This incident actually has nothing to do with Gu Zhongyu. The protagonists of the incident, Ying Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao, are not artists of his company. Who laughs last and who loses his reputation has nothing to do with him.

Moreover, Bian Xiaoxiao is a girl who graduated from the same acting department of Beijing Film Academy as him. If Gu Zhongyu is not a time traveler who knows foresight, he may choose to support his classmate.

It is no wonder that Bian Xiaoxiao has far more supporters than Ying Xiaotian.

However, two of the stabbing cult members, Li Chen and Du Chun, were the first batch of artists in Zongheng Entertainment. As a result, they jumped to other companies when the company was in the most tense period. He still remembers this grudge!

In fact, under Gu Zhongyu's intentional or unintentional suppression in recent years, the acting careers of these two people have been much worse than before, but this does not affect his sending them off again.

He clicked on Weibo and read the posts of these people first.

Jia Nailiang said righteously: My classmate cried so hard that I was very angry! It is not easy for a girl to make a living. Be yourself, we all support you! Senior, you should reflect on yourself!

His wife Li Xiaolu was not idle either. She immediately forwarded Jia Nailiang's Weibo and said, "Liang, kind people have sharp eyes. I am here too."

Li Chen: "I have worked with Bian Xiaoxiao and believe in her character. I called her yesterday and just wanted to say, girl, don't cry."

Du Chun got excited. He first said, "Brother, be a man and apologize!" Then the netizens below started to debate with him. He started to attack his good brother with remarks such as "I won't say anything unless I investigate it clearly. The innocent will be innocent" and "He beat people when he failed to pick up girls."

Bao Jianfeng's face of adding insult to injury was even more unique: "Director Lai, you should look for me in the future. First, I don't beat people. Second, I don't change the script. I have a gentle personality, stable emotions, quality and quantity, and fair prices."

However, among the many supporters of the "Stabbing Knife Cult", Gu Zhongyu also found the voice of Senior Sister Dong Xuan. She stood on the side of her good sister Li Xiaolu.

Hey, Senior Sister Dong! Why do you have nothing to do with these?

After the last time they had sex in a nightclub, the two of them had no contact, but Gu Zhongyu still wrote her name in his little black book and would give her a gift on her birthday.

He sent a message to Dong Xuan, asking her to delete her Weibo post, and didn't say anything else. It was none of his business whether she listened or not.

Next, it was Gu Zhongyu's turn to perform.

He logged into his Weibo account and began to write a short essay: "Everyone, I think it's better not to rush to express your opinions before the truth is completely revealed. You know, bad words hurt people's hearts, and good words accumulate virtue. We are not judges, so how can we just make a final judgment on someone and hammer him to death..."

He tapped the screen quickly with his fingers and wrote almost 300 words. He felt that it was enough, and it was catching up with the word count requirement for elementary school students.

He was about to send it out when he suddenly remembered, oh, let's also mention @Li Chen and @Du Chun.

The more you jump now, the more miserable you will be in the future.

After this stabbing incident, although the protagonist Ying Xiaotian successfully proved his innocence, his acting career was also greatly frustrated. His roles and endorsements were snatched away one after another, and he did not recover for many years.

Especially his most important endorsement, a very brainwashing advertisement, which said that men should visit HaiLan Home twice a year, buy once and return once... This business cooperation was snatched away by Du Chun.

However, the curse of the stabbing cult is even more outrageous. Almost all the participants in that year were unlucky to varying degrees.

Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu divorced because of the "hairdressing" incident, and their careers plummeted; Wen Zhang and Ma Yili suffered an emotional crisis due to the cheating incident and divorced several years later; Dong Xuan divorced her husband and her career almost stagnated; Bao Jianfeng became a marginal figure in the entertainment industry.

Although Li Chen and Du Chun are still active in the entertainment industry, they have few works, netizens do not buy them, and their reputation is very bad.

It can be said that there is a cycle of fate, and no one is spared by heaven.

After Gu Zhongyu posted this Weibo, it quickly caused a stir. Although the content of this article is relatively neutral, the viewpoint is obviously more inclined to Ying Xiaotian's side, and Li Chen and Du Chun were also mentioned, which was clearly aimed at the two of them. The Weibo comment area was lively.

Ying Xiaotian's supporters were very excited. Finally, a celebrity came out to stand on the side, and he was also a person of weight. Gu Zhongyu was much more famous than Nie Yuan and Yang Zi. Now they had more confidence to wave the flag and shout.

But Bian Xiaoxiao's supporters were unhappy. They thought that Gu Zhongyu and Bian Xiaoxiao were classmates, but now he did not come out to support his own people, but supported Ying Xiaotian who beat people, which showed that this person did not care about classmate friendship and had corrupt moral character.

Some people even imagined that Gu Zhongyu must have pursued Bian Xiaoxiao in the past, but he was not able to get her love, so now he was just taking revenge.

Crazy, right?

Seeing this comment, Gu Zhongyu was speechless. If my buddy finds a confidante, who wouldn’t be prettier than that woman?

However, the user who posted this kind of malicious comment was quickly attacked. Gu Zhongyu’s number of fans is not comparable to those of the few people who stabbed him in the back. Although his fans are usually lazy, they can still burst out with amazing fighting power when their idols are attacked.

One of the comments is like this: "Please look in the mirror, if you don’t see anything, just pee! You want our Gu De to chase you with this kind of beauty? If you come here, you have to queue up to draw lots to see if you have a chance!"

The title of Gu Delai was originally a derogatory name used by the media to refer to Gu Zhongyu's crazy behavior of acting, but later he often used this name to mock himself, so his fans gradually called Gu Zhongyu this way.

It can only be said that they are a group of true love black fans.

After looking at other comments on this ID, I found that this fish species has strong fighting power, and is also a fan leader. The nickname is also very interesting, called "Save the drowned fish".

Gu Zhongyu also clicked to follow her, and asked Bai Lu to remember this ID and give some fan benefits in the future.

Not bad, not bad, when Gu Zhongyu saw the fish species united together and ran to other people's Weibo to occupy the comment area, he couldn't help but cheer. This was not his instruction and agitation, it was all spontaneous behavior of fans.

Of course, there must be the leading role of the fan leader and the president of the fan club.

He felt that it was time to hold a fan meeting. Gu Zhongyu couldn't remember when he last interacted with the fan group offline. This idol is really incompetent.

It is his duty as a pond owner to feed his fish occasionally, but he cannot let the fish starve to death.

Yeah! This is true for fans, and it is the same for those women.

I drove in last chapter, and I will let him out later. I will organize a full subscription group later.

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