Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 155: Experiencing Dun Dun’s Happiness

Gu Zhongyu wanted to talk about life with sister Zhiling again, but he didn't expect that the other party couldn't hold it in anymore.

Lin Zhilin had been chatting with Gu Zhongyu just now, but he had not done any serious work.

So she lay down in Gu Zhongyu's arms, twisting like a twist.

"Mr. Gu, stop talking about this, there's still business to do!" Lin Zhilin thought what he said about the live streaming industry sounded quite attractive, so for the sake of her future life, she decided to do more to please her now. Gu Daguanren.

"Didn't you say you had a surprise for me? What is it? I'm still waiting to see." Gu Zhongyu pinched Lin Zhilin's face and asked.

Lin Zhilin didn't answer, but looked at him charmingly, stood up, took his bag, and ran to the guest room next door, probably to change clothes.

After a while, to Gu Zhongyu's expectation, Lin Zhilin appeared on the stage wearing new equipment, and even wore two cute simulated cat ears on his head.

Wang Defa!

Unexpectedly, Gu Zhongyu would experience a lot of happiness today.


Early the next morning, Gu Zhongyu got up with difficulty and returned to the set with unimaginable willpower.

"What did you do yesterday?" As soon as she saw Gu Zhongyu coming, Liu Yufei sniffed left and right, hoping to find some clues.

When I care about someone so unhygienic?

Don't you know you can take a shower when you get up in the morning?

"Yesterday, I went home to feed the cat and took a stroll."

Liu Yufei looked suspicious: "Dundun was left with Assistant Qi, where did you get the cat? Are you raising a cat outside behind my back?"

"What kind of memory do you have! Have you forgotten how many cats I took from your house to send to relatives? There is still one burning cat left. I have to go back occasionally to feed her water and add cat food, right?"

Only then did Liu Yufei remember the incident where this guy was stealing kittens from her own house, and asked: "Can't you just ask your assistant or someone else to help with this kind of thing? You still need to go there yourself!"

Gu Zhongyu said sternly: "Can this be the same? This is Dundun's cub. After all, it is also the fruit of our love! Of course, it is more peaceful to take care of your own child yourself!"

"Bah! Whoever fell in love with you is shameless. You can bring it to the set to raise him!" This answer made Liu Yufei very satisfied. Although she knew it might be a lie, it just felt comfortable to listen to.

If a woman likes you, she doesn't need you to make up elaborate lies to deceive her.

Because mature women will lie to themselves!

At this time, Zhu Yawen came over with his mobile phone and asked: "Brother, you are here. What do you think about yesterday's incident?"

"What's going on?"

"What on earth did you do yesterday? You didn't even touch your phone. Why are you asking?"

Hearing this, Liu Yufei became angry again. This guy obviously didn't touch his mobile phone or go online last night. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him not to know such a big news. Did you go to sleep directly after feeding the cat?

"Oh...what did I think it turns out that you are talking about that thing...I know that thing! How else can I look at it...It's just this kind of thing anyway...I've seen it a lot. By the way, what do you think about this?"

Where did I have time to look at my cell phone yesterday?

At this time, you should pretend to be stupid, use the art of language, and then ask the other party to find out what is going on.

Zhu Yawen thought for a while and then said: "I think there should be a reason. Otherwise, how could Ying Xiaotian, a grown man, hit Senior Sister Bian? However, no matter what, it is definitely wrong to hit a woman and is worthy of being despised. Sissi, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

After saying that, he glanced at Liu Yufei, looking forward to waiting for the goddess's affirmation.

But Liu Yufei shook her head and said, "I'm not familiar with these two people and I don't want to express my opinion. You'd better not take sides casually."

She has always had little interest in these disputes in the entertainment industry, and she doesn't want to get involved, unless it is related to Gu Zhongyu.

"Yeah! Sissi is right, then I won't comment online."

Are you a boiling sheep? Can you have some principled stance?

But after hearing what these two people said, Gu Zhongyu finally figured out what was going on. Wasn't it Ying Xiaotian's thing?

It may be that the law of time and space correction really exists, which is why some people are destined to have this fate.

The cause was that two days ago, Nortel actress Bian Xiaoxiao, who was in the same class as Gu Zhongyu, and actor Ying Xiaotian, who was in the same cast, had an argument on the set of "A Rain of Bullets" in Hengdian. Afterwards, Bian Xiaoxiao posted an article online claiming that Ying Xiaotian beat him. Pulling her hair, Ying Xiaotian responded: "I didn't lift a finger of yours." Then the surveillance video of the scene showed that someone pushed Bian Xiaoxiao. Ying Xiaotian's agent admitted: Ying Xiaotian pushed He held his small shoulders, but then he was pulled away.

Afterwards, Bian Xiaoxiao started posting articles online, making the incident get out of hand! Friends on both sides began to take sides, and most of them sided with Xiao Xiao, thinking that Ying Xiaotian should not hit women! They all asked Ying Xiaotian to admit his mistake! Even though Ying Xiaotian stated that he was not beaten, public opinion exploded, saying that Ying Xiaotian's crotch was covered with yellow mud, and if it wasn't shit, it was shit.

Before the truth of the matter became clear, some people began to take sides.

Both sides have supporters, but the number of people supporting the woman is obviously more than that of the man. This is not surprising, because when there is such a thing as beating, most people will subconsciously think that it was the man who struck first.

If it is just a matter of standing in line, there is nothing wrong, why do people say it is a stabbing behavior? Because some male celebrities used to interact frequently with Ying Xiaotian on Weibo, calling him brother and younger brother affectionately, but when brother Ying Xiaotian got into trouble, the one who called him the most and stabbed him the most was the so-called brother.

Therefore, the Internet later defined "stabbing" as an Internet term, referring to an organization that does not know the truth and stabs brothers in the back to please women!

A few days later, the full version of the surveillance video was released, and the truth was revealed. The man did not hit anyone at all, and the "stabbing" group was slapped in the face!

"Well, before the truth of the matter is clear, it is indeed not right to make a rash assertion, but I personally think that Yin Xiaotian may be wronged this time."

Zhu Yawen was surprised: "It shouldn't be! How can someone slander himself to frame others? That's too stupid."

Haha, boy, you are still too young.

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