Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 134 Don’t give me the nice guy card

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, but did not say no. Instead, she silently hooked Gu Zhongyu's hand and walked out with him.

When they reached the parking lot, Gu Zhongyu felt that this assistant was a little bit of a light bulb, so he said, "Bai Lu, you can take Dun Dun back by taxi first, and Miss Chen will drive me home."

After Bai Lu left, Chen Jing sat in the driver's seat. Gu Zhongyu fastened his seat belt, but saw that Chen Jing was staring at the dashboard without starting the car, so he asked, "What? Don't you want to take me home?"

"Of course not, Mr. Gu! It's just that I don't have a mainland driver's license. If I drive on the highway, it will be driving without a license." Chen Jing muttered softly.

I almost forgot that this girl is from Hong Kong and needs to change her driver's license.

"Then I'll drive! I've only had one drink, I just need to sit for a while to sober up, let's chat!"


Seeing that Chen Jing didn't seem very happy, Gu Zhongyu said to her: "I don't like to force others. If you really don't want to, you can go back. It's okay. I'll talk to Wang Jin."

He thought that this girl must have been forced by the company to accompany the drinking.

Who knew that Chen Jing shook her head: "No, Mr. Gu, you are handsome and talented. I'm very happy that the person who came to accompany me tonight is you, not an old man. I just... I don't know what to do!"

She even looked like she was about to cry.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't bear to see a woman crying outside the boat, so he hurried to comfort her. Seeing Gu Zhongyu's considerate look, Chen Jing also talked to him about her own worries.

Chen Jing debuted in Hong Kong as a model and signed with Principal Gu's company. Because she felt that she had never had a particularly good opportunity, and the roles she played were not very important, and there were many newcomers in the entertainment industry, Chen Jing also felt some pressure. In order to become famous as soon as possible, she wanted to emulate her predecessor, female artist Shu Qi, so she took on a romantic movie like "Love in the City".

This movie did make her famous as Chen Jing had thought before, but what Chen Jing didn't expect was that the direction of public opinion made Chen Jing very uncomfortable, and she didn't want to keep shooting "romantic movies."

However, the road to transformation is far from as simple as imagined, and gradually Chen Jing's mentality has changed.

There are many compliments in the public opinion, but basically they are all praising Chen Jing's figure. In addition, some people think that Chen Jing is immoral to shoot such a movie, and there are even some public opinions that criticize Chen Jing from the moral high ground, which have a great impact on her.

In addition, the film contracts that the company has helped her to take in the past year are all large-scale sexy women, and the "Vulgar Comedy" that will be filmed soon is the same. So she has been in pain and entanglement during this period, wondering whether she should continue to be an actress.

Before coming to accompany the wine today, she had already made plans. If the other party made her feel disgusted, she would immediately return to Hong Kong and announce her retirement. She would rather not eat this bowl of rice than wrong herself.

Listening to Chen Jing's confession and her previous performance, it seems that this woman is not only opposite in voice, but also in personality and appearance. The flattery she just showed to Gu Zhongyu was just a forced act. She is not an old gun who is good at this.

Girls who look too sexy are both advantages and burdens. This reminds Gu Zhongyu of another female star in the circle, who also has a huge contrast between appearance and inner self. Her name is Liu Yan.

"I went to see a psychologist before, and the doctor said that I have a tendency to depression."

Depression again!

This disease is almost exclusive to girls!

However, this woman seems to have announced her retirement from the entertainment industry next year due to depression. Although she only left for a few months, many people think that Chen Jing is trying to attract attention, but it should not be completely hype.

"I understand that it is indeed very stressful for a girl to always show off her sexiness in front of the camera and bear the criticism of society. Why not go north to develop in the inland?"

Chen Jing wiped her tears: "How can it be so easy? I know nothing about the mainland and have no connections. Who would want me for no reason?"

Not to mention Chen Jing, even many veteran Hong Kong artists have a very bumpy road to the north. Hong Kong stars such as Lin Feng, Huang Zongze, and Zhang Keyi, who have some fame in the mainland, have not made a name for themselves in the north, let alone her.

Nowadays, Hong Kong and Taiwan stars are not always treated as guests of honor when they come to the mainland, unless they are supported by capital, such as the Tianting Banquet.

Gu Zhongyu thought about it, and it didn't matter if there were more young artists in the company, so he extended an olive branch to her: "If you really want to develop in the north, you can come to my company. At least no one will force you to accompany drinking."


Chen Jing was overjoyed and moved, so she hugged Gu Zhongyu's head into her arms...

What blinded my eyes?

The black in front of me is not black, what is the white you said?

After more than two minutes, Gu Zhongyu, who was almost suffocated to death, was released. Chen Jing looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, "Boss Gu, you are such a good person."

"Don't give me a good person card!"

Chen Jing burst into laughter: "Really! The bosses of film and television companies in the circle are all cannibals, treating actresses as toys. There is no one like you who cares about others and helps them find a way out."

Indeed, after saying this, Gu Zhongyu felt that he was too kind. It was just a transaction, why bother?

"You can practice Mandarin more often. With your looks, it's no problem for you to play the second or third female role in a domestic TV series. Even though the role is small, you can earn several times more than you do in Hong Kong..."

Gu Zhongyu told her what to do recently. As for the termination of the contract, don't worry about it. Principal Gu will not offend a small star like Chen Jing.

"Do you remember everything I just said?" Gu Zhongyu asked her with his head down.

Chen Jing responded hesitantly: "Uh... I... remember everything!"

It was still early, and there was no hurry to go back. Gu Zhongyu thought it was nice to enjoy the scenery of the parking lot here. This appreciation took almost an hour.

Not far away, Bai Lu, who was carrying a cat bag, yawned and looked at Gu Zhongyu's car in the distance. From the initial stability to the shaking of the earth, and finally returning to tranquility, she knew that her mission was finally completed.

Gu Zhongyu had long told her that when encountering certain special situations, even if he asked her to leave, she should not leave immediately, but should stay nearby and observe for a while to see if there were any sneak shots by tails or paparazzi.

Bai Lu was quite impressed by her boss's caution. It's better to be safe than sorry. He is indeed an old scumbag.

"Let's go, Dun Dun. The boss doesn't want you tonight. You have to sleep with me, hehe!"


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