Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 189 The future domineering female president


When Tong Dawei woke up, he couldn't help but stretch himself. He knew that he had been drinking so heavily for a long time, and now his head still hurt.

"Are you awake? You must have a headache after drinking so much! Here is honey water and liver-protecting tablets, take them together."

At this time, Guan Yue came over with a water glass. Tong Dawei was very satisfied when he saw his wife's virtuousness. He waved her to sit on the bed and asked, "I was drunk last night. Gu Zhongyu didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

Guan Yue smiled: "Mr. Gu is quite generous. I talked to him in the car and said some nice things, and he said he would let you come to the company for an audition later. If there is no problem, the role of Wang Yang will be Damn it.”

"Really?" Tong Dawei was overjoyed. He liked the plot of "Chinese Partner" very much. He was fully confident that he would perform well. He didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu would actually give it to him regardless of his previous grudges.

At this moment, he felt deep down in his heart that he was really nothing before. Gu Zhongyu was so interested in him, but he actually changed jobs. If he had stayed, maybe the number one brother in the company would be his now.

"Thank you, my dear wife. If it weren't for you, this cake wouldn't have fallen on my head."

Guan Yue originally felt very guilty in her heart, but now that her husband is so happy, she feels that everything she has done is worth it. She thinks that even if the matter is exposed one day, Dawei will forgive her, right?

Dawei was sleeping in the car, and Guan Yue's heart felt hot.

She originally planned to deal with the problem and treat it as a ghost, but later,

In fact, when he first joined Nortel, Gu Zhongyu was already a school boy and was highly sought after by girls. However, he was not outstanding in all aspects, so although the two were classmates, there was no spark between them.

Later, because of the incident with David, the two were teaching at Nortel at the same time, and they only maintained a relationship as ordinary friends. She never dreamed that one day she would have an entanglement with Gu Dacaizi, and it would be so sudden.

She was even thinking just now, might Gu Zhongyu not want to take revenge? Are you just looking for an excuse to fall in love with yourself?

After thinking about it, she found that she was more complaining than resentful about what happened last night!

"Wife, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about? Aren't I happy for your husband? From now on, the sea is as bright as a fish, and you don't have to worry about being suppressed anymore."

Guan Yue forced out a smile: "Of course I'm happy. You have to perform well in your next play. If Mr. Gu intends to let you return to Zongheng, don't refuse."

At present, Tong Dawei does not have a brokerage company, it is just a family workshop-style studio. If Gu Zhongyu is willing to recruit an employee, the couple would be happy to do so.

"Yeah! That's natural." Tong Dawei didn't notice his wife's thoughts, while Guan Yue was thinking, what should she do if Gu Zhongyu comes to see her again next time?

Comparing Tong Dawei's elation and Guan Yue's self-conflict, Gu Zhongyu didn't take this matter to heart at all. Although he was very satisfied with the senior sister's obedience last night, the spring breeze with Guan Yue couldn't be said to him for a time. It's a small episode.

Career is the backbone of a man, and he has something very important to do now.

It is still in the office building of Zongheng Entertainment, but it is on the tenth floor of another floor. This place was rented by Gu Zhongyu last year as the office address of the new company and has just been officially opened.

As the business becomes increasingly large and complex, coupled with the restrictions of laws and regulations, Gu Zhongyu plans to gradually step down as the legal person and CEO of Zongheng Entertainment and Zongheng Film and Television, and instead controls the offshore companies he established overseas in his early years.

He is now in the process of purchasing shares of domestic companies to achieve control, and at the same time starting to look for new candidates to serve as CEOs of newly established technology companies.

This is a crucial part of his career plan, no one else.

"Mr. Gu, the person is here." Jiang Shuying looked at the message sent from the front desk and knew that the person Gu Zhongyu wanted was already on the stairs.

"Go and greet me!"

Since it is a new company, the staffing is not complete. Jiang Shuying now also has to report to him on the new company's business situation, but this is only temporary.

For jobs outside the entertainment industry, Secretary Jiang was not so good at it. He had to find someone else to be Gu Zhongyu's secretary and eyes and ears in the new company.

This is a headache. Choosing this person is more difficult than choosing a CEO because you need to have enough trust.

In fact, sometimes you really can't blame the bosses and secretaries for not being able to maintain a normal working relationship. It's not just as simple as being lustful. Because the secretary is with the boss every day, it is easy for the secretary to master a lot of secrets and the boss's privacy. If the secretary is not turned into a complete "one of our own", then this is actually a very dangerous thing.

Even if you give this secretary a high salary, you can't rest assured. After all, only the combination of interests and emotions can make this relationship stronger.


Zhang Nan carefully followed Jiang Shuying into the office. Has she yet figured out what Gu Zhongyu, a big star, wants to do with her?

After graduating from a third-rate university, Zhang Nan has been working in Internet companies. In 2003, he went to a mobile game company, Digital Red, and as the 10th employee of this mobile Internet company, he participated in many affairs of the company and experienced a start-up company. After everything I had to go through, I resigned and went to Maopu, then to Exciting Pictures, and finally to Thousand Feet Infinite.

Judging from her personal resume, she is a veteran in the Internet industry, but there is nothing particularly outstanding about her. So she couldn't figure out why a headhunter suddenly came to her, saying that a new company was still short of senior positions. Guan, ask if you are interested?

At first, Zhang Nan thought she had encountered some new type of fraud or that a certain leather goods company was looking for a scapegoat. However, after getting to know her more deeply, she realized that this did not seem to be a trap. The other party seemed to be sincere in order to get her to come face to face. They chatted and even told her the name of the boss behind the scenes, Gu Zhongyu.

Although she doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, Zhang Nan, as a normal post-80s girl, is still very familiar with Gu Zhongyu. She has watched many of his TV series since she was a student. With the addition of feelings, she can hold on even if there is no gain. With the idea of ​​meeting her idol, she finally chose to put down her work and come over.

As soon as he entered the president's office, Gu Zhongyu sat up from his seat and greeted her very enthusiastically: "Hello, Miss Zhang, I finally met myself. There was no traffic jam on the way here today, right?"

Zhang Nan didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu was much more handsome in person than on TV, but he was also a man who got into the Internet battlefield. She did not show any excitement, but responded in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your concern. I'm leaving." It was relatively early and I came by subway, so there was no traffic jam. ”

Gu Zhongyu took a look at Zhang Nan for a while. He found that it was similar to his impression, except that his face was a little thinner. Since he was not famous at this time and was in the period of hard work, his clothes were a little rustic.

She has average-to-average looks, slightly better than ordinary people, about seventy, but the confidence and determination between her eyebrows add some extra charm to her.

No one could have known that she, who was so inconspicuous at the moment, would become the first female president of a domestic Internet company in a few years.

Having Zhang Nan sit across from him, Gu Zhongyu first exchanged greetings with her before getting down to the main topic.

"I know about your previous experience. A Beipiao college student who graduated in the 1980s has already gone through several entrepreneurial journeys. It's not easy!"

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "Teacher Gu, are you laughing at me for always failing in my business? That's right. After all, Mr. Gu's career is so successful, I can only look up to him."

"Isn't it normal to fail in starting a business? Failure is the mother of success!"

"It's a pity that Chenggong doesn't recognize his relatives. Teacher Gu came to see me today. It shouldn't be to exchange entrepreneurial experiences, right?"

"It's like this. I saw the picture you made. It's very good! I want to know first how you came up with the idea of ​​making this APP?"

Tuba is an early Internet entertainment application. Its main functions are live broadcast of pictures of hot events, analysis of special topics, discussion by netizens, and sharing of life. It is an interest-oriented picture sharing software.

This app is not very popular, but it is very innovative. It was the last independent app that Zhang Nan made before joining Byte. You can already see some shadows of Douyin in the future from this.

This APP was not supposed to appear until 2013, but this time it was a year ahead of schedule, and it has already become popular among small circles.

Talking about his proud work, Zhang Nan became fascinated: "That's right, because we haven't had a product purely focused on viewing pictures on the mobile phone yet. The overall form of products such as Encyclopedia of Embarrassing Things is that the picture is Mainly, words are supplementary.”

"Our picture bar is mainly based on pictures, expanded in multiple dimensions, and supplemented with text and video assistance. We make the picture not just a picture, but cover more information, which is more consistent. Hobbies of people in the smartphone era.”

"In my opinion, the current market environment of the entire industry is that the browsing mode of all news on the Internet has begun to change. It has slowly changed from the previous state of text. So I speculate that the reading mode of users in the next stage should You use pictures to choose what you want to read, and this requires the emergence of pictures-based apps.”

Gu Zhongyu nodded: "So your original intention is to make a product that takes advantage of users' fragmented time and allows them to continue to look at and read pictures?"

"Fragmented time? Yes, this description is very accurate. Compared with boring text, people will prefer a browsing mode that combines graphics and text. This must be the mainstream of the market in the future."

"Have you ever thought about it? Maybe your estimate is wrong. With the development of smartphones and telecommunications networks, graphics and text may not become mainstream."

Zhang Nan said with certainty: "No, I firmly believe that applications with only text or few pictures will be eliminated by the market."

There is actually nothing wrong with this. To use an old saying, if you don’t have a picture, just look at it!

"You misunderstood me. What I want to say is that the form of pictures and text will soon fall behind. The entertainment method that will occupy the fragmented time of the public in the future should be video."

"Video? I know you are a practitioner, but I still want to say that in the Internet era, the prospects of traditional film and television dramas may not be very good."

"No, you are talking about long videos, and what I am talking about is short videos."

Short video?

Zhang Nan didn't quite understand this concept. After all, this term had just appeared in China and there were no relevant applications yet. But she could understand it literally and asked, "You mean, that kind of funny video?"

"No, it is not limited to comedy. Fashion trends, social hot spots, street interviews, public education, advertising creativity, commercial customization, etc. can all be made into short videos. The duration is controlled within a few minutes, and you can browse them at any time by turning on your mobile phone."

Then Gu Zhongyu explained the concept of short videos to her in detail. The more Zhang Nan listened, the more her eyes grew. She was a little shocked by Gu Zhongyu's knowledge reserve about the Internet industry. It was not like the qualities that an actor could have at all.

But soon she thought of another question: "Mr. Gu, such a short video APP requires the participation of a large number of practitioners. How can we ensure the output and quality? If a large number of creators are invited to settle in, the investment will be too great. ”

"Good question, so with our short video APP, everyone can pick up their mobile phone to record their life at any time, upload it to the space and publish it. Every user is a creator, and then make recommendations to others based on intelligent algorithms. , ensuring that everyone can find the type of videos they like to watch..."

"The core is to apply recommendation algorithms to content distribution, put user experience first, and help mass users express themselves."

Hearing this idea, Zhang Nan stood up immediately. If such an APP could really appear, it would be a huge blow to all current entertainment applications!

At this time, Zhang Nan couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Gu, is this why you called me here today? How did you come up with such a fantastic idea?"

She understood that Gu Zhongyu wanted to make such an APP, and he was interested in herself, who had worked for many Internet companies. Although she didn't know what position she could get, she was already tempted by Gu Zhongyu's plans.

Seeing that Zhang Nan, the future domineering female CEO, was incited by him, Gu Zhongyu was also very proud. It seemed that his teaching and speech skills had not declined, but were getting better and better!

"Fantasy ideas are worthless, the key is to successfully implement them. To be honest, I invited you here today because I want you to be the CEO of my new company, Light and Dark Technology, and be responsible for the development plan of short video applications."

Gu Zhongyu originally thought that the name ByteDance was good, but he found that it had already been registered, so he had to derive one based on the name of Zongheng. Because the important content of the Warring States Period was the confrontation between light and darkness between the vertical and horizontal lines, hence the name.


Zhang Nan thought she had heard wrong, so she asked again. After getting a positive answer, she said with some disbelief: "Mr. Gu, the initial research and development cost of this APP will cost at least tens of millions. If you want If it gets bigger, including operation and server costs, it may be in the hundreds of millions. For such a big project, do you want to hire a new person like me? "

"How can you be a newcomer? You have been working in the Internet industry for ten years, and you have experienced the journey of Simplified Chinese Internet from its inception to its take-off."

"But I have never been responsible for such commercial-level application development, even for Tuba. It is just a small work."

"That's right! Even a small Tuba can achieve such results, so now that you have a better team, ample funds, and mature business planning, wouldn't you be able to perform even more?"

Listening to Gu Zhongyu's encouragement, Zhang Nan felt that no experience in his life was as exciting as today. Even if he went out for a walk and picked up five million, it seemed extremely real compared to this.

But she was not stunned by this pie, but thought about other issues.

Her current photo bar has just started, and she has many old guys who want to eat. If she leaves, what will they do?

And although Gu Zhongyu said that he should be the CEO, he is also a high-level wage earner, and the other party will definitely control him. What if there is a conflict with people from Gu Zhongyu's original faction?

She doesn't hide her thoughts, but just throws them out.

Gu Zhongyu quite liked her frankness and said bluntly: "You can bring all the original team to join, and the treatment will only be better. As for the constraints on the project! There will definitely be this, but you can rest assured that we will not interfere in too specific matters. The business is more about monitoring the financial situation, and I have to know where every penny of my money is spent.”

Hearing this, Zhang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he no longer had any worries.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll join. I'll bring the big guys over tomorrow."

"Making a decision so quickly? Don't you think about it again?"

Zhang Nan smiled, how could she still consider such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to achieve success in one step? As long as what Gu Zhongyu said was true, it would be no problem for her to live and eat in the company now.

The two of them then started discussing the planning of the new company. In addition to the R\u0026D department, the administrative department, finance department, secretarial department, human resources department and legal department were all ready. Although the sparrow was small and well-equipped, Gu Zhongyu's request was, The seed employees of each department must be able to take on their own roles in the future to adapt to future rapid expansion.

Zhang Nan admired Gu Zhongyu's ambition very much. She felt that she had to fight for her life in order to live up to Bole's appreciation.

The discussion lasted until the evening, and Zhang Nan was still not finished. He felt that Mr. Gu was really amazing. He had looked down on people in the entertainment industry in the past, but it seemed that he would change his mind in the future.

Before leaving, Zhang Nan remembered something and asked Gu Zhongyu if he had a camera. After someone brought it, he let Jiang Shuying hold it and took a photo of the two of them.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's surprised look, Zhang Nan explained with a smile: "Working for the boss doesn't affect my star-chasing! This is called a career and life."

"Zongheng Entertainment is located upstairs, but I don't spend much time in the company. Most of the time I'm filming outside. If you want to chase stars with public funds, it's not very convenient."

After Zhang Nan, a professional, came, he, a half-baked man, didn't have to take care of the new company anymore and could devote himself to the filming of the new movie.

Developing Douyin is just to improve his entertainment empire. Filming is his preference. He made dumplings for the sake of vinegar.

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