Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 197 The low-profile version of Fast and Furious will be released tonight

At night, a Mazda was driving on the night road in Tianjin, and it was Zhang Zilin who was driving.

Gu Zhongyu had already told her the filming location and address. This man would never have thought that she would come tonight. She wanted to see if this bastard was really fooling around with someone outside.

For this purpose, she borrowed her bestie's Mazda RX-8, which was fast and not prone to traffic jams.

Generally, the filming address and accommodation hotel of the crew are not too far away. The address of the partner crew is also in the hotel inside the Workers' Cultural Palace. Zhang Zilin drove here quickly.

However, since the site of the crew was closed during the filming, outsiders could not enter. Although Zhang Zilin entered the Cultural Palace, when she arrived at the filming location of the crew, the security guard outside the door would not let her in.

If she called Gu Zhongyu to pick her up, the surprise inspection would lose its meaning. Just when Zhang Zilin was worried, a voice came from behind: "Excuse me, is this Zhang Zilin?"

Zhang Zilin turned her head and saw, ah! Isn't this the big star Gao Yuanyuan?

How could she recognize me?

Gao Yuanyuan asked tentatively. Although she only took a look at the photo in the group, the appearance of this woman was too obvious and it was too easy to recognize her.

The temperature in Tianjin in July is already over 30 degrees, so everyone wears cooler clothes. Zhang Zilin in front of her is wearing a short white dress, and her 1.8-meter long legs are exposed. Gao Yuanyuan can see two "sausages" dangling in front of her from a distance.

"Yes, I am Zhang Zilin. Miss Gao Yuanyuan recognizes me?"

After confirming that it was me, Gao Yuanyuan cursed Gu Zhongyu in her heart. No wonder the dead scumbag was reluctant to break up for so long. It turned out that he was entangled by the long legs and was reluctant to let go!

Showing a sweet smile, Gao Yuanyuan said: "Oh, Gu Zhongyu showed us your photos, so I have some impression of you. Are you... coming to see him?"

What did this woman eat to grow up? She is really tall. When I look at her, I even have to look up.

"Well! I wanted to give him a surprise, so I didn't tell Zhongyu that I was here. It was my first time visiting the set and I didn't know the rules. The staff didn't let me in, which was a little embarrassing."

"I see. I just happened to have something to do with Teacher Gu. I'll take you in."

"Thank you, Teacher Gao Yuanyuan."

"You're welcome."

Under the leadership of Gao Yuanyuan, the two first went to the hotel where they were staying. As a result, they knocked on the room for a long time, but no one opened the door.

"It seems that Teacher Gu may have gone out for something. How about you go to my place and wait for him?"

"It's so late, the crew should not be filming, right? Where will Zhongyu go?"

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head: "I can't say that. Teacher Gu is usually mysterious when he is not filming. I don't know what he is doing."

Where else can he go if he doesn't stay at his residence so late?

Zhang Zilin suddenly felt bad and instantly filled in a hundred possibilities. The man was quiet, and he was probably making trouble. He must have done something bad.

"Did Zhongyu drive out?"

"I don't know about that, but the parking lot is right next to it. I'll go with you to see if his car is there."

Gao Yuanyuan knew that Gu Zhongyu was not there, but she brought her here on purpose to stir up trouble. She was sure that the man was out on a date, and it was most likely that he was Bai Bin.

Although Zhang Zilin felt that Gao Yuanyuan seemed a little too enthusiastic at the moment, she didn't have time to guess her purpose. The most important thing was to find Gu Zhongyu first and see what he was doing!


In the RV at this time, Bai Lu had finished singing A-Du's "He Must Love You Very Much" and cleared her throat. She felt pretty good about herself. She didn't expect that she had the talent to be a singer.

So she started singing a new song she had learned recently.

"Finally you became someone else's mistress. From now on I am no longer your harbor. When you lean on his chest, have you forgotten the love I once gave you..."

"Are you going crazy there, Bailu?" Just when Bailu was intoxicated by her own singing, Gu Zhongyu's angry voice came from the intercom on the bridge.

Just now, Mr. Gu was having fun. When he was about to go up the hill, he suddenly heard Bailu's dog-like singing in front of him. He almost surrendered!

Originally thought that it would be over after singing one song, but Bailu became more and more excited as she sang!

After a long battle, Bai Bin finally got a chance to breathe. With a blush on his face, he asked Gu Zhongyu, "Mr. Gu, is your assistant not very smart? "She always felt that Bai Lu was mocking her by singing "Xiao San" at this time.

You are the one with a bad brain. It was you who just yelled and ruined my moral integrity!

Bai Lu cursed inwardly when she heard Bai Bing's complaints.

Bai Lu, who had to stand guard for the night couple without rest at night, was more resentful than a ghost at this moment. She said in an unhappy tone: "Boss, it's almost over! What if someone comes later?"

Why do you think I chose to stay in the RV?

It's just for safety and convenience. This car is rented in the name of someone else. I will change it every time I shoot a movie in the future to see who can find me!

"Boss, let's go back! Although it's quite exciting here, I'm a little worried!"

It has to be said that Bai Bin's lazy tone and charming expression are really lethal. Gu Zhongyu almost couldn't help but start a fight again.

He nodded, and the two of them began to dress and prepare to drive away. Although Xiao Bailu had passed the driving test, his level was not high enough, so he had to drive the RV.

Gu Zhongyu got dressed and got into the driver's seat. When he was about to leave, Dun Dun, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly raised his head and meowed at the left glass.

"Are you hungry? I'll open a can for you later."

Bailu touched its little head and looked in the direction of Dun Dun's call, but suddenly saw two figures in the distance approaching them slowly.

"Boss! Look, is there anyone next to you?"

Gu Zhongyu looked in the direction of Bailu's finger.

Damn! It's true. It was dark and I couldn't see clearly, but he still recognized Gao Yuanyuan with his sharp eyes. The two sausages next to him... were Zhang Zilin!

Didn't he say he would arrive next week? Why is he here now, and he's hanging out with Gao Yuanyuan?

Something bad is going to happen, run away!

Gu Zhongyu asked Bai Lu to hide behind to avoid being photographed together. At the same time, he quickly started the car and stepped on the accelerator to escape.

"Oh no, they are going to run!"

Zhang Zilin waved her hands to ask the other party to stop the car, but Gu Zhongyu pretended not to see it and left directly.

Gao Yuanyuan saw that the RV had entered the driveway and immediately took Zhang Zilin's hand: "Follow me, my car is parked behind, I will take you to chase it."

Just now, the two of them went to the parking lot. Although Gu Zhongyu's Maybach was there, the RV disappeared.

Gao Yuanyuan specially called the gatekeeper to ask her. The other party said that he did not see Mr. Gu's RV go out, so she judged that Gu Zhongyu should have driven the RV to a corner of the park.

So she and Zhang Zilin started looking for it in the park together. Fortunately, although the Workers' Cultural Palace occupies a large area, there are not many places to park a RV. They soon found the RV parked behind the wall in a grassy area.

Originally, the two of them were planning to slowly approach the car door and catch him off guard, but they didn't expect that they would be discovered by the other party in such a dark night!

Needless to say, it's time for a contest. The low-profile version of "Fast and Furious" will be released tonight!


Gu Zhongyu drove the RV out of the Workers' Cultural Palace and took a random road. He had just seen two women turn around and leave from the rearview mirror. They must be driving to chase him!

Zhang Zilin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, started to call Gu Zhongyu's mobile phone at this time, wanting him to know that he was behind and stop the car quickly for inspection.

The hateful thing was that Gu Zhongyu didn't answer her call at all.

"Don't worry, his RV can't run fast. It's estimated that it will run out of gas soon. I will definitely catch you in the act today!"

Gao Yuanyuan's car is a Volvo xc60 that she endorses herself. The performance can only be said to be mediocre, but if compared with Gu Zhongyu's bulky RV, it is a Ferrari three-wheeled car.

So in the middle of the night, a Mercedes Benz RV and a Volvo started racing. Fortunately, there were no cars on the road, so there was a lot of room for them to use their driving skills.

"Thank you, excuse me, why are you helping me?"

Zhang Zilin didn't think Gao Yuanyuan was such a warm-hearted elder sister. She felt that she was Gu Zhongyu's girlfriend and was more active than herself in catching people.

"Because we all have the same goal!" At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan was too lazy to pretend. If she pretended again, she would treat the other party as a fool.

"What do you mean?"

"You have been with Gu Zhongyu for more than half a year. Hasn't he told you about his glorious deeds in the past?"

Zhang Zilin was silent for a while and said, "I only know Liu Yufei, and it seems that there is also a big director's wife. I don't know about the others, and I didn't ask."

"You are really bold, sister. You dare to jump into the fire pit even though you know who he is?" Gao Yuanyuan really didn't expect that he even told Zhang Zilin about his relationship with Kaizi's wife.

Zhang Zilin even defended Gu Zhongyu at this time: "A prodigal son who returns is worth more than gold, not to mention being in the most flashy entertainment industry? As long as he can change his ways, I don't think there is anything wrong with Zhongyu!"

"Also, don't call me sister, you are older than me."

"Impossible, what year were you born?" Zhang Zilin's appearance gave people a very mature feeling. Gao Yuanyuan subconsciously thought that this woman was the same age as herself, or even older.

"I was born in 1984, five years younger than you."

"Damn!" After the height, Gao Yuanyuan was hit by her age again. She was so angry that she stepped on the accelerator again. Today, she vowed to catch up with Gu Zhongyu and embarrass him!


Gu Zhongyu stared at the road ahead with wide eyes, focused on the road ahead, controlled the vehicle, and moved forward bravely. The whistling sound from the car body made people feel a stimulating force, as if they could travel through time and space!

He needed to constantly adjust the angle and speed of the RV, and at the same time, use the time to turn at the intersections and wait for traffic lights along the way to always keep a certain distance from the Volvo.

This is like a difficult dance, dazzling...

But...he is not driving an AE86 today!

This broken car is slow and fuel-consuming. It has only been a short time, and the tank is almost empty. He only regrets that he did not prepare for the rainy day and fill up the tank first.

Even if Fujiwara Takumi is possessed at this moment, it is still difficult for a good cook to cook without rice.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was sweating profusely, Bai Lu suddenly reminded him.

"Boss, we didn't do anything bad. If you don't want to be discovered, just find a place to park and say you're out for a ride at night. Why are you so desperate? Don't you think so? Dun Dun?"

"Meow!" Dun Dun said that I didn't understand. I knew that you two damned people didn't let me eat or sleep at night and insisted on taking me out for a walk.

"Stupid! Bai Bin is in the back. Who can hide her current state?"

Bai Lu said indifferently: "It's not easy. Just kick her out of the car? We are together, no one will suspect it, right?" You said I was stupid, and I tricked you, right?

Bai Bin sitting in the back: I XX you XXX, is that human language?

Hiss! What you said makes some sense! I was confused. I didn't react to such a simple question. And even if they really found out, what would happen?

With no photos or videos, can these two women still eat me?

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongyu had to turn on the intercom and said to Bai Bin in the car with great apology: I have to wrong you.

At this moment, Bai Bin wanted to say MMP and even wanted to sing it out!


"Look, the car is parked there!"

After chasing for more than an hour, Gu Zhongyu's RV finally stopped next to a riverside park. It should be out of gas.

"Let's go and see what they are doing."

The two women got out of the car and walked towards the RV aggressively.

In the driver's seat, Gu Zhongyu was holding Dun Dun and admiring the starry sky, muttering: "The stars are lined up in the deep night, and the moon is not sinking on the rocks. The perfect brilliance is not polished, and it is my heart hanging in the blue sky!"

"What are you crazy about here?" Gao Yuanyuan asked through the car window.

"Hey! It's Teacher Gao Yuanyuan. Why are you here to see the stars?"

Zhang Zilin opened the car door angrily: "I just called you, why didn't you answer?"

"Zilin? Why are you with Teacher Gao? Didn't you say you'd come next week? I put my phone in the back of the car, so I didn't hear it."

As soon as the car was mentioned, Zhang Zilin reacted and asked him to open the door immediately.

"Oh! Bai Lu is sleeping in the back, don't wake her up."

The two women squeezed into the RV together. The sofa had been opened to become a bed. Bai Lu slept on the bare bed and was still snoring.

The space in the RV was very small. The two girls jumped up and down to check, but they didn't find anyone else. At this time, Bai Lu rubbed her eyes and stood up: "Sister Yuanyuan, why are you here?"

"Are you the only one in the car?"

"Yes! The boss said he would go out for a drive to see the stars at night, so I followed him. As a result, I got tired halfway and slept here directly."

At this time, she noticed the existence of Zhang Zilin. She knew that the boss had a real girlfriend, but she had never seen the real person.

"This sister is... the boss's girlfriend, right? I have seen your photo. Hello! I am the boss's assistant. My name is Bai Lu. Just call me Lulu."

Zhang Zilin nodded. She knew Gu Zhongyu, the little assistant, but she didn't expect it to be so small.

There was no one else in the RV. As for Bai Lu, the yellow-haired girl...they didn't think Gu Zhongyu would be so hungry.

Just in case, Gao Yuanyuan still chatted with Bai Lu for a while. She was dressed intact and looked normal, not guilty.

And through the observation of the female driver, she could basically conclude that the little guy was still a virgin and had never experienced that.

Are they really suspicious?

Thanks to despot for the monthly ticket and reward, thank you big brother

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