Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 196 I should be under the car, not inside it

Meng Xiaojun, played by Deng Chao, sat in the center of the crowd in his most usual state, surrounded by a large circle of people like Cheng Dongqing who looked at him with admiration, and Meng Xiaojun's childhood sweetheart, Liang Qin, sat beside him and played the piano. Everyone listened to Meng Xiaojun reading books, including Shakespeare, Tagore, Hemingway, Tolstoy, Dumas, and William Manchester's "The Glory and the Dream".

Gu Zhongyu's Cheng Dongqing was full of admiration for Meng Xiaojun at this time, looking at him like a fan girl, and took the initiative to refill his glass when he saw that his cup was empty.

The actress who played Meng Xiaojun's girlfriend Liang Qin was Bai Bin, who hadn't been seen for a long time. This young lady was lucky. The first play she joined Zongheng was to replace Li Yixiao's Yu Ji in "The Legend of Chu and Han". After more than half a year of filming, it was only recently completed.

She had to pay her salary even if she was idle. In the spirit of exploiting labor, Gu Zhongyu pulled her to play Liang Qin, anyway, she didn't have many scenes.

And Bai Bin can really play the piano, and her level is not low. She has been learning to play the piano since she was a child and was admitted to the Xi'an Conservatory of Music.

"Ka! Deng Chao, you don't have to walk around, just stand there and keep talking. The last few words, we will change the world and come back here, because the light here is the best."

"Okay, director."

Gu Zhongyu said with a smile: "Brother Chao, it seems that you enjoy playing Meng Xiaojun! You are so devoted to the speech that the heel of your leather shoes almost kicked me in the face."

"Indeed, the saliva was thrown on my piano." Bai Bin echoed.

Deng Chao showed a hint of shyness: "I really like the role of Meng Xiaojun. If I have time, I have to visit the prototype of the character. What's his name?"

"Xu Xiaoping, but I advise you not to go. He was very unhappy after reading our script!"


Many people actually guessed the three protagonists in the movie when they watched the movie for the first time. Cheng Dongqing-Yu Minhong, Wang Yang-Wang Qiang (teaching American English thinking), Meng Xiaojun-Xu Xiaoping (responsible for overseas study consultation and visa).

Although the prototypes are these three people, in fact, a lot of adaptations are still made. For example, Xu Xiaoping should not be a student at Peking University, Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping have both been abroad, and Wang Qiang should be doing well in the United States.

The plot in the original movie about Meng Xiaojun working as a dishwasher in the United States is actually Chen Kexin's own experience. Xu Xiaoping's life is not so miserable, but Gu Zhongyu thinks it's pretty good, so he kept it.

The remake of real people must be approved by the person himself, so Gu Zhongyu naturally visited these three people.

Yu Minhong was not happy at first, because he thought it was unlucky to film a living person, so he didn't want to participate.

Wang Qiang was indifferent, but Xu Xiaoping was quite enthusiastic. However, after reading Gu Zhongyu's script, his face drooped, and he felt that the three of them were written too unbearably.

Although "Chinese Partners" is an inspirational movie, many people later commented that the film has incorrect values ​​and value orientation. In fact, rather than saying that the movie conveys incorrect values, it is better to say that these people did such things with incorrect values.

In fact, what kind of people were private entrepreneurs in the last century? It has been clearly stated in the movie: the mentality of a lady, the treatment of a widow, and the pursuit of the Women's Federation.

What hardships these people experienced in the 1990s, what gray things they did, and finally gained their current wealth and status, I think everyone knows it very well, at least a little bit.

The original version actually mentioned that Cheng Dongqing was running a school illegally at first, but what was not mentioned in the movie was that Lao Yu himself had a good relationship with the local police chief, so Gu Zhongyu was very considerate to add this part.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable for hundreds of people to open private schools in one place for such a long time without anyone to manage them.

They were forced to do so, illegally running schools, creating stars, and infringing copyrights. These were all things they had done before. Gu Zhongyu did not cover them up in the script, which naturally made the three bosses unhappy.

Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu activated the Face Fruit ability at this time, and finally got the three people to agree to film.


"How was it for the first time as a heroine? I haven't had time to see you. How does it feel to shoot a costume drama for several months?" During the break, Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to ask Bai Bin about his filming experience.

"It's pretty good, but it's a bit hard. I used to worry that I would be bullied as a newcomer, but I didn't expect everyone to take care of me."

Nonsense! I invested 80 million in "Legend of Chu and Han", who dared to bully the heroine who brought money into the group?

Bai Bin really tasted the glory of being the heroine this time. Although Gao Xixi was dissatisfied at first after Li Yixiao was kicked out, after seeing Bai Bin's appearance as Yu Ji, even he had to admit that his old lover was beaten to a pulp in terms of appearance and temperament!

"By the way, did Gao Xixi tell me the estimated broadcast time of "Legend of Chu and Han"? "

Gu Zhongyu suddenly remembered that he had not asked Gao Xixi about the release time of "Legend of Chu and Han", so as not to collide with his "Twelve Hours in Chang'an".

It's not that he is afraid of "Legend of Chu and Han". Although the script has been modified a lot, Gao Xixi's ability is just this. At best, he can make the rhythm of this drama a little tighter. It is impossible to make it a big hit.

Gao Xixi has proved with the failure of TV series such as "Zhao Kuangyin", "The Decisive Battle" and "Ice and Snow Sharp Knife Company" that he was just lucky to be able to make "The Sky of History"!

I feel more and more that Gao Xixi looks a bit like Brother Kaizi, so the two of them should get together as soon as possible!

The two dramas are both period dramas. Although one is a joke and the other is a real drama, everyone suffers when they collide. They have to be broadcast as far apart as possible to maximize the ratings. I can't waste my 80 million like this.

Bai Bing replied: "Director Gao said it has been sent for the first trial. It should be broadcast at the end of this year or early next year!"

first instance?

The review of a completed TV series requires a decision on whether to grant administrative permission within fifty days, of which the time for organizing expert review is only thirty days...

I'll give Gao Xixi a call later and try to arrange it to be broadcast next year. "Chang'an Twelve Hours" has already received the distribution license and is waiting to be broadcast in December.

The one in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" is his own son, but the stepmother in "The Legend of Chu and Han" can only stand back!

"After "The Legend of Chu and Han" is aired, you will become popular. From now on, you can also accept dramas from other companies, but you don't need to watch those who are lower than the second female lead. You have to maintain your status."

"Well, that's what my agent told me, and Director Gao also advised me to be cautious when taking on roles now, and not to make wedding clothes for others."

Gao Xixi even said to Bai Bing, even if my "Legend of Chu and Han" fails to become a hit, you will definitely be able to rise to the top with the role of Yu Ji.

Bai Bin was secretly happy, feeling that he made the right bet by signing up for Zongheng this time.

But even when she was secretly happy, she didn't forget how all this happened to her. If Gu Zhongyu hadn't fallen in love with her, how could he have had the chance to play the heroine in such a big screen movie?

Thinking of how Gu Zhongyu kissed his neck when he accepted the role during the audition that day, Bai Bin knew what to do next.

Bai Bin pretended to be shy and said to Gu Zhongyu: "But Director Gao told me that because I am a newcomer and have too little experience, my acting skills are still a little raw. He asked me to practice more."

"Just practice! Filming is practice. If you want to further your studies, I will enroll you in a class at Nortel."

"Mr. Gu, didn't you just work as a teacher at Nortel? Why should I sacrifice the near and seek the far away?" At this point, Bai Bin lowered his head. He should be able to understand such an obvious hint!

Oops! Gu Zhongyu hasn't guided actresses in acting for a long time. He has been in the entertainment industry for so long that he has even forgotten the responsibility of teaching and educating people. Damn it.

"Ahem! That's right. Come to my RV tonight and I'll teach you some acting experience!"

Bai Bin is a female artist in her own company, so Gu Zhongyu doesn't have to worry about anything. Rabbits only eat grass on the edge of their nests, so this is the only one!


Bai Bin responded shyly. She was quite embarrassed to seduce a man for the first time. In fact, she didn't feel that she was being stalked. Gu Zhongyu was so handsome and famous that she even felt that she was the one taking advantage.

At this time, Gao Yuanyuan, who was wearing a floral retro skirt, saw that the two seemed to be chatting happily, and couldn't help but take a photo and chatted: "What are you talking about? Take me with you!"

"Oh, we are discussing in English the advantages and disadvantages of the civil law system and the common law system."

Gao Yuanyuan was confused: "What?"

"Isn't there a lot of English lines in this movie? I'm afraid I'll be rusty, so I'll practice it first."

Gu Zhongyu chatted casually, and then started talking to Bai Bin in English.

As a top international law student at the University of Political Science and Law, Bai Bin naturally had good English skills. He immediately picked up the conversation and answered questions fluently with Gu Zhongyu.

Although Gao Yuanyuan graduated from a serious university, she had already returned the knowledge she gained over the years to her teacher. Her English level was very average, and there were too many professional terms in the conversation between the two, many of which she couldn't understand at all.

Recalling the dark experience of passing CET-4 and CET-6, Gao Yuanyuan left after listening to a few words.

Gu Zhongyu gave Bai Bin a thumbs up and whispered to her: "I will drive the RV to the wasteland behind the cultural center at night. You can come alone then."


The day's shooting was over. In the studio, Chen Kexin picked up his coffee and sat leisurely on a chair watching the playback on the monitor.

"Do you think this picture is beautiful enough, my friend?"

Chen Kexin asked about the film's chief cinematographer Du Kefeng. This is a foreigner who has been responsible for the filming of movies such as "In the Mood for Love", "Days of Being Wild" and "Ashes of Time". He is the top camera master in the industry.

"what you mean?"

"The appearance of the heroine, the encounter between Cheng Dongqing and Su Mei!"

Chen Kexin pointed to the scene at this time. In order to highlight the beautiful campus love, this scene almost used literary film techniques.

In the picture, Gao Yuanyuan in a floral short skirt is as stunning as an immortal descending to earth when she appears. Chen Kexin originally complained about Gu Zhongyu depriving him of the right to cast, because he was originally planning to cast the role of Su Mei to a girl named Su Mei. The female model of Du Juan came to play the role.

But through Gao Yuanyuan's beautiful display today, he has already been conquered, and he can't wait to be the male protagonist.

"I only shoot and never watch movies. I only know that you asked me to switch positions back and forth several times today, which made my hands sore."

"Haha! My friend, in order to capture the appearance of the muse, the hard work is worth it."

Du Kefeng glanced at the approaching figure not far away and said, "I don't know if it's worth it, but your muse seems to be looking for you."

At some point, Gao Yuanyuan ran to the studio and saw Chen Kexin was still there. She asked, "Director Chen, didn't Mr. Gu come to talk to you about the filming of the movie? I went to his room and there was no one there."

"Oh, we just finished talking and he left."

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

Du Kefeng looked at Gao Yuanyuan's back and said puzzledly, "Mr. Gu didn't come to us, why did you lie to your goddess?"

Chen Kexin calmly picked up the coffee and drank it all: "Friend, although your Chinese is getting better and better, you still seem very immature when it comes to social skills!"

Du Kefeng shook his head, not understanding what he said.

It was so late, Gu Zhongyu was not in the room, and he was not busy with work or looking for Gao Yuanyuan. It must be that he went out to hunt for beauties! And he used him as a cover.

Even if Chen Kexin was blind, he could see the ambiguous relationship between Gao Yuanyuan and Gu Zhongyu. The same was true for Liu Yufei in the previous play. Boss Gu was really busy wherever he went, and he was always hanging out with such a beautiful woman, which made others envious!

Gao Yuanyuan was very angry when she came out of the set. She even prepared the props, but this guy didn't come. He said he was going to discuss the movie with Chen Kexin, and now he is nowhere to be found.


At this time in the RV, Gu Zhongyu was working hard to train Bai Bin's acting skills, mainly teaching her to play people of different professions, such as nurses, teachers, maids, office ladies...

The teaching noise was a bit loud, but fortunately the RV bought by Gu Zhongyu was of good quality, so it didn't make any noise that disturbed the people.

It's just that the place is a bit small, and it's not convenient to perform the invincible wind and fire wheels. Forget it, just make do with it, and change to a yacht next time.

But Bai Lu, who was guarding the front driver's seat, was very tormented. The noise behind was transmitted to her ears without missing a single detail, which was extremely unfriendly to her who had been secreting more and more hormones recently!

I didn't expect this boss to play tricks more and more, and he called it flexible office. It not only saves the room fee, but also doesn't need to worry about being photographed by paparazzi. Moreover, even if someone comes, you can drive away at any time. This is really like wiping your butt with gauze - he showed his skills!

At this time, Bai Lu couldn't help singing.

"I should be under the car, not in the car. Seeing how sweet you are, it's easier for me to give up and give me the courage to leave..."

The singing is so out of tune and emotion!

At this time, Dun Dun's face was full of disgust, and he closed his eyes in pain. Unfortunately, the kitten can't cover his ears, so he can only bear the sound wave attack of the female shit shoveler.

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