Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 166: Miss Dong's unexpected call

When assistant Bai Lu was pressed on the dental chair and cried while having her teeth pulled, Gu Zhongyu, who was waiting outside, suddenly got his phone ring.

He checked the caller ID and saw that it was a strange number he had never seen before, but he still picked it up.

"Is that Zhongyu?" There was a soft and sticky voice on the phone. Gu Zhongyu recognized it as Dong Xuan's voice. Since the last time Dong Xuan half-reluctantly had sex with him in the nightclub, the two had no contact in private.

It's not that Gu Zhongyu didn't want to relive the dream of love, but mainly because Dong Xuan had no reaction to the gifts and messages he sent. After a few times, he was too lazy to spend time on this woman. Anyway, he had already satisfied his regrets once, so it didn't matter if she was one more or one more.

"Yes, it's Teacher Dong! It's rare that you call me. What can I teach you?"

Hearing the coldness in Gu Zhongyu's tone, Dong Xuan was a little indignant: "What's your attitude? It's as if I owe you something."

Why is this man so virtuous, taking advantage of everything and not admitting it? Last time in the nightclub, I was really crazy to do such a shameful thing with him!

"Miss Dong, I'm not your boyfriend or anything else. You didn't even give me a gift last time, so why are you trying to get close to me now?"

Hearing this, Dong Xuan was almost angry and laughed, and asked back: "Do I dare to accept the things you give me? Such excessive clothes... How dare you give them out! Such things are too cheap to be worn by nightclub pheasants!"

"Excessive clothes? What are they?"

"A purple gauze skirt with a slit in the front to the belly button and a crotch directly below! Didn't you give it to me? Why are you pretending to be stupid here?"

Ah, is it so exciting?

This is none of my business!

Except for some of the women who are the focus of attention, such as Xixi, Yang Mi, Shishi, etc., the gifts for other women recorded in Gu Zhongyu's little notebook are purchased and sent by his assistant Bai Lu. After all, there are so many people, and he can't choose gifts one by one.

Until now, even the greetings on the birthday cards were written by Bai Lu. For this, Bai Lu is still imitating his handwriting, trying to restore it to its true form.

So Gu Zhongyu didn't know what gifts this little girl gave out. Usually, after buying things, there would be a list and invoice that would be kept for reconciliation, but he never looked at them.

It seems necessary to train Bai Lu again, what kind of gifts should be given to what kind of people.

"Ahem! I simply thought that the dress was more beautiful and suited you very well. I didn't think too much when I gave it to you...Okay, then why did you call me today? It's not just about this matter, right?"

When they got to the point, Dong Xuan suppressed her emotions and said softly: "Recently, the incident between Yin Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao and Xiaotian, you are the one who fueled the flames behind the scenes, right?"

"No, I didn't. Don't wrongly accuse me! This matter has nothing to do with me. I just want to defend the injustice."

"Don't try to hide it from me. The three people who are scolded the most on the Internet now are Li Chen, Du Chun and Wen Zhang. They all have a grudge against you. How can it be such a coincidence?"

Li Chen and Du Chun were once traitors of Zongheng Entertainment. Wen Zhang and Gu Zhongyu made a bet on each other on Weibo. Now they are scolded by netizens who are digging up the past and dare not go out. Obviously, the most proud person is Gu Zhongyu.

"They will eventually perish due to their own evil deeds, how can you blame me? Why, did you call today just to help these guys?"

Dong Xuan sighed: "Of course not, I should thank you for sending me a message in advance to let me delete my Weibo, but unfortunately I was still a step late. That group of people are now chasing me and scolding me, saying that I am a stabbing female guardian, which makes me almost annoyed!"

Who told you to follow the trend and scold Yin Xiaotian without knowing right from wrong? Now you are doing this for your own fault.

"I came here today to ask you for help, or give me some advice, so that those mad dogs will not chase me and bite me. Considering that you molested me last time... Last time in the nightclub, I didn't ask you to settle the score, so how about you help me, your senior sister?"

It's really a joke for me!

Last time in the storage room of the nightclub, you screamed louder than a loudspeaker even though you knew your boyfriend was upstairs. You actually had the nerve to accuse me of molesting me?

"I don't remember what happened in the nightclub last time. If Senior Sister Dong was molested, my suggestion is to beat Yaoyaoling directly."


Gu Zhongyu's rogue words almost made her angry to death. He was really ruthless after pulling out that thing!

There was a little silence on the other end of the phone. Gu Zhongyu thought Dong Xuan was so angry that she threw the phone. When he was about to hang up, the other party spoke again.

"Good junior brother, please help me, Senior Sister! I beg you, the agency doesn't care about me and let me solve it myself. Even if you don't care about our friendship, you should consider that I have kept the secret for you and Senior Sister Sun for so long!"

When he heard the three words "Senior Sister Sun", Gu Zhongyu's ears moved and hesitated for a few seconds, but he was relieved soon. It's been so long since the incident happened, and no one would believe it now.

What's more, does Dong Xuan dare to say it?

"Sister Dong, are you threatening me?"

Knowing that Gu Zhongyu had misunderstood her words, Dong Xuan quickly explained: "No, no, no! That's not what I meant at all. Now I'm asking you for help. As long as you're willing to help... I'm willing to do anything!"

It's not that Dong Xuan is too cowardly, it's just that the competition in the entertainment industry has been too fierce in recent years. After "Snow Goddess Dragon" and "Eight Heroes", her acting career has been going downhill. In the past few years, she could occasionally play the second female role, but now she is basically a supporting role. The only drama she played as the female lead in the past two years is a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama with her boyfriend Gao Yunxiang.

Now she is deeply involved in the stabbing incident, which is even worse for Dong Xuan's career. In addition, after she fell in love with her boyfriend, even the agency gave up cultivating her and turned to developing new people, so she is now very scared. Will she become a marginal person in the entertainment industry from now on?

Dong Xuan's network of contacts is very weak. When something happened, the first person she thought of was Gu Zhongyu. Now only this man has the ability and willingness to help her.

At this moment, Gu Zhongyu was very happy. Originally, he was just bored and stepped on Wen Zhang Duchun and others by the way. He never expected to get a surprise.

If you don't fuck a B, it's a great rebellion!

"Okay, I'll pick you up tonight. Remember to dress nicely, Senior Sister Dong."

After hanging up the phone, Dong Xuan's face was filled with sorrow. To be fair, she no longer hated Gu Zhongyu, and even still had some good feelings for him, otherwise she wouldn't have let him flirt with her in the nightclub last time. However, this date made her feel very uncomfortable,

as if she had offered to give him something!

Gu Zhongyu had just finished talking to Dong Xuan when his phone rang again, and the person who called this time surprised him even more!

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