Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 164 Sisters seeking forgiveness

In the garden outside the hotel, two security guards were on routine patrol. Although they didn't earn much, they worked harder than dogs.

At this time, a young security guard heard a girl's cry in the sky, but when he looked up, he saw nothing.

"What's wrong with you? Did you see a ghost?" asked a slightly older colleague.

"I seemed to hear a woman's voice, crying and laughing, and it seemed to come from above the hotel."

The colleague was stunned for a moment, then immediately trotted forward for a while, and felt that the distance was about right, and then squinted his eyes and glanced up. His eyesight was very good, and it was not the first time he did this, so he found the target after a long time.

It was in front of a French window. With the weak light, he saw a pair of hands and the front half of the body pressed against the glass at this time, and there was a figure behind her faintly confronting her!

It was a pity that the distance was too far. If there were binoculars, maybe he could see it clearly at this moment.

"Tsk tsk tsk! These rich people really know how to have fun. They're so good at it. Come and see the excitement, boy!"

The young man heard that there was a show to watch, so he ran over excitedly to watch with his senior.

Unfortunately, the people upstairs seemed to think that this was too dangerous at this time, and quickly drew the curtains, leaving only the dark glass window for the two.

"Hey! Drawing the curtains so quickly, it's really boring, there's no sharing spirit at all, will letting me watch for a little longer save me a piece of meat?" The young man complained, he had just started watching!

"Hehe, don't worry, you can often see this kind of scenery in the hotel in the future. Rich people love to pursue excitement. I have seen more outrageous things than this."

"It's a pity that I was so excited just now that I didn't pay attention to which floor it was. Otherwise, I could know who the person was! Hey, many big stars have rented our hotel to film recently. I don't know if it's them."



At this time, Liu Yufei, who had already slept for a while, stretched and woke up. Sleeping on her stomach affected her sleep quality too much. She checked her phone and woke up after only two or three hours of sleep. If it were usual, she could sleep until noon.

"Chenchen? Chenchen?" When she woke up, she remembered that Du Yuchen was still with her. Why didn't she see her?

"I'm here!" At this time, Du Yuchen, with wet hair and wearing a bathrobe, came out of the bathroom and kept wiping her hair and neck with a towel.

She was very glad that Gu Zhongyu had just finished and left. If he had dragged her to the room, or if he was still doing it, Xixi, who had woken up at this moment, would probably have chopped them both with a knife!

"Why did you take a shower so late? It's almost three o'clock."

Du Yuchen avoided her eyes and didn't dare to look at Xixi. She sat on the bed with her back to her and said, "Oh, I saw that you slept so soundly just now, and I felt a little sleepy. I forgot to take a shower, so I just stayed by your side and took a nap for a while."

Liu Yufei was very moved at this moment. Compared with Gu, the scumbag, her best friend was more reliable. She didn't even know to accompany her. So she lifted the quilt, hugged Du Yuchen from behind, and said, "My Chenchen, you are still the best to me. If it doesn't work, let's be together in the future!"

"Aren't we together now?" Du Yuchen smiled and responded to her, holding her sister's hand, but she felt extremely guilty in her heart. I'm so sorry, Xixi. I will definitely treat you twice as well in the future. Anyway, Gu Zhongyu is a playboy. I just took up his time for a short while. I believe you will forgive me, right?

Hugging her good sister, Liu Yufei was full of smiles. At this moment, Gu Zhongyu was not even attracted to her.

But as she lowered her head, she suddenly found many teeth marks and bruises on Du Yuchen's neck and back.


Her skin was still white and tender when she first came!

It was obvious that these marks on Chenchen were left by a man. Who was it?

Liu Yufei felt very familiar with these marks because she had experienced them countless times. This was clearly...

Du Yuchen did not notice that Liu Yufei was in an abnormal mood after she came out, and asked, "What's wrong, Xixi? Stop talking. Are you moved to tears by me?"

At this moment, Liu Yufei wanted to sit up and slap Du Yuchen, and then ask her why she did this?

But after thinking about it, Liu Yufei still didn't get angry. When she rekindled her old relationship with Gu Zhongyu, she thought that this situation would happen, but she didn't expect that it would be her best friend who would backstab her!

She silently let go of Du Yuchen, lay back, and said in a cold tone: "I'm tired and need to rest."

"You want to sleep again just after waking up? You're really going to become a little pig!"

Qixi didn't respond to her, and Du Yuchen didn't notice anything wrong. After teasing her for a few times and seeing that she still didn't respond, she planned to go back to her room to rest.

As a result, she just walked out of the door, and suddenly thought of something. She touched her neck with her hand, and then looked at the mirror next to her.

Oh my God! Gu Zhongyu, this bastard!

Wouldn't Xixi hate me to death?

No matter how good the relationship is, sisters can't tolerate this kind of behavior, and this is almost in front of her and her boyfriend...

Du Yuchen can accept losing a best friend, but if it triggers a quarrel between Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei, and they both hate her in the future, what should I do?

Especially Gu Zhongyu, if he thinks that she is deliberately playing tricks to get promoted, he can easily ban her.

Either pretend to be deaf and dumb, or go to Xixi to surrender, there is no other way.

Du Yuchen had to weigh it carefully.

In the end, she still felt that it would be better to confess to her bestie. Liu Yufei was a person who was easy to talk to. If she asked for forgiveness, there might be a chance of turning around.

So she sorted out her mood and turned back.

Du Yuchen looked at Liu Yufei with her back to her, gritted her teeth, and then knelt down in front of Liu Yufei's bed with a "thump".

"Xixi... I... I'm sorry... You can scold me or hit me!"

"It's my fault... It's all my fault... I had unreasonable thoughts..." While apologizing, tears began to flow out like money, crying.

Faced with Du Yuchen's sudden kneeling apology, Liu Yufei was stunned. She didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Liu Yufei looked at her most trusted friend with a complicated expression, and finally she didn't make up her mind.

She helped Du Yuchen up, wiped the tears from her face with her hands, and asked: "I can not settle accounts with you, but you have to tell me, what happened just now?"

So Du Yuchen had to tell Liu Yufei everything that happened tonight.

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