"Wow! Mr. Gu, you finally moved into a new house? Don't pretend to be poor anymore?"

Lin Zhilin, whose lips were a little swollen, got off the car and saw Gu Zhongyu's new home. She was also amazed at the luxurious villa.

"Isn't this for the convenience of hiding a beautiful woman in a golden house? To hide a beautiful woman like you." Gu Zhongyu said.

Although Lin Zhilin knew that this was just a compliment, she still felt very useful. Then she remembered something and asked: "By the way, the movie "Fuchun Mountain Residence" starring me has just been completed. What do you think of this movie?"

Well, it's hard to comment.

This god movie can no longer be described as good or bad. It proves that there is another form of movie existence, which can no longer be described as "bad" or "weird", that is - god-like existence!

This is the annual super mashup blockbuster: a combination of science fiction, secret agents, action, treasure hunting, rural themes, domestic police and gangster dramas, costumes, anti-Japanese dramas, and some horror movies, as well as elements of sexual abuse and mother love, supplemented by magic, acrobatics and artistic gymnastics. Occasionally there are a few bizarre laughs, which are super funny. The narrative is a mess, the relationship between the characters is inexplicable, the transition is also a mess, and the story is told in a messy way, which makes people confused.

Because it is so bad, after watching the first cut, the male lead Liu Dehua asked his agent to call the film company many times to ask not to release it.

Before the release of "Dreaming in the Entertainment Circle", this "Fuchun Mountain Residence" was basically the sewer of domestic theater movies.

Of course, Sister Zhiling's performance in this movie is remarkable. She performed wedding dress temptation, stewardess temptation, nun temptation, bathtub temptation, bar temptation... Seeing the second half, people can't help but wonder whether they are in the cinema or watching Hatano Yui's album in the D drive\\hidden folder\\joystick driver folder with Baofeng.

The director of this movie, Sun Jianjun, is also very mysterious. His previous resume is very ordinary. He was only responsible for the production of some documentaries. He became the director of such a big production inexplicably, and there was no news about this person after filming "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling".

People can't help but wonder what the purpose of making this movie is.

Gu Zhongyu didn't say too much, as he seemed to have traveled through time. He just gave insights from the perspective of the script and director, and told Lin Zhilin not to have any hope for this movie.

"No way? I've made a huge sacrifice! I've almost died of exhaustion just changing all kinds of weird clothes."

Lin Chi-Lin hasn't seen the finished film yet, so she still has a glimmer of hope for the quality of the film. After all, the cast of this film is quite strong, and Andy Lau is already the biggest star she has worked with since the end of "Red Cliff".

"Don't be discouraged. Isn't it just to play these roles to attract male audiences to the cinema? It's still a vase role. Anyway, your salary is not reduced, so it doesn't matter if it's bad or not!"

"That's right, hey! In the blink of an eye, I'm 37 years old. I can't act in movies for a few years. Maybe in a few years, I will have to retire and get married."

"You can get married, but don't find a Japanese person! You may encounter domestic violence or be forced to go into the adult industry to make movies."

Lin Chi-Lin had a question mark on her face: "Why do you emphasize Japanese people? And you don't care about my getting married, right?"

Sister Zhiling, what are you thinking?

Do you think this is the first time that I, Gu, have faced a woman's threat to get married?

Gu Zhongyu laughed. Lin Zhilin said that she was old and wanted to get married, but she was just trying to please him.

"Why do you insist on being in the entertainment industry? Why don't you find a new track?"

Lin Zhilin said helplessly: "I am already this age, can I still change my industry? I can't do anything else except being a model and an actor!"

"You graduated from the University of Toronto, a prestigious university. Did you study there for nothing? Can't you start your own business?"

"Business? I don't have the talent for it." Lin Zhilin tried to start a business in her early years, but she failed quickly without any business talent.

"Who is born to do business? Many of those business tycoons just seized the dividends of the times. Standing at the outlet of the wind, even pigs can fly to the sky, let alone you."

"You are the pig! Humph."

Gu Zhongyu poured two glasses of martinis, picked up one for Lin Zhilin, and prepared to drink and talk.

Lin Zhilin pushed away the wine glass: "I can't drink, I will be allergic to alcohol."

This is not her hypocrisy, but the truth. She is really intolerant to alcohol.

At that time, Lin Zhilin had just debuted. Out of courtesy and respect, he toasted Naying, but he didn't expect Naying to have a more domineering personality. He asked her to drink the wine in the glass directly. At that time, Lin Zhilin's agent came out to stop her from drinking, but he couldn't stop Naying's enthusiasm. Seeing that he couldn't get off the stage, Lin Zhilin could only drink it all in one breath.

No one expected that red spots would appear on Lin Zhilin's body immediately afterwards. Everyone knew that Lin Zhilin was allergic to alcohol, which scared Naying at the time.

Almost forgetting about this, Gu Zhongyu had to drink by himself and asked, "Have you ever been exposed to live broadcasting?"

"Are you talking about variety show live broadcasting or game live broadcasting?"

"Neither, I'm talking about live broadcasting with goods, just like those shopping programs you watch on TV, with the main purpose of selling goods, but it's changed to the form of live broadcasting, which can interact with the audience in real time."

Lin Zhilin asked curiously, "Will anyone watch this kind of live broadcasting of selling things?"

It is not just that some people think it is so simple. In the future, many big stars and Internet celebrities will get into the circle of live streaming with goods, fearing that they will fall behind. After all, the sales commission of a live broadcast can catch up with the salary of filming a TV series.

So Gu Zhongyu briefly told him the prospects and development trends of live streaming with goods.

At present, smartphones and 4G networks have not been fully rolled out. In another two years, when the software and hardware begin to mature, this industry will enter a period of explosive growth, and the first batch of people entering the market will enjoy unimaginable dividends.

Lin Zhilin can't make a name for herself in acting, but her tall figure and beautiful and fashionable appearance are very suitable for live streaming. Whether it is selling women's clothing or cosmetics, she can make a difference with her emotional intelligence and eloquence.

"Mr. Gu means that I should give up being a big star and go to the live broadcast room to shout and sell things?"

Gu Zhongyu explained to her: "Don't look down on those who shout and sell things. When the live broadcast industry develops in the future, the income of the top anchors will not be less than that of any star singer now, but more."

"And you don't need to be an anchor all the time. When the signboard is well-known, you can recruit and train new anchors yourself. At that time, they will shout and you just wait to collect money. This is a long-term career."

"I am afraid that you will make too much money and forget to pay taxes and be fined. Remember to find a reliable financial company, such as mine."

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's plan, Lin Zhilin felt that this seemed to be a good choice, and the investment was not large. It just took some time and energy. If the situation was not right at that time, he could withdraw by himself.

"Mr. Gu! You are thinking about others like this. Do you want to tie me to your side for life?"

No, I just want your youth. After another ten years, when you are old and ugly, we can say goodbye.

Of course, it would be even better if I could make some money in the meantime.

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