Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 187: Going to Huang Lei's house for dinner (long chapter, asking for monthly votes)

The students in the audience rushed to raise their hands one by one, and Naza even raised her hands to the ceiling. Choose me, choose me, choose me!

Ignoring the attentive Nazha, the first person called upon was a directing student. He asked bluntly: "Teacher Gu, after the success of "Ball Lightning", do you think there will be more and more film jobs in the future?" Are you going to make a science fiction movie?”

How can it be! Four years after the release of "The Wandering Earth", no one has touched upon the science fiction theme. Even "Fortress" has been in the works for a long time. Do you think this is something that can be filmed in two months in a random yard while filming "The Wandering Earth"?

"At that time, I hoped that more and more colleagues would enrich the themes and types of our domestic films, instead of just me shouting. However, this not only requires the director's personal ability, but also has a high impact on our film industry. "Ball Lightning" is just a small test, I'm still looking forward to new people trying out science fiction themes."

"Teacher Gu, which one do you think is more important, commercial films or literary films?" asked the next student who was named.

"I think there is no distinction between superior and inferior." Gu Zhongyu knew that someone would ask this question.

"Actually, I want to correct you, there is no concept of 'artistic film' abroad. It is more appropriate to call that type of film an auteur film."

Now I will tell the origin of genre films again.

"So, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a drama film, "Ball Lightning" and "Artificial Intelligence" are science fiction films, and "Farewell My Concubine" is a drama film and a romance film." Gu Zhongyu continued.

"I hope that all the students here will not fall into the shackles of commercial films and literary films. This is meaningless. Enriching our current film types is the most important thing."

"But, Mr. Gu, even among genre films, there are some that are more commercial and more literary, right? Shouldn't we have the perseverance as filmmakers?" Someone asked, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Gu Zhongyu raised his eyebrows and kept the smile on his face: "To be precise, they are more popular and niche. Popular movies are more suitable to be placed in cinemas - pay attention, it is more - to attract as many people as possible Audiences go to the cinema. And niche movies are more suitable for repeated viewing at home, alone or with a few friends. The former is easier to stimulate adrenaline and make money, and the latter is more likely to resonate on a high-level spiritual level. "

At this point, he raised his finger to stop anyone who wanted to ask questions: "Don't be ashamed to talk about money. Without money, you can't make a good movie. No matter how good a movie is, it still needs money to make it.

"China is a country with a population of more than one billion, with a profound cultural foundation and a broad market. The film industry naturally has to be on par with the world's number one American emperor. In the 1980s and 1990s, we had many excellent directors. But there are also many people who are unwilling to make progress because of this. Anyway, no matter how you shoot, the state will take care of it. Now that the market is oriented, these views must be reversed and making money is the first priority. "

Having said this, he opened his hand and pressed it in the air: "I know what you want to say, but if you don't want to talk about the smell of copper, you have to lock yourself in an ivory tower. However, in modern society, you can Are you going to stay in the ivory tower all your life? If you want to get out, you have to talk about money and profits.”

What did the US emperor do? They use big investments and big productions to make money all over the world, and then invest in avant-garde art films that may lose money but can truly promote aesthetic progress.

Therefore, although the films of American imperialists are stinky, they also take into account a certain degree of artistry and are not biased. Unlike European films, which are obsessed with self-expression and unable to extricate themselves.

Guan Zhong said more than two thousand years ago that people can only pursue truth, goodness and beauty when they have a full stomach. Spiritual food is also food. Only when the adrenaline stimulation is satisfied, or even excessive, and makes people tired, will the audience improve their aesthetics, truly appreciate and understand those works full of beauty, and give those who create Directors who produce such works will support them, thereby achieving a virtuous circle.

"But Teacher Gu, if you can't insist on art, who else will inherit it in the future?" Someone still asked below.

"Art will be passed on by itself." He smiled.

"As long as people are still around, as long as civilization is still passed down, people's pursuit of beauty will not stop. Art may be on hold, but it will never die. You see, director Feng Da, who is famous for his comedy films, is filming Enough Entertainment After popular movies, we will also try to make works that reflect historical suffering like "1942."

Gu Zhongyu continued: "You all know Director Wang Jin, right? He is very responsible to investors and uses their money to make movies that can earn box office. Although many people despise him and think his movies are just vulgar hot chicks. , but he almost never made investors lose money, thus attracting more people to invest in the film industry.”

"After making money, he also invested in Xu Anhua to make some literary films and support some new directors, thus supporting many film practitioners during the most difficult time for Hong Kong films. So whether it is movies or actors, we have to The first thing you should do is to please the audience, and then survive in the complex market environment before you can do anything else.”

The students in the audience nodded thoughtfully, and the person who received the answer also sat back in his seat.

At this time, Nazha, who had been raising her hands for a long time, looked at her teacher and ignored her all the time. She winked anxiously, as if to say, if you don't choose me, believe it or not, I will cry for you?

Well, I'll give you a chance. I hope you won't ask any stupid questions, so Gu Zhongyu pointed at Naza and indicated that she could stand up and ask.

Nazha stood up impatiently and asked: "Teacher, teacher, we all want to know what the subject of your next movie will be? Is it the sequel to "Ball Lightning"?"

"No, Guo Fan went to study in the United States and will probably come back next year. There will be a sequel to "Ball Lightning", but it will definitely not be this year. We also need to polish the script carefully. What I want to film next is A biopic based on a real person will be released soon."

"Then...Teacher Gu, are you still short of people for your new movie? Are you considering choosing among us?"

When this question was brought up, the students below, especially those in the performance department, all looked at Gu Zhongyu expectantly.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and responded: "Don't tell me, there is a role for the third male lead that I haven't finally decided on yet. He should be about thirty years old. It is best to be an actor with a certain reputation and superb acting skills. We are currently casting. , if you have any suitable ones, please come and audition.”

When they heard that a well-known actor in his thirties was required, the students below could only shake their heads. This role was out of reach for them.

Nazha wanted to ask a few more questions, but the speech prepared by Gu Zhongyu was almost over here. After two hours, his mouth was dry and he handed the microphone to Huang Lei, who was the host.

"Okay, thank you very much, Teacher Gu, for sharing with us today. This is the end of the question-and-answer session. I hope everyone can gain some insights. Students can go back to class."

Nazha originally wanted to talk to Teacher Gu after the show to talk about her recent studies, but when she saw Huang Lei taking Gu Zhongyu to who knows where, she had to go back with Yang Caiyu in disappointment.


"What you just said is very good, Zhong Yu. He is really a natural speaker. It would be a pity not to come back and continue teaching and educating people. Come back more often in the future, and those children will be happier to see you."

"I'm just bragging. I'm not as good as you, Teacher Huang." Gu Zhongyu, who was sitting in the back seat, complimented.

Huang Lei's home is still far away from Nortel, and he has recently moved to a new place. He doesn't know the road, so Huang Lei grabbed the steering wheel and let Gu Zhongyu sit in the back to act as his guide. The driver.

A little too enthusiastic, Gu Zhongyu felt that Huang Lei most likely needed help from him.

"Okay, we're here."

Gu Zhongyu got out of the car and looked at the luxurious villa in front of him, and exclaimed: "It's okay, Teacher Huang! You can make a fortune in silence. Your house is quite impressive. I guess it costs tens of millions, right?"

Huang Lei's new home is a palace-style mansion. Not only is it large in size, the decoration is also particularly luxurious. The door is made of copper with carved patterns, and even the roof is golden.

At present, Huang Leike has not yet participated in popular variety shows such as "Extreme Challenge" and "Longing for Life", and has not been able to enjoy the huge dividends brought by variety shows, but he can already afford such a villa in Yanjing. It seems that there are some undisclosed businesses that are making money for him.

It has to be said that Huang Lei is among the most profitable among so many artists.

In 2002, Huang Lei founded Manfu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. After that, Huang Lei's "Midnight Song", "Heaven is Born in Water" and "Hey, Old Man!" " are all produced by Manfu Culture, and without exception, Huang Lei is either the director, screenwriter, or producer.

Later, he established the persona of "God of Cooking" and opened restaurants all over the country in partnership with others, making a lot of money.

"I am also getting a mortgage! The down payment alone will cost me a lot of money. I guess I will have to work on this house in the coming days. Okay, let's get in!"

As soon as you enter the back room, the double spiral staircase and the huge crystal lamp are bright and luxurious. Even the lighting is warm-colored. The ceiling is dotted with silver chandeliers... Well, Teacher Huang's taste really needs to be improved. This decoration The style is really a bit too rich.

"Ah! Uncle Gu, why haven't you come to play with me for so long? Didn't you say you would take me to Ocean Park last time?"

Huang Yici, who was playing in the living room, saw Gu Zhongyu, whom he had not seen for a long time, and immediately ran towards her. The little girl was six years old this year and looked very cute.

Gu Zhongyu used to come to Huang Lei's house for dinner a lot. From the time he went to school to teaching at Nortel, he probably had hundreds of meals, so she was very familiar with Gu Zhongyu.

Although Huang Lei was smiling outside, he followed the line of a strict father and a loving mother in terms of family education, and was stricter in controlling children. Therefore, Huang Yici preferred the kind and gentle Gu Zhongyu, and she would hold his thigh and act coquettishly when he came up.

"Sorry, Uncle Gu is too busy filming and doesn't have time to play with Duoduo. How about uncle giving you a big stupid bear as a gift later to apologize?"

Huang Yici shook his head and said: "There is no shortage of toys. Dad said that if you don't keep your word, you are a little bad guy. Uncle, you are a little bad guy. Those who don't keep their word have to stand in the corner!"

Huang Lei's face changed: "Duoduo, how do you talk to Uncle Gu? Is this how I usually teach you to talk to adults? Where is the modesty and politeness of children? I will punish you by not letting you watch cartoons for two days. Later, imitate the English situational dialogue for me again, the part where you apologize to others."

"No, no, no, Mr. Huang, Duoduo is right. I didn't keep the promise. Don't punish her."

Poor little Duoduo has been forced by her father to learn painting, piano, violin, cooking, English, and drama since she was a child. She is only six years old this year, but she spends ten hours studying every day. Gu Zhongyu feels distressed every time he comes to see her, and takes her out to play when he has time.

This semi-feudal and semi-open education model was actually experienced by Gu Zhongyu when he was a child, so he can empathize with it. Fortunately, he has an older brother to take the lead and can take a breath.

Poor Duoduo is not so lucky. As the eldest daughter, she must maintain the image of a "good child" that her father always requires at all times.

Duoduo was about to cry because of grievance, and she didn't know what was wrong. The adults all said that it was wrong to break one's promise, but why did Uncle Gu break his promise without being punished, but she was scolded by her father instead?

Just as Gu Zhongyu was protecting Duoduo and Huang Lei insisted that she go back to her room to reflect, a beautiful figure slowly walked down from upstairs and looked at Gu Zhongyu in surprise.

"Hello, Senior Sister Sun!" After not seeing each other for a long time, Gu Zhongyu felt that Sun Li seemed to have lost some weight and didn't wear any makeup, just a pure natural look.

"Zhongyu, how come you have time to come?" Sun Li, who had been a full-time housewife at home, didn't know that Gu Zhongyu had returned to Beijing Film Academy.

Huang Lei said with a smile: "Didn't Zhongyu's movie win a big prize in Cannes? The principal invited him back today to talk to the students, so I asked him to come to our new home for dinner."

"Zhongyu, sit down first. I'll go out to pick someone up and buy some food. We'll have a nice drink together tonight."

"Are there any other people coming?"

"Don't worry, they're all people in the industry, and you know them. You'll know them when I bring them back." After saying that, Huang Lei took the car keys and walked out the door.

Sun Li looked at Gu Zhongyu with complicated eyes, first asked the nanny to take Duoduo back to the room, then asked him to sit down and poured a cup of tea in front of him.

Looking at Sun Li who was sitting on the sofa in silence, Gu Zhongyu said, "I met Dong Xuan some time ago."

When Sun Li heard the word Dong Xuan, he was shocked. The unbearable memories of several years ago came to his mind again. He looked at Gu Zhongyu with some anger and asked, "What are you doing with her?"

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, it's been so long, you still care about her?"

"It's easy to say. You are a man, so you don't worry about these things. Since then, I dare not appear in public, for fear of running into Dong Xuan."

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Dong also has a secret with me now, so you don't have to worry."

"I think you must have something with Dong Xuan. I didn't expect that after such a thing, you can still be with her... Hey!" Sun Li sighed. In fact, what qualifications does she have to say about others!

Seeing Senior Sister Sun so ashamed, Gu Zhongyu couldn't tease her anymore. He took the initiative to walk to her side, put his arm around her shoulders, and let her lean on him.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to hide from her all day long."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, senior sister, don't take it to heart. Anyway, this matter is over. If you want to go out in the future, you can go out. I think Teacher Huang seems to have plans to bring Duoduo into the entertainment industry. The burden on your shoulders can be lighter in the future."

Sun Li was a little unhappy when it came to this: "Duoduo is so young, why is she going into the entertainment industry?"

"Be a child star! Otherwise, why did Teacher Huang let her learn acting and drama? It should be intentional to train her in this direction."

Sun Li sighed: "Huang Lei always wants a son, and his daughter can't satisfy him at all. I don't think it's necessarily a child star, it may also be a socialite!"

"What era is it, and you still have to give birth to a son? Senior sister Sun, don't you care about it, don't you feel sorry for your daughter?"

It has to be said that Sun Li's personality is too soft and tolerant.

Thinking back to the time before their wedding, at Liu Ruoying's concert, Liu Ruoying said: "A boy asked me a question, asking if I wanted to marry him. If I didn't want him, I wouldn't marry him."

The fans in the audience stretched their ears to listen, and Liu Ruoying said: "I can tell you the answer now, that is, I hope you are happy!" Although it was not said explicitly, everyone knew who he was talking about.

The public opinion was quickly ignited. When facing the camera, Huang Lei said: "The relationship between Liu Ruoying and me is the fourth kind of emotion that transcends love, family affection, and friendship!"

And Sun Li actually said: "You can't force a man to fill every corner of his heart with you!"

This kind of generosity to the point of almost losing oneself is really incredible, but although it shows that she doesn't care, this matter still buried a thorn in her heart, which led to the loss of control between her and Gu Zhongyu later.

The same is true after marriage. At home, almost everything her husband says is what she does, including the way she educates her daughter, although Gu Zhongyu knows that she does not agree with this radical education method in her heart.

The same thing happened when they got married. They had already confirmed their relationship in 1995, but Huang Lei said a few words to make her wait until 2004 when they finally held their wedding. She also retired from the entertainment industry and became a full-time housewife that year without any complaints.

Sun Li was silent for a while, and said: "I have no right to say anything about him, after all, I am still... Anyway, I still feel sorry for him now, let him decide how to teach my daughter."

Okay! Since Sun Li has expressed his position, Gu Zhongyu will not say more. It is too much to interfere with other people's things, so don't interfere with other people's lives.

Sun Li rested her head on his shoulder, thinking that when her daughter is older, she will come out by herself. As long as she can occasionally go to film and meet Gu Zhongyu, she will be satisfied.

"Do you know who Mr. Huang is going to pick up?"

"He didn't tell me."

Is that so? Looking at the empty living room, Gu Zhongyu's mind began to become active. He lowered his head and asked: "Then, Mr. Huang should not be back soon, right?"

Sun Li rolled his eyes at him, and then said: "It's still the same as before, hurry up."

Seeking monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, uncles!

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