Very strange.

I don't know why, but classmate Xixi has started to ignore me again these two days. Except for communicating during filming, she would roll her eyes and run to the side to play with cats and dogs when she was free, but she just ignored him.

Could it be that what happened that night was discovered?

But seeing Liu Yufei and Du Yuchen talking and laughing, it didn't seem like that at all!

He initially suspected that Xixi had discovered his cheating behavior, but the scenes had been filmed, and Du Yuchen had no intention of leaving. She stayed in the hotel to accompany her sisters these days.

In order to verify whether it was as he expected, Gu Zhongyu also took advantage of Xixi's rest or absence to find Du Yuchen several times. The other party did not resist him much, and each time was half-hearted and thrilling.

The most dangerous time was when Xixi was on the phone in the bedroom, and the two were behind the sofa at the time...

Then what should be done, Xixi continued to ignore him, and she was still as close to Du Yuchen as sisters, which made him a little confused.

Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Anyway, it's like this, what else can you do!

The filming of "Like You" is coming to an end. Gu Zhongyu has basically finished filming. Now he stays here to reshoot some previous shots. He can leave the crew in two days.

After the film is completed, it is estimated that it will be broadcast on the Qixi Festival. I may not see Xixi for a few months.

Thinking of this, he tried to find Liu Yufei to tell his heart at night. Although Liu Yufei ignored him during the day, she didn't resist his intimacy at night!

Of course, Xixi's fighting ability is average, so after each end, he couldn't help but find Du Yuchen again, and played left and right between the two women.


On the other hand, Gu Zhongyu lived a fairy life in the crew, while the brothers who stabbed him on the other side were not very happy.

Jia Nailiang, Dong Xuan and others deleted the Weibo posts that were used to criticize others in time, and Gu Zhongyu did not embarrass them, so they were not criticized much and just kept silent.

Dong Xuan was very regretful at this moment. Why did she get involved in this matter? Not only was she scolded, but her boyfriend Gao Yunxiang was also implicated. Although she deleted the Weibo post as soon as she received Gu Zhongyu's reminder message, it was too late and the public would remember her forever.

Gao Yunxiang has been complaining about her a lot these days. After all, she is in the rising period of her career now, which makes her angry and distressed, thinking about how to make up for it all.

Li Chen and Du Chun are not doing well. All the embarrassing things that happened in the past have been dug up and made into bound volumes and various jokes for people to laugh at.

After being denounced by the overwhelming water army, they dare not even go out now. As long as they show their heads, they will be called brothers who stab them in the back. The film contracts and endorsements that were originally being discussed have all gone.

Wen Zhang was even worse off. Netizens kept staring at him, leaving him messages after messages, asking when he would publicly announce his retirement so that he could fulfill his bet with Gu Zhongyu. Even if he closed the comment section, these people would send him the email addresses of his company and agent and keep asking!

How dare he really announce his retirement!

He apologized after the cheating incident and said that he regretted his indefinite suspension of his acting career. If he really announced his retirement at this time, he would really say goodbye to the entertainment industry.

But the Internet trolls who came from nowhere were chasing him everywhere. Even if he paid for the Internet trolls, it would be a drop in the bucket.

There was no need to think about it. These must be the work of Gu Zhongyu, who paid for these people to mess with him.

Ma Yili was even more anxious than him. This useless husband did not listen to advice and insisted on going against Gu Zhongyu. Now he was completely ruined and had no hope of turning over.

Originally, for the sake of the child, she thought that if she could not divorce, she would wait for a few years, when the public had forgotten about these things, she would help her husband to slowly come back and rebuild the image of a loving couple.

Now it seems that there is no need for this, and the most important thing is to find a way to cut ties with him as soon as possible.

The only thing Ma Yili is worried about is that if Gu Zhongyu also hates her and does not let her go, what should she do?

After struggling for a long time, she thought it would be better to ask Gu Zhongyu to talk face to face. If he is willing to let her and her husband go, it would be the best. If not, at least don't implicate herself.

She plans to find a lawyer first to prepare for the divorce in the future.

And what is Gu Zhongyu doing at this time?

"Lulu, it's finally time. I believe you are ready, right?" Gu Zhongyu put his hand on Bai Lu's shoulder and asked seriously.

"No! Boss, I'm still a child. This kind of thing is still a bit too advanced for me."

"I've been with you for half a year. You are no longer the little girl you were before. You will have to face this kind of thing sooner or later. It's better to suffer a short pain than a long pain. It's better to do it today than to wait for a day. Let's do it today!"

"No... I don't want it... I'd rather live ugly than go in!"

Before she finished speaking, Bai Lu raised her legs and was about to run away, but Gu Zhongyu, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed her pigtail and started to drag her inside.

"Doctor, doctor, it's time to work. Please arrange for this little girl."

It turned out that after Bai Lu kissed Gu Zhongyu that day, he finally realized that the little girl's teeth were indeed not very neat and beautiful, and it was time to fix them.

If it's just unsightly, that's fine. The key point is that when Xiao Bailu talks, saliva and air leakage are very easy to form between his teeth. Especially when he laughs, spitting particles can sometimes splash onto his face!

Of course Bai Lu refused. In her eyes, these dentists were nothing more than demons, so in the end it was Gu Zhongyu who forced her to take her to the dental clinic.

The dentist was a very serious-looking uncle. He checked with a mouth mirror for a long time, and then took a picture. Finally, he suggested that it is best to remove the four wisdom teeth. One of the little tiger teeth is a little too protruding. For aesthetic reasons, It can also be unplugged. "

That means five teeth need to be extracted at one time!

Hearing this white dew, his face turned pale with fright. One pill is scary enough, but if you pull out five pills together, you won't die!

So, she turned around and began to beg her boss with watery eyes, saying not to treat me like this, and that I would be more obedient and obedient in the future.

If that doesn't work, can I give you a part-time job as a warm-weather girl?

Gu Zhongyu ignored her look and continued to say to the doctor: "Then let's deal with it together! Thank you doctor."

Bai Lu could only express her mood by wailing at this moment!

I really wanted to escape, but I couldn't. It was the most painful ordeal to have my teeth pulled out!

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