Bai Lu wanted to cry but had no tears. She was still a child. Don't let her get food poisoning.

About half an hour later, Liu Yufei, who was covered in dust, opened the kitchen door, holding a spatula, and said excitedly: "My food is ready. Come and help me taste it."

The two of them went in and saw Chef Liu's new work on the table.

It was a steaming dish made of sticky red "mud" mixed with khaki noodles. It looked like a dark dish in the style of postmodernism!

"Is this... a Ke-style dish?" Gu Zhongyu swallowed his saliva. Don't get me wrong, he was not greedy, but scared.

Liu Yufei looked curious: "What is Croatian cuisine? Croatian style dishes?"

"No, no, no, it's Cthulhu style cuisine. Let me introduce you to our heavenly father and savior, the great Old One Cthulhu..."

"What a mess! This is the pasta I made. Don't change the subject. Eat quickly!" Seeing Gu Zhongyu's resistance, Liu Yufei picked up the fork and forced him to use chopsticks.

Oh, it turns out that this is pasta. I really didn't notice it if you didn't tell me.

Pasta is almost the simplest dish in Western cuisine. The noodles are ready-made. You just need to cook them and pour the meat sauce on them. You can actually make it like this. You are really a little genius!

The chef didn't say that you can become a master at the beginning, but that you will get into trouble!

Gu Zhongyu signaled her not to rush, then took Dun Dun from Bai Lu and placed it on the plate on the table: "Come on, Dun Dun, this is the dish your mother made, you try it first."

Liu Yufei also looked at Dun Dun with anticipation, expecting to get positive feedback from her cat son.

Dun Dun looked at the strange human food in front of him with vigilance, and sniffed it with his nose close.

After sniffing a few times, Dun Dun's originally vigilant eyes quickly turned into fear, and he ran away, jumping back into Bai Lu's arms with a cat's paw, without even looking back...

You stinky shit shovelers actually want to poison me!

Liu Yufei: ? ? ?

"Xixi! How about we forget it this time? You see Dun Dun is scared. Cats and dogs have a more sensitive sense of smell than humans. It must have found some small flaws in your dish. It's okay, I'll make it later!"

Liu Yufei was a little hit, and she picked up the fork and started eating.


As expected, she vomited it out as soon as she put it in her mouth.

"I...I think I put too much cheese powder and black pepper." It tasted salty, astringent and sour, and tasted worse than Gu's scumbag's stuff!

The dish she prepared with great effort failed so badly, Liu Yufei was very shocked, and she wilted all of a sudden. She squatted on the ground in sadness.

Gu Zhongyu and Bai Lu secretly rejoiced that they finally didn't have to eat this thing.

"It's okay! You are already great at cooking for a novice, at least the pot didn't explode, right? Learn from this lesson, just cook for me next time." Gu Zhongyu put his hand on Xixi's head and said good things.

"You wishful thinking, it's all the fault of that chef who lied to me, I will never cook again!" Liu Yufei hated the chef who said he could become a master, but kept the real skills and didn't teach her, and actually fooled her.

Chef brother: If I teach you again, I will be the one to die, either poisoned to death or angry to death!

Just as Gu Zhongyu was comforting Liu Yufei, Bai Lu, who was browsing her phone next to him, suddenly found someone responding to Gu Zhongyu on Weibo, and hurriedly reminded her boss to check his phone.

Someone responded to me so quickly?

Let me see who is the one who is looking for trouble!

He opened Weibo and saw that the essay he posted during the day in support of Ying Xiaotian had been on Weibo's hot search and Baidu Index. He usually doesn't post on Weibo, but every time he posts on Weibo, he keeps up with current events, and the frequency of being on the hot search list is very high.

It was only ten hours since he posted on Weibo, but the number of likes and reposts for the article had already exceeded the popularity of the stabbing incident itself, reaching several million, and it was still growing.

Although he tagged Li Chen and Du Chun, the good brothers who stabbed him in the back, the two did not respond at all. Not only them, but Jia Nailiang, Bao Jianfeng and others were also silent, as if they had not seen his Weibo supporting Ying Xiaotian.

They didn't want to be the first to stand out for no reason. It didn't matter if they pulled down Ying Xiaotian, who had no background, but it was obviously not worth it to offend a big shot in the film and television industry like Gu Zhongyu for Bian Xiaoxiao.

However, there are always exceptions. Some brothers have to be stubborn, such as the already disgraced Wen Zhang.

Since the previous revelation of his cheating on Yao Di, which led to the public's condemnation, Wen Zhang's acting career has basically stagnated. Although his wife Ma Yili held a press conference to express her forgiveness for her husband, the public no longer buys it.

The cooperating businesses have terminated their contracts, endorsements and film contracts have been snatched away, and even the crews that have already started filming have asked for replacements, and there is still no end in sight, so he feels that he must do something to save his image.

This time, in addition to his self-righteous public-spiritedness, he mainly stood in support of Bian Xiaoxiao to show his sense of justice, so that his former fans know that apart from the shameful thing of cheating, Wen Zhang is still a big man who loves women.

So he was happy when he saw Gu Zhongyu's long article today.

Last time Zhuo Wei exposed him, he more or less guessed that Gu Zhongyu might be behind this, but he had no evidence and no means of revenge, so he has always been holding a grudge in his heart!

Now a great opportunity for revenge is in front of him. I don’t know what Gu Zhongyu is thinking. He actually took the opposite side of the public and stood on Ying Xiaotian’s side with such a big fanfare, as if he had mastered the truth!

Others are afraid of offending you, Gu, but I, Wen Zhang, am not afraid now. Anyway, I have been so miserable, so I will just break the jar.

I must use you, Gu Zhongyu, as a stepping stone for me to return to the top!

Wen Zhang quickly wrote a short article to respond to Gu Zhongyu.

"I know some people in our circle, relying on their family background, money and power, are used to being domineering. Look, this morning, an article came out, so many colleagues are silent. I know, it's not that they don't have a sense of justice, it's really that they can't afford to offend this person! Even I can't afford to offend him, but I still have to say, Sun thief, having money doesn't mean you are right..."

There are hundreds of words in the whole article, and there is no mention of Gu Zhongyu, but his name is written everywhere.

And it is very aggressive, even the word Sun thief is used, which is considered to be a complete tearing of the face, and there is no intention to leave any way out.

"Boss, he actually said this to you... Let's curse back!"

Bai Lu couldn't stand it. What qualifications does this street-scumbag actor have to curse his boss like this? If he doesn't step on him back, he doesn't know how many eyes the horse king has!

She subconsciously ignored the fact that Gu Zhongyu, the boss, is actually much worse than Wen Zhang.

"Scold him back? That's so embarrassing! How can he deserve to be scolded by me?"

Gu Zhongyu didn't want to bother with Wen Zhang. Anyway, the truth will come out in a few days. Scolding him will only increase his popularity and lower his status.

But this doesn't stop him from provoking him again, so that Wen Zhang will lose face even more!

Chapter 154 is out, everyone go and read it, but it's a pity that a lot of the essence has been deleted

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