Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 141 I'm actually quite a dog

After a long talk with Liu Yufei and her daughter, Liu Xiaoli was a little hesitant at first, but finally made up her mind.

She held Gu Zhongyu's hand and said earnestly: "Okay, I will turn down those messy movies for Xixi later. Zhongyu, Xixi will rely on you in the future."

No, no, no, you make it seem like I have her wrapped up!

Although Liu Yufei had already agreed with Gu Zhongyu's suggestion in her heart, she still pretended to be arrogant on the surface: "Then should I also join your company and work for you, Boss Gu?"

"No need, there are already many female artists in my company. If you come, you will have to compete with our Zongheng No. 1 Fan Binbin for resources. Do you think you are her opponent?"


Seeing that Liu Qianqian didn't understand what he meant, Gu Zhongyu simply said: "Yang Mi is going to set up his own business, haven't you ever thought about going it alone?"

Liu Yufei was stunned. This was really a path she had never imagined. But before she could speak, Liu Xiaoli said: "No, Qianqian and I don't have much business skills and don't have many connections. If it is a company, it will definitely lose money. "

"You don't need to do it all at once. You can set up a studio first, or register it under the name of our company. In the early stage, you can shoot our Zongheng drama to accumulate some experience. In the later stage, you can operate independently and then upgrade to a company. "

"Then invest, do projects, and discover new people by yourself. You can make the most money. This is a more stable plan. When you are mature, it will definitely be more promising than running alone. After all, when you are in your forties or fifties, no matter how beautiful the actress is, it will be difficult for her to play the leading role, but you can continue to be your boss. "

"In the previous life, Da Mi Mi, Fan Binbin, Zhao Liying, and Tang Yan all did this, slowly transitioning from actors to capital tycoons, including Gu Zhongyu himself.

Liu Yufei was also somewhat tempted: "But what good will this do you? Are you so chivalrous?"

Gu Zhongyu smiled knowingly: "Of course I have selfish motives. No matter how big Zongheng Entertainment is, it is just a company. It is impossible to monopolize the interests of the entire Chinese entertainment industry. I support you in starting a business, and I just want to pull you to share the cake?"

"And after the establishment of the company, when you need directors, screenwriters, behind-the-scenes teams, actors and distribution channels, don't you still have to find us for cooperation?"

Even if Gu Zhongyu is omnipotent, he can't finish filming so many TV dramas in his previous life, but it's a pity to let them expire, so naturally he will let others shoot them. It's more convenient to get involved. Although it's not as profitable as making it yourself, the risk is also reduced, and it's equivalent to indirectly controlling these companies to become your own satellite companies.

A film and television company can only produce seven or eight TV dramas and movies every year, but if it comes to investment, there is no limit. As long as there is sufficient funds on the books, dozens of films a year are no problem!

Even if Gu Zhongyu is bolder and uses financial leverage and gambling agreements, it is hard to say how big the game can be, but he will not choose to do so.

Although Gu Zhongyu said it very straightforwardly, the mother and daughter felt that this was just an excuse he made to help themselves.

Well, they are indeed mother and daughter, and they are both very trustworthy.

Although Gu Zhongyu is indeed lustful, he will not be a licker for a woman. He really saw Liu Yufei's popularity and thought that starting a company would benefit everyone, so he suggested it.

Including Yang Mi, Gu Zhongyu was willing to help her start a business in order to control Jiahang.

There is one thing he didn't say in full, that is, when Da Mi Mi was filming "Ball Lightning", he did only give her 800,000 yuan in salary at the time, but after the movie became a great success, he still took out 8 million yuan from the box office as a dividend to her.

It was to express gratitude and to let Yang Mi, who was obsessed with money, know that he, Gu Zhongyu, was not a stingy person. In this way, she would be at ease to accept other help from Gu Zhongyu in the future, and unconsciously become like Gu Zhongyu...

Emotions will deteriorate, interests will be entangled, and only the relationship that combines emotions and interests can be solid.

Gu Zhongyu touched his belly and kept talking while eating, making his belly bigger: "I have a lot of TV scripts to be filmed. When you set up a studio, you will be responsible for the starring role and part of the investment, and then you can share the income from the TV project."


In the time of a meal, Gu Zhongyu planned the future path for the mother and daughter. Liu Xiaoli was also very grateful to her prospective son-in-law. Seeing that it was getting late, she asked him not to leave and sleep at her house at night.

Liu Yufei did not use her eyes to persuade him to leave this time. In fact, she did not oppose Gu Zhongyu staying overnight last time. It was mainly because her mother was there and she felt embarrassed.

But looking at the situation today, she felt that if she drove him away again, her mother would probably not forgive her.

"Come with me! There are vacancies for the dogs at home, you just need to sleep with them at night."

"What are you talking about? I helped you plan such a bright career prospect, and you let me sleep with the dogs?"

Liu Yufei pouted unhappily and said, "But I think you look like a human, but everything else is like a dog!"

"Don't think I'm a fool. My mother was far away and didn't smell it. I'm right next to you. I can say responsibly that you have the perfume of at least two women on you, two women!"

You have a dog nose!

He himself didn't smell it, it must be the perfume of Chen Jing and Zhang Zilin.

It seems that I have to buy some green tangerines in the future to be prepared.

Gu Zhongyu had to make up a lie: "My company has a new play to be released today. I went to interview actors. It is inevitable that there will be some physical contact. It is normal to retain a little perfume smell!"

Liu Yufei snorted: "Whoever believes you is a big fool. No, this is your nest. You will sleep in this room tonight." After leading Gu Zhongyu to the guest room, she left without looking back.

Really, I lied to you with good intentions, but you didn't believe me!

Next time I will directly shoot a video for you to see, I will piss you off!

Uh, he is really full, he wants to go outside for a walk to digest the food.


After returning to the room, Liu Yufei hugged the cat and tossed and turned in her clothes. After thinking about it, she locked the door. She had a hunch that Gu Zhongyu would definitely come to attack her at night!

I told you to go and fool around with other women, and I locked the door. I will not open it until you beg me.

Unfortunately, she forgot to lock the window, and was noticed by Gu Zhongyu who was walking outside.

So when Xixi finished her bath and walked back to the bedroom, she saw Gu Zhongyu lying on his bed with his legs spread out, and greeted him in a mean way: "Hi! What a coincidence, I ate too much at night, so I came out for a walk to digest the food. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Get out, or I'll call the dog to bite you!" Liu Yufei threatened with a guilty conscience.

"That silly golden retriever? It's exercising with a little yellow duck toy now. To help digestion, let's do some exercise too, Xixi!"

As he said that, Gu Zhongyu rushed up like a hungry dog. Poor Xixi was no match for him and was soon knocked to the ground...

You're right, I'm really a dog!


It was not until the middle of the night, when the exhausted Liu Yufei fell into a deep sleep, that Gu Zhongyu quietly got up, slipped out, and walked to the other side of the corridor.

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