Aidajin is holding a paper fan with the three characters "tall, rich and handsome" printed on it. This is also the name of his guest character. He added it on his own whim. I don't know where he got such a big face!

"Are you really depressed? Is your relationship with your father very tense? How many girlfriends or boyfriends have you dated?" Aidajin recited his lines in a mean way and asked the male lead Lu Jin provocatively.

"These are the thoughts of ordinary people represented by your program. They wish that rich people are illegitimate children, live a dissolute life, can never find true love and have childhood trauma. No matter how much I say I live a good life, you will not believe it."

"Only misery can bring people closer together!"

At this time, Gu Shengnan, played by Liu Yufei, saw their interview in the crowd in the distance and learned the true identity of the male lead. It turned out that he was the president of Wayne Group, the man who was about to acquire the hotel, and gave him perverted test questions every day to make her cook various dishes for him to taste.

Next, Lu Jin found that Gu Shengnan was observing him, and there was another commotion. The heroine's clothes were accidentally caught by the camera pole, and she accidentally fell into the swimming pool.

"Plop!" There was a loud noise.

The fairy exploded in the swimming pool like a cannonball. After the director called out "cut", she didn't rush to climb up, but swam happily in the pool.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for your hard work today. If you are busy, please leave first!" As soon as it was over, Gu Zhongyu hurriedly wanted to send this guy away, so as not to let him stay here and spread the mentally retarded virus.

I don't know if Ai Dajin was pretending or really didn't understand what he meant. He thought Gu Zhongyu was being polite to him, and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do anyway, let me stay and watch you guys filming."

"Hey, last year I overestimated my ability and filmed "The Great Warrior" and I lost a lot of money. If I had cooperated with a big boss like you, Mr. Gu, I would definitely not be like this."

"The Great Warrior"?

Gu Zhongyu had some impression of the film, which was starred by Wu Zun, Han Geng, and Da S, and told the story of Peking Opera martial artists. He bought a ticket to watch it. At the beginning of the film, Yuan Biao and Yu Rongguang performed well, and the sense of involvement was very strong. However, he knew that it was going to be bad when he saw the three pretty little protagonists appear.

As expected, the performances of the three protagonists were like chewing wax. He began to doze off after watching for 20 minutes. The plot later was completely illogical. He even forgot that the film was directed by Ai Dajin.

Objectively speaking, Ai Dajin is still quite talented. He can not only compose music, but also write books. He can also be a director, producer, host, and judge.

Of course, he is most famous for his ability to talk nonsense, and he finally failed because of this.

However, think about those experts who said that private cars can do business and idle houses can be rented out, and those who live in big mansions abroad and say that the happiness of a salary of 2,000 yuan in China is greater than that of 3,000 US dollars in the United States. It seems that Ai Dajin is not so annoying!

So Gu Zhongyu relaxed his mind a little and said with a smile: "I also watched the movie "The Great Warrior". The script is not very good. It has little to do with your directing skills, Mr. Gao."

Aidajin laughed: "In fact, I am one of the screenwriters."

Okay, your skills are just bad. You are not born to be a director. You should give up as soon as possible!

"I think Mr. Gu's "Like You" is just an ordinary comedy movie. How come you want to shoot such a theme? This is not in line with your status! You just shot a movie called "Ball Lightning" with a box office of 1 billion."

"Don't say that. I am very interested in all types of movies. There is no difference between high and low themes. The audience likes to watch it first."

Aidajin came to his senses: "Teacher Gu, what you said is a bit utilitarian! If you put the audience's likes first in everything, won't the creator lose the ability to express themselves?"

In the eyes of Ai Dajin, the audience is like pigs in a pigsty. How can pigs distinguish between good and bad ingredients? They have to eat whatever they are given. These people have no ability to appreciate and distinguish, so there is no need to please them.

We should even do the opposite and correct their views and aesthetics.

This is not only Ai Dajin's idea. Many film and television practitioners, especially the older generation, basically hold this view.

Feng Kuzi's words "Chinese movies are full of garbage, which must be related to the large number of garbage audiences. If there are no garbage audiences, garbage movies will have no room to survive, and producers will not make garbage movies." is a true portrayal of their psychology.

"First of all, movies are a commodity for the general public to appreciate. Even if there are cultural, educational, and artistic attributes in it, they are only additional. If the movie itself cannot be recognized by the audience, then even if the content is rich, it is a failed work."

What Gu Zhongyu hates most in his life is this group of people who want to teach or show off themselves when making a movie. If you have the ability, invest in it yourself and watch it yourself, don't show it in theaters!

Everyone is here to make money, and no one is more elegant than anyone else.

"I think in addition to satisfying the audience, Mr. Gu has other reasons for making this movie!" As he said, Ai Dajin turned his gaze to Liu Yufei who was still having fun in the swimming pool.

The implication is: I think you are not only satisfying the audience, but also to satisfy yourself!

Ballet and swimming are the sports that Liu Yufei often practices. Of course, as she has become fatter and fatter in the past two years, she has basically given up ballet. Now swimming is her favorite sport.

Xixi's swimming skills are still very superb. Whether it is butterfly stroke, backstroke or freestyle, she can do it easily. After swimming for a while, she saw Gu Zhongyu and others on the shore looking at her, so she didn't feel embarrassed to continue swimming.

"Mr. Gu is so lucky. If you have a beautiful woman by your side, making any movie is fun!"

No, do I need to make a movie specifically for her to please her? I am really just trying to make a little money, and there is no bad thought in it.

Well, Bao Lei doesn't count. That was an accident. It was just fried noodles and Cao Ze was possessed.

"I think Mr. Gu seems to be waiting for someone to come. In addition to me, have you invited other people to guest star today?"

"Yes, I also invited a friend to guest star as the male protagonist's private chef."

Liu Yufei also came over with a towel on her: "Oh, who is it? You actually want our Mr. Gu to wait and greet you. Is he more famous than me?"

It's hard to say whether he is more famous than you, but it is definitely "bigger" than you!

As the car drove into the studio, the first thing that came down was a pair of eye-catching high-heeled long legs, which quickly attracted the attention of the staff on the scene. Then, a beauty in a white dress and sunglasses came over.

No introduction was needed at all, everyone recognized it, isn't this Lin Chi-Lin!

Well, it's still Lin Chi-Lin now, not Kurosawa Chi-Ling.

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