Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 199 Do you want to see yourself being cheated on?

"Racial discrimination in the United States will never disappear."

Uncle Yu Qian, wearing black-framed glasses and a blue Mao suit, stood on the podium. Below were the invited college students and the three main actors, Gu Zhongyu, Tong Dawei, and Deng Chao. Deng Chao's Meng Xiaojun had an impatient look on his face.

Gu Zhongyu's Cheng Dongqing had a face that could never hide anything, and immediately wrote the four golden characters "So that's it", with a look of dementia.

This scene was very interesting. Meng Xiaojun had received elite education since he was a child. His naive fantasy about the United States had long been engraved in his soul. He could not tolerate others saying that the United States was not good, even if the person was a university teacher standing above.

"If a white person and three black people enter the elevator at the same time, he will escape from the elevator a moment before the elevator door closes."

I have to say that Gu Zhongyu thinks this line is quite accurate and hits the nail on the head.

"Then what about the Chinese in the United States? They should be smart and hardworking, right? But they say that the Chinese have destroyed the job opportunities of local residents, and in addition..."

"Teacher!" Meng Xiaojun finally couldn't listen anymore and stood up.

"Have you been to the United States? You learned about the United States from books, right?"

At this time, his good brother Wang Yang also stood up: "Yes, teacher, practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

Yu Qian supported his eyes, took a step forward, held the desk, looked at Meng Xiaojun and asked: "Which department are you two from?"

Meng Xiaojun never let anyone lead him off topic. His goals have always been clear and his path is very clear. He continued: "As far as I know, the so-called American dream is that everyone has equal opportunities in front of the dream. Only the United States can do this in the world."

"Young man, you are too young after all..."

How could Meng Xiaojun do as he wished: "Teacher, I will definitely go to the United States, I will find out by myself!"

He was already quite impolite, changing the title from professor to teacher, and stood up from his seat, showing a generous gesture of leaving the table.

Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun both stood up. Cheng Dongqing certainly couldn't continue to sit down. After all, the two came to accompany him. If they didn't stand together, they would be a jerk.

"Sit down!" An angry shout came from the front row. It was probably the old professor's direct disciple. He had been holding back his anger since Meng Xiaojun asked questions. When he saw the three of them standing up to leave, he immediately stood up and roared.

"Listen to it before you leave!" It must be said that students of that era were somewhat bloody and knew how to respect their teachers, which was quite rare.

"Who are you?" Wang Yang teased without showing any weakness.

"He is my teacher."

"It's none of your business!"

"Damn, these bastards! It is important to be polite when serving teachers. What kind of world is this? Beat them up."

This classmate was obviously both civil and military. After cursing his mother, he could still show off his knowledge. After showing off his knowledge, he could still roll up his sleeves and start fighting!

Confucius once said: If the enemy is numerous and we are few, I will run away first.

Wang Guaren and Meng Guaren were pushed protectively by Cheng Shiwei, and under Cheng Shiwei's loyal protection, they strategically retreated from the vast sea of ​​enemies.

Cheng Dongqing waved his schoolbag, but it was pulled down by the indignant law students who rushed over and pressed him to the ground and beat him up.

Seeing that the class was about to turn into a martial arts competition, the old professor could only slam the table and shouted in pain: "Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Watching a bunch of people "beating" Gu Zhongyu outside the set, Zhang Zilin thought it was quite fun.

Zhang Zilin, who had never seen others filming, was fresh to the set today and wanted to touch everything she saw, especially when she watched Gu Zhongyu acting, she acted like a fangirl.

At first, Chen Kexin didn't know who she was, and just thought she was a friend of an actor who came to visit. Although she was very beautiful and had a good figure, she always felt that standing here was a hindrance and wanted to ask her to leave.

Fortunately, Gao Yuanyuan reminded him in time that this was Gu Zhongyu's current girlfriend Zhang Zilin, who had just arrived last night.

Chen Kexin immediately said that it was too much!

How could guests from afar be allowed to stand and watch them act?

Come on, move a chair so that this tall lady Zhang can sit and watch them act comfortably.

Gao Yuanyuan saw Zhang Zilin excitedly appreciating their acting and couldn't help teasing her: "How is it, is it fun?"


"You have such good looks, you can also be an actor, just quit your job and join our film and television industry."

Zhang Zilin pretended to think for a while and said: "Zhongyu also said this to me, and said that he would tailor a play for me in the future! I'll just wait for him to arrange it, and then I'll just act in his work. I'm not interested in other people's works."

Gao Yuanyuan was really jealous at this time. You are such a scumbag Gu. You have known each other for so many years, but you didn't even say you would tailor a play for me. All the benefits were given to this tall girl!

Seeing Zhang Zilin in such a good mood, Gao Yuanyuan felt that it was time to do something to ruin her good mood.

"Actually! Being an actor is not such a good job, especially the play in the afternoon. I am a little worried that you will not be able to bear it after watching it."

"What play? I can't bear it?"

Zhang Zilin asked like a curious baby, and Bai Lu on the side already felt something was wrong, so she pulled Gao Yuanyuan's hand and signaled her to stop talking.

As a result, Gao Yuanyuan ignored Bai Lu's reminder and said frankly: "It's nothing, it's just that there is a passionate scene between Su Mei played by me and Cheng Dongqing played by Gu Zhongyu in the afternoon. It may be a bit large. You have to be mentally prepared!"

Zhang Zilin was dumbfounded. What a guy. I told Gu Zhongyu last night to let you little goblins stay away from me. Today, I have to watch you perform a brand new boat scene in front of me?

"Oh! Don't blame me. This is all arranged by the director. In fact, I really don't want to shoot this kind of scene. You know, for an actress like me who has already become famous, this is really a bit disadvantageous."

Chen Kexin wanted to swear at this time. It's none of my business!

I am just a tool director. Gu Zhongyu is both the investor and the boss and the screenwriter and the starring actor. The script is arranged by him. Do I dare to add this kind of scene casually?

Forget it, forget it. Chen Kexin quietly left the conversation range of the two women without arguing with the women.

Zhang Zilin quickly figured it out. Gao Yuanyuan must have deliberately angered her because she saw them sleeping in the same room last night.

If she got into trouble with her over this, it would be exactly what she wanted. If she was not careful, Gu Zhongyu might think that she was a petty and jealous woman.

"It's okay. Men act according to circumstances. It's inevitable whether they are actors or not. I won't be angry. I'll stand by and applaud you when the time comes!"

Gao Yuanyuan took Zhang Zilin's hand and said in a hypocritical manner: "You are really reasonable. Don't worry, I will finish it as soon as possible and won't NG too many times."

"Then thank you very much!"

"No need, it's all work!"

The two women were comrades-in-arms who joined forces to catch the adulterer last night, but today they have become rivals in love.

Bai Lu, who was standing by, couldn't help laughing in her heart when she saw their hypocrisy. It's just a passionate scene. What's the big deal? I have watched it live countless times.

After filming this scene, Gu Zhongyu saw the two women chatting so enthusiastically, and came over to joke: "You two really hit it off at first sight. You haven't known each other for even a day! You've even held hands."

"People who can chat well are friends, and people who can bring happiness are good sisters. Is that what you mean, Yuanyuan?"

Uncle Yu Qian finished filming this scene. The old professor in the original version of "Chinese Partners" was too boring, so Gu Zhongyu suddenly had an idea and simply invited Brother Qian to guest star.

Not to mention, when Uncle Yu Qian was replaced, the comedy effect came out immediately, especially when he slapped the table, it was the same as when he was telling crosstalk in Deyun Club.

"Brother Qian's performance is still good, much better than Gu Zhongyu and Deng Chao." Gao Yuanyuan praised him for fun.

"I dare not do that! Yuanyuan, you haven't been to our Deyun Club for a long time. Lao Guo misses you so much."

When Gao Yuanyuan was depressed, she listened to Guo Degang's crosstalk to get through the difficult time. Later, she went to Deyun Club's performances several times, so she was familiar with Lao Guo, Yu Qian and others.

Gao Yuanyuan sighed helplessly: "It's because your Deyun Club tickets are expensive and hard to buy. I can't even get a ticket."

Today, Deyun Club is in its heyday. Although Cao Yunjing's departure two years ago had a great impact, the successors Yue Yunpeng, Sun Yue, Luan Yunping and others have gradually grown up and can start to take the lead.

Now if you want to watch a performance of Deyun Club, you can no longer get in with a ticket of dozens of yuan a few years ago, especially when Lao Guo and others are on stage, basically the lowest scalper ticket price is three to five hundred, and the front row seats cost tens of thousands. Many celebrity concert tickets are not so expensive.

Gao Yuanyuan said that she couldn't get a ticket, which was also a way to cash in and praise the good business of Deyun Club.

Yu Qian waved his hand: "What's the big deal! I'll give you a VIP gold card later. Come whenever you want and sit in the front row to listen to me and Lao Guo entertain you."

"Give me a Beiqian brother too, you can't be partial to one over the other!" Gu Zhongyu said.

Brother Qian glanced at him and said, "If you, Mr. Gu, come to listen, I will have to charge double the tea fee! Otherwise, it would be unworthy of your status as a big star and big boss! Don't you think so?"

"Okay! I'll buy your pirated DVD to listen to it, which is also considered to support your Deyun Club."

Yu Qian frowned when he heard this, then sighed and said, "That's fine, I also think that our Deyun Club tickets are getting more and more expensive, otherwise, you can lend it to me after you finish listening?"

Zhang Zilin chuckled and said, "That's great, I don't have to go to Deyun Club today, and I can also listen to Uncle Yu Qian's crosstalk on the spot."

"Who is this?"

Yu Qian had noticed Zhang Zilin's existence a long time ago. There was no way. When this long leg was sticking here, the blind people passing by couldn't help but take a look. It was because Yu Qian had good self-control and kept his eyes from looking around.

"Hello, Brother Qian. I'm Gu Zhongyu's friend. My name is Zhang Zilin. Just call me Zilin."

She didn't say she was his girlfriend. Although everyone at the scene was in the same circle, it was possible that someone would say something out loud. It was better not to cause unnecessary trouble for Gu Zhongyu.

Brother Qian was such a smart man. He could tell at a glance that this girl and Gu Zhongyu were definitely not normal friends. But he still nodded and greeted her with a smile: "The girl is so pretty. You can tell at a glance that she grew up in Yanjing. It's not that good a place can't raise such a pretty person."

Yu Qian, who has always been famous for his high emotional intelligence, was so natural when he praised people. After a few words, he made Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Zilin laugh non-stop.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Yu Qian's beaming face and muttered in his heart: I wonder if Uncle Yu Qian was also so good at coaxing people when he was young. If he was more handsome, he would be like me, a complete old scumbag!

Bai Bin stood hesitantly on the side, not daring to join the conversation. She still remembered what happened last night.

She was still frightened when she saw Gu Zhongyu's girlfriend Zhang Zilin coming today. This tall and strong man, if he didn't get off the car last night, but really fought, would she be able to get away with it?


As time came to the afternoon, Zhang Zilin's good mood, which had been amused in the morning, gradually disappeared, because he had to shoot the passionate scenes of the male and female protagonists that he hated the most.

The male protagonist Cheng Dongqing in the movie is also quite a dog-licker. He has a crush on the cold goddess Su Mei who often reads with him in the library at night, but she doesn't like him at all and decisively rejected him when they met for the first time.

For this reason, his bad friends Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun helped Cheng Dongqing to do everything they could to pursue Su Mei fiercely.

Finally, when they were rowing together, Cheng Dongqing mustered up the courage to confess to Su Mei, and threatened: "If you don't agree to be with me, I will jump into the lake."

Su Mei was also a tough girl. She actually jumped into the lake without looking back, and unfortunately contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized. Cheng Dongqing went to visit and forcefully kissed Su Mei, and then got infected, and successfully "married the beauty".

That's how girls in the 1980s were so strong-willed.

Everything was ready, Gao Yuanyuan lay on the boat in a hospital gown, waiting for Gu Zhongyu's "favor."

In fact, shooting such passionate scenes is what actors are most afraid of. In the movie, watching the male and female protagonists being intimate seems to be very enjoyable, but in fact, dozens of people holding cameras are watching, and anyone with a little shame will feel embarrassed.

Especially male actors, when shooting such scenes, they are most afraid of being too attentive, which makes people think they are deliberately taking advantage. Many may not care at the time, but after the broadcast, they are discovered by sharp-eyed netizens, and you will be socially dead immediately!

In the distant past, when filming "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber", the Emperor and Xiao Taohong had a kissing scene, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they actually had a French "wet kiss," and were scolded for many years.

In the recent past, Zhang Han's "East Eight District West Eight People" actually directly groped the female lead Wang Xiaochen, and was pointed at by countless people and scolded as a pervert.

So in filming such dramas, male actors are generally not as proactive as female actors, unless the plot requires that the male party is the abuser, otherwise, they all lie down and let the female party do what she wants.

Bai Lu brought a small stool and prepared to watch the next good show with others, while Zhang Zilin looked depressed, hesitating whether to stay here and see with her own eyes how she was cheated.

Thank you for the reward from Mr. Time, please drink iced Kuo Luo!

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