Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 190 The eldest and the second oldest were fighting, and the third oldest died first!

Time flies, and it is already the end of June, which means that 2012 is about to be halfway through, and students are about to face intense final exams, college entrance examinations, and summer vacation.

The film industry will also usher in the summer season of blockbuster movies. Domestic films are crowded in this month, and they have released their schedules one after another, seemingly deliberately avoiding the edge of foreign blockbusters.

On June 28, "Painted Skin 2" premiered.

As another masterpiece of the Wang brothers in 2012 after "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", "Painted Skin 2" is finally about to be released to the audience after experiencing various hardships. Chen Kun, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun and other original cast members have all returned, with a total investment of 150 million.

After spending so much money, of course it must be well promoted. A grand premiere is naturally indispensable, and many guests must be invited. However, it is a bit embarrassing. Among the three main actors, only Chen Kun appeared.

Chen Kun in this life is actually quite miserable. The most important role in his acting career, Jin Yanxi in "A Noble Family", was snatched away by Gu Zhongyu, and "Famous Flower Drum" was also snatched away. Although he has played some other works later, his popularity and influence are still not as good as in his previous life.

Normally, only two of the three main actors can come to the premiere of a movie. There must be something wrong!

When "Painted Skin 2" was filmed, there were constant rumors about Zhao Yanzi and Zhou Xun fighting over the ranking issue.

There is a saying in the circle that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Things that sound ridiculous to you may be true!

This time, neither of them came to the premiere. There must be something wrong. Although the film company later explained that Zhou Xun was busy attending a United Nations environmental conference in Brazil, and Zhao Yanzi was preparing for thesis defense and could not come.

What a far-fetched reason!

Since the two female protagonists could not be invited, Wang Zhonglei planned to let Yang Mi, who was originally just a supporting role, show up to support the scene.

Since last year, Yang Mi's career has been rising like a rocket. After the hit of "Palace Lock Heart Jade", the movie "Ball Lightning" she participated in won the grand prize in Cannes. She was in the limelight. The effect of inviting her to the platform might be better than that of the two female protagonists.

In response to this, Yang Mi's response was: There are countless licking dogs, I have read it but not replied!

Yes, she directly ignored the invitation of the Wang brothers. The conflict between Gu Zhongyu and the Wang brothers has been going on for a long time. She naturally knew it, but she used to pretend to be stupid and try to please both sides without offending anyone.

But now the relationship with Gu Zhongyu has reached this point, and Jiaxing, which he founded, has also invited him to join in. So now the two are deeply bound from feelings to careers, so she naturally has to choose a side.

Not to mention the platform premiere, she was unwilling to even interact on Weibo, just as if she had never acted in this play at all.

If the premiere was just deserted, it would not be a big deal, but at this time, the lawsuit with Zhou Xingxing just ended. As expected, Zhou Xingxing lost the case, did not get back the 81.6 million dividends, and had to bear all the litigation costs. But the matter did not end there. Since Zhou Xingxing had established a cooperative relationship with Zongheng, how could he let go of such a hot event that could hit his opponent? Next, countless media reporters and big Vs reported on this matter. Zhou Xingxing, who has always been taciturn, also cooperated with him. He never refused anyone and answered all questions. Because of this lawsuit, the stock price of Wang Brothers Company actually fell sharply, and the final market value shrank by about 3 billion yuan. For this mere 81.6 million, such a huge benefit was lost. This pattern and vision are indeed not big enough. After all, win-win cooperation requires a long-term vision. This move is really not worth the loss. However, the time period chosen by "Painted Skin 2" is still good. There are no competitive movies in the same period. Starring Lawrence, the popular movie in the United States, The Hunger Games, is not well received in China, and it is difficult to break the 100 million yuan box office.

The Ghost of the Pen is another psychotic horror movie, which relies on background music to scare people, and there are more complaints than peeing points.

The quality of Snow White and Mirror Mirror is good, but it is a musical, and the publicity is poor, so it quickly flopped.

The animations of Submarine 2 and Peppa Pig Crisis 3D are not a concern.

The Painted Skin 2 is also quite competitive. After one day of release, the box office has exceeded 50 million, and it is growing amazingly, and it is expected to reach the 10 billion level again.

Seeing that the beginning of this summer season will be dominated by Painted Skin 2, Gu Zhongyu sent warmth in time and lifted the recently approved I Like You!

It was originally planned to be released in August on the Chinese Valentine's Day, but Gu Zhongyu felt more uncomfortable seeing the Wang brothers making more money than he failed, so in order to find something for the brothers to do, he moved it up a month and released it on July 1.

This is really cool!

Since Gu Zhongyu had just won a big award in Cannes not long ago, the popularity has not faded, and this time it was a romantic comedy co-produced with his former rumored girlfriend Liu Yufei, the reunion of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu after six years immediately attracted the public's attention.

Because the movie was airborne, the publicity work did not start until a few days ago. On the poster, Gu Zhongyu eats with a knife and fork, and behind him is Liu Yufei in a chef's uniform holding a spatula and looking at him sinisterly, as if she wants to cook Gu Zhongyu, which is very funny.

Especially Liu Yufei's refreshing and capable short hair style is also refreshing, and it looks better than her movie styles in recent years.

On the first day of the release, Gu Zhongyu, Liu Yufei and other leading actors attended the premiere, and played some ambiguous games arranged by the host, which satisfied the long-term wishes of the fans of The Legend of Condor Heroes.

At the same time, some interesting tidbits from the filming were cut out on Weibo and video websites, such as Liu Yufei cutting her hair short and cooking, and the male and female protagonists going crazy on the street after eating mushrooms, using these materials to attract people to the cinema.

Of course, no matter how well the publicity work is done, the quality of the film will eventually be seen.

Movies with handsome men and beautiful women + romantic comedies usually have good box office, especially this time in the hands of Chen Kexin, who is good at portraying delicate emotions, whether it is the plot or the actors and performances, it is not a little better than the original.

The male and female protagonists are also very pleasing to the eye, let alone Liu Yufei. Compared with Zhou Dongyu, any female actress is considered a fairy descending from heaven.

Liu Yufei, who has always been dull in acting, has also broken through herself, changing her previous cold image of the fairy sister, and becoming a carefree and funny female neurotic, which is quite fun.

After the first day of the premiere, the box office was not very high, just less than 40 million.

However, as the film was released in other parts of the country, the audience's reputation continued to improve, and the box office trend began to soar. The film critics who had already arranged for it did not hesitate to praise it.

"Such a simple and over-told story can be filmed to this extent. I am convinced." This is a relatively concise film review.

"Very good! It is really amazing that the clichéd story of the overbearing CEO can be filmed so vividly and funny, and the laughs are still very natural! Gu Zhongyu still has the youthfulness of the Jin Yanxi period, and he is still so handsome that no one can match him! He is a perfect match with the imaginative Liu Yufei! If you like you, everything becomes simple, you can't define it and don't need to choose, you will naturally be together." This is for those who like the plot.

"When I looked into Gu Zhongyu's eyes, I thought I was in love with Yang Guo, and when I saw Liu Yufei's smiling face, I thought I was in love with Xiaolongnu. When two people with love physiques hold hands, I feel my heart fluttering across the screen." This is for the infatuated actor.

"The New Oriental female chef conquered the domineering president." This is a good summary.


In fact, sometimes the audience is really easy to satisfy. A romantic comedy movie with no merits or demerits can make everyone willing to pay to go to the cinema.

In the next few days, "Like You" won 41 million, 52 million, 56 million, and 58 million box office results respectively, and the total box office soon reached the level of 300 million.

The audience's reputation is also good, with a Douban score of 7.5 and a score of 82 on For a romantic movie, it is a rare high score.

In sharp contrast, "Painted Skin 2" won 52 million on the first day of its release, but as the movie's shortcomings were spread by the public, its reputation began to collapse.

Although the first "Painted Skin" also had shortcomings, it still told the story well and retained some shadows of traditional ghost culture.

The second part is a mess of oriental magic, and the rhythm is slow and the editing is chaotic, especially Fei Xiang's weird and shocking appearance. These problems were not corrected by director Wu Ershan until the filming of the "Fengshen" trilogy.

The 3D effect advertised is still disappointing. The most three-dimensional is the opening logo, and the special effects are all in the trailer.

Therefore, under the attack of a comedy suitable for all ages like "Like You", the box office of "Painted Skin 2" quickly began to fall!

By early July, the daily box office of "Painted Skin 2" was only around 10 million, because the reputation was so bad. Even if it got the key to extend the release, the box office performance barely reached 600 million, which was almost 200 million lower than the previous life.

Although it did not lose money, compared with the high cost, there was nothing to earn, and the value of the movie IP "Painted Skin" ended here.

Many senior people in the industry went completely crazy, saying they couldn't understand why Painted Skin 2, which cost 150 million yuan, had all kinds of cool special effects, and a psychedelic plot, couldn't beat Like You, which cost only 40 million yuan?

The Wang brothers couldn't understand it either, and they wouldn't give in so easily. They chose to invest money in publicity and promotion to see if they could make up for it.

The entire July movie season was a battle between Like You and Painted Skin 2.

I never expected that the eldest and the second would fight and beat the third!

July 6th was the day when Kaizi's new film Search was released. To be fair, Kaizi calmly told a good story this time. The film reflected profound social and human issues. Da Meiyuan was also beautiful to a new level in the film. It stands to reason that this movie could have a good result.

It may be that Kaizi's reputation was too good in the past, which caused some psychological shadows among the audience, and the movie quickly flopped.

There was no splash on the first day of release, and there was no sound in the following days. No one criticized it, but no one paid attention to it either, as if the movie had never been released.

What made Kaizi even more crazy was that the heroine Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what happened to her. She didn't cooperate with the publicity work, but turned to Zongheng Film and Television to shoot a new movie.

Later, he learned the whole story from Zhao Youting. Kaizi could only sigh that Gu Zhongyu was really a teddy bear, and he didn't even let go of the heroine of his movie that was being released.

"Search" barely broke 100 million yuan in box office until it was off the shelves, which is the worst performance of his movie in recent years.

Kaizi was so angry that he posted on Weibo that his movie was plotted against, otherwise the performance would be better.

Netizens below were also very respectful, and started to list his glorious deeds from "A Murder Case of a Bun", saying that he was narrow-minded and said that he plotted against others because his movie was not as good as others, and he did not behave like a great director.

Kaizi was also a very tough person, he blocked the matter directly, and warned those who kept talking about it with a lawyer's letter!

I don't know if this incident stimulated him, but Kaizi soon returned to his old ways and continued to make movies that tortured the audience.

Gu Zhongyu was too lazy to care about these. It was a foregone conclusion that the box office of "Like You" would exceed "Painted Skin 2". "Chinese Partners" was about to start filming, and he still had to prepare for it!

However, before that, he had to go to another place.


Backstage at the film roadshow, Liu Yufei was browsing reviews and box office trends of "Like You" on her phone. Although the film is still in theaters, it has broken all her previous box office records.

In recent years, the box office of "Hongmen Banquet" and "A Chinese Ghost Story" she starred in did not exceed 200 million, and the reputation was very bad, which made her doubt herself for a while, wondering if she was really not suitable for the film industry?

As a result, Gu Zhongyu took her a month to shoot a romantic comedy, and took off the label of box office poison on her head. Especially her fans praised her for her good vision in film selection and extraordinary acting skills.

"Xixi, the host will ask you to go on stage and share some of your experience in learning to cook while filming a movie. Is that okay?" Yang Caiyu came over to remind her to get ready to go on stage.

"Sure, let them ask." Although she is not good at cooking, Liu Yufei feels that her theoretical knowledge is enough to cope with it.

Yang Caiyu saw Liu Yufei browsing her phone, and knew that she must be paying attention to the box office, so she asked how much it was now.

"It just broke 400 million."

"So much?"

Yang Caiyu couldn't believe it. It was just over 300 million two days ago, and it's 400 million today. Is the movie market so crazy now?

Many of her classmates still don't have a chance to act in short plays, but her debut work has 400 million. Will she be envious of them when she meets them in the future?

"It would be great if Teacher Gu came this time. Many people are here to see the CP combination of you two!"

Speaking of Gu Zhongyu, Liu Yufei now loves and hates him. She hates him for being so philandering and hooking up with her best friend Du Yuchen, but now that the new movie is a big hit, she can't hate him. After all, all this was given by the stinky scumbag.

As a small actor with no background, it is normal for Du Yuchen to be controlled by Gu Zhongyu. In addition, she knelt down and begged for mercy in time, and the soft-hearted Liu Yufei also forgave her.

She was even afraid that Du Yuchen would be bullied again in the future, so she asked her to join her studio. Now she is the second female artist in her studio.

But how to get along with this scumbag in the future made Liu Yufei feel troubled.

If she always yelled and broke up, it would be tiring enough, and it was really hard for her to leave Gu Zhongyu now. After all, in addition to emotional and physical dependence, she now even entrusted her career to Gu Zhongyu.

But being an ostrich was not her style.

After thinking about it, she decided to go back and ask her knowledgeable mother Liu Xiaoli, believing that she would definitely have a solution.

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