Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 136 The Assistant's Change of Mind

"Why is there a sizzling sound over there?"

"Oh, the sewer pipe is a little broken, the master is repairing it!" Gu Zhongyu pretended to be nothing and continued to chat with Liu Yufei. He told Liu Yufei that he planned to rest for a few days and the movie would not start shooting so soon, so she should not worry.

"Don't worry about whether the movie starts or not. I heard from my mother that you have stolen several kittens from our house. What's going on? Are you planning to open a cat cafe? What did you do with the cats you stole from my house?"

This... I can't tell you that I gave them to other girls, right?

Gu Zhongyu was not stumped. He thought of a reason at the speed of light: "Last Chinese New Year, my little niece saw Dun Dun and thought he was cute, so she also wanted to have a cat, so I took one from you. As a result, the children of other relatives in the family also clamored for it, so I went to get a few more. Anyway, Dun Dun has given birth to enough puppies, so I don’t care about these few."

Liu Yufei was completely in the dark about Gu Zhongyu’s family and relatives. Even when he was in love, he had never met Gu Zhongyu’s other relatives, so she had no way to verify the truth.

I don’t know if she believed this reason or not. Anyway, Liu Yufei on the other end of the phone was silent for a while after hearing the explanation.

She actually really wanted to meet Gu Zhongyu’s parents and family. Liu Yufei knew how much importance this kind of high-ranking family attached to their children’s marriage. Only by obtaining their approval, she and Gu Zhongyu could really be together.

So she then said generously that she had as many cats as piglets at home, and they were available whenever she wanted. If Gu Zhongyu had other friends or relatives who wanted to raise kittens, they could come to her place and she would be happy to choose for them personally.

Very good, Liu Yufei got the title: self-service cat vending machine.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zhongyu hugged the mischievous Chen Jing and said sternly: "You actually made trouble while I was on the phone. It seems necessary to let you know how the morning glory blooms!"

That night, Chen Jing learned a lot of knowledge, which opened her eyes.

She slept until noon the next day, and then woke up with backache.

The person beside her had left long ago, leaving only a note and a bank card, telling her that she could go out and play if she had nothing to do, and that she could swipe the card at will if she had money in it. She had a job and went to the company first, and would come back for dinner in the evening.

Is this the feeling of being a rich man on the list?

Overjoyed, Chen Jing happily jumped in the room, and at this time, her stomach began to growl.

Since all her clothes had been washed and she didn't bring any change of clothes, Chen Jing had to go to the kitchen in her bathrobe, planning to get something to eat first.


Just as Chen Jing was looking around for the kitchen, a blue and white cat suddenly jumped out, startling her.

Looking closely, isn't this the cat that Gu Zhongyu brought yesterday?

It's quite rare for a grown man to keep a cat, and this cat... is so fat!

Just like men can't resist Europeans, women also have no resistance to Dun Dun. Chen Jing leaned over and picked up Dun Dun, stroking its big cheeks lovingly, and then hugged it in her arms...

It's cat abuse!

"Move this thing to the third floor, and put the photo on the corridor wall..." At this time, a little girl came up from the underground first floor and directed the movers to carry some boxes, furniture and other things over here.

She recognized it. It was Gu Zhongyu's little girl assistant.

This girl must be amazing to be able to be an assistant to a big boss like Mr. Gu at such a young age?

When she saw Chen Jing, Bai Lu was stunned for a moment, then came up and asked: "Didn't the boss ask you to go out and play? There are many workers coming and going today, and you have nothing to do here."

Chen Jing timidly answered: "I... I don't have any clothes to wear, how can I go out?"

Bai Lu complained about the boss's carelessness in her heart. If she hadn't come today, this unfamiliar elder sister probably wouldn't even know how to order takeout, so she took her hand and went to the bedroom first.

Taking out her little black book, Bai Lu asked her: "I'm going to buy clothes for you. What are your measurements? And your height and weight."

"My measurements are 34E 24 35, my height is 167, and my weight is 49 kilograms."

Bai Lu, who was taking notes, couldn't help but glance at Chen Jing when she heard her measurements, and then looked down at herself...

Did this sister grow up eating papaya?

They are all women, why is there such a big difference!

After calming down her resentment, she continued to ask: "And birthday, hobbies, menstrual date..."

Chen Jing was confused. It was just buying clothes. Why did she need her menstrual date?

But she didn't ask more. This girl was Gu Zhongyu's assistant. This must be what he meant, so she just said it obediently.

After recording, Bai Lu closed the notebook and said expressionlessly: "The clothes will be delivered later. At the same time, I will call a car for you and park it outside. Just tell the driver where you want to go. I have something else to do. I won't accompany you for now." After saying that, she turned around and left.

Chen Jing walked quickly in front of Bai Lu and thanked her solemnly.

"You're welcome. This is all the boss's order."

Bai Lu showed that she was not surprised by praise or criticism, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

I was finally respected by others!

The women of Gu Zhongyu that she met before were basically big stars. Although they were polite to her, they were far less humble than Chen Jing. They generally treated her like a child.

Especially that Fan Binbin, who often laughed at her for being a little thing when she was on the set, and even teased her with candy!

Originally, Bai Lu was still very unhappy about Gu Zhongyu waking her up early this morning and ordering her to help move, but now that she met Chen Jing, a little transparent person in the entertainment industry, she finally found the feeling of being a big boss's lackey.

Thinking of the stars she saw on weekdays, when they met Jiang Da Mi, they were just like Chen Jing in front of her, and even more respectful and deferential.

The little assistant can be said to have understood Jiang Da Mi's state of mind, but she also knows that these people finally respect her so much for Gu Zhongyu's sake.

This is the reason for the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

Bai Lu finally understood the greatest significance of the assistant's job, and her thoughts changed accordingly.

You must find a way to please the boss. Even if you can't be a star in the future, as long as you can get the position of Jiang Shuying's secretary and give orders to so many people, it seems that it is not unacceptable!

Then the question is, how to please the boss in the future?

Even his underwear was washed?

Thinking about Gu Zhongyu's biggest hobby, Bai Lu had a thought in her mind, but she quickly shook her head and put the thought behind her.

Only this one is not okay!

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