Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 200 My mouth is swollen from biting!

Gu Zhongyu took a basin of water and poured it on his head, soaking his whole body, and then picked up a bag of fruit. This was the money that the male protagonist Cheng Dongqing used to exchange for half a month's food allowance, just to give it to the goddess Su Mei. This is the case with the sheep.

Su Mei, played by Gao Yuanyuan, was lying on the bed in a hospital gown, looking like she had no desire to live.

"Get lost!" When Su Mei saw the toad at the door, she finally said the second sentence to Cheng Dongqing since they met.

Cheng Dongqing, who was soaked all over, wiped his glasses with a bit of stubbornness like reciting a dictionary, stepped into the infectious disease ward, and walked forward a few steps.

"Did you hear me? I told you to get lost."

The third sentence that Su Mei gave to Cheng Dongqing even had a hint of grievance. People who are sick are more fragile, and this toad is the first to see the white swan.

In the original movie, Su Mei was a cold goddess. Her popularity was average. No one dared to visit her when she got pneumonia. The most important thing was her personality, which could be said to be a bitch that was annoying.

In the original plot of the movie, she met an old white man with curly hair not long after she went to the United States, and had sex with him in the park in broad daylight (this scene was deleted before the release, but it can still be found on the Internet, it's disgusting), and then she turned around and called Cheng Dongqing and dumped him.

It's normal for lovers in a foreign country to break up, especially when there was a craze for going abroad in the 1980s. Many couples went to the United States together and ended up getting divorced. Jiang Wen has a TV series "Yanjing People in New York" that tells this type of story.

But this kind of behavior of cheating on someone and rolling with the sheets before calling to break up is very disgusting, so when Gu Zhongyu wrote the script, he decisively deleted these psychotic plots to avoid disgusting the audience and himself.

Cheng Dongqing heard Su Mei's words clearly, because his body stiffened, but it was just stiff, and then he immediately strode to the bed, his steps were stiff as if the soldiers being reviewed were marching, with fearless stubbornness.

This is a small step for a dog, but it is a big step for the male protagonist's life!

The white swan finally realized that this toad was born in the year of the ox and was completely unreasonable, so she had to turn away and avoid talking face to face: "Go away, it's contagious."

Facts have proved that even a silly goose can have a day when good fortune comes and the stone is broken.

Cheng Dongqing did not obey the white swan's intention, but rushed over with courage and determination, turned Su Mei's tearful face, and kissed her hard...

It can't even be considered a kiss, it would be more appropriate to call it "biting", stiff, reckless, without any skills, this is Cheng Dongqing's first kiss.

Zhang Zilin, who was watching the two people filming in the studio, couldn't help but clench her fists. Although she was mentally prepared, she couldn't help seeing such an exciting scene with her own eyes.

She finally figured out what kind of mentality the male protagonists in the novels who were confronted by the bull-headed man in front of them were in!

Bai Lu wanted to doze off just by watching, that's it?

Teacher Gu is usually much wilder than this. He is not as shy as Cheng Dongqing in the movie, and he kisses so carefully. Basically, he always uses his big moves right away!

Gu Zhongyu was actually quite uncomfortable at this time. He hadn't filmed a passionate scene for a long time. It's not that he was unfamiliar, but it was very uncomfortable to suppress himself. It was really hard for him to pretend to be a pure boy.

Gao Yuanyuan was very fierce, and she looked like she wanted to eat people. Gu Delai's mouth was bitten by her!

"Ka! Teacher Gu, you are too dull. Although Cheng Dongqing is the first kiss, he should still be full of enthusiasm when facing his goddess. Show... your usual style."

Chen Kexin was about to say that you should show the enthusiasm you had when you filmed the kissing scene with Liu Yufei last time, but thinking that there are at least three women here who have unclear relationships with Gu Zhongyu, he forcibly held back the words.

"OK, director."

"Okay, put the camera back to its original position and do it again."

Gu Zhongyu returned to his original position and did it again. This time he showed enthusiasm, but he didn't expect Gao Yuanyuan to perform abnormally. She even drooled when kissing!

I don't know if she was greedy for Gu Zhongyu's body, or if she was hungry and used his mouth as a sausage!

Next, Gao Yuanyuan seemed to be a newcomer who had just debuted. She couldn't act all of a sudden. She was either too involved or too exaggerated, or she seemed to be more eager than the male lead. She NGed several times in a row.

Gu Zhongyu:...

Why don't we find a deserted place to relieve your physiological needs?

Will it be better if we shoot this scene again after we're done?

Chen Kexin supported his forehead. What a joke. Such a simple kissing scene can make two experienced old actors NG several times?

Zhang Zilin was angry after watching it, Bai Bin shook his head after watching it, and Bai Lu said it was quite interesting. Let's do it a few more times. She just secretly took out her mobile phone and took pictures of Gao Yuanyuan drooling.

"Yuanyuan, don't bring too much emotion into the filming. Let's try to get it done in one take. Let's finish early tonight and go eat hotpot."

Even Yu Qian, who doesn't know much about acting, can see that Gao Yuanyuan is in a bad mood.

"Sorry! I'm not in the right state today. I've delayed the filming progress. I'll adjust." Gao Yuanyuan also felt that she was a little too much. Even though she was still resentful of Gu Zhongyu, she shouldn't delay the hard work of the entire crew.

Both of them adjusted their state, and this time they finally performed normally. Gao Yuanyuan performed Su Mei's resistance, helplessness, touching and a hint of sour love when kissing Cheng Dongqing.

"Why is it you? Why is it you, Cheng Dongqing?" Su Mei's words can only be regarded as a sigh. Gently, with sobs and sadness, the proud white swan lowered her beautiful neck.

This is a case of a dog licking successfully chasing a goddess. Of course, it cannot be imitated in reality, otherwise it is a small matter to go to the police station, and close contact with pneumonia patients will really be infected.

The male protagonist Cheng Dongqing finally paid a painful price for love when he was a junior - he took a year off because of tuberculosis and because of that bold and reckless kiss.

"It's finally over!"

Gu Zhongyu's mouth was almost numb from kissing. He never felt that kissing scenes were so difficult to shoot.

As a result, when he just walked out of the ward where he was filming, all the staff immediately covered their mouths when they saw him, as if he had bad breath.


Zhang Zilin couldn't help laughing when she saw him. Chen Kexin and Dawei and others were also trying hard to restrain their desire to laugh.

"Pfft... Gu... Teacher Gu, this should be considered a work-related injury, right?" Deng Chao was a man who couldn't hide his smile, and he laughed when he saw him in such a bad state.

"What's going on?" Gu Zhongyu was confused. He subconsciously touched his face, and when he touched his lips, he felt something was wrong.

Bai Lu, who was also laughing, took a makeup mirror and asked him to look at himself.


He was still handsome in the mirror, but his mouth...

It was red and swollen, as if two sausages were hung on it!

It looked very much like Ouyang Feng, played by Liang Chaowei in "East is West", after he accidentally ate the Five Poison Powder.

"Gao Yuanyuan!"

"Why are you screaming! Your swollen mouth is your own problem, why am I fine? Please reflect on yourself, have you eaten too much food that makes you angry recently, or are you weak?"

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan, who walked out of the door, also covered her face and laughed secretly. She didn't expect that kissing for more than ten minutes could turn Gu the scumbag into a sausage mouth, which was also a pleasant surprise.

I have heard of news about lovers kissing until their lips are red and swollen before, but I didn't expect him to encounter it today, and it was because of the kissing scene.

If this gets out, people will know that Mr. Gu is too dedicated to the filming and is dedicated enough; those who don't know will think that he is being lustful on the set!

Although she was a little angry to see her boyfriend kissing other women in public, the sausage mouth really made her laugh. Zhang Zilin even pulled Gu Zhongyu over and forced him to take a photo.

"Promise me, you can take the photo, but don't show this photo to anyone, okay?" Gu Zhongyu pouts his sausage mouth and pleads in a low voice.

"Don't worry! I love you so much, how could I show it to others?"

Why does this conversation feel weird, as if it is the beginning of a certain domestic film, where a girl begs her boyfriend not to show the video to others.

Why did I let her take my ugly photo like this?

I'm really a pure love brain!

"Teacher Gao is really dedicated. You work so hard. It takes almost half an hour to shoot a kiss scene." After laughing, Zhang Zilin did not forget to mock Gao Yuanyuan, the instigator.

"Dedicated? It's okay to make a living. But I'm still a little worried. How to shoot the next scene!"

"What next scene?"

Gao Yuanyuan pretended to be surprised and asked: "Didn't Teacher Gu tell you? The male and female protagonists have to shoot a boat scene next. I think it took half an hour to shoot a kiss scene now. It will take a whole day to shoot the boat scene!"


Hearing this, Zhang Zilin was shocked. You, an old woman, are waiting for me here?

Then he turned his head angrily and looked at Gu Zhongyu. You wrote the script. Is this how you usually arrange benefits for yourself?

Well, in the movie, Cheng Dongqing did come once before Su Mei went abroad. When Gu Zhongyu wrote the script, he didn't think so much. Anyway, he was the male protagonist by default, so he didn't care about it.

If it was with other women, Zhang Zilin could tolerate it, but Gao Yuanyuan was Gu Zhongyu's ex-girlfriend. If the two of them...

Forget it, forget it. I boasted last night. I need to be more tolerant, otherwise I will be pissed off by these bitches sooner or later, and then other women will get the advantage for nothing.


After finishing the day's scenes, Uncle Yu treated everyone to a hot pot meal. More than a dozen people sat around the stove.

Although he was only a guest star and didn't get paid, Yu Qian never cared about the small money for a meal. He came today just for Gu Zhongyu's sake, and seeing so many big names here, he naturally wanted to make some friends.

Deng Chao casually picked up a piece of beef roll and put it in his mouth. He was so burned that his teeth grimaced. After swallowing it reluctantly, he asked casually: "Brother Qian! Why don't you call Teacher Guo? I heard that he has also come to Tianjin. It will be so lively if the two of them come together?"

Yu Qian waved his hand and said: "I never call him after leaving Deyun Club!"

Bai Bin asked curiously: "Why? Don't you two have a good relationship?"

Yu Qian explained: "Because we are not the same kind of people."

Yu Qian and Guo Degang on the stage are both partners and brothers. They are loyal to each other, support each other, and achieve each other.

The performance on the stage is extremely tacit, and the interaction on social media off the stage is frequent and intimate. However, the two rarely eat together in private dinners.

For this question, Guo Degang complained about Yu Qian, saying: "Yu Qian can attend 8 dinner parties a day, meet 1,000 people, and chat and laugh. But I can't do that. I am more introverted and have social phobia. In a year, I go out for dinner less than 10 times. When I meet someone I don't know sitting at the same table, I will ask myself: Is it you who should go or me?"

Guo Degang doesn't drink, smoke, or play cards. When he goes out to meet people, he makes a cup of tea and stays alone. Everyone thinks he is particularly boring.

At a dinner party, Guo Degang received an invitation, and Yu Qian also received an invitation. Faced with this situation, they had an idea: Can we attend this dinner together and see if we can overcome each other's problems.

That night, Guo Degang and Yu Qian arrived at the restaurant on time. They walked into the private room and saw that there were other unfamiliar faces on the table. Guo Degang felt nervous, but he silently insisted on staying. He decided to face this challenge and try to communicate with people. Yu Qian always remained calm and relaxed, chatting and laughing.

Although he barely stayed until the end, Guo Degang's introversion and social phobia made him feel uncomfortable with parties and social occasions, while Yu Qian had no pressure and could communicate with others easily.

"So! He will definitely not come to an occasion with so many people. I don't even need to ask."

Zhang Zilin smacked her lips in disbelief: "I didn't expect that Teacher Guo looked so active on stage, but he was so socially phobic in private? The contrast is a bit big!"

At this time, Chen Kexin explained to her: "Zilin, you don't see much. In fact, many comedians are like this, because a person's emotions are limited, and they are always consumed by the performance. So they can only be more silent at ordinary times, accumulating strength to let the audience see a happier self."

The most typical example in China is Zhou Xingxing, who performs nonsense on stage and is taciturn in private.

There are also comedy masters Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean, and Jim Carrey, all of whom have a huge contrast between their real personalities and their screen selves.

Because it is really painful to make others happy, including Shen Teng, who later became very popular. In fact, she is the same in private. She doesn't like to socialize or talk. She is often photographed staring blankly in the corner.

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan said: "Tsk, tsk, it's really hard to be a comedian! Fortunately, I gave up the dream of being a comedian soon after my debut."

"Yuanyuan, why do you want to be a comedian when you are so beautiful? People who want to be comedians should be like my wife." Chen Kexin laughed. His wife Wu Junru is a well-known comedian.

"Director Chen, you are done. I will tell Sister Junru later."

"You said it. She herself used this as a topic of conversation. Hey, why didn't Mr. Gu say a word tonight?"

Gu Zhongyu raised his head at this time, showing his sausage mouth that became more and more rosy, and said: "I am tired and don't want to talk, and I feel that this hot pot is not very friendly to me. My mouth has become bigger again, and it is about to turn from a sausage to Jinhua ham!"


Everyone present was amused by Gu Zhongyu and laughed so hard that they spit out their food!

Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, everyone.

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