Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 163: Try the difference between best friend and girlfriend

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Liu Yufei snorted and ignored him.

"Qian Qian, what's wrong with you? Why are you lying down like this? Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Du Yuchen also noticed that Liu Yufei's posture was a little strange at this moment.

Liu Yufei's face turned red. No matter how good a sister she was, she couldn't open her mouth and tell her the reason why she had been lying down, otherwise she would die immediately.

"I...I have some menstrual cramps. The doctor said it would be better for my health if I lay on my stomach."

This strange reason puzzled Du Yuchen. Can he lie down to relieve the pain during menstrual cramps? Then I will give it a try next time my aunt comes over.

"By the way, Chenchen, don't leave tonight. Just sleep here with me. We'll share a bed."

Liu Yufei, who hadn't seen her best friend for a long time, couldn't help but want to post a post. She thought it would be better to sleep with a girl, at least she wouldn't have to be teased.

"Yeah! I brought my clothes, just to accompany you."

Two female donors!

Let me, an old pig, sleep together too!

Gu Zhongyu felt very lonely when he saw that the two girls were going to sleep together tonight. Lin Zhilin had already left, which meant that he could only spend the night with Dundun in his arms.

"Ahem! How about you let me join in the fun? I can lay the floor, so I won't hinder you guys."

Liu Yufei pointed to the door: "Brother's house!"

Just when Gu Zhongyu was joking with them, Bai Lu hurriedly ran in and said to him: "Boss, boss! The full version of the video has come out, and as you expected, Ying Xiaotian really didn't hit anyone! "

So fast?

I originally thought I would have to wait a few more days!

After the incident was broadcast, Ying Xiaotian has been trying to prove his innocence everywhere, especially when Yangzi suddenly uploaded surveillance screenshots and simultaneously posted "One slap can't make a difference", indicating that the two did have a physical conflict. Ying Xiaotian also left a message begging Yangzi to release the complete video, but Yangzi turned a deaf ear and took no action.

At this time, Ying Xiaotian was exhausted physically and mentally, and the stars in the entertainment industry collectively demanded an apology from him. Although Gu Zhongyu and others spoke uprightly, it seemed that there was little room for change in the overall situation.

Fortunately, the full version of the live video was finally exposed today.

In the complete video, except for the two people pushing each other once, Ying Xiaotian never moved a finger on her side, let alone pulled her hair. This was completely different from what the woman said.

An aunt who worked on the crew said that the man did not hit anyone, and the actress was the only one who kept screaming throughout the whole process.

Many extras also said: Ying Xiaotian is very low-key, not like what they said. One time we were having dinner during the filming, and I didn't have an umbrella. Ying Xiaotian even took the initiative to invite me to hold an umbrella and have dinner with me. He was not the kind of actor they say is a busy actor.

Ying Xiaotian has such a good attitude towards unknown extras, how could he be a big-name and unreasonable person?

Now that the truth has finally come out, all the celebrities who clamored about this have finally given up. They deleted their Weibo accounts and pretended that nothing happened, or simply pretended to be dead and lay down. Anyway, no one came forward to apologize.

If Gu Zhongyu hadn't interfered with this matter, it would have ended there. Afterwards, the actors and actresses apologized to each other on Weibo, and the matter was swept under the rug, leaving only the jokes about the Swordsman teaching for netizens to talk about.

But the long Weibo post that Wen Zhang had previously criticized Gu Zhongyu, accusing him of bullying others, and supporting Ying Xiaotian is still there, and it is in the top area of ​​his Weibo, extremely eye-catching.

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, and a good man like Ying Xiaotian might still choose to settle the matter, but he did not plan to do so.

He first called Jiang Shuying and asked him to contact Ying Xiaotian and told him not to give in. Otherwise, not only would he be scolded in vain, but his future acting career would also end here. He must Withstand the pressure, you have a way to help him, don't compromise now.

Then let Yang Tianzhen place a big order with the trolls that the company often cooperates with, and have them gather in major websites such as Weibo Tieba and start posting frequently.

There is no need to curse or make personal attacks, just simply list all the bets Wen Zhang made with him and the "brotherly love" between Li Chen, Du Chun and others, make a bound book, and then list them All the previous scandals, whether they are solid or flamboyant, are all added together, and the term "Knife-Inserting Brothers" will be brushed up for me!

Gu Zhongyu's own Weibo also commented on the bet between the two of them. He didn't say anything. He just kindly reminded him that who was the one who announced his withdrawal from the circle after swearing that who was wrong?

"What's the use of this? It's just to fan the flames without taking any actual action?" Bai Lu asked curiously.

"What action are you taking? If you tell me, Po Datian is just a bunch of people following the trend without any brains. It is considered an act of cyber violence. Should Ying Xiaotian be asked to sue these people one by one for violating their reputation?"

We are not afraid of settling new accounts, but we are afraid of turning over old accounts.

Especially for people who were already at the forefront of the storm, Wen Zhang, needless to say, has been confused. Although Li Chen and Du Chun were not forced to withdraw from the circle, they were dealt with in such a high-profile manner. In a short time, they were There was definitely no way to catch his breath, Lu Renyuan fell straight to the bottom and never thought of getting over again.

The reason why the stabbed brother in the previous life was that Ying Xiaotian's forces were too weak, and he didn't spend money to hire someone to make a big fuss about it. Otherwise, it would never have ended so easily.

After arranging everything, just wait for public opinion to ferment. I believe that in less than two days, with the help of the water army, these guys will be called out by everyone.


In the evening, Gu Zhongyu, who felt guilty, came to find Xixi with a bottle of ointment. He didn't know if she could walk normally tomorrow. He really went too far this time.

He reflected on himself and thought that it must be because the bottle of extra virgin olive oil was not used well, otherwise how could my Xixi suffer this.

As a result, when he came to the room, he found that Liu Yufei had already fallen asleep on the bed, and next to her was Du Yuchen who had just stood up from the ground. He gently covered Xixi with the quilt, and then turned his head to see Gu Zhongyu sneaking in.

She took Gu Zhongyu's hand and came to the balcony, whispering: "Teacher Gu, Xixi has gone to bed. Let's not disturb her at night. Let her have a good sleep!"

"What disturbance? I just came to give her medicine."

"Medicine? What medicine? Girls can't use medicine randomly during their period. Let me see." As she said that, she took the tooth from Gu Zhongyu and looked at it carefully.


I forgot that I can't show her this medicine!

After getting the medicine, Du Yuchen's face became extremely embarrassed, because the six big words "Mayinglong Musk Cream" were written on the outer packaging of the medicine.

She was not a little girl who knew nothing, and she reacted quickly.

"Teacher Gu... you are really... too much... how can you treat Xixi like this!" Du Yuchen really couldn't imagine that the delicate Xixi actually played this tune with him.

Gu Zhongyu could only hide his embarrassment with a silly smile at this moment.

Under the moonlight, he found that the shy face of his ex-girlfriend's best friend looked very cute, especially from the side, she really looked like Xixi, but with a different kind of beauty.

Feeling a little embarrassed by being stared at, Du Yuchen scolded: "Teacher Gu, why are you staring at me like this?"

At this time, Gu Zhongyu approached her and asked softly in a seductive tone: "Chenchen, I really want to know, besides your appearance and figure, do you have any other similarities with Xixi!"


The meaning of this sentence is not difficult to understand. Du Yuchen subconsciously wanted to shake his hand off, after all, this is her best friend's boyfriend.

But then, Gu Zhongyu blew in her ear and said: "Are you willing to be a substitute for others for the rest of your life?"

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