Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 153 Progress of the Assistant's Taming

"I'll give you a choice now. You and I will cook for him together." Lin Zhilin leaned on the table and made her request to Gu Shengnan.

"How can you accept him eating the food cooked by two women at the same time?"

Lin Zhilin shrugged: "I don't want to either, but this is a compromise I have to make. From Monday to Friday, I will cook; Saturday and Sunday, you will do it."


Liu Yufei suddenly held her breath and yelled, shocking everyone present!

Chen Kexin also called a cut and reminded: "Xixi, although the heroine Gu Shengnan will be very angry in this scene, she can still control her emotions. Your reaction is a bit too exaggerated."

In Gu Zhongyu's view, this is not too exaggerated, but too involved. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liu Yufei is putting her real feelings into it.

"Sorry, director, do it again."

Liu Yufei is not a person who easily falls in love with a play, so she has worked with so many male actors and it is difficult for her to have sparks with them, but when things develop about Gu Zhongyu, the situation is different.

Just now, she couldn't hold back after hearing Lin Zhilin's "Come on Saturdays and Sundays", because she thought of the women who accompanied Gu Zhongyu on weekdays.

Was she the one from Monday to Friday, or the poor Saturday and Sunday?

Lin Zhilin was also shocked by Liu Yufei's reaction, but she was not angry. They were all women, so it was easier to understand each other. She was not as well treated as Liu Yufei, and she couldn't even get on Saturdays and Sundays.

The two women came again, and this time it was finally smooth, and in the director's opinion, Lin Zhilin's performance was more natural this time, and was better than Liu Yufei, who graduated from a professional school.

This is the mentality that affects acting.

"Sister Zhiling~ Congratulations on the completion! Here, a red envelope."

"Thank you, director!"

Although it was a guest role with no scenes, and she played a private chef who was jealous of the heroine, there would still be a red envelope after the completion!

This small role would not help her career, and she was willing to come just for the sake of Mr. Gu.

At first, she had a relationship with Gu Zhongyu when she was in the crew of "Red Cliff". It was completely due to hormones. At that time, she had just come to the mainland to develop her career and actually knew very little about this man's background.

Later, after learning about Gu Zhongyu's wealth and background, she started to think about hanging out with rich people, thinking that it would be good to get some film and television resources.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhongyu was a person who could buy gifts and give things, but he gave very few resources, basically some small supporting roles. He also warned himself that there would be no development in the path of an actor. At best, he could only play a vase. Even if he was given a role, it would be a waste.

She was very angry at the time and almost broke off contact with Gu Zhongyu. However, after seeing other capital tycoons who were full of fat and greedy, and after several movies failed in succession, Lin Zhilin suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to be Gu Zhongyu's lover temporarily.

Moreover, after spending a long time together, she felt that Gu Zhongyu was actually a good person. He was handsome, rich, and had a good job. He didn't force her to do anything, so she gradually became a lazy fish and gave up the idea of ​​looking for a new employer.

Now, apart from her normal work, the most she does is to please Mr. Gu.

For example, now.

Just after finishing the filming and getting off work, Gu Zhongyu secretly left and took Lin Zhilin back to his new home.

When driving on the road, Sister Zhiling, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kept harassing him, almost causing the car to crash and kill people!

Lin Zhilin wore a full black suit today, a black short skirt + black fishnet, and the main style was a dark Lin Zhilin and Hatano Yui teacher.

"Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Holding the steering wheel with his left hand, the sweat on Gu Zhongyu's face began to drip down, just falling on the back of Sister Lin Zhilin's head. He never felt that the way home was so long.

When there was a traffic jam just now, there was a policeman driving by. If he had looked down at that time, his driver's license would probably have been revoked.

I don't know if there are corresponding penalties for such behavior in the road driving safety regulations.

Finally home, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but let out a long sigh. His left hand, which was tightly gripping the steering wheel, finally got a rest. He could work with his right hand to teach Sister Zhiling, who had been making trouble, a lesson!


At this time, in the room of the hotel on the set, Liu Yufei folded her arms, staring at Bai Lu with a covetous look, and next to her was Yang Caiyu, the chief artist of her studio, who has now become her follower.

Bai Lu held Dun Dun tightly in her arms, sitting on the bed and looking up at the two big sisters, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

"Where is your boss? Where did he go? Did he go with that Lin Zhilin?"

"I... I don't know! Where did the boss go? Why would he tell a little assistant like me!" Bai Lu said timidly, looking worried and scared.

"Really don't know? Tell me honestly!" Yang Caiyu felt that this little girl might not be as innocent as she looked. How could such a smart person like Teacher Gu find a silly and innocent person to be his assistant?

Bai Lu was so anxious that she started to cry: "I... I'm just an employee... Why are you trying to make things difficult for me... Wuuwuwuwu!"

"My boss bullies me all the time, and you guys bully me too... I can't do this anymore, I want to go home! Wuuwuwu."

Dundun saw that the little sister who always took care of him seemed very sad, so he started to pull her arm with his claws, signaling her to stop crying, and if she really couldn't help it, he would give her a bag of cat food.

Looking at Bai Lu, she was about to shed tears. Liu Yufei also felt that the two of them had gone too far. This little girl was not even twenty years old. No matter how stupid Gu Zhongyu was, he would not tell her about going out and fooling around with women!

"Let's go! It seems like she really doesn't know anything." Liu Yufei pulled Yang Caiyu and was about to leave.

Yang Caiyu glanced at Bai Lu suspiciously, wondering why this girl only thundered but not rained, and didn't shed a single tear. However, she obeyed and left with Liu Yufei.

She was just a part-time worker, and the troubles of the two bosses, Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei, were none of her business!

After the two of them left, Bai Lu, who was originally crying, immediately changed her expression. She opened her eyes wide and pouted, looked at the closed door, and spat.

Dundun:? ? ?

Why do you have two faces like that one?

"Bah! You two idiots, the boss is just hanging out with that Lin Zhilin, so what? You want me to betray the boss, you are really eating melon seeds in the toilet - how can you open your mouth?"

Unknowingly, from the beginning, Bai Lu was lazy and loved to watch the boss's jokes, but now she has become more and more considerate of Gu Zhongyu's interests, taking the initiative to cover for him and deceive other women.

He didn't even need special training. After following Gu Zhongyu for a long time, Bai Lu now even learned how to act.

Assistant domestication progress: 70%

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