Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 142: The teeth are laughing

The next morning, Liu Yufei slept until noon before getting up. Although she usually sleeps until she wakes up naturally, she felt sore all over her back and waist when she got up today. Even her mouth was tired and her throat was a little hoarse.

The most important thing is that the person beside her has disappeared.

Liu Yufei came to the kitchen and saw her mother Liu Xiaoli making soup. She knew that her daughter was exhausted last night, so she had to make up for it.

For some reason, Liu Yufei always felt that her mother seemed to be younger and radiant.

"Mom, when did Gu Zhongyu leave?"

"It was not long ago. Seeing that you were sleeping so soundly, he didn't wake you up. He didn't even drink a sip of the soup I made before leaving."

Liu Xiaoli looked at the black chicken soup stewed with Cistanche deserticola in the pot with some regret. This is a yin-nourishing and kidney-tonifying soup. It has been stewed for most of the day, but the owner didn't drink it. Now it can only be taken advantage of by her fat daughter.

"By the way, he gave you a script, saying it can be used as the opening play of your studio, and put it on the table."

Liu Yufei looked back and saw that there was indeed a script on the table in the living room. She opened it and read it with interest while drinking soup: Zhao Pan'er, who runs a tea shop in Qiantang, was shocked to hear that her fiancé, the new top scholar Ouyang Xu, was going to marry the daughter of a high-ranking official. Unwilling to accept her fate, she vowed to go to Beijing to seek justice...

It's a bit interesting, and it unfolds from a female perspective. The sisters join hands to start a business and punish the scumbag and the heartless man. This plot is more in line with her taste.


A few days later, Gu Zhongyu's new movie "Like You" started shooting in a hotel in Yanjing in a low-key manner. As a romantic comedy movie, almost all the scenes are concentrated in the hotel and the woman's home, so whether it is preparation or shooting, the speed is very fast.

Director Chen Kexin also cooperated with Gu Zhongyu for the first time. He is a rare director in Hong Kong who takes both word-of-mouth and box office into consideration. Whether it is commercial films, art films, or drama films, he can do it with ease.

Especially for movies that show delicate emotions, whether it is love, friendship or family affection, he can always grasp it well.

He was in charge of the production of "Like You" in his previous life, and he became the director directly in this life. In fact, as a big director, he didn't think much of this kind of low-cost love movie, but because it was invited by Gu Zhongyu, he still took it.

And when Gu Zhongyu asked someone to contact Chen Kexin before, he revealed that there were other cooperation plans for other movies in the future. Although it was not stated explicitly, this big pie still hooked him.

On the first day of filming, Gu Zhongyu, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was posing in front of the camera. It was still comfortable to shoot modern urban themes, without wearing a wig or a thick ancient costume.

In the first scene, the heroine Gu Shengnan deliberately brought tools to scratch her bestie's ex-boyfriend's car because she was helping her bestie to vent her anger. As a result, because she found the wrong parking space, she accidentally damaged the hero Lu Jin's car, and the two met because of this.

The character of the heroine Gu Shengnan is a carefree and clumsy female chef. Liu Yufei's image is too pure and refined, so in order to fit the character, Gu Zhongyu asked the stylist to cut her hair right away.

Of course, it's not a tomboy-like buzz cut like Li Yuan, but just cut the hair short to the neck, which looks a bit masculine.

With the sound of the scissors, the troubles fell to the ground, and the short-haired fairy Liu Yingjun was freshly baked.

Liu Yufei looked at herself in the mirror and was quite satisfied. She rarely cut her hair short. Now this style is matched with a punk leather jacket, just like a stylist.

"Not bad, not bad. If you are really a man, I don't know how many girls you can charm." Gu Zhongyu came over and saw Liu Yufei's new look, and he couldn't help but admire it.

Liu Yufei replied unconvincedly: "Hmph, even if I'm a girl now, I can still pick up all the girls around you and make you wear a lot of green hats."

"Ahem!" Gu Zhongyu coughed hurriedly to remind her that there were other people around.

Yang Caiyu turned her eyes to the window as if she didn't hear anything, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

Liu Yufei looked at Yang Caiyu, who played a good friend with her in the play. She didn't know why. It was obviously the first time they met, but she always felt that the two of them seemed to have known each other in the dark, and they felt very familiar.

Maybe in a certain time and space, a certain fallen dream, several lifetimes secretly remained in the heart...

Liu Yufei thought that this might be eye contact, maybe the two of them could really get along and become sisters.

In fact, Yang Caiyu felt the same way when she looked at Liu Yufei, as if they were destined to know each other.

Thinking that Liu Yufei was her senior at Beijing Film Academy, this relationship still needed to be maintained, so Yang Caiyu took the initiative to take out Liu Yufei's photo and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Liu, I am also your fan. I chose to apply for Beijing Film Academy because I admired you. Can you sign an autograph for me?"

This compliment made Gu Zhongyu want to laugh. Liu Yufei was indeed good at studying at Beijing Film Academy, but she didn't have a few days of serious cultural classes. As a senior, he didn't see her often. Most of the time, everyone was filming outside.

Beijing Film Academy has a relatively loose management in this regard. As long as students have film contracts outside, they will be allowed to go out to film. There is no requirement for grades. As long as there is no obvious violation of discipline, they can graduate.

There are pros and cons. Beijing Film Academy students are indeed generally more famous than those of the Central Academy of Drama and the Shanghai Theatre Academy, but professional ability is a matter of opinion.

At this time, Zhu Yawen, who plays the role of the male protagonist's follower, also arrived. He first greeted the senior Gu Zhongyu, and then said excitedly to Liu Yufei: "Sissi, this time we are finally filming the same movie. Isn't it the same as before? How did it feel during the art performance?”

Yang Caiyu was very surprised: "Senior Brother Zhu Yawen and Senior Sister Liu are classmates in the same class?"

In her opinion, the overly mature Zhu Yawen looked like Liu Yufei's elder, and they didn't look like they were from the same class at all.

Zhu Yawen explained: "I was admitted to Nortel when I was 18 years old. I was already young enough. Sissi was 3 years younger than me at the time. She was the youngest and most famous student in the class. Indeed, many people I didn’t realize we were in the same class.”

Liu Yufei smiled: "I think it was Yawen who helped me rehearse my homework every time I took the final exam."

When she was in school, her best female classmate was the monitor Wang Jia, and her best male classmate was Zhu Yawen.

Zhu Yawen has a very serious mysophobia. Luo Jin and many male classmates know that no one can sit on his bed, and he will be anxious about whoever sits on it. Once, Liu Yufei came to their dormitory and asked Zhu Yawen to help her make up lessons. She didn't know it He sat directly on Zhu Yawen's bed. While all the boys were waiting for Ka Zhu Yawen to get angry, Zhu Yawen was chatting and laughing with Liu Yufei in a sunny and warm manner, without any displeasure at all!

After Liu Yufei left, Luo Jin asked him curiously: Yawen, isn't your bed forbidden for others to sit on? Zhu Yawen rolled her eyes at him, raised the corners of her mouth and said: No one can sit on my bed except Sissi!

Everyone immediately started to boo and say: Princess Sissi is treated differently!

Director Chen Kexin saw the leading actors chatting together in such a lively manner and joined in. After learning that the four leading actors were all graduates from Nortel, he also laughed: "It seems that our movie It’s become your Nortel classmates’ reunion.”

"Not only that, it's also the reunion of Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu!" Some staff members remembered that this was also the second collaboration between Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei after six years.

At this time, the male and female protagonists who were involved also looked at each other. Gu Zhongyu was okay, and Liu Yufei really recalled the wonderful time when filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

As I thought about it, I started laughing, and then even Yahuako laughed!

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