"Wow! What a big house! Is it several thousand square feet?"

Chen Jing came to Gu Zhongyu's big house in the CY villa area and was amazed at the magnificent mansion.

The villa is decorated in a modern and simple style. There are five floors in total, two underground floors and three above ground floors. Outside is a swimming pool with a barbecue and a back garden.

The bottom floor is a parking lot, utility room and servant room. The second floor below is an entertainment space with facilities such as a billiard table, a water bar, a sauna, a private cinema and a gym.

The first floor above ground is the living room, kitchen and guest bedroom. The second floor is four guest bedroom suites, all with independent bathrooms. The entire third floor is the master bedroom, with a super large terrace and a private collection room.

The whole single-family villa cost Gu Zhongyu more than a small goal to buy. Since handing over the keys, this is his first time here. Unexpectedly, he came here with Chen Jing, a woman he had only known for a few hours.

Looking at the house in front of him, Gu Zhongyu was also very satisfied. Jiang Dashi really understood his hobbies. In addition to the decoration style, even the decorative murals and ornaments were changed to his favorite styles.

"More than that, more than 1,300 square meters, almost 12,000 feet!"

12,000 feet!

This number scared Chen Jing. Hong Kong is very expensive. The size of a house is generally 40-50 square meters (kitchen and toilet area are not included). A house of more than 90 square meters can be called a 1,000-foot mansion. Many big stars live in such houses.

In Chen Jing's impression, a house of 10,000 feet is something that only tycoons of the level of Li Chaoren can afford.

She finally has a certain understanding of the rich people in the mainland now. Gu Zhongyu, who looks unremarkable, can afford such a large house. It seems that it is the right choice for her to come to the north to develop.

"Where is the bathroom?"

Just now, she was enjoying the scenery in the car, which made her body sticky. She couldn't wait to take a shower and change clothes.

"I don't know. I haven't been here for such a long time since I bought the house. I have to move the things from my old house here tomorrow."

"First time here? How many houses do you have left, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while and counted on his fingers: "Well, there is another flat in Yanjing City, where I lived when I was teaching before; I also bought houses in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other big cities. There are about a dozen houses in total, but I haven't lived in them. There are also some residential areas for investment, which I didn't count."

Chen Jing was stunned. Are all rich people so willful?

Bought so many houses and didn't live in them, just to have fun leaving them empty?

How could she know how much room there would be for the price of houses in the mainland to rise in the future? Gu Zhongyu still felt that he bought too little. Fortunately, the locations he bought were all in prime locations. He could make a lot of money by selling a few houses in the future.

Chen Jing ran to take a shower, while Gu Zhongyu sat on the sofa to watch TV, waiting for the beauty to come out of the bath.

At this time, someone suddenly called. Gu Zhongyu picked up the phone and saw that it was Xixi who called. It was so late and she hadn't slept yet.

"Hey, classmate Xixi, it's almost twelve o'clock. It's not a good habit to disturb other people's sweet dreams!"

"Hmph! You finished filming and returned to Yanjing. Why didn't you tell me? Did you do something bad behind my back?"

Why is my whereabouts so easily leaked?

He and Bai Lu left the airport through the VIP channel. No reporters or fans noticed along the way. He also explained to the crew that no one would talk nonsense. Besides, Liu Yufei was not familiar with the crew members. Where did she get the news?

The last time was also the same. The news that he invited Yang Mi to play the female lead in "Ball Lightning" was known by Liu Shishi before it was made public. All this shows one thing, that is, there is something wrong with the people around Gu Zhongyu.

There is a spy among us!

It's hard to say who it is, anyway, he will definitely find this person out and hang him up and whip him ten thousand times!

"How can it be! You know the battle between Zhao Wenzhuo and Zhen Zidan some time ago? I'm going to mediate tonight..." Gu Zhongyu told Liu Yufei about his experience as a peacemaker. Of course, some details were omitted by him.

"You are so idle, why don't you spend more time with me? By the way, I received your script. Are you ashamed?"


"The movie is called "I Like You", and it stars Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu. Are you deliberately going to have a scandal with me? Why don't you just say you like me? Why are you hinting in a roundabout way!"

You are so gullible, Liu Tianxian!

I copied this movie, sister. In my previous life, this movie was called "I Like You". I don't know why I chose such a name. How could you understand that I was expressing my love to you?

It seems necessary to make you sober.

"Ah, yes, yes! I didn't expect that you would find out what I had hidden so deeply. This script is written for you. How do you feel about it?"

"It's just so-so! It's just an ordinary romantic comedy, mediocre. Are you sure that anyone will like such a movie?"

It's mediocre, but it's better than the movies you acted in before. After so many years of bad movies, aren't the audience still remembering your Little Dragon Girl and Zhao Linger?

Look at the movies that classmate Xixi has acted in in the past two years, such as "The Palace of the Golden Phoenix", "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "The Four Famous Detectives", each one is more bizarre than the other. She can accurately choose bad movies every time. No one else can do it.

Gu Zhongyu always felt that Liu Yufei gave up TV dramas and only focused on the film field, which was a very wrong decision.

Indeed, movies are more high-end, but China has a population of more than one billion after all, and TV dramas suitable for all ages have a wider range of influence. For an actor, it is very important to use TV dramas to maintain popularity.

Except for Gong Li, who has reached the top, there is no first-line actress in China who can only shoot movies and not TV dramas. Zhang Ziyi persisted for more than ten years, and finally went to shoot TV dramas honestly.

Liu Yufei also shot bad movies for more than ten years in her previous life, and finally returned to the TV drama industry. Facts have proved that this sister is not good at picking movies, but she is still good at shooting TV dramas. The response to the two TV dramas she returned to was good.

It’s a pity that too much time has been wasted. At an older age, it is difficult to make a breakthrough.

Gu Zhongyu earnestly educated Liu Yufei on the phone, telling her not to go down the evil path of only shooting movies. If there is a good TV script, she can still take it and it won’t lose face.

She can even appear on more variety shows. Appropriate exposure is beneficial, as long as she doesn’t waste her popularity and image like Deng Chao did later.

"But my mother said that if I go back to film a TV series now, all my previous efforts will be in vain."

"I'll take care of Aunt Liu, as long as you are willing." Gu Zhongyu has a thousand ways to convince Xixi's mother, these are not a problem.

Liu Yufei hesitated and said that if it was with you, then she would be willing, and no one else would talk.


I don't know how to split myself. If I film with you, what if Da Mimi, Fan Binbin and others also ask for cooperation?

Do you really think I can take care of it? I can take care of everything.

At this time, Chen Jing came out in a bath towel. Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was talking on the phone, she didn't dare to disturb him, so she sat next to him and hugged his arm.

After waiting for a while, the call was not over yet. Chen Jing felt bored and wanted to find some fun, so she slowly lowered her head...

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