Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 194 I just want to surrender at this moment

Heroes admire each other, beauties envy each other. Apart from Fan Binbin and Yang Mi, Guo Biting's appearance is the most threatening to Liu Yufei.

Her appearance belongs to the rich color system, and there is also a sense of mixed-race. Her clear big eyes can easily make men feel pity.

"Are you going to sign her to Zongheng?"

"What are you thinking! She has her own agency in Taiwan. This time she came to the mainland just on the way with us. Yang Mi and Guo Xiaosi have a new movie to shoot, and asked me to help her find a suitable candidate. I am just an introducer."

Because Yang Mi in this time and space started Jiaxing in advance, her cooperation with Guo Xiaosi this time is no longer just as an actor.

Especially after Gu Zhongyu said that this movie can make money, she took out nearly 20 million to invest in one go. If it weren't for the dividends from "Ball Lightning", she might not be willing to take out so much money.

"Tiny Times" 1 and 2 were filmed together, with a total investment of 47 million yuan. Yang Mi accounted for almost half of the money, becoming the largest investor in "Tiny Times". Guo Xiaosi was so moved that he wanted to kneel down and kiss her heels!

"You really care about her, but what about mine? "Dream of Hualu" now only has a script, and there are only two people, Yang Caiyu and I, and nothing else. You tricked me into setting up a studio and then just left it alone?"

"Don't worry, I have already thought of the director and other leading actors for you. I will tell you in detail after we get off the plane."

Just as the two were chatting, Guo Biting, who was standing behind them, took the initiative to come over and said to Liu Yufei: "Hello, Miss Liu, I am your fan. I have watched "The Return of the Condor Heroes" you played many times. Can we take a photo together?"

Liu Yufei didn't expect that this sister took the initiative to find her. Was it because she looked at you more in the crowd?

However, Xixi has always been a person who is hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Whether it is Zhang Zilin before, Du Yuchen, or Guo Biting now, as long as the other party is in a good mood, it is difficult for her to keep a straight face.

So Guo Biting picked up his mobile phone, put his hand on Liu Yufei's shoulder, and the two of them took a photo with their heads close together.

Unexpectedly, after taking the photo, Guo Biting was still unwilling to leave. He leaned on Liu Yufei's seat and chatted with her.

From fashion trends to literature and movies, and finally after learning that the other party was a heavy pet lover, they exchanged contact information and agreed to pet cats together when they were free!

Something is wrong! Why did Guo Biting feel more excited after meeting Liu Yufei than when he met himself before?

Thinking about the previous life, it seems that before getting married, it is indeed rare to hear Guo Biting have any scandals with boys. Is this another Li Yuan?


After returning to Yanjing, Gu Zhongyu first called Yang Mi out and introduced Guo Biting to her.

Yang Mi is also very knowledgeable. When she saw Guo Biting, her eyes lit up. Isn't such a beautiful lady the best actress for the goddess Nan Xiang in "Tiny Times"?

Although Guo Biting has an agency in Taiwan, she is not famous at this time and can't spend much money even if she breaks the contract, so Yang Mi even wants to trick her into coming to her own Jiaxing.

For this reason, she didn't even invite Gu Zhongyu to dinner, and hurriedly took Guo Biting's hand to find Guo Xiaosi. She is really ungrateful!

After Xixi got off the plane, she couldn't wait to take Yang Caiyu to prepare for the opening drama of her studio with the script of "Dream of Hualu". For this, she also borrowed a lot of people from Zongheng Entertainment.

This TV series "Dream of Hualu" once won the first place in the entire network in June 2022, making the daily active accounts of Penguin Video mobile terminal more than 20% ahead of its closest peers. Even if there are unfinished parts, this result is considered a small hit.

Moreover, it does not require a big scene or a big investment, and the production cycle is short. Even in the market environment of 2012, it is basically a sure win. In addition to Liu Yufei, there is no need to invite any big stars.

The total investment of the TV series is estimated to be about 80 million. Liu Yufei originally wanted to shoot it with Gu Zhongyu, but Gu Zhongyu suggested that she contact the people of Mango TV first, and it would be best to bring them in.

"The money can't be made by only the two of us. Your TV series is a type of ancient idol drama. It would be best to broadcast it on Mango TV. Let these people also have a share. In this way, it will be convenient for your TV series to be broadcast on the stars, and they will also cover you in terms of publicity and promotion. Why not do it?"

This time Liu Yufei listened honestly, and took the script with her mother to talk to the person in charge of Mango Media. At the same time, she asked Gu Zhongyu to quickly decide on the remaining actors and directors. She really didn't know many people in the circle and couldn't find a suitable candidate.

As for the director, Yang Yang, who was in the original version, was still chosen. This female director is good at TV series of various themes. The types of "Proof of Memory", "Meritorious Service", "Ever Night" and "I Heard You Like Me" are all different, but the quality of the films is above average.

The leading actress Zhao Pan'er is naturally played by Liu Yufei, and Song Yinzhang is replaced by Yang Caiyu, the first female artist in her studio. The male lead Gu Qianfan was originally wanted by Qianqian, but it was a bit embarrassing for Gu Zhongyu to play such a TV series, because this is a TV series dominated by women, so he recommended Chen Xiao, who was still a new actor at the time, to highlight a bargain and sign him as well.

As for the role of Sun Erniang, he felt that the original actor Liu Yan was better. To show his sincerity, Gu Zhongyu volunteered and decided to run a errand for Qianqian and invite her in person.

He said he was going to invite her, but Gu Zhongyu made a phone call and Liu Yan came in person.

The two have known each other for a long time and their relationship is very good. How good is it? For example, right now, these good friends are lying together on Gu Zhongyu's big boat.

"Huh...I'm exhausted. You're an ox! You won't come."

Liu Yan gasped and said she would never play another round. From day to night, Gu Zhongyu, who had not seen her for a long time, almost tormented her to death when he saw her.

"We haven't seen each other for such a long time. I miss you. I couldn't bear it any longer..." Gu Zhongyu quibbled. In terms of the wonderful experience brought by the sparring session, Liu Yan ranked first among his many confidantes. Three years later, I have never gotten tired of it.

Liu Yancai didn't believe his lies and asked: "Since you miss me so much, why don't you take the initiative to see me? You even have me come to your door myself, and it's because of work. You've obviously forgotten me!"

"The conscience of heaven and earth! I told you before that I brought you to Yanjing for development, but you just don't want me to do anything."

"You put it lightly. My parents are ordinary rural people. They can't leave their hometown all their lives. What will they do when I come to Yanjing? Moreover, my dad's health is getting worse and worse. I don't even know that I can survive." Stay with him for a few more years!”

Liu Yan's father is a transportation driver. He was originally a good and capable young man with a happy family, but unfortunately he was injured in a car accident and was unable to continue working. Moreover, his health has become worse and worse over the years. This is what Liu Yan is most worried about now.

When she talked about her father, Liu Yan's heart was touched again. The results of her father's recent physical examinations were all full of problems. When she thought of this, her eyes began to sore and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Seeing that the beauty was talking about her pain point, Gu Zhongyu quickly hugged Liu Yan into his arms and comforted her: "I have found someone to arrange for my uncle to be admitted to a government hospital, and there is also expert consultation. It will be good for his health after all. of."

Only then did Liu Yan stop crying: "Your conscience is not completely broken."

"That's right, I promised to take care of you for the rest of my life, so naturally I won't break my promise." This was what Gu Zhongyu said when he first met Liu Yan.

Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yan's acquaintance can be traced back ten years ago. At that time, Liu Yan's mother was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. Hospitalization required a large sum of money. It was still not enough to scrape together everything. In order to raise money, she participated in In the beauty pageant at that time, the first place received a bonus of 10,000 yuan.

In a later program, Liu Yan mentioned this matter with still bitterness: "Now if someone gives me 10,000 yuan and asks me to do something, I will think that this person is sick, but at that time, someone was willing to give me 10,000 yuan." Chunk, I think I’m willing to do anything.”

Good luck did not come, and the championship was won by Xie Nan, the future wife of Wu Jin. However, she was discovered by Gu Zhongyu accidentally when she first came into contact with the entertainment industry, because he happened to be interviewed by Enlight Media at that time and met Liu Yan.

After he learned about Liu Yan's experience, he gave her his bank card on the spot and asked her to use it as she pleased. As long as it could cure her mother, he would not ask him for more.

Gu Zhongyu was already somewhat famous at that time, so Liu Yan was shocked at the time and couldn't figure out why she received special treatment from this big star.

Later, with the help of Gu Zhongyu, she also joined Enlight Media as a host, and her career was much smoother than in her previous life, with fewer detours.

There is no such thing as free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

After receiving such a great favor from someone, no matter how stupid Liu Yan was, she knew that she had to do something, even though Gu Zhongyu never hinted to her from beginning to end.

She had nothing to give away but herself.

After Gu Zhongyu's birthday celebration, she took the initiative to invite Gu Zhongyu to watch a movie, then took him back to the rented house, packed herself with a bow, and gave it to him as a gift...

After this incident, the relationship between the two was established, but Liu Yan never asked to be his girlfriend because she already knew about some of Gu Zhongyu's romantic deeds before this.

Regardless of status, there is a huge gap between the two of them. Those female celebrities can't become regulars yet, and I shouldn't have such extravagant hopes.

So she thought that staying with Gu Zhongyu for a few years would be a way of repaying her kindness. She would wait until he got tired of her and then choose another spouse.

Unexpectedly, this company lasted for more than ten years. Gu Zhongyu still contacted her frequently, even gave him a house to help solve work problems, and also took good care of his parents.

So now Liu Yan has already thought about it. If Gu Zhongyu still doesn't give up on her in a few years, she is even ready to help this man give birth to a child to accompany her.

Gu Zhongyu also felt that he was a little sorry for her, but he was possessive and unwilling to let go, so he could only treat her twice as much.

Looking at the pitiful Liu Yan, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but sigh.

Appearance really cannot be used as a criterion to judge a person's character. Just like Liu Yan, she looks extremely sexy and enchanting on the outside, but in her heart she is more conservative and traditional than 99% of the actresses in the industry. This kind of personality is not even suitable for the entertainment industry.

While the two were cozying up, Dundun, the pig who was full of sleep, slipped in through the gap in the bedroom door and wanted to jump on the bed, but failed after flopping twice in succession. Liu Yan finally hugged it with a smile. Come up.

I don't know why, but even though Liu Yan doesn't come often, Dundun likes her very much and rushes to ask for a hug every time.

Gu Zhongyu thought it might be Liu Yan's broad mind that made Maomao feel like her mother!

"I didn't expect that even Xixi has started to be her own boss now. I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but I am still working as a part-time worker." Liu Yan sighed while stroking Dun Dun's head.

Liu Yan and Liu Yufei met when they were filming "Four Famous Shops", but because she didn't have many roles and deliberately avoided Liu Yufei, their relationship was only average.

"If you want to start a business, it's very simple! I will invest in you and guarantee that you will make a profit!"

Gu Zhongyu has so many projects to make money, he is too busy to handle them all, and it is most appropriate to leave it to his woman.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yan shook her head and said, "I can't do it. I don't have the mind to do business, and I don't have the ambition to do it. As long as I have enough food and clothing, I don't expect anything else."

"Okay! If you change your mind one day, tell me. The host profession is not a long-term solution."

Like the entertainment industry, female hosts, unless they can enter CCTV, will be relegated to the second line at the age of 40 at most.

Although Liu Yan's career in this life has been less bumpy with his help, this is only external help. Liu Yan, who is not good at socializing, still has few friends in the circle. If she continues to be a host, she will definitely not last long.

"By the way, if I go back to film with Xixi, how will you get along?"

"Just get along as you should! Xixi has a good temper, can she eat you?"

"No... I mean, we only stayed together for a few days last time in "Four Famous Catchers". This time in "Dream of Hualu", we will be together for several months. If she finds out..."

Liu Yan knows the relationship between Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei very well, so she is a little worried. If she participates in "Dream of Hualu" this time and lets the other party find out about the relationship between her and Gu Zhongyu, how will it end?

Liu Yan has not only heard of but also experienced the behavior of some stars bullying others, so she is very worried that Liu Yufei will hate her and make trouble for her in the future.

She is very unconfident and feels that she can't compare with the national goddess Xiaolongnu, and she doesn't want to embarrass Gu Zhongyu because of this.

Hearing her concerns, Gu Zhongyu smiled and said, "It's okay, Xixi is just a princess, a little arrogant, if she really finds out, then so be it! She won't do anything to you."

Last time when he brought Lin Zhilin home, Xixi knew he was lying, but she just complained a little, so Gu Zhongyu felt that Xixi's tolerance was getting higher and higher, and she often started to play ostrich.

Even the matter with Du Yuchen, he suspected that Xixi might know, otherwise why didn't she pay attention to him in those days, which made Gu Zhongyu curious, what is the bottom line that our Miss Xixi can accept now?

"By the way, have you... rested enough?"

At this moment, Liu Yan just wanted to surrender!

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