Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 198: The temperament of a wife

"Did you find anything?" Gao Yuanyuan leaned into Zhang Zilin's ear and asked.

Zhang Zilin shook her head after completing the inspection.

Damn it! Gao Yuanyuan was unwilling to let him escape again. She turned around and asked Gu Zhongyu: "Are you coming out so late just to drive in the RV?"

Gu Zhongyu spread his hands: "Is there any problem? I haven't been to Jinmen very often. I just go out for a walk at night when I can't sleep! Driving a Maybach is too conspicuous and many paparazzi know it, so I have no choice but to drive a RV."

The reason was ridiculous, but the two women did not find any clues in the car, so they could only hold their noses to identify it.

"By the way, you two don't know each other, right? Why did you get together?"

At this time, Gao Yuanyuan first explained: "Oh, Miss Zhang wanted to go in outside the set, but the security guard stopped her. Then I happened to pass by, and she showed me a photo of you and me as a young couple, and asked me to help take her in. , that’s how it came together.”

Zhang Zilin gave her a strange look and did not refute. Although Gao Yuanyuan's beauty made her feel very threatening, she was already an ex-girlfriend anyway, so she shouldn't... not rekindle her old relationship, right?

After listening to Gao Yuanyuan's explanation, Gu Zhongyu felt that this reason was more ridiculous than him. If Zhang Zilin couldn't get in, she could have called him at that time. It was obvious that she didn't let me find out on purpose.

The three of them all have little secrets that they haven’t revealed.

As for the fact that his privacy was always being leaked, Gu Zhongyu had already noticed it. He had already ordered Jiang Shuying to check to see why these women knew so much about him.

I always feel like there is a pair of invisible hands controlling everything...

Gu Zhongyu picked up Dundun and called to Bai Lu: "Okay, I didn't pay attention when I went out. The car is almost out of gas. Teacher Gao just happened to give us a ride!"

Gao Yuanyuan regretted not being able to catch the current situation: "Let's go!"

At this time, on the side of the road at night.

Bai Bin sat on the stone pier with her chin clenched, waiting helplessly for her assistant to pick her up. When she was forced to get out of the car at the intersection, she really wanted to curse!

Are there any scumbags who kick someone out of the car without paying them after they finish playing with them?

Thinking of Bai Lu who came up with the idea, she felt itchy with hatred, damn girl, I will remember you this time!


After taking Gao Yuanyuan's car back to the hotel, everyone went back to their rooms.

Gu Zhongyu originally wanted to open a separate room for Zhang Zilin, but this time the eldest sister actually said: "Oh, it's such a waste to open two rooms! We can just squeeze in together."

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyu's lucky bag moved, and he said calmly: "My room is not big this time, and there is only one bed!"

"I'll sleep on the bed, but you can just sit on the sofa, you idiot!"

After saying that, she went to Gu Zhongyu's bed, and then casually picked up Dundun under the bed into her arms.

The fat boy stretched out in Zhang Zilin's arms, pulled her hair, and leaned on her neck, looking very well-behaved.

It made great achievements tonight, and Gu Zhongyu rewarded it with a can. After eating and drinking enough, it is now very happy.

Gu Zhongyu decided that when he went out for sparring in the future, in addition to bringing an assistant as a guardian, the spiritual pet Dundun should not be left behind. The alertness of animals should not be underestimated.

Leaving Dundun to play with her, Gu Zhongyu hurriedly hid in the bathroom and took a shower.

In order to clean up, he also used a bath ball very effeminately. I have to say that it felt quite comfortable. No wonder girls like to use this thing when taking a bath.

"Now can you tell me what's going on between you and Gao Yuanyuan?"

After taking a nice shower and smelling the fragrance, she saw Zhang Zilin leaning against the wall with an evil look on her face, as if Gu Zhongyu would immediately go up and rip out his heart like a black tiger without giving him a reasonable explanation.

So Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to tell her after deleting his relationship history with Gao Yuanyuan.

"How many ex-girlfriends do you have?"

Zhang Zilin wasn't too angry after hearing this. She was very talented and romantic, although she felt that Gu Zhongyu's ex-girlfriend seemed to be a little bit more than she thought!

"It's not that many. The ones who are sure to establish a relationship are just...three or four!" Gu Zhongyu said without conscience. Anyway, those he doesn't admit are not considered girlfriends.

Zhang Zilin raised her eyebrows and said, "Three or four of them are sure to have established a relationship? That means there are still many who have had relationships, but have not established a relationship?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zilin's question was so straightforward. Gu Zhongyu, who looked embarrassed, explained: "How could it be? I admit that I did act as a prodigal for a period of time before. I have told you this, but now I..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Zilin interrupted him and said with a serious face: "Gu Zhongyu, you don't really think of me as a fool, do you?"

"What do you mean? You don't believe me? That Gao Yuanyuan and I broke up a long time ago, but we just happened to be filming together this time."

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was still quibbling, Zhang Zilin had no choice but to take out her handbag, take out a piece of clothing from it, and throw it to the ground.

He walked up and took a look, uh...

It turned out to be the black maid outfit Bai Bin wore tonight...

What the hell!

"You think it's enough to just kick people out of the car? You didn't throw the clothes out but stuffed them into the cabinet. I found it as soon as I entered the car. I just saw that Gao Yuanyuan was still there, so I could save some face for you."

Sure enough, even if you are sparse, you will still encounter ghosts if you travel at night.

Woohoo, it seems that the number of ex-girlfriends has increased by one!

Gu Zhongyu sighed: "Okay! All the mistakes are my fault. I just want to trouble you. If we break up, we can just say it is a peaceful breakup. Of course, I will try my best to compensate you..."

He was already prepared to be scolded or even slapped. It was quite a pity when he thought about it. This girl was a nice person, but it was a pity that she met him and her efforts were destined to be in vain.

"You bastard! Who said I wanted to break up with you?"


Zhang Zilin angrily said: "If I break up with you now, won't I get the advantage of those little bitches in vain?"

After saying that, she rushed up and grabbed Gu Zhongyu's collar, and asked: "You have to get married in this life, right? How many more years do you plan to wait, five years or ten years?"

"Well... I can't tell." What on earth does this woman want to do?

"Then let's have a baby! Once you have a baby, you can't even marry me!" As he said that, he pushed Gu Zhongyu back and started to pull off his clothes.

What's wrong with this?

Gu Zhongyu grabbed Zhang Zilin's constantly attacking hand and tried to calm her down.

As her hands were fixed and unable to move, Zhang Zilin finally couldn't hold it any longer and slowly sat down. Tears struggled to flow out of her eyes. She couldn't help but choke, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down...

"Sister, don't cry! If you think I'm an asshole, just beat me up. I deserve it!"

Gu Zhongyu was most afraid of seeing a woman cry. When she cried, he would panic, and the guilt would be like a sledgehammer that kept hitting his conscience.

If he still has this thing.

"It's your uncle! I've never been in such a serious relationship in my life. You fucking Ximen Qing, how did you get married to me in the first place?" Zhang Zilin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked in a choked voice.

"I was forced by my family too!"

"Then why didn't you tell me the truth and told me that you would change your past?"

"How can anyone expose themselves as a scumbag as soon as they come up? Besides, when I saw you, I felt like a cat scratching my head, so I just muddle along with it with a sense of luck."

"Then...then you still like me?"

"If I didn't like it, why would I do everything possible to hide it for fear that you would know? How could I still be in a relationship with you for more than half a year? I'm just a scumbag who wants and wants both."

His principle is: good women cannot be missed, and bad women cannot be let go!

Zhang Zilin also stopped crying at this time. Although she wanted to cut this scumbag with a knife and break up with him, she felt that she could not let go of her relationship for more than half a year.

In the past, I always despised those women who were obsessed with love, but I never thought that when it was my turn, I would be worse than those stupid women!

"Of all these women, who do you love most?"

Why do women always ask questions like this?

At this time, what other answer can I give you?

"Of course it's you!"

Gu Zhongyu said with a firm tone and a solemn expression. With such a decisive look, those who didn't know thought he was going to blow up the bunker in the next second!

Hearing this answer, Zhang Zilin glanced at him with tears in her eyes, and then... threw herself into Gu Zhongyu's arms!

The two of them were silent for a long time without speaking. Gu Zhongyu just hugged Zhang Zilin and sat quietly on the ground with her in his arms.

The man was the first to break the silence: "Then, let's not break up now, right?"

"Break it! Keep those little goblins of yours away from me. Out of sight and out of mind from now on. Also, the only one who can marry you in the end is me!"

At this moment, even the well-informed Gu Zhongyu didn't expect Zhang Zilin to compromise to this extent for him. Wasn't this just telling him that as long as he didn't play in front of her and didn't marry other women, she could bury her head in the sand?

I don’t know whether I should say that Zhang Zilin is too infatuated or too stupid. In fact, these sisters are far from being as tough and powerful as she appears on the outside, but they are quite traditional and conservative in their hearts.

It can only be said that Gu Zhongyu picked it up. This is the magnanimity of a doctor!

After taking over, Gu Zhongyu naturally kept coaxing Zhang Zilin with sweet words, and made a statement, "There will always be only one sun in his heart, and that is Miss Zhang Zilin!"

After coaxing and coaxing, Zhang Zilin finally smiled, temporarily forgetting those unhappy things, and began to talk to him about her heartfelt feelings.

After coaxing his future wife, Gu Zhongyu had other thoughts and asked tentatively: "By the way, um, do I still want to sleep on the sofa tonight?"

"No, that sofa is too small to sleep on you..." Zhang Zilin's voice became lower and lower, like a little beast about to be eaten.

Then everything will fall into place and the great harmony of life will be completed.

Countless people have long said that when faced with different situations, different strategies should be used.

The sound insulation effect of this room also received a major test today!



After arriving at the set the next day, Gu Zhongyu kept yawning.

But he was a little worried. After meeting Zhang Zilin, would other young ladies lose their attraction to him in the future?

no! He had to take advantage of Zhang Zilin's time to find a way to get used to her and nip this possibility in the cradle.

"Good morning, Teacher Gu. It seems like you haven't slept well. What's going on?" Tong Dawei looked at Gu Zhongyu listlessly and asked with concern.

Ever since he reconciled with Gu Zhongyu and got the role of Wang Yang, Tong Dawei's attitude towards Gu Zhongyu is so submissive! Even if he doesn't say good morning and afternoon, he will even share half of the food his wife cooks for him.

He knew that his career had not been going well in recent years, and now only Gu Zhongyu still took him to act regardless of the previous grudges. Naturally, he was grateful and behaved very badly.

So much so that director Chen Kexin even joked with him, "Do you owe Gu Zhongyu a lot of money?"

"I slept a little late last night, so I just felt a little uncomfortable."

"You need to pay more attention to your health, Teacher Gu. We are not young anymore. I brought some health food and I will get some for you later."

"Thank you. Teacher Gao must not have slept last night, right?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned around and glared at Gu Zhongyu. From that look, she knew that Gu Zhongyu must have slept with Zhang Zilin last night. Damn it!

Stealing chicken is not losing the rice. Zhang Zilin looks so shrewd, but she actually trusts this scumbag like this, and it seems that she is very comfortable with him after she returns!

At this time, Deng Chao joked: "How can you not know whether Teacher Gao has slept well?"

Deng Chao and Gao Yuanyuan are also old friends. They have known each other since the filming of "The Best in the World", so they dare to make such a joke.

So Gao Yuanyuan turned around and glared at Deng Chao. She hadn't noticed it before, so why did she feel that he, who seemed serious, had become mean-spirited now?

Regarding the relationship between the two, Deng Chaotong and Dawei had already seen clearly, as if any pretty actress in the entertainment industry could always have some relationship with Teacher Gu.

Fortunately, they fell in love and got married early, otherwise they would have lost their wives.

Bai Bin, who came to the set at this time, also looked at Gu Zhongyu with a look of resentment. He had to wait for a long time before being picked up last night, and was bitten by mosquitoes several times. Mr. Gu really didn't know how to show mercy at all.

The two actresses on the set looked at him with dissatisfaction, and the other staff members looked like they were just waiting to watch the show. Even the thick-skinned Gu Zhongyu felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Chen Kexin came over to help him out at this time: "You are all stuck here, why don't you start work? Everyone is in place and ready to start."

Then Chen Kexin asked Gu Zhongyu mysteriously: "Gao Yuanyuan came to see you last night. I said you just left. Nothing happened?"

Chen Kexin, like other directors who knew Gu Zhongyu, felt that Gu Zhongyu was good at everything. He could act, write, sing, and was good at business. Even in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the 1990s, he could definitely succeed.

Apart from the minor problem of being too romantic, having Liu Yufei is not enough. She has to provoke another Gao Yuanyuan, and I don’t know how many people there are in private!

Damn it, he is so envious!

"No, what can happen to us? By the way, is the guest I invited here?"

"Here we go, right outside!"

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