greeting each other, one of the main characters, Zhao Wenzhuo, finally arrived.

Zhao Wenzhuo came with his wife today. His wife, Zhang Danlu, is also an actress from the mainland. They met because of their collaboration in "The Four Treasures of the Imperial Court". But after marriage, she resolutely quit the entertainment industry and became a good wife. This time, Zhao Wenzhuo was willing to back down and talk about peace because she tried her best to persuade him.

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