Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 188: Alternative way of apologizing

"Teacher Huang, do you think we can make peace this time?" Tong Dawei, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, was holding his wife Guan Yue's hand with some uneasiness, and asked Huang Lei who was driving.

"I think Zhong Yu is still in a good mood today. This matter has been going on for so long and it should be settled. Besides, I'm still here! Zhong Yu will definitely give me this face. "

Tong Dawei was one of the first male artists to join Zongheng Entertainment, and he had a very good relationship with Gu Zhongyu. The filming of the film was originally going well, but during the most critical period of Zongheng's rise, he chose to terminate the contract and join another company, causing Zongheng to appear. There was a shortage of male leads for a period of time. During that time, Gu Zhongyu could only frantically play with all the major crews, and ended up with the title of "Gu De Lai".

Although in the entertainment industry, jumping around is normal, but when it comes to points, because of this incident, the two people who were originally friends naturally fell out.

However, with the development of Zongheng Film and Television in recent years, Tong Dawei gradually began to regret his original decision, especially after the broadcast of the popular "Struggle", which made him regret so much that his intestines turned green. He was the original male protagonist of the drama. If he hadn't left at that time, he would have taken advantage of this trend and his career would have definitely reached a higher level.

Coupled with the bad relationship with Zongheng Entertainment, many resources are not available to me. As I get older, I can get fewer and fewer dramas. After "Jade Goddess of Mercy", there is nothing worth mentioning. It is clear that thirty is the spring for an actor, but he has already felt the cold winter.

Fortunately, he has been accompanied by his wife Guan Yue in these years. Her wife is not only an actor or a teacher at Nortel, but also a producer, film and television producer, and investor. She has founded a cultural media company, and she can be regarded as a little rich woman. .

His wife has been a great help to his career. Even the role in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was helped by her at the wine table.

As she watched Gu Zhongyu come back and the company's business was booming, Guan Yue was keenly aware that there might be new changes in the entertainment industry, so she began to encourage her husband to have a good relationship with Gu Zhongyu, not to continue to be friends, but also It couldn't get any worse, so they asked Huang Lei to be the peacemaker.

Guan Yue has been teaching at Nortel for a long time, and Tong Dawei is also a good friend of Huang Lei for many years. Huang Lei naturally couldn't refuse, so he called Gu Zhongyu home on the pretext of inviting them to dinner so that they could talk face to face.

"By the way, Teacher Gu's new movie still lacks a third male lead role. What do you think of our family, Dawei?"

When she just gave a speech, Guan Yue was also listening below, so knowing this, she felt that this time she could not only repair the relationship with Gu Zhongyu, but if everything went well, they could even go further and cooperate again. Anyway, she felt that her husband's acting skills And fame is totally doable.

Huang Lei said with a smile: "'s hard for me to say it. Friendship is friendship, business is business, and Gu Zhongyu is also a boss. He won't make such a decision easily just because he wants to sell my face."

He felt that Guan Yue was really a bit greedy. Although Gu Zhongyu looked very generous on the surface, judging from his past behavior, he was also a person with clear grudges in his heart. It would be good if he could forgive Tong Dawei. How could he dare to ask for more from others? Would you like to film a movie?

"Don't worry, Teacher Huang. I'm very grateful for letting you make peace with me this time. How can I have the nerve to ask you to say this again! I can do this kind of thing myself." Guan Yue is very confident, and she is confident in her communication skills. As good as anyone, she felt that she had a good chance of winning against Gu Zhongyu this time.

"Honey, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay. For the sake of our family, Teacher Gu is actually quite nice and doesn't have any bad habits. He is much easier to deal with than those disgusting middle-aged bosses."


Half an hour later, Huang Lei led Tong Dawei and his wife to his home. It was the first time for the two of them to come here. They were envious of this luxurious villa. Except for the too rustic decoration, everything else was better than the flat floor of his home. Much stronger.

"Okay, Teacher Huang, don't show off your wealth. If you have any tips for getting rich, just use them!"

"Hey! With just the money you make as an actor, when can you buy a big house in Yanjing, where land is so expensive? Hey, why is there no one downstairs?"

Just when Huang Lei was confused, Gu Zhongyu came from the kitchen carrying a plate of fruit.

"Teacher Huang, you hid the fruit very deep, didn't you? It took me a long time to find it, but the dragon fruit is not too sweet, but the strawberry is okay." He stuffed the fruit into his mouth, walked to the living room, and then looked When they arrived with Dawei and his wife, they were a little stunned.

After swallowing the cherry in his mouth, Gu Zhongyu frowned and asked, "So the person Mr. Huang wants to entertain is Mr. Tong Dawei? Okay, I'll leave first." With that, he put down the fruit plate and left.

Huang Lei took Gu Zhongyu's hand and said with a smile: "I bought so many vegetables, and now you tell me that you want to go? Where to go? I used to always say that I buckle and search, but today I'll give it to you." It’s all hard food, and you’re not allowed to leave until you vomit.”

"I've already vomited... Oh no, I'm already full. I'm so angry when I see some treacherous traitors!" Good guy, I almost spilled the beans.

Tong Dawei lowered his head in embarrassment. Guan Yue saw that although Gu Zhongyu was angry, he didn't immediately throw the pot and leave. She thought there was a way, and took Gu Zhongyu's hand and said, "For Dawei's sake, you can If you don’t give it, you have to give it to Senior Sister Guan, right?”

When they were teaching together at Beijing Film Academy, Guan Yue had already apologized to Gu Zhongyu on behalf of her husband. Although Tong Dawei was afraid to see him, Guan Yue would always greet him attentively and treat him to food.

As the saying goes, you should not hit a smiling person, so the relationship between Gu Zhongyu and Guan Yue is okay, provided that Guan Yue does not mention her husband or does not bring him.

At this time, Tong Dawei spoke up: "Zhongyu! I am really sorry for what happened in the past. Let's borrow Teacher Huang's house today and let me toast you a glass of wine. I will apologize to you. If you are still not angry, just drink and leave, okay?"

Seeing Tong Dawei's humble appearance, Huang Lei and Guan Yue both held his hands and refused to let him go, Gu Zhongyu could not get angry, so he did not say anything and sat on the sofa, which was considered as tacit consent.

"By the way, where is your senior sister Sun? Did she go to study with Duoduo?"

"Why are you looking for me?" At this time, Sun Li also came over from the direction of the kitchen. Her face had returned to normal, and her clothes were neatly arranged. No one could guess what she had just experienced.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went to the back garden. The azalea was almost wilted. You didn't even take a look. I told you at that time that growing flowers is a technical job. If you don't take good care of them, then others can only water them."

"Hey, Dawei and Teacher Guan are here too. Our house is really lively today."

Huang Lei smiled and said, "Yes! It's been a long time since so many people came to eat. I have to show off my skills today. You stay here to entertain everyone, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Sun Li nodded. She finally knew why Huang Lei organized the party today. In order to make it more lively, she called Duoduo down again and allowed her not to study today and watch TV in the living room.

Children are always happy to hear that they don't have to study, so she took Gu Zhongyu's hand and sat on the sofa, and the big and small watched SpongeBob SquarePants.

Tong Dawei sat on the sofa at the side, wanting to say something, but not knowing how to start. Guan Yue sat next to Gu Zhongyu and said in an intimate tone: "Zhongyu! It was our Dawei who let you down in the past. He didn't accompany Zongheng through the difficulties. I also scolded him many times for being ungrateful. Can you forgive him for what he did in the past today for the sake of Teacher Huang and me?"

"Or, what do you think Dawei should do to make you calm down? Just tell me, I will take care of him."

At this time, Tong Dawei also said in an embarrassed tone: "Boss Gu, I was wrong in the past. Whether as a friend or a subordinate, I am to blame. Just scold me, okay?"

"Just scold you? I want to slap you both..." Guan Yue and her husband began to sing the same tune.

At this time, Sun Li also joined in and said good things about Tong Dawei. The relationship between the two families has always been good. She also likes Guan Yue very much, probably because they are both married to a teacher-student relationship.

Guan Yue is Tong Dawei's teacher, and Huang Lei is Sun Li's teacher. It's really a coincidence.

Gu Zhongyu also found it funny to see them perform so hard. In fact, if he was angry, he had almost forgotten it after so many years. He just couldn't let it go.

Of course, if he forgave the traitor so easily, Gu Zhongyu's conscience would be even worse. Soon, he began to plan a small plan in his heart.

"Okay, you two don't play double acts in front of me. For the sake of Teacher Huang, I won't pursue this matter anymore. We just need to get along normally in the future."

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was finally willing to compromise, the couple was amnesty, and they kept expressing their gratitude and apologies. The big stone in their hearts fell, and Tong Dawei's acting career was stable from then on.

Duoduo looked at the performance of the adults and was puzzled. Why did he feel that their laughter was full of hypocrisy?


Today, Huang Lei prepared a lot of hard dishes, including salt and pepper prawns, braised abalone, Wuwei smoked duck, crystal pork trotters... all kinds of delicious dishes filled the table, making people salivate.

Huang Lei doesn't cook every day, and he spends a lot of time studying outside, so he has eaten less of his father's cooking than Gu Zhongyu, so he is very greedy at this moment.

Gu Zhongyu picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork and put it in Duoduo's bowl, praising: "I think Mr. Huang is the best cook among actors, and the best actor in cooking. I can't catch up with her skills."

"Haha! Why do you, a big boss, study cooking all day long? Come over anytime you want to eat. I promise that it will be different every time. But I have to bring some fruit next time. Look at you rummaging in my refrigerator. I was almost tripped by the leaking water at the kitchen door just now."


Sun Li's chopsticks fell to the ground accidentally. She asked everyone to eat first, and she went to the kitchen to get another pair, and then mopped the floor by the way.

Gu Zhongyu smiled. It was really a mistake. He forgot to mop the floor.

"Come on, Mr. Gu, let me toast you a glass. Thank you for your patience."

Tong Dawei was very humble and put the cup at a lower angle. Gu Zhongyu only took a sip, but he drank the wine in the glass directly and filled it up again.

Guan Yue felt sorry for her husband drinking and wanted to bring him some, but was stopped by Gu Zhongyu in time.

"Sister Guan, if you drink, who will take Teacher Tong home later? I've drunk so much, and Teacher Huang is even worse."

Guan Yue had to persuade both of them to drink less, but seeing Gu Zhongyu's attitude today, he probably wouldn't stop until Tong Dawei got drunk, so she had to try to get him to eat more food.

In the entertainment industry, anyone who can get along can basically drink well. Gu Zhongyu actually hated drinking in his previous life, but as he had more and more daily entertainment in this life, he had to get used to drinking horse urine, and The quantity is also increasing.

People! It will gradually turn into something he hates. All Gu Zhongyu can do is to trick others in the future and not let others have the chance to trick him.

"Mr. Gu, I heard you say this morning that you still need a third male lead in your new movie!" Seeing that the atmosphere was almost complete, Guan Yue also began to enter the next stage.

"Yes, I have already mentioned the conditions. This is not limited to actors in my company, everyone can come and audition."

"What kind of movie is this? Can you reveal the cast?"

Gu Zhongyu briefly told them the plot of "Chinese Partner", and the others listened quietly to his introduction. Only one more person was still working hard.

"...The plot is like this, and the scope of the adaptation is quite large. Director Chen Kexin, as for the actors, I am the male lead Cheng Dongqing, Deng Chao plays the second male lead Meng Xiaojun, and Gao Yuanyuan plays my first love Su Mei. Now there is only the third male lead. Wang Yang hasn’t decided yet.”

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's introduction, everyone present understood the potential of this drama. It is an excellent biographical film that leaves a lot of room for actors to perform. If this type of film is made well, it will be a bonus for the actors. It's very big, and winning the prize is a matter of course.

Tong Dawei was moved, and Guan Yue was even more excited. The role of the third male lead was simply tailor-made for her husband!

"Teacher Gu, take a look, how is our family doing?"

"Let's not talk about business today, let's just talk about romance, okay?" Gu Zhongyu didn't give her an answer, but started eating on his own.

Tong Dawei on the side also wanted to recommend himself, but Guan Yue stopped him with his eyes. They said they don't want to talk about business, so don't hold on to him. Just leave the rest to me.

Huang Lei also felt that the role of Wang Yang was very suitable for Tong Dawei, but this was not within his scope of responsibility today, so he poured himself another glass of wine.

Nowadays, Gu Zhongyu is in the limelight, and building a good relationship with this student is his top priority. As long as he takes a little care of him, I believe he can introduce him to a lot of money.

He has fulfilled his obligation to be a friend to Tong Dawei. He has been busy repairing things for him and Gu Zhongyu today, but he will have to remember his kindness in the future.

No matter when, connections are the most important resource for him, and his success depends on this!

After three drinks and five dishes, Gu Zhongyu felt that it was almost over. Tong Dawei was already a little confused from drinking, but he still didn't forget to say thank you to Gu Zhongyu.

Teacher Huang, who had a good drink capacity, was a little drunk. Sun Li helped him go upstairs to rest. Duoduo went back to bed under the guidance of the nanny early in the morning. She has piano lessons waiting for her tomorrow. What a poor child. .

"That's it for today! It's time for me to leave."

"Mr. Gu... I... I haven't drunk too much... burp! It can still... come next!"

He was tongue-tied after drinking with Dawei. In terms of drinking capacity, he was not worthy of carrying shoes for Gu Zhongyu's good brother Jiang Wen. He relied on his willpower to hold on.

"Teacher Gu, we have to leave too, let me take you back!" Guan Yue saw that although Gu Zhongyu didn't drink much, he was still a little shaky, so she sent him home. This was a good opportunity to get closer.

"Okay, then it's senior sister's fault."

Sun Li warned: "It's so late, please drive safely!"

Gu Zhongyu asked the couple to drive first, and then looking around when there was no one around, he took Sun Li into his arms and kissed him goodbye.

"Bah, bah, bah! The smell of alcohol in your mouth stinks."

Sun Li's face turned red after drinking half a glass of wine, and she looked really cute. Unfortunately, Dawei and his wife were here tonight, so she didn't dare to let Gu Zhongyu stay at home.

"Come and see me more often when you have time!"

"Yes, Senior Sister Sun, you should go to bed early, I'm leaving!"


On the way, Guan Yue was driving in front, Gu Zhongyu was in the passenger seat, leaving a drunk Tong Dawei lying in the back.

"Teacher Gu, do you still live in the same community as before?"

"I moved a long time ago. This is the new address. Just drive here."

Guan Yue pretended to be surprised and said, "Are you finally willing to move? I always thought you had claustrophobia and were afraid of living in a big house?"

"Of course not. I used to teach in Nortel. I live closer and it's easier to commute to get off work! By the way, you just said at the dinner table that Tong Dawei should play Wang Yang. I think it's very suitable."

Guan Yue said happily: "Right? We are called heroes who think alike. If you decide to let Dawei act, I will make the decision. There is no need to pay him this time, just treat it as a friendship."

Gu Zhongyu said with a smile: "Friendship is friendship, how can we not pay for the film? I not only want to pay, but also pay more."

"You're too polite, Teacher Gu, you really don't have to." Guan Yue replied with a smile, but soon she felt an extra hand on her leg, "Teacher Gu...what's wrong with you?"

She finally understood what she meant by paying more for the film, but she was very calm after dealing with people at the wine table for a long time. She resisted and drove the car safely to Gu Zhongyu's house, then turned around and grabbed He held his hand and said in an almost pleading tone.

"Teacher Gu, I'm not pretty, so don't make such jokes with me!"

Guan Yue understood that Gu Zhongyu didn't really like her. If he really liked her, he would have taken action when he was teaching at Beijing Film Academy. Why would he wait until today? This is purely a man's bad taste.

"Hey! I think of the past after drinking a little bit of wine. I'm a little unwilling, Senior Sister Guan!"

"Dawei has already apologized. So, Teacher Gu, I will introduce a few sisters to you later..."

Gu Zhongyu interrupted her speech directly: "I'm not interested in other people now. Either kick me out of the car now and pretend that we haven't met today, or..." He looked at Guan Yue, looking forward to her choice.

Guan Yue pondered for a long time, weighed the pros and cons, and then said: "At least... don't be here, Dawei is still behind."

If she fell out with Gu Zhongyu now, what she did today would be useless. The two sides would become enemies completely, and there would be no chance of reconciliation.

This kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry. Guan Yue was glad that at least Gu Zhongyu was not a potbellied old man, and he was even very handsome, otherwise she really couldn't accept it.

For the sake of the family, she felt that she could sacrifice herself. Even if Dawei knew, he would understand.

"It's okay, it's okay. The scenery here is beautiful. Dawei is sleeping soundly. Everything is the best."

Seeing that he disagreed, Guan Yue had to sigh, and then looked at her husband who was sleeping unconscious behind her. Tong Dawei in the back seat was sleeping like a dead pig, without any reaction at all.

So Guan Yue turned off the lights in the car, and then Gu Zhongyu took her hand and came to the trunk of the car impatiently...

Thanks to Cang Jia for the 50,000 reward. Please send the address. I will drop in later!

Thanks to Shi Guang for the 7,000 reward. I will take a breath and go to your house later.

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