Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 152 Is this woman's voice really fake?

Lin Zhilin came to the set and when he saw Gu Zhongyu, he was very enthusiastic and gave him a loving hug.

Liu Yufei's face turned green when she saw this. She had heard of this woman's reputation for a long time. Judging from Zhong Yu's carefree and lustful character, it was absolutely impossible to say that they didn't have an affair.

She was right. When the two of them hugged each other, Lin Zhilin whispered in Gu Zhongyu's ear: "Stay with me tonight, I have a surprise for you."

Mr. Gu likes to have little surprises arranged by others, especially Boduo...oh no, teacher Lin Zhilin's.

He and Lin Zhilin met earlier. It was when Wu Baige was preparing for "Red Cliff". This movie was almost the largest domestic production at the time and attracted many stars to join. Gu Zhongyu also received an invitation at that time.

To be fair, he hates Wu Baige. This guy is famous for using Hong Kong and Taiwan actors to dominate the mainland. The movie "Red Cliff" was also extremely bad, and the heroes of the Three Kingdoms were made into gangsters. territory.

In fact, at the beginning of the movie "Red Cliff", Wu Baige approached Lu Wei to write the script. The highest-scoring Chinese movies of that year, "Farewell My Concubine" and "Alive" were all written by this big shot. Lu Wei asked Wu Baige what he wanted to do in "Red Cliff" What was the desired theme? John Woo thought for a long time and the answer was "peace".

This made Lu Wei speechless. He felt that in the real historical story of Red Cliff, there were wars, strategies, etc., but there was no peace. Talking about peace in the Three Kingdoms era was nonsense. How could you conquer the world if you lost your life?

Director Wu Baige also kept emphasizing to him how important Xiao Qiao was, how outstanding Lin Zhilin was, how beautiful he was, and how good his acting was! When Lu Wei heard this, he realized that there was no such person as Xiao Qiao in the real history of the Chibi War. Aren't you just flattering? If you want to be praised, you can make another movie, something like Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. Why make Red Cliff?

Wu Baige ended up using another screenwriter's script. The nondescript lines such as "Mengmeng, don't make trouble" were written by Wu Baige's wife.

So in the end, the finished film of "Red Cliff" turned out to be like this. It was an ancient puppet with a layer of history from the Three Kingdoms. It was a drama that cost a lot of money to make. Not to mention the box office was bleak, but it was a waste of such a good subject matter and such a big event. lineup.

However, with the idea that maybe having him join in this life might change things, Gu Zhongyu still chose to join the cast and was originally scheduled to play Zhuge Liang.

Unfortunately, things went against his wishes. A few days after joining the group, he and Wu Baige had a conflict. The quarrel revolved around the shocking lines, the inexplicable gossip array, and the shocking ending in which Sun Liu deliberately let Cao Cao go without killing him.

Wu Baige, relying on the support of the Taiwanese boss, never gave in. No matter how reasonable what you say or what happened in history, my script is good anyway, and there is no way to change my movie!

Gu Zhongyu simply decided to withdraw his capital and leave overnight to take care of his uncle Wu Baige!

However, his trip was not in vain, and he fell in love with the leading actress Lin Zhilin.

On the third day he actually came to the set, he got this curvaceous beauty. Although the sister scene was average, the squeaking sound on the boat was so beautiful!

It's just that the two of them hid it very well. It wasn't until after filming that Wu Baige realized that Lin Chiling had already been taken by Gu Zhongyu, and he was so angry that he yelled at someone for being shameless and obscene!

Lin Zhilin, whom he worked so hard to support, fell apart immediately after the release of "Red Cliff", and he benefited from Gu Zhongyu in vain.

At this time, Lin Zhilin was finally willing to let go of Gu Zhongyu. The two had not seen each other for a while. She had been filming Andy Lau's "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" which had just finished filming.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu to invite Sister Lin Zhilin to make a guest appearance. Then I can't leave. I have to see you filming today."

Xiao Da looked at Lin Zhilin with eyes straightened. He felt that only a woman with such good looks, education, and figure could be worthy of a talent like him.

Lin Zhilin had never met Liu Yufei before, but this did not hinder her familiarity: "Hello, teacher Liu Yufei, I really like your role as Little Dragon Girl, and that movie The Legend of the Condor Heroes is also very popular in our movie. This time I must ask you for advice on how to act."

Is this woman's voice really fake?

Liu Yufei never believed that someone was born with such a loud voice.

"Hello, Miss Lin, I have also watched your performance in "Red Cliff"." Liu Yufei responded lukewarmly, thinking about how to declare her sovereignty in front of this woman later.

"Okay, let's start as soon as possible while it's still early, don't waste time!"

At this time, Chen Kexin came over and called them into the hotel to prepare for the next scene. Lin Zhilin was just a guest appearance, so it was best to finish filming her scene today.


Lu Jin was sitting in a restaurant wearing a suit and leather tie, tasting freshly baked food. At this time, Gu Shengnan rushed in from the outside and saw a woman beside the male protagonist.

It was a tall and beautiful female chef wearing black chef uniforms.

"Why didn't you tell me if you had other places to eat?"

Gu Shengnan's expression was as if she had caught her husband cheating on someone outside. This was definitely a portrayal of Liu Yufei's psychology at the moment. There was no need to act, it was revealed completely naturally.

The female chef played by Lin Zhilin said to the male protagonist with a look of astonishment: "I didn't know you invited guests. Could you please move this lady to the living room and wait."

"Who are you? Why are you cooking for him?"

"I am Mr. Lu's personal chef and have been with him for seven years. Who are you?"

In this scene opposite Liu Yufei and Lin Zhilin, both parties performed very well. The main reason is that the two actresses are very beautiful. When they are jealous, it becomes very interesting, just like a beautiful scenery.

In this scene of the original movie, when Zhou Dongyu and Lin Zhilin stood together, it was the scene of a car accident. Zhou Dongyu, who was short and tall and tall at the airport, looked like a man in front of Lin Zhilin, and there was no comparison at all.

Although it cannot be purely based on appearance, it is really unconvincing to choose the little yellow duck Zhou Dongyu instead of Lin Zhilin.

As Lin Zhilin also served a dish of witch soup pasta to Lu Jin, Gu Shengnan went completely crazy. This was the first dish she had cooked for the male protagonist, which was of great significance.

Then an angry Gu Shengnan stomped away from the scene, but not long after, Lin Zhilin took the initiative to find her,

After some sarcasm, he also said to her: "Young age is of no use. Only with more experience can you master his taste. My dishes will always feel like home to him..."

"Although he eats your food now, it's just a change of taste. He will eventually come back to me."

Although the two female chefs here have been discussing cooking, they are actually referring to the ownership rights of the male protagonist. One of the points of view of this movie is that cooking is a very private matter, and men can eat whose food they like. Love!

It’s the same old story. If you want to capture a man’s heart, you must first capture his stomach.

But in Gu Zhongyu's case, he usually uses vegetables to tie up women's hearts.

In fact, it can't be said that they are tied up. Women's physiological structure determines that they are born to admire strong men. Cooking can be a bonus, but it is difficult to really catch a girl with just a few dishes.

If Gu Zhongyu was just an ordinary man with no money, he wouldn't be able to get so many girls even if he made flowers out of vegetables. In the final analysis, it was his strength and wealth that supported his romantic life.

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