Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 168 The Awkward Sisters (Updated every time subscription increases by 200)

He drove back to his garage, but Gu Zhongyu did not choose to get out of the car. Instead, he lay down in the driver's seat. His breathing began to become increasingly unstable. After a while, he even began to inhale!

Just then, his cell phone rang and he picked it up.

"You're here, right? Come in directly. I'll send you the door lock code." After the call ended, he sent another message to the other party.

Dong Xuan heard the content of the call and was very puzzled. Gu Zhongyu actually invited other people to come so late. It seems that he has to finish the job quickly.


Just when it was about to end, the car door was suddenly opened by someone. Dong Xuan never expected that the person could find this place so quickly. She quickly covered her face, fearing that the other party would recognize who she was.

She finally experienced the embarrassment of Gu Zhongyu and Senior Sister Sun when she caught them doing something good.

The person who opened the door was also surprised. She didn't expect there was another person in the car, but she saw it at a glance and shouted in shock: "Huanhuan, why are you here?"

Dong Xuan then saw who it was through the gaps between her fingers covering her face. Why did Ma Yili come too?

It turned out that the second person who called Gu Zhongyu this morning was Ma Yili, and the reason was the same as Dong Xuan's. She asked for mercy, otherwise she and Wen Zhang would really be doomed.

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu had no interest in Ma Yili. In addition to her appearance, she was not his cup of tea. Her personality was not pleasing, and this woman's love history was too rich.

One of her ex-boyfriends was Guan Hu, the director of Huayi. This person could also be ranked among the people Gu Zhongyu hated the most. His current husband Wen Zhang also repeatedly pulled him down. He even suspected that this woman had a conflict with him.

So Gu Zhongyu didn't like Ma Yili, and he was cold to her active call to show his goodwill, and his response was very official.

However, Ma Yili was unyielding. Her attitude on the phone was very flattering. She apologized and offered to treat him to a meal. Finally, when she knew that Gu Zhongyu didn't have time to go out at night, she took the initiative to ask for a face-to-face meeting.

He wanted to refuse, after all, he had already made an appointment with Dong Xuan, but suddenly thought of the dilemma in the parking lot a few years ago, so he wanted to play a prank, so he sent her the address of the villa and agreed to meet.

Just now, in addition to giving Ma Yili the door code, Gu Zhongyu also typed a few extra words: I'm in the underground garage, come quickly, I'm in the black car.

Ma Yili didn't know why Gu Zhongyu asked her to meet in the garage, but she didn't ask much, and came honestly. As a result, she didn't expect to see such a scene when she opened the car door.

Dong Xuan and Ma Yili have known each other for a long time. They played rivals in the drama "Adolescence Meets Menopause". Dong Xuan played the lover of the male protagonist in the drama, and Ma Yili became the wife of the male protagonist with the matchmaking of her parents. Because of this drama, the two also forged a friendship and became sisters with a good relationship.

In this stabbing incident, the two of them stood on Bian Xiaoxiao's side very tacitly, so they were nicknamed the stabbing sisters. As a result, they now both asked Gu Zhongyu for help, and even the phone calls were only a few minutes apart.

It seems that they are real sisters, doing exactly the same thing.

Gu Zhongyu simply packed himself up and got out of the car, shouting to Dong Xuan and Ma Yili who were still looking at each other with awkward faces behind him: "Come up! Why are you still standing here?"

Dong Xuan wanted to escape, but if she left now, all her previous efforts would be wasted, so she chose to bite the bullet and follow Gu Zhongyu.

"Huanhuan, wait a minute."

Ma Yili called her, then took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Dong Xuan, reminding her: "Wipe your mouth first!"

Dong Xuan just reacted, hurriedly took the tissue and wiped her lips, then thanked Ma Yili: "Thank you, Yili, are you here for your Wen Zhang?"

"Don't mention him, he is a hopeless case, can't he just stay calm for a while? He has to jump around on the Internet, this time it's completely over, there is no hope of turning over in the future."

Ma Yili has always had great expectations for Wen Zhang. Originally, their sister-brother relationship was not favored by the outside world, but over the years, relying on her husband's efforts and her support, the loving couple has become the "model couple" in the entertainment industry. With the bonus of the TV King and TV Queen awards, Ma Yili almost felt that she was going to reach the peak of her career.

I didn't expect that the good days would end soon. Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, but they fly away when disaster strikes. Today, she found Gu Zhongyu just for herself, and her husband has been abandoned by her.

She is not a little girl who knows nothing. She is 36 years old this year and has seen all kinds of situations. She can't just talk nonsense when asking for help. She must show some appreciation. But what can she do that Gu Zhongyu would like?

Thinking of Gu Zhongyu's romantic deeds, she felt that it would be useless to give anything, and it was most practical to give it to others.

She knew her own beauty. There were many women around Gu Zhongyu who were prettier than her, but Ma Yili quickly thought of a unique advantage of her own.

She was married, and her husband was Wen Zhang, who had a feud with Gu Zhongyu, and her ex-boyfriend was Guan Hu.

Don't all men love this?

Genghis Khan's famous saying: "The greatest joy for a man is to subdue the mob, defeat the enemy, seize everything from him, ride his horse, and take his beautiful wives and concubines."

This is the only thing she thinks might interest Gu Zhongyu.


"Sit down, sit down, what do you want to drink?" Gu Zhongyu came to the living room and asked the two women to sit down.

Dong Xuan and Ma Yili sat on the sofa nervously. They were not in the mood to drink, but went straight to the point and asked Gu Zhongyu how to save their reputation.

Gu Zhongyu slowly opened a can of fat house water and drank it. In fact, these two women were really stupid. They were completely frightened by the terrifying online water army. Seeing that they were scolded so badly, they panicked and did not expect that this was actually not a big deal.

If there was no intervention, the stabbing incident would have ended with the reconciliation between Ying Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao.

Although it seems to be a big deal online now, as long as everyone remains silent, after a year or two, the public will actually forget about it. At most, someone will occasionally mention it, but there will be no big waves.

These people do not understand the role of public opinion guidance in modern network communication, and the popularity of popular online events can generally only last for seven days, if there is no follow-up.

It can only be said that these people have lost their composure. For such a trivial matter, they are desperate and have to seek help from Gu Zhongyu.

But no matter what, Gu Zhongyu made a fortune this time. Not only did he strike the enemy, but he also gained a lot. Just like Cao Mengde who accepted Zhang Xiu's surrender and just entered Wancheng, his tail was almost up to the sky!

At this time, upstairs, Bai Lu quietly slipped out of the room, lurked, and peeped at the downstairs with interest.

I didn't expect that the boss would drag two people today, and she knew both of them. One of them was the goddess Long Dongxuan whose name was already in the little notebook, and the other was Ma Yili, whom she met for the first time. I guess after tonight, I will also write her name.

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