Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 175 I'll give you the whole look

The film festival booth of "Ball Lightning" was quickly set up. Unlike other crews, Gu Zhongyu did not spend a lot of time to attract attention and make all kinds of attractive posters and titles. Instead, he directly asked people to use large stills as the walls of the booth.

Before the booth was set up, Guo Fan, who was participating in an international film festival for the first time, dragged Gong Geer and ran to the aisle to hand out movie brochures to everyone he met. Zhang Miao felt embarrassed for the behavior of the two guys and pretended not to know them.

Gu Zhongyu grabbed Guo Fan, who looked like a supermarket promoter, and said with a smile: "My brother, you are a director after all, and our movie has been shortlisted. You are handing out flyers everywhere, making us seem worthless!"

"That's right, Director Guo is too attentive, just like selling health products at our doorstep, pulling people everywhere."

Bai Lu couldn't help but complain. Just now, Guo Fan even wanted to pull her to hand out brochures, but she couldn't even speak a complete English sentence, and her pronunciation was not standard. How dare she talk to those foreigners!

Guo Fan touched the back of his head: "I'm just excited! I want more people to know about our movie."

"I have rented several billboards to ensure that blind people passing by can see the promotional posters, and we have also invited some celebrities to support us, so you don't have to worry about insufficient promotion."

"Chinese celebrities are not well-known in France, so they are not very useful, right?"

"Who told you that only Chinese celebrities will come? Just wait and see!" After saying that, Gu Zhongyu sat back in his seat and leisurely read the local French magazines. In addition to the friends he invited, he had already contacted several media here, just waiting for the movie to be released to help hype it up.

After flipping through the two magazines, the stands for other movies were also set up. More and more people were on the scene, and the environment began to become noisy, making Gu Zhongyu no longer have the energy to slack off.

"By the way, where's Yang Mi? Why haven't I seen her?"

Bai Lu picked up the brochure from time to time and handed it to the reporters who passed by or asked for it. Seeing Gu Zhongyu looking for Yang Mi, she replied: "Mi Mi is doing her styling! She is not satisfied with the stylist we brought, so she went to the back to find a French teacher to do it."

"It's been so long, and she, the heroine, doesn't come to take charge. What's wrong? I'll go and get her back." After saying that, she left in a flash, leaving Guo Fan and others to continue working at the venue.

Gong Geer sighed: "If you want to be a deserter, you can be a deserter. You still make excuses. Mr. Gu has changed. He is not sincere at all. Obviously, he used to leave directly."

"I want to leave too. It's so boring! I feel like a waiter. No reporters come to interview me." Guo Fan waited for most of the day, but no reporter came.

At this time, a reporter from the United States passed by and saw the introduction on the billboard. He asked with some interest, "Ball lightning? I seem to have seen a real-life video on YouTube. Is your movie also about this?"

It's alive! Come to life!

Guo Fan, who was originally listless, suddenly came to life and introduced enthusiastically: "You have heard of Amway... Oh, you have heard of ball lightning, right? Then I want to introduce our movie to you. It is based on real events..."

The reporter who was just asking casually at the beginning was soon attracted by the story told by Guo Fan and took out a small notebook to take shorthand. Some other reporters at the scene were also curious, and then more and more people gathered in front of the booth, and it gradually became lively.

Bai Lu looked at Guo Fan and Zhang Miao who were chatting with foreigners with a depressed face. She was helpless. She was a leaky fish. She only knew how are you in English and couldn't understand what they said. She had to silently serve them tea and water, becoming the assistant of everyone at the scene!


"No, no, this look is not what I want. I need an image that has oriental beauty but can also be recognized by foreign friends."

"Don't make my eyes narrow, I don't have squinty eyes!"

"Why do you make me look so old? I'm only 26, and you made me look 62. Can you do this job?"

Sitting on a chair and looking in the mirror, Yang Mi had a lot of complaints about this gay-looking stylist. He either made her look old and ugly, or made some weird "Shamatte" looks, and even wanted to make her eyes squinty, saying that this would have the charm of an ancient oriental country and would definitely outshine everyone.

I should have asked a domestic stylist to do it earlier. At least he could understand what I was saying. It is always difficult to express the complete meaning through translation.

"Why do you want squinty eyes! He is not Fu Manchu. It's not the right time. Do you still think that all Chinese people have squinty eyes? You foreigners are just blatantly prejudiced."

At this time, Gu Zhongyu also came here. As soon as he entered the door, he heard the makeup artist wanted to make Yang Mi's eyes squinty. These foreigners either have bad intentions or are seriously ill-intentioned. They have to equate squinty eyes with Chinese people.

"Great, now that you are here, I don't need an interpreter." Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief. She suspected that the interpreter had taken bribes and deliberately brought her to this stylist.

"What? Madam, we have an agreement. Even if you want to terminate the cooperation, you have to pay."

Although this interpreter looks like a Chinese, his accent is very strange. He should not be from the mainland. He is probably the descendant of immigrants or a student from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"Here you go. No need to change." Gu Zhongyu directly threw two banknotes in his face, and the latter left happily after receiving them.

"How much trouble can a styling have? Makeup styling should be tailor-made, not dogmatic, mechanical, and without considering the feelings of the customer." Gu Zhongyu lectured the stylist.

The sissy stylist was also very unconvinced. You, a yellow-skinned boy, dare to lecture me? Do you know what beauty is? If you can do it, do it!

"I'm really good at it. Anyway, I'm better than you. Wait!"

Yang Mi looked questioning: "You can also do styling? If you can't, don't show off!"

Who are you looking down on?

"Look, I'll give you six dollars."

Gu Zhongyu picked up the comb and tidied her bangs. The hair at the back was tied into a whip, and then he began to draw her eyes carefully with an eyebrow pencil. His technique was very skillful.

"Okay, you can do it, and you have this skill!"

"When I was crazy about styling four or five dramas a month, I had to change my styling on the road. If I couldn't find anyone, I had to do it myself. I have already mastered this skill."

Finally, he took two earrings and put them on Yang Mi. When he felt that it was almost done, he asked her to stand up and see for herself.

"Is this... Audrey Hepburn?"

Thick and full, straight eyebrows, short flat bangs, a ponytail at the back, and retro earrings, the sissy stylist recognized this classic screen image at a glance.

"Yes, you said that Hepburn's classic style is more suitable for this lady?"

Although he was reluctant to admit it, it was obvious that this style was more suitable for Yang Mi's face shape and temperament. The stylist didn't say anything, which was considered as tacitly agreeing with his design.

Yang Mi looked at the mirror for a while, took out her mobile phone to take a few selfies, and then pulled Gu Zhongyu next to her to lean on her arms, and took the first photo of the two in Cannes.

"You are not going to post this photo on Weibo, are you?"

"I'm also doing this for publicity! What's inappropriate? We haven't eaten each other, so what are we afraid of?" After saying that, before Gu Zhongyu agreed, she edited the text and posted it on Weibo.

[Gu Delai gave me a new look, come and help me taste it, and see if this craftsmanship is worth six dollars? @Gu Zhongyu]

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