Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 167 Swollen like a pig's head!

This call lasted longer. Gu Zhongyu chatted with the other party with great interest for almost half an hour before it ended.

After waiting for a while, Bai Lu didn't come out yet. Gu Zhongyu wondered whether he should go in and say hello to the assistant, and then go back first. After all, there was a big dinner waiting for him in the evening!

At this time, a "pig-headed" humanoid creature slowly leaned behind him, crying and shouting incoherently.

"Wuwuwuwu... Boss, I'm so miserable!"

Gu Zhongyu looked back, damn it!

Is it you, Bee Dog?

With the familiarity of getting along day and night, Gu Zhongyu quickly recognized that this humanoid creature with a swollen face like a bee dog was his assistant Bai Lu.

"Is that you, Bailu? Why is your face so swollen?"

At this time, the doctor came out of the operating room and explained: "This girl has a transverse impacted tooth, so she had many stitches after the operation, and now it is swollen like this."

"Are you her boyfriend? Don't let your partner work these days, don't eat spicy food, supplement more nutrition, and take good care of her, okay?"

The uncle didn't seem to be a fan, and Gu Zhongyu was wearing a mask, so he didn't recognize him and thought they were a couple.

What the hell is a boyfriend? She's dreaming!

"No, uncle, she..." Gu Zhongyu was about to explain, but he saw Bailu's swollen face at this time, looking at him pitifully, as if to say, I'm so miserable, can't you give me some face?

So Gu Zhongyu had to swallow back the words he was about to say, and remained silent as a response.

Seeing that the boss was so cooperative, Bailu simply hugged his arm, leaned her head gently on his shoulder, blinked at the doctor uncle and began to act pitiful and cute.

The doctor nodded. The little girl looked cute, but she was silly and not very smart. Fortunately, she had a boyfriend to take care of her.

The uncle prescribed some medicine for Bai Lu, and after giving some instructions, Gu Zhongyu drove away with the assistant.

"Boss, this is not the direction of my home. You should turn off at the traffic light." Bai Lu said incoherently.

"You have been resting these days. Who will take care of you at home? Do you want to call your mother over? Forget it, it's my bad luck. You can live with me."

It's not easy for this girl. She came out to work as his assistant at the age of 18. Although her work ability is a mess, she can barely be considered conscientious. Now her face is swollen like a steamed bun. If she is left alone at home to fend for herself without anyone to take care of her, it seems really cruel.

"Boss..." Bai Lu never expected that the boss who has always been cold and ruthless would be kind now.

Bai Lu has always had many complaints about Gu Zhongyu, thinking that he is shameless and lustful, abuses employees, and today he forced her to do a tooth extraction. He is really a bad boss with sores on his head and pus on his feet!

But now seeing her pitiful appearance, the evil boss is willing to condescend to take care of her, which makes her, who is working alone in a foreign country, very moved.

If it weren't for the fact that her mouth is now swollen like a steamed bun, she would be so grateful that she would give this dear boss a big kiss on the face!


Bai Lu has been coveting Gu Zhongyu's big house for a long time, and she didn't expect that one day she would be able to live in such a luxurious villa.

Let her pick a room to stay in, and Gu Zhongyu went to the kitchen, chopped an old hen, and put some red dates, mushrooms and other condiments into the stone pot, preparing to make a ten-fold tonic chicken soup.

After boiling for a while, the delicious taste of the chicken soup began to spread, floating all over the kitchen.

Bai Lu, who had already put away her luggage, wandered around the villa, and was soon attracted by the fragrance from afar, and walked over like a quail.

"Wow! Boss, did Jie Xi prepare it for me?"

"No, I prepared it for Dun Dun, who is in confinement recently!"

"But isn't Dun Dun a male cat?"

Gu Zhongyu threw the spoon and said angrily: "What basis do you have to define Dun Dun's gender? Can't it be a biological male cat, but psychologically identify as a female cat?"

"Huh?" Is this okay? But Dun Dun is obviously like the male owner Gu Zhongyu, and he will ride on any female cat he sees!

She didn't understand, nor was she shocked, she just felt that this dog boss was fooling her again.

The sky gradually darkened, and after another two hours, the effect of the anesthesia gradually disappeared. Bai Lu felt that her mouth hurt more, and because of the operation, she was starving and couldn't eat anything, so she could only drink porridge.

At this time, Gu Zhongyu came to her room with chicken soup and told her: "The doctor said that you can't drink hot porridge now, otherwise the wound will bleed. This chicken soup has cooled down, so you can drink this!"

"Woo woo... Thank you, boss."

After drinking the warm chicken soup, the originally light taste was like a delicacy to Bai Lu.

Gu Zhongyu also specially minced the chicken to make it easier for her to eat. This bowl of chicken soup should be enough to fill her up.

Because Bai Lu was too hungry, she drank it quickly and the soup spilled on her clothes.

"Don't worry, drink slowly, there is plenty in the pot, I'll put the soup here, I'm leaving!"

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was about to leave, Bai Lu immediately put down the soup spoon and stood up, wiped her mouth, and asked: "Where are you going so late, boss? Take me with you, I can still serve tea and water."

It was quite scary to leave her alone in such a big house at night. Even if Gu Zhongyu went out to find a woman, she would follow him. At most, she would be a cheerleader and cheer them on by the bed!

"Fuck you! I'm going out to pick someone up and will be back soon. Why are you following me? Go to bed early after dinner and don't hang around at night."



Gu Zhongyu drove to the front of a hotel. This place was very memorable to him. Back then, she had dinner with Dong Xuan here, and then came to the parking lot. She was caught by Senior Sister Sun in the car.

That scene at that time was really embarrassing!

As soon as Gu Zhongyu arrived, he saw Dong Xuan, who was wrapped tightly not far away, and was anxiously waiting for someone to come.

"Get in the car, senior sister."

Dong Xuan saw that Gu Zhongyu finally came, and hurriedly got in the car, took off her sunglasses and mask, and asked: "Are you sure there are no paparazzi following you?"

"Don't worry, there is not even a ghost, and we are not here, let's go to my house, which is the safest place."

After picking up Dong Xuan, he drove back. Dong Xuan, who was sitting in the car, kept asking him how to help her, but Gu Zhongyu didn't want to see her mouth talking all the time at this moment.

He gently put his hand on the back of Dong Xuan's head.

"Let's talk about business first."

"This is the business now, senior sister, come on!"

Dong Xuan was helpless, she had never done such a thing, but now she had to ask for help, so she had to lift her hair back...

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