Gu Zhongyu didn't have much hope that the movie could win an award, so he naturally didn't pay attention to the composition of the jury. He thought they were all a bunch of old-fashioned academic film critics, but he didn't expect that there would be a beautiful woman like Charlize Theron.

"There have been very few Asian films that have been shortlisted for the main competition unit over the years, and this year there is only yours, so I can remember your movie, Gu."

"It's my honor to be impressed by my beloved Ms. Charlize Theron. I wonder if you have other plans tonight. Maybe we can have a romantic dinner together?"

Salize looked surprised: "Your expression of emotions is very straightforward, which is not in line with the style of ordinary Asian men."

"Because Asian men give you the impression of being more humble and conservative, right?"

She nodded: "Indeed, I can't tell the difference between you Chinese men and Japanese, The difference between the two is that when you communicate with others, you are usually polite, restrained, and cautious, serious to the point of being, how should I put it... boring! "

"The difference between Eastern and Western cultures! But there are always rebels, such as people like me."

"Rebel? Interesting, I like your wording, well, the good mood is gone anyway, and this night won't get any worse, let's go!"

So the two of them found a quiet restaurant, which has a room specially provided for celebrities to dine in, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed when eating here.

Putting the steak into her mouth with a fork, Shariz asked: "You just said you like my movies, so you are also my fan? Which role of mine do you like the most?"

"No, I just like you, and I am not your fan, just an audience. For me, your movies are about you first, then the roles, and then the movies."

"Oh, then which movie of mine do you like? "Monster" or "Northern Wind and Cloud"?"

"Neither, it's "Two Days in the Valley" you filmed a long time ago. I still remember your bold performance in it, and I remembered your name at that time."

"Hahaha! Your answer is too honest, and it won't please women at all."

"Two Days in the Valley" is a black comedy that Shariz acted in before she became famous. The quality of the movie is average, but Shariz has a very sexy performance in it, which makes many fans talk about it and watch it repeatedly.

Normally, when a female star is standing in front of you, you have to praise her for her representative works or awards. However, Gu Zhongyu directly mentioned a sexy movie when she was still a minor actress. If it was another actress, she might have been angry at that time.

But Shariz didn't do that. What she hated most was men who said one thing and meant another, especially after she destroyed her image by the movie "Monster" and won the Oscar for Best Actress, there were always men who were courting her and said how much they admired her performance and professionalism.

But in fact, she felt disgusted when she watched the character image of this movie. She acted in this movie just to win awards. She didn't enjoy playing such a so-called self-destructive role, and she didn't want to sacrifice herself to play such a movie again.

So after "Monster", the movies she starred in returned to a more normal female image. Even in "Mad Max", she just shaved her head.

Although she only played a supporting role in the movie "Two Days in the Valley", it was a beautiful memory of her youth. This was also the first time someone said in front of her that they liked this kind of erotic role.

Gu Zhongyu wiped his mouth with a wet towel and replied, "What else? Should I say I like the ugly and fierce you in Monster? Please, I'm a man who thinks with my lower body, how can I like watching such a woman? I can only say that your acting is very good in that movie, and I can only look up to you for the time being."

"Well! This answer is very vulgar, but it is much better than those extremely pretentious film critics. Those people talk about art, religion and rules and regulations, but in fact they just want you to show more in the next movie."

"Well, in fact, not only them, I also want to ask Charlize Theron, do you still Would you take on a movie like Two Days in the Valley? I can play the male lead for free. I don't mean anything else. It's mainly for the art of film. "


Theron was amused by him. She picked up her glass and clinked it with him, and asked, "When is your film Ball Lightning scheduled to be released?"

"On the evening of the 18th, a good time."

"Well, it's more difficult for Chinese films to win awards overseas, and your film is a science fiction film. The judges all prefer art films. You should be prepared to return empty-handed. "

"I'm lucky if I win, and I'm doomed if I lose." Gu Zhongyu replied in Chinese.


"Lucky if got, destined if lost, it should be said like this in English, it is a traditional Chinese proverb."

"It is an oriental proverb full of philosophical meaning, very interesting."

The two then talked about movies, hobbies and careers. Shariz originally thought that Gu Zhongyu might just be a small boss of an independent film, but after listening to the introduction, this man is clearly an entertainment group tycoon spanning multiple fields. If compared with Hollywood, it is almost the level of the eight major film companies.

So Gu Zhongyu must be rich, maybe even richer than herself.

"It's hard to imagine that a capital tycoon like you would actually act in a movie yourself?"

"It's easy to understand. Acting is my first career. The reason why I set up a company is just to invest in the films I want to make and no longer be controlled by others. Which actor can refuse the opportunity to completely direct his own film? "

"Want to completely dominate your own movie? Then you should be a director."

After swallowing a sip of red wine of unknown age, Gu Zhongyu suddenly felt sour in his mouth, frowned and said, "I thought about it, but it won't work!"


"Being a director makes you even busier. For example, when I came to Cannes this time, my director friend was busy preparing for exhibitions and premieres, but I had time to take a break and come here to have a candlelight dinner with you. This is the reason why I don't become a director. ”

Theron laughed loudly: "Yes, then the two of us may not meet each other. It's very pleasant to chat with you. I feel much better. After the meal, it's time for me to leave."

"I send you."


Shalizi stayed in the Carlton Intercontinental Hotel with the highest standards, and it was in the presidential suite. After all, she was an Oscar-winning actress and a member of the jury. The rooms arranged for them in Cannes were also of the highest standards. Unlike people like Gu Zhongyu, who only provided the highest standards. For ordinary suites, if you want to live better, you have to pay for it yourself.

After opening the door, Shalizi hesitated for a moment, then said to Gu Zhongyu: "Do you want to get up and sit down? Have a glass of water or something."

Is this real water? Not from the sewer, right?

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said, "No need. I was obviously hurt by my partner in the afternoon, so I brought a man back to the room at night. This is revenge and venting. I don't want to be a prop for you to vent your emotions, although I really want to go in." After finishing speaking, He turned to leave.

"By the way, when my movie is screened, I hope Theron you can dress up and show your support, okay?"

"If this is a request as a friend, yes." Shalizi looked at Gu Zhongyu, but she didn't expect that he could resist coming in, so she let her take a high look.

"Then we'll see you the day after tomorrow in the afternoon."

Of course, Gu Zhongyu is not imitating Liu Xiahui. Maybe he can get what he wants after entering, but this relationship will become a one-time thing. The goodwill and mystery accumulated by the two people when they first met will be gone. This is not his want.

Play hard to get, even if he is in a relationship with a big horse like Theron, he must be the dominant one, not the one who is dominated.

And Theron looked at his leaving figure and found this man more and more interesting.

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