Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 195 The girlfriend who is visiting the set for the first time

Liu Yan finally agreed to participate in "Dream of Hualu". The script attracted her very much. With Gu Zhongyu's recommendation, she would choose to believe this man even if she didn't believe in her own vision.

After finishing the two big dramas of Liu Yufei and Yang Mi, Gu Zhongyu was going to start his own performance.

July 20, Tianjin, the Second Workers' Cultural Center.

The filming location of Yenching University, also known as Peking University, was here. The style of the 1980s architecture was preserved here, so the crew also started filming in a low-key manner on this day.

After Chen Kexin received the script, he kept urging Gu Zhongyu to join the group. After reading the script, Deng Chao and Gao Yuanyuan chose to join without any hesitation. Now they are waiting for him, the protagonist, to start filming.

Gu Zhongyu, with a 3:7 hairstyle, matched with old-fashioned beer bottle glasses, a loose plaid shirt and an old-fashioned trouser belt, made his debut in a rustic outfit that just came to the city.

The funny look made all the staff on the scene laugh, especially Gao Yuanyuan, whose lips were red and teeth were white when she smiled, and every pore was clear and beautiful. Xixi next door was so jealous of such a smile!

Why can't you see your teeth when you smile?

It was the first time she saw Gu Zhongyu like this, and it felt quite funny.

This time, Gu Zhongyu's styling also broke through his previous image of a fair-faced young man, and because of his age, the sense of disharmony when he played a younger role was much better than that of Huang Xiaoming.

"Brother Chao, we finally work together once." Deng Chao's character Meng Xiaojun is an intellectual with full self-confidence, with a short hair style of 2:8, which looks quite like that.

"I'm not worthy of Teacher Gu's word 'brother'. I should call you 'brother'. Recently, I've been forced to learn English by teachers every day. I'm so overwhelmed."

"Really? See how well you've learned. Say a sentence with me first, 'we are family.'"

When Deng Chao first received the script of "Chinese Partners", all the lines were in Chinese, but after joining the crew, he found that the lines were changed to English!

The character Meng Xiaojun was born in a family of overseas students, an elite intellectual, and was as fluent in English as his mother tongue.

Such a role is a challenge for Deng Chao. After all, everyone knows Deng Chao's English more or less. The famous "weare logging tired" is still fresh in our memory.

In order to play this role well, Deng Chao studied English hard before joining the crew. The crew also assigned him three English teachers to train him to memorize the lines day and night.

But Deng Chao still doesn't know what those English lines mean, so he can only rely on rote memorization.

He knew that Gu Zhongyu was a top student with a high level of English. He was a little worried that he would be criticized if he didn't perform well in the scene, so he took the initiative to show his weakness and beg for mercy.

Sure enough, Deng Chao trembled and read out: "We are logging tired?"

It caused another round of laughter. At this time, Tong Dawei came over and put his arm around Deng Chao's shoulders and said: "Okay, seeing you like this, you are 50-50 with me. If it doesn't work, we can lip sync and do dubbing later!"

Deng Chao was quite curious about Tong Dawei's joining. As far as he knew, this brother was a rebel general in Zongheng. The two sides had never had any contact with each other. How could he still play in Gu Zhongyu's new movie now?

But he was a smart man and didn't ask. Although their acting styles actually conflicted, Tong Dawei was only the third male in this movie, which was still no threat to him.

He was very optimistic about the script of "Chinese Partners" this time. Even though Meng Xiaojun's role was not the first male, there were many highlights. Deng Chao was aiming for an award this time.

Filming such inspirational biographical films is always the best choice for winning awards. Huang Xiaoming in the original time and space won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers, Huabiao, and Changchun Film Festivals with "Chinese Partners", and his acting career reached the peak.

If it weren't for the bias of the Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan, and the trophy was given to its own people, it is estimated that the Best Actor Award at the Golden Horse Awards would also have a chance, which would really be a grand slam.

In contrast, the confident Deng Chao returned empty-handed from almost all film festivals, and even didn't even get a nomination. Instead, he and David won several Best Supporting Actor Awards, which was also a trick of fate.

I don't know if it was because of this incident that he was hit, but not long after, Deng Chao started to mix in variety shows. It was not until several years later that he made a comeback with "The Sun Also Rises" and won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Rooster Awards.


Gao Yuanyuan had no scenes to shoot these days, so she came here purely to watch the fun. She took out her phone and kept taking pictures of Gu Zhongyu, muttering to herself: "Your rustic outfit will make your fans laugh."

"The shooting will start soon. If you shoot again, I will charge you!"

Gu Zhongyu picked up the quilt and mat and prepared to enter the camera.

The scene that was shot today was the scene where Cheng Dongqing went to college and ran into his future best friends Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang.

The time span of the movie "Chinese Partners" is very long, from the youth to middle age of several protagonists, so in order to increase everyone's sense of substitution, Chen Kexin decided to shoot in sequence this time.

In order to save money and speed up the progress, normal crews will shoot scenes of the same scene together. Many TV dramas even start shooting the finale directly. The male and female protagonists who were not familiar with each other in the previous second will directly perform a life-and-death separation on the spot in the next second. If the acting skills are not good, it will be a car accident scene!

Sequential shooting can allow the actor's emotions to change accordingly as the plot is discovered, giving better play to the actor's acting skills and making the actor's performance even more amazing. Movies such as "Farewell My Concubine", "Donkey in Water" and "1942" all used the "smooth shooting" shooting method, and the effects are as we have seen, and they are indeed amazing.

The requirements for smooth filming are very high. For example, investors must not hold up funds, the director must have strong control, and the actors must leave enough schedule for the crew... These are the most valuable conditions in today's film and television industry.

Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu is the sponsor's father and gives Chen Kexin enough room to perform, so these are not problems.

Cheng Dongqing, played by Gu Zhongyu, got off the bus like a curious baby. He looked around for everything and entered the campus. When looking for the dormitory, he happened to see Meng Xiaojun from Deng Chao and Wang Yang from Tong Dawei.

Wang Yang, who has short, tight, long hair, recited the lines of the drama in broken English, which angered Meng Xiaojun, who was still studying next door.

Meng Xiaojun scolded: "Are you sick? You are studying, what are you yelling about?"

"Fuck you!" Wang Yang replied.

So the two started to curse in English, but when it comes to swearing, it's always most comfortable to use your mother tongue.

Nicolas Cage's famous quote in "Lord of War": People can't help but use their mother tongue in two states: one is swearing, and the other is applauding until they are happy.

"Sun thief!" Wang Yang took the lead in opening the national quintessence

"Your uncle..."

As a result, the two people's scolding angered the people in the surrounding dormitories, and they all joined in the scolding. Then the civil fight quickly escalated into a physical fight. Meng Xiaojun was so angry that he even threw his shoes out, accidentally injuring someone who was watching the fun downstairs. Cheng Dongqing.

Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun saw that they had hurt a passerby, so they hurried down to visit him. This is how the friendship between the three people began.

The three actors are all capable, and they finished the scene with almost no fuss. Chen Kexin kept nodding in front of the camera and was very satisfied with their performance.

The only thing they need to worry about is the scenes of middle-aged people. Deng Chao and Tong Dawei don't think it's a big problem, but they are afraid that Gu Zhongyu won't be able to let go of the burden of being an idol.

However, Gu Zhongyu quickly told him through actions that his worries were unnecessary.


"Hey! Isn't it unhealthy for you to eat like this?" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Gu Zhongyu worriedly.

During lunch, Gu Zhongyu had his only meal, and it was all very greasy food, such as Dongpo pork, shredded chicken, and beef fried rice. It was high in oil and carbohydrates, and he even had fat house water to serve the meal.

Gu Zhongyu, who couldn't stop eating, said: "Our film will probably be finished in two or three months. Next month I may be a middle-aged local boss. Have you ever seen that local boss still behaving well in his forties or fifties?" Abdominals?”

Huang Xiaoming in the original time and space gained more than ten pounds for the role. There is no reason for him to be less dedicated than others! Then this movie will be in vain.

"Then you can't abuse yourself like this! Being fat and thin all the time is very harmful to your body. Your abdominal muscles are gone. How long will it take to get them back?"

Gao Yuanyuan was also very dedicated in filming before. In "Di Renjie, the Protector of the Country", she did not hesitate to "disfigure herself" for the role. She wore makeup that was as thick as a sausage, and her face was covered with large and small abscesses. Coupled with her delicate and artificial demeanor, people want to escape every minute after watching her.

But now that she is getting older, Gao Yuanyuan has become a bit of a loser. You can let her suffer a little while filming, but she is not willing to act ugly or make mistakes on herself, especially after filming "Nanjing Nanjing", her career ambitions All have faded a lot.

This is why she has recently had the idea of ​​getting married, but after the last breakfast incident, her only recent suitor, Zhao Youting, has disappeared.

Although Zhao Youting's family has a relatively good background in Wanwan, they do not have the strength to offend a mainland film and television company boss. For the sake of long-term development in the future, they can only reluctantly part ways.

"Are you feeling distressed? Don't worry, my abdominal muscles are gone and it won't affect my combat ability."

"Bah! If a dog can't spit out ivory, who cares about you!"

Gao Yuanyuan blushed when she was told that. In fact, she couldn't help but think about it just now. If Gu Zhongyu's belly turned into a whole piece of abdominal muscles, would she open it or not when he knocked on her door at night?

"Don't eat it alone. Come on, you can eat one too. If you want to get fat, let's get fat together." As he said that, Gu Zhongyu directly picked up a piece of fried pork chop and stuffed it into Gao Yuanyuan's mouth.

Suddenly something was stuffed in her mouth, which was a huge piece of greasy pork chop. Gao Yuanyuan instinctively wanted to spit it out, but Gu Zhongyu refused to let go and insisted on feeding it to her.

"Hey! Seeing that you eat so little, it's okay to eat more occasionally. Can I feed you with it?"

Gao Yuanyuan blinked and finally gave up struggling. She opened her mouth and let Gu Zhongyu take the pork chop and feed it to her bit by bit.

The staff around me suddenly felt that the food in their bowls no longer tasted good...

"It's hot now. Come and have a rest in my RV in the afternoon. I'll have someone chill the watermelon." Gu Zhongyu said with a smile.

"Okay~ Just don't take advantage of me in the car." Gao Yuanyuan nodded after finishing the pork chop. She felt that it tasted quite fragrant and wanted to have another piece.

"How could it be possible? I am such an upright person!"

After saying that, he picked up another grape from the plate that was purple all over and looked ripe at first glance, and peeled it.

"Come on, open your mouth..."

Bai Lu, who was sitting in the back, looked at Gao Yuanyuan with some envy. She didn't expect that the boss who always acted like a big boss could be so gentle to other women.

She touched Dun Dun, who was lying on the table. Others had the boss to feed them, but I only had you, a fat cat, and I had to feed you.

"Ding Dong!" A short message came at this time.

Hmm? It was a short message from Zhang Zilin, asking if Gu Zhongyu was filming now, and if she could come to visit him?

Speaking of which, Zhang Zilin, this girlfriend, really has a good personality and is not clingy. The two of them are together for a long time, but Zhang Zilin never gets angry with him. On the contrary, she is very tolerant, not disturbing him when he is busy, and can talk to him at any time when he needs it.

This is the first time that Zhang Zilin has proposed to watch him filming, saying that Tianjin is close to Yanjing, and she will be on vacation soon, so she wants to come and see him.

It seems that there is no legitimate reason to refuse!

Gu Zhongyu glanced at Gao Yuanyuan who was eating another piece of pork chop, and quickly tapped his fingers to reply to the message.

[Okay, when will you come? I can pick you up]

After typing, I felt like something was missing, so I added a kissing emoji at the end.


"You are so good, you just said you don't want to eat pork chops, why are you eating them now?"

Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously: "Why do you always call me Gao Sanjie?"

Well, Gu Zhongyu didn't dare to tell the truth, so he could only bite the bullet and explain: "Because I think you are beautiful, tall, and have good acting skills, and you are a few years older than me, so I call you Gao Sanjie!"

"You are so slick, but it is true that I am a few years older than you, so you can call me sister from now on."

"Calling sister is too distant, how about we call each other more intimately when we go to the RV in the afternoon?"

Gao Yuanyuan glared at him: "You just said you won't take advantage of me!"


At this time, Zhang Zilin, after receiving the message from Gu Zhongyu, was also relieved.

She had known about Gu Zhongyu's gossip in Taiwan for a long time. Although Gu Zhongyu explained to her that it was just a misunderstanding, Zhang Zilin felt that it might be true.

They had known each other for more than half a year, but Gu Zhongyu seemed to be very patient with her. She had rejected his requests for sex several times, but this man actually expressed understanding every time and did not force it at all.

To be honest, many times, she was just being reserved as a woman. If Gu Zhongyu really wanted to force it, she would actually accept it.

So she asked her bestie to analyze it, and after discussion, she came up with two possibilities.

1. Gu Zhongyu is a perfect man who respects women's wishes, is gentle and considerate, and will not do anything to make his girlfriend unhappy even if he is holding back.

2. This man does not lack a partner at all. He has many partners outside and does not care whether he can be satisfied with Zhang Zilin at all.

It can even be said that Gu Zhongyu did not plan to get married from the beginning, so it would be better if they did not have a relationship. In this way, even if the truth is revealed one day, not only will they have no burden when they break up, but they will also be able to explain to their parents.

Zhang Zilin thought about it, and combined with the time they spent together, she felt that it was unlikely that Gu Zhongyu was a pure and handsome guy.

Then it could only be the second one, that Gu Zhongyu already had someone outside, and there should be more than one.

Zhang Zilin had heard about the habits of men and women in the entertainment industry, but she just didn't want to believe it, so she made a surprise visit this time just to see if there was a woman around Gu Zhongyu.

She replied to Gu Zhongyu, "I'll take the train next week, and call you to pick me up when I get there."

In fact, she had already bought the ticket and was ready to rush over this weekend...

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