Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 201 Bai Bing becomes a nanny

After taking care of Gu Zhongyu for a few days in the crew, Zhang Zilin left this morning, taking away his thoughts and several hundred million yuan.

She had to leave. If she didn't leave, Gu Zhongyu and Gao Yuanyuan would have a real "boat scene" soon. She thought it was better to turn a blind eye and leave quickly!

Without the best audience, Gao Yuanyuan naturally lost the desire to make trouble. Gu Zhongyu and she didn't know how many times they had done it with real knives and guns. There was no pressure to shoot this kind of boat scene that was almost equal to no scale, and it was passed directly in one go.

However, Gao Yuanyuan still had some resentment and had nowhere to vent, so when it was convenient to continue filming, she bit him several times with her teeth, which was really painful!

Before Zhang Zilin left, Gu Zhongyu suggested that she could consider quitting the job of brand manager. His light and dark confrontation technology had begun to become regular. He needed someone he trusted to take charge of part of the company's work and supervise Zhang Nan.

You should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others. Although Zhang Nan in his previous life proved his ability, this is an annual investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. It is really hard to let go without personal supervision.

After all, people are fickle. Some people can be honest and upright all their lives without temptation, but if you suddenly give him a chance, he may create a demon.

There was no suitable candidate before, but now Zhang Zilin is willing to make such a big sacrifice for him, he thinks he can let this girlfriend try.

Zhang Zilin said that she would consider his proposal carefully. In fact, she was tired of being a brand manager in the past few years. She thought that it would be good to change a job, and she could also help her man. Why not!

After Zhang Zilin left, Bai Bin also finished filming quickly, although it was preliminary.

Her role as Liangqin was not much. The scenes in China had been filmed. The rest was to accompany her boyfriend Meng Xiaojun to the United States. However, this will take some time. Chen Kexin asked her to go back first and come together when they went to the United States to shoot.

But she didn't leave, but stayed in the crew under the pretext of learning from her predecessors.

She didn't come to learn how to act, but to be a nanny for Gu Zhongyu.

During the day, she cooked and stewed soup for Gu Zhongyu, served tea and water, and took care of his food, clothing, housing and transportation. At night, she met his needs, and even washed his underwear and socks!

After a few days, Gao Yuanyuan and Bai Lu were very unhappy.

Gao Yuanyuan was unhappy because Bai Bin, the little goblin, was here, and it was not easy for her to go to Gu Zhongyu at night. She had already stepped aside when Zhang Zilin came, and now Zhang Zilin is gone, you are here again, what's the point!

Do you want me to do it myself?

Bai Lu was unhappy because Bai Bin stayed here and took away all her work. It was obviously her assistant's job to do odd jobs. Does this elder sister want me to lose my job and starve to death?

But Gu Zhongyu was happy with it. Anyway, it was fine to have a beautiful woman to serve him. As for who the girl was, he didn't care.

Not to mention Bai Bin, this sister is a gift from heaven to men. These days, he has been enjoying it so much, just like now.

"Come on, open your mouth, ah!"

Bai Bing picked up the soup spoon and fed Dalang... ah, she fed Gu Zhongyu wolfberry black chicken soup. Boss Gu has been too busy at night recently, and it's time to nourish himself.

Gu Zhongyu turned his face away and said with disgust: "I have been gaining weight for the role recently, and you still give me such a nourishing soup? Do you want to fatten me to death? It's too hot to drink it."

"Then drink something cool, this is loofah and shrimp soup, which is most suitable for this season."

Ah! It's no wonder that the ancient kings didn't attend the court early. With the charming beauties serving you every day, any ambitions can be worn away by you.

Gu Zhongyu reluctantly took a sip from Bai Bin's mouth, smacked his lips, and felt that the taste was okay.

"Actually, you can go back. You don't need to stay by my side every day. The company has a notice for you."

"Actors travel all over the world. It's so hard to see each other now! Why, you are tired of me so quickly?" Bai Bin said with an aggrieved expression.

Unfortunately, her temperament is too charming. Even if she pretends to be pitiful, this sister feels like she is seducing people.

He quickly jumped up from the sofa and began to coax her: "How could it be? You take care of me every day. I am almost fat and can't walk. But now I am in the crew, and I have to pay attention to some influence!"

In fact, Gu Zhongyu can guess what Bai Bin is thinking. Although he has a girlfriend, he is not married after all, so someone has some different thoughts.

Miss Bai Bin is conceited about her outstanding appearance. She wants to show her virtuous and gentleness to see if she can become the boss lady of Zongheng!

There are actually quite a few women around Gu Zhongyu who hold this idea, including Liu Yufei and others. Anyway, as long as they are not married, everything is still possible.

"I've been very careful. I don't have much physical contact with you in front of outsiders."

"But you always take my shirts and underwear to dry outside. Many crew members have seen it. They are not fools. They can guess who you are working for."

"I let them find out accidentally. I won't do it next time."

Gu Zhongyu rolled his eyes at her: "Was it intentional or accidental?" It's okay to use this method to declare sovereignty. Gu Zhongyu was worried that Bai Bin would find paparazzi to take pictures of the two of them and force him to make it public.

This woman has too many thoughts, she needs to be punished.

"I have a lot of gossips, but I am not burdened by debts, so it doesn't matter. But you have just entered the industry, if it gets out, it will be bad for your reputation. For things like crew couples, the woman will always suffer more in public opinion."

Hearing this, Bai Bin also understood what he meant. The words crew couple were said, which was to tell her not to have unrealistic fantasies.

But Bai Bin was not discouraged. Anyway, he was determined to have this man, and even Jesus couldn't take him away!

She put down the spoon with an indifferent expression and lay in Gu Zhongyu's arms: "I don't care what outsiders say, anyway, I am determined to follow you. At least before the filming of this movie is finished, I have to stay by your side to take care of you!"

"Okay, but don't be angry with Yuanyuan and the others anymore, I won't come tonight." Sister Gao San told him that if he didn't come to her tonight, he wouldn't have to come in the future.

"She made me so embarrassed last time, should I let her give me a cold shoulder and not let me fight back?"

When she mentioned the last time she was kicked out of the RV, she was so angry, and so was Bai Lu who gave the idea. A little assistant dared to be so arrogant, you are still rebellious!

"She is your senior, and her status in the circle is higher than yours. Why do you, a little actor, offend her?"

Bai Bin hugged Gu Zhongyu's neck and said in a tender voice: "Don't be afraid, anyway, with you here, who dares to do anything to me?"

Hey! This sister's personality is a bit similar to Fan Binbin, but she is not as smart as her. If she hadn't followed Gu Zhongyu, this personality would have suffered a big loss sooner or later.

It seems that in her previous life, she offended the magazine because she wore the wrong skirt, thus ruining her own fashion resources. It turns out that academic qualifications cannot represent ability, and IQ cannot keep up with EQ!


Today, the crew is going to shoot the scene where the protagonists and their group go to the US Embassy to obtain visas. In order to pursue authenticity, they also want to shoot in the real embassy, ​​but this is too difficult, so they have to settle for the next best thing and go to the US Consulate in the local lighthouse in Tianjin to shoot.

In order to shoot here, the consulate asked them to see the script during the communication.

Because the movie involves the United States, they certainly want to see if the plot has any tarnishing of their image.

The original version of "Chinese Partners" tells the story of three cultural elites who failed in their pursuit of the "American Dream". By helping others to realize the American Dream, they finally realized their own "Chinese Dream," which at first glance is a bit of praise and criticism of the United States.

But at the end of the movie, a reversal occurred. People found that the three protagonists did not realize their Chinese Dream by helping others realize the American Dream, but realized their once failed American Dream in a roundabout way by realizing their own Chinese Dream. Realizing the Chinese Dream is just a means to realize the American Dream, and the American Dream has the ultimate meaning.

The three protagonists first achieved success in their domestic careers, and then began to pursue the once failed American Dream.

The film shows three people going to the restaurant where Meng Xiaojun used to wash dishes, and enjoying the pleasure of the boss serving them dishes.

Later, when New Dream was listed in the United States, they also said, "Only when you stand at the moment when the hammer is swung at the New York Stock Exchange will they truly see you, recognize you, and respect you."

This seemingly nationalist declaration is nothing more than a manifestation of inferiority complex.

It turns out that what they want is the respect of the West, and it has always been; what they want is for the powerful others to notice themselves who were once ignored one day, and after measuring them with their standards, say, you are good enough now.

Do people like Cheng Dongqing have their own standards? What about the promised "changing the world"?

Especially after the success, the most touching thing Cheng Dongqing did was to donate a large sum of money to the laboratory that once humiliated and despised Meng Xiaojun, on the condition that the laboratory was renamed "Meng Xiaojun Laboratory".

At that moment, Meng Xiaojun's eyes were full of tears, and Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing's faces were full of relief.

When he first saw this passage, Gu Zhongyu was full of doubts: Why donate money to a place that humiliated him? Why not fight back and enjoy the pleasure of revenge?

Later, he understood that although Meng Xiaojun was despised and humiliated in the United States, he did not hate the United States. He believed that the reason he was despised was all because of himself.

It's like a person who was abandoned by a lover who loves new things and hates old ones, but can't forget this lover. From then on, the whole purpose of life is to make the lover regret one day and prove that he is completely worthy of the lover-the United States is Meng Xiaojun's real dream lover and the "dream" of the "new dream".

In this great victory of the United States, the three people used money to make foreigners obedient, as if Ip Man was possessed, the only difference is that Ip Man relied on fists, and Cheng Dongqing relied on money.

Gu Zhongyu is disgusted by this kind of value that can only be shown by pleasing others.

Start a business, what you want is to be cool! What you want is to be hearty! What we want is the sense of achievement after hard work. Even if the partners finally part ways, it is better than smuggling private goods and flattering foreigners!

The original script was not like this. After reading the script for the first time, Chen Kexin recalled his experience of studying in the United States and tampered with nearly half of the script. Deng Chao also revealed in an interview that the prototype of the character Meng Xiaojun he played was not Xu Xiaoping in the story prototype, but director Chen Kexin himself.

He didn't know who had added more private goods when the script ended up like this. It was probably Chen Kexin.

Therefore, Gu Zhongyu made a lot of changes to the final ending of the movie. Although the main plot has not changed, he still got rid of the inferiority complex and foreign worship of the male protagonists, and also made the male protagonists in the later period more... Strong.

For example, when many people criticized him for going to the U.S. to litigate people, he followed what really happened.

After all, Yu Minhong, one of the prototypes, couldn't stand it anymore. He pointed out two key flaws in "China Partners". The first was the dispute between New Oriental and ETs. It was New Oriental's fault. You can't blame others with cultural hegemony. ;New Oriental's listing is entirely a commercial act, not a matter of bringing glory to the country.

Another thing is that Cheng Dongqing, played by Huang Xiaoming in the movie, did not perform the domineering role of Mr. Yu as a decision-maker, but instead performed more of the friendship between the three. In fact, in the face of huge interests, the so-called friendship cannot stand the test at all, which is also the fundamental reason why the three partners eventually broke up.

Therefore, after "Chinese Partner" was released, Yu Minhong was very disgusted and even unwilling to comment. He said: "I haven't read a word of the script. He doesn't acknowledge the cowardly personality portrayed in the movie, otherwise I wouldn't be able to build a business."

Throughout the movie, Cheng Dongqing, who represents the image of Yu Minhong, is described as a country boy. Although it is true that he is a country boy, he is actually not that country, and he is not that cowardly. In that case, he would not be the boss of New Oriental at all.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Chen Kexin and others do not really understand business logic, which makes this entrepreneurial inspirational movie always lack some reality and cruelty. These small problems can be easily fixed, and it can be completely based on the experiences of real people.

In the end, in Gu Zhongyu's version of the script, the feeling of praising foreigners' stinky feet in the first place is gone. It can even be said that many places are secretly damaging the image of Uncle Sam.

Of course, Gu Zhongyu wouldn't be that stupid. He handed the original script of "Partners in China" to the consulate like a thief. Take a look at the plot. I look forward to you so much!

Anyway, I gave you the script. Later, because the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, there was nothing I could do if the plot had to be modified. You can’t say I lied to you!

Sure enough, the staff of the American Consulate were very satisfied after reading the "1.0" version of the script. I didn't expect that these movie makers would yearn for our lighthouse so much!

I quickly agreed that they could come in to shoot, and said that if I go to the United States to shoot in the future, they can also help communicate!

He really made me cry to death. I wonder what these people will think if they watch the final version of "Chinese Partners".

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