Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 160 Mysterious Small Reward

At this moment, at home, Wen Zhang watched proudly as the popularity of his Weibo continued to soar, and more and more people supported him. Everything seemed to be back to the way it was before the affair, when he was still the most popular national niche.

"It's unwise for you to offend Gu Zhongyu like this. You and he had no grudges in the first place, but now it's like this. What if they get really angry and ban you completely?"

His wife Ma Yili persuaded Wen Zhang. Although she still had not let go of her resentment towards her husband for his cheating, the couple was now deeply tied together, and both would suffer. If Wen Zhang continued to be bad, she would not be better off. Where to go!

Wen Zhang chuckled softly: "What the hell is the difference between me now and being banned? Those bosses who used to coax me have disappeared without a trace, and a group of brothers don't want to see me. If I don't take advantage of it before I'm banned, If you completely forget about it, if you take on that thief Gu Zhongyu, then you can really announce your retirement!"

Before the incident, Wen Zhangli's persona was that of a good national man. Now, wouldn't this kind of righteous act of standing up for the beaten female star just allow him to regain this persona?

You can't be a good husband, at least you can be a good man.

Ma Yili didn't listen to the advice after reading the article, and sighed: "That Gu Zhongyu has a stable character. Since he dares to take sides like this, he might actually know something. I'm afraid that we will be the ones who get slapped in the face in the end."

"How is that possible! There is a video, and it is clear that it was Ying Xiaotian who beat people. I think he, Gu Zhongyu, just wanted to show off his presence this time."

Soon, Wen Zhang discovered that someone was following him. When he opened it, he saw that it was Gu Zhongyu. How dare he reply to him?

The content is not long, and the general meaning is to accuse someone of trying to gain popularity, and express that if he supports the wrong person this time, he, Gu Zhongyu, is willing to apologize to the person involved, Bian Xiao. On the contrary, if someone is wrong, don't apologize and directly announce his withdrawal from the circle. That’s it, don’t embarrass yourself!

There was also no mention of Wen Zhang, but the target of the attack was pointed directly at him.

One only needs to apologize and the other has to withdraw. It seems unfair, but for Wen Zhang at this time, this is a life-saving straw. He never thought that a big boss like Gu Zhongyu would treat him equally.

As long as Gu Zhongyu apologizes, then he will be the guardian of flowers. Bian Xiaoxiao thanks him and doesn't care. The support of the masses is what is most urgently needed. Only when the audience changes their view of him can he have the possibility of a comeback.

He immediately replied to Gu Zhongyu: OK! Whoever breaks his promise is a grandson!

Ma Yili originally wanted to stop him, but it was too late. It was just a line of text, and the article was sent out immediately after editing.

"You haven't left yourself any way out! This person may be irritating you on purpose, can't you see it?" Ma Yili was annoyed, worried that Wen Zhang might really get herself into trouble and even hurt her.

"What are you afraid of? If you die, you will die and you will not die for tens of millions of years!"

Compared to Ma Yili, Wen Zhang was full of confidence this time, and soon he found that a bunch of fellow celebrities had given him likes, including Li Chen and Du Chun.

These two people did not dare to directly offend Gu Zhongyu, but they still had the courage to let others be the vanguard and follow behind to add insult to injury, and they were quite bold.


"It's hard to stop the flood now. Do you think you know that Ying Xiaotian very well? Can you stand up for him?" Liu Yufei saw Wen Zhang's response on Weibo and was a little worried for Gu Zhongyu.

She doesn't care at all about what is right and wrong about Ying Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao, but if Gu Zhongyu is harmed this time, then she will also bear a grudge against these people!

The assistant Bai Lu also felt that her boss was on top of her, and she made a bet with him when it was clear that just scolding Wen Zhang would be enough.

Gu Zhongyu didn't explain why he did this. He just let the bullets fly for a while. Then all the brothers who inserted the knife would be slapped in the face, and that's when his revenge began!

"Gu, Gu, Gu."

Just when the three of them were about to go back, someone's stomach suddenly started growling.

Gu Zhongyu looked at the person who made the sound, who was our fairy sister. At this time, Sissi also felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

My family, who knows, I found a pig as my girlfriend!

"No, you ate so much during filming at night, and now you're hungry?" Gu Zhongyu was speechless. Bai Lu is still growing and even you can't eat.

Liu Yufei touched her neck and argued forcefully: "The food we ate was all seafood, mushrooms and the like. I wasn't very hungry, and it didn't taste good. I didn't even get a bite of rice. It's already twelve o'clock in the evening. I'm hungry." Isn’t my belly normal?”

She is also growing now. Although it is horizontal, it is still growing, right?

So Gu Zhongyu picked up the Keji pasta she had just made and brought it to her: "Come on! You can eat it after it is heated up. It is produced and sold by oneself, and nothing is wasted."

At this moment, Liu Yufei looked embarrassed, took it with disgust, and then poured it into the trash can.

"Don't you always praise your cooking skills? Why don't you cook a late-night snack for us to evaluate? Your assistant is here, so she can try it too, right Bai Lu?"

She originally planned to have the food cooked by Gu Zhongyu to herself, but Liu Yufei couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with making the little girl cry last time, so she took her to eat with her this time.

Bai Lu nodded immediately. She was also a little hungry. She was really growing up and her appetite had increased recently. She could swallow a bun with her big mouth!

And she was usually the one who waited on Gu Zhongyu. It was rare that she could eat the boss's cooking this time. This was a great opportunity that she couldn't miss.

In the past, when Liu Yufei and Gu Zhongyu were together, she rarely had the opportunity to taste his cooking. After two and a half years of separation, she no longer had such a blessing. Today, the way this guy commented on her cooking made her very unhappy. , I have to see what level you are at cooking now.

So Liu Yufei and Bai Lu launched a glare attack at Gu Zhongyu, their four eyes flickering at him. You don't want us two girls to go to bed hungry on a night like this, right?

Okay, okay, I can’t do it!

It's really two starving ghosts who support students.

The five-star hotel has a lot of ingredients. The crew rented the place and everything can be used at will. However, making too complicated dishes takes time, so Gu Zhongyu thought of just making two home-cooked dishes and feeding them to the pigs.

"Boss, I want to eat squirrel mandarin fish!" Bai Lu actually wanted to order.

"I think you look like a squirrel and a mandarin fish. Do you know how troublesome it is to make this thing? You can eat whatever you want, and then you can make it yourself."

Sissi also spoke at this time: "I also want to eat squirrel and mandarin fish. Let's make one! Anyway, I can't sleep now. We are waiting for you."

Just as Gu Zhongyu was about to refuse, Liu Yufei immediately said, "Do it! Once it's done, I'll give you a mysterious little reward. I guarantee you'll be satisfied."

hehe! You've also painted a big picture for me. Am I, Gu Zhongyu, the one who takes advantage of you?

I decided to make squirrel mandarin fish. I didn’t have any intention of pleasing anyone. He was mainly curious and wanted to see what the mysterious reward was.

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