Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 161 Eating midnight snacks during the White Dew Festival is really bad for your health

The most difficult part of cooking squirrel fish is knife skills. You need to remove the scales, gills, fins, and internal organs of the fish, remove the skin on the head, wash it, chop off the fish head, spread it out, and flatten it. Use a knife to cut off the fish bones on the back of the fish, but don't cut the belly. After removing the bones of the fish, spread it out with the skin facing down, and cut it into flower cuts with an oblique knife. The knife should be four-fifths deep into the meat, but don't cut the skin.

I don't know which living father invented such a complicated dish. I was also stupid and pure in love. I came here to cook fish for them late at night.

I took a lot of effort to cut the fish, fried the fish, took it out, and poured the sauce on it. The dish was ready.

Gu Zhongyu also made a small stir-fried meat and garlic broccoli. Xixi likes to eat noodles, so the staple food was fried noodles with eggs and ham. As soon as the dishes were served on the table, the two women couldn't wait to start eating.

"Ahem! Shouldn't you express your gratitude to the owner of the delicious food before eating?"

Liu Yufei was very direct. She kissed him on the cheek to express her gratitude.

Bai Lu didn't know what was wrong with her brain. She picked up the chopsticks excitedly, and her attention was all on the squirrel fish. She didn't realize that the person next to her was Gu Zhongyu. She imitated Liu Yifei and kissed him on the face!

Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei:? ? ?

After the kiss, Bai Lu realized that I, a worker, actually did the work that only the boss's wife could do!

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Gu Zhongyu wiped the saliva on his face, and then said with disgust: "Little Bai Lu! If you have time, go and fix your big teeth, just like the squirrel. When you kissed me just now, your front teeth hit my face."

Bai Lu is also 18 years old this year. There is no difference between her face and Gu Zhongyu's memory, except that her teeth are not straight, and there are two small canine teeth, which looks very childish.

It seems that she will have to adjust her teeth in the future. Although they are cute, if she is an actress, these two big teeth will still look a bit out of place.

"Puff!" Liu Yufei, who was not very happy at first, was amused.

Bai Lu felt very aggrieved. It was just a kiss, why did the boss say that to a girl? She hadn't reacted yet. This was Gu Zhongyu trying to smooth things over for her to avoid being recorded in Xixi's notebook.

The three of them sat around the dining table and started eating. Gu Zhongyu's cooking skills were still very good. Although it was the first time he made squirrel mandarin fish, he was able to cook it a little bit. Such a sweet and sour dish was the most appetizing.

Liu Yufei felt that it was boring to eat without wine, so she took out a bottle of wine from the wine cellar next to her to accompany the meal.

"Wow! The legendary Louis Latour, boss, can I have a taste?" Bai Lu was eager to try this expensive red wine.

Since she left her boss to Ni Hongjie to pick up the body after getting drunk last time, she was ordered by Gu Zhongyu not to drink again, but now seeing this Louis Latour that was once praised by her rich second-generation classmates, she couldn't help but want to apply for a sip.

"You are not old, but you are addicted to alcohol. You are only allowed to drink one glass."

"Uh! Thank you, boss." Bai Lu immediately took out her mobile phone to take a photo first, then poured herself a glass and drank it in small sips.

Gu Zhongyu only ate some fried noodles and meat, and the rest went into the stomachs of the two girls, especially Liu Yufei, who ate endless dishes and kept drinking. Gu Zhongyu had to remind her to drink less and not to get drunk and talk nonsense like last time.

"I just want to get myself drunk now, otherwise, do you have a chance?" Liu Yufei whispered to Gu Zhongyu.

What kind of words are these? We are all so familiar with each other, what difference does it make whether you are drunk or not?

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu didn't understand what she meant, she added: "I said I would arrange some small rewards for you. If you get drunk now, you can reduce some pain later."


Xixi leaned close to Gu Zhongyu's ear: "Stupid! Didn't you always say you wanted to try... that? I promised you."

Talking about this topic, Liu Yufei's face became even redder. It was really Lin Zhilin's appearance that stimulated her. Otherwise, she would never agree to do such a thing. Whether it hurts or not is another matter. It is really embarrassing.

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyu reacted and turned around to ask Bai Lu if she was a little drunk and if she wanted to go back to sleep.

Bai Lu was just a little tipsy, not drunk yet. She wanted to say that she could drink more, but seeing the boss's eyes that wanted to eat people, she quickly changed her words and said that she was really sleepy.

So Gu Zhongyu asked her to take Dun Dun back first.

After Bai Lu left, Gu Zhongyu suddenly picked up Liu Yufei who was still eating, causing her to exclaim: "Go up first! Are you going to stay here?"

"Oh oh oh!" Gu Zhongyu put Liu Yufei down, and the two sneaked into the elevator.

Before leaving, Gu Zhongyu also took a bottle of extra virgin olive oil from the kitchen in case of emergency.

After Bai Lu went up to the floor, she first went back to Gu Zhongyu's room and put Dun Dun back in the cat bed. As a result, she might have been drunk at this time, and felt a little confused, so she prepared to go to the bathroom to wash her face and refresh herself.

As a result, she heard a sound from outside as soon as she entered the bathroom.

She opened the door and saw that it was the boss and the fairy sister who were already twisted together. It seemed that a big fight was inevitable!

She wanted to leave secretly, but she remembered that she accidentally peeped at the boss and Yang Mi last time. Girls are also full of curiosity about such things, so she stayed in the bathroom and observed secretly...


The next morning, Chen Kexin received a notice from Gu Zhongyu that the female lead Liu Yufei might have had a stomachache after having supper last night and needed to take a day off.

"What? A stomachache, is it serious?"

Chen Kexin asked Gu Zhongyu with concern. He saw that Mr. Gu and Liu Yufei went to the kitchen together after work last night. How come Liu Yufei was the only one who got sick?

"Uh... maybe it's because she drank a little bit of wine. Girls, especially when they have their period, are prone to problems if they drink cold or alcoholic drinks."

Wine has the effect of activating blood circulation and will indeed increase the flow of menstruation. This explanation is reasonable, and Chen Kexin can only believe it.

After hearing that Liu Yufei was not feeling well, Zhu Yawen looked very anxious and immediately called the owner of the store where he bought soup before, asking him to prepare some nourishing soup for girls to drink when they are not feeling well, and he would come to pick it up later.

Bai Lu, who was following Gu Zhongyu, heard Zhu Yawen's voice on the phone and felt that Mr. Zhu was a rare good man. It was a pity that the flower had intentions but the water was ruthless.

I don't know what expression he would have if he knew why Liu Yufei was uncomfortable. Thinking about the scene last night, Bai Lu couldn't help blushing.

Sure enough, the old man was right. Eating midnight snacks is really bad for the body. It's not worth it to stay in bed for a meal!

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