Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 158 Fairy Sister's Cuisine

Gu Zhongyu spoke, and the director Chen Kexin's words were more effective. The prop team quickly prepared non-toxic mushrooms to replace the puffer fish meat.

This puffer fish meat is actually fake, it's just finely chopped fish meat. Now that it's no longer needed, it's all very cheap. Just feed it with cat food.

Dundun buried his whole face in the rice bowl and started to feast. Today's meal, the shit shovel finally found his conscience.

The big golden retriever next to me looked envious and wanted to come over and take a bite, but was scared away by Dundun's murderous eyes!

An angry Liu Yufei grabbed the dog's ears and shouted, "What's the use of raising you? It's okay if the owner is bullied. A dog as big as you is still frightened by a cat."

Hot pot and side dishes were placed in the small living room of the heroine's house, and the filming officially started.

Lu Jin held his chopsticks and looked at Gu Shengnan, who was sitting at the same table with him across from him, with an unhappy look on his face: "I think I told you that I don't eat with others."

"Sometimes I don't treat myself as a human being. It all depends on my mood. I'm just casual!"

Seeing the heroine's shameless look, Lu Jin had no choice but to dine with her. You two had chopsticks, I had chopsticks, and we started eating like this.

Because the heat from the hot pot often blurred the camera, this scene was reshot many times. Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei both ate dozens of pieces of shrimp and tofu, and their stomachs were almost full!

"Is this...a mushroom?" Lu Jin picked up a piece of gray-green fungus and asked.

"Yes, my friend gave it to me. It seems to be called Jianshouqing. It's very valuable. You can't even buy it this season."

As the two people ate the fungi, they soon discovered something was wrong. The golden retrievers began to fly, the fish began to talk, and it began to rain from the ceiling...

"Your house is leaking. Do you have an umbrella?"

As a result, the male and female protagonists huddled on the sofa and held up umbrellas in the living room to protect themselves from the rain. There were no special effects during the filming of this section. It all depended on the two people's non-physical acting skills to pass the test.

Seeing the rain in front of him getting heavier and heavier, Lu Jin said worriedly: "Shall we go out to hide from the rain?"

In this way, the scene between Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei was filmed outdoors. The male and female protagonists, who had hallucinations after eating fungi, were holding umbrellas under the clear night sky, and were stared at by countless passers-by as if they were crazy.

Although it was night and there were already fewer pedestrians on the road, the crew could not completely clear the place. After all, this was the downtown area of ​​Yanjing, and they did not dare to set up roadblocks to stop people like some crews did.

So when Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei appeared wandering on the road carrying umbrellas, many people were attracted, picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

"Wow! It's Liu Yufei! Is that Gu Zhongyu next to her?"

"It's him. These two are filming together again. I'm looking forward to it!"

"Sissi, look here, I am your wife!"

There were more and more people watching, and each one shouted loudly and screamed at the filming crew, which began to affect the filming work.

Liu Yufei stretched out her hands to catch the non-existent rain in the sky, grinning like a fool with her big teeth.

"Haha... It turns out that when it rains, I feel so happy and refreshed haha... I never felt this way before... It's pretty good!" When I was giggling, I accidentally exposed my toothbrush again!

Chen Kexin shouted "Ka" and asked them to walk again. The sound from passers-by was too loud just now, and Mai didn't receive the sound.

"Phew, I'm so exhausted that I can hardly stop laughing anymore." Liu Yufei immediately sat on the stone pier by the roadside without any image.

"Please pay attention to your image. Look, so many people are taking pictures of you!" Gu Zhongyu pursed his lips, motioning for her to look at the onlookers behind.

Then Sissi waved her hand to the crowd, causing a commotion, and then said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm just a girl, why am I pretending to be a fairy!"

Filming scenes in public places is the most troublesome. It affects the performance and on-site sound recording. It is a minor problem. If it is a commercial street or an area with a large flow of people, you have to apply to various departments such as the management committee, police station, and fire brigade. I'm afraid that if something happens, I'll be in big trouble.

It was over and over again until late at night, when everyone was so sleepy that they yawned, and the outdoor scene was finally completed.

After returning to the hotel, Gu Zhongyu wanted to go back to sleep directly, but he didn't want to be grabbed by Miss Liu Yufei.

"What are you doing! Don't be ridiculous. My uncle is here today and I can't wait for you!" He was so sleepy that he didn't even want to go to the sewer. He just wanted to go back and sleep.

Liu Yufei grabbed Gu Zhongyu's collar and said, "Bah! A dog can't spit out ivory, so you think I'm you! Have you forgotten what I said before?"

"that piece?"

"I told you, I've been learning to cook! I've been practicing hard with the chef in the hotel during my recent break. The chef said that I'm ready to start cooking. It's better to choose a different day. It'll be easier for you. I'll make you a midnight snack. night."

What kind of gouba chef can become a master after only a few days of teaching?

You are not responsible for the safety of diners, are you?

Gu Zhongyu really didn't want to take the risk and said, "Forget it! Didn't you eat enough for the filming in the evening? My stomach is still full now and I can't eat at all. Let's try another day!"

Unexpectedly, Sissi became even more excited when she heard this: "Only when your stomach is full can you focus more on the taste! If you eat on an empty stomach, everything you eat will taste delicious. This is what you want. Just come with me and that's it." "

If I follow you and eat the food you cook, it might be the end of me!

Gu Zhongyu pulled the pillar and didn't want to go, but Liu Yufei burst out with amazing strength at this time and dragged Gu Zhongyu into the kitchen.

Bai Lu wanted to sneak away, but was called by Gu Zhongyu. After all, if he fell down with food poisoning, someone would have to call an ambulance!

Dun Dun should also be brought along. Let him eat it first after cooking, just as a poison-testing spirit pet.

One person and one cat had no choice but to follow Gu Zhongyu to the kitchen, ready to appreciate Liu Yufei's first cooking show.

After arriving in the kitchen, Liu Yufei took out a small note from somewhere, put it on the table, and then started cooking according to the steps written on it.

Select vegetables, cut vegetables, start the pot, heat oil, boil soup, add a little poisonous mushrooms, and add an old heel...

Looking at Miss Xixi's clumsy movements, Gu Zhongyu's palms began to sweat, and the desire to survive prompted him to correct her mistakes from time to time.

"That's salt, not sugar. You put it in the wrong place."

"You can heat the tomatoes first and then peel them, so you won't get them all over your hands."

"Quick, quick, quick! Turn off the heat! It's going to burn..."

Due to Gu Zhongyu's kind reminder, Liu Yufei became even more flustered. She reflected on herself, then looked at him angrily and yelled, "It's all your fault for interrupting my cooking. Get out!"

So Gu Zhongyu had to stand outside with Bai Lu, waiting for Xixi's food to come out.

"Boss, I... Dun Dun is not hungry, but I haven't eaten tonight! Dun Dun, take me back to eat some dog food first."

Poor Bai Lu, was frightened by Liu Yufei's actions just now and was incoherent, fearing that she would have to eat the fairy sister's food later.

Gu Zhongyu touched Bai Lu's head: "Look how hungry you are, you're starting to talk nonsense, Xixi's food will be served later, let you eat first, you're welcome."

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