Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 204 A girl who looks like a husky

At this time, a young lighthouse lady with light blue eyes, a delicate face, a curvy face, and a tall figure also came to the women's clothing store.

This person seemed to be a regular visitor here, and the leading shopping guide greeted her warmly as soon as she saw her.

"Welcome, what clothes do you want to see this time, dear lady?"

"I need a new dress for the party. Also, has my custom-made underwear arrived?"

"The size is 36E, right? It has arrived. We have recently launched new dresses. Come over here and take a look."

With that said, the shopping guide took her to the area where Gao Yuanyuan was selecting clothes, but she was surprised to find that the two Chinese people who were here just now suddenly disappeared?

"Is there any problem?" The girl saw the clerk looking around as if he was looking for something.

"It's nothing. There were two foreigners here trying on clothes just now. They may have left. I won't bother you trying on clothes. If you need anything, just contact me." The shopping guide knows that these big stars always don't give in when trying on clothes. I liked being watched, so I took the initiative to resign.

The lady was choosing styles carelessly, and when she was about to try on the clothes, suddenly, some unharmonious, seemingly suppressed sounds came intermittently into her ears.

She raised her head and looked around, but she didn't find the source of the small sound.

No way! There are people in this kind of place...

The lady raised her ears and listened carefully. The space here was not very large, and she quickly located the direction of the sound.

It's the fitting room in front!

The fire of gossip suddenly burned brightly, and her curiosity prompted her to tiptoe to the door of the fitting room. After confirming that it was here, she slowly put her ear to the door.

No matter how low the voice was, she could still hear it clearly, and she quickly determined what the people inside were doing.

my Lord! The plot she had only seen in short movies before actually happened to her today. She no longer thought about buying clothes, and even wanted to take out her mobile phone and record it.

But just when she took out her mobile phone, the door of the fitting room was suddenly opened, and unfortunately, the door still opened outward!


She didn't have time to dodge, and was caught off guard by the door panel that was suddenly pushed out and hit her forehead. The huge force knocked her over and fell to the floor.


The moment she almost opened the door, Gao Yuanyuan, who saw someone on the ground, also let out a scream. Fortunately, she was already dressed, but she still cautiously took out her bag and blocked it in front of her.

The woman who was knocked to the ground felt her forehead hurt so much that she quickly touched it with her hand. Fortunately, her appearance was not broken, but it was just slightly swollen.

The screams of the two women naturally attracted the attention of others, including the shopping guide and several nearby customers buying clothes.

"What happened? Who's shouting?"

The blue-eyed woman had already stood up at this time. She first looked at the two of them angrily, and when she was about to turn around and complain to everyone about this matter, she suddenly came to her senses.

I am a public figure!

So he immediately covered his face and waved his hand to the shopping guide behind him: "It's okay, it's okay. I accidentally fell down just now. I have to continue picking out clothes. You go ahead and let those people disperse."

The voices were clearly those of two women, but where did the Asian couple come from?

The shopping guide knew she was lying, but this lady was a VIP customer of the store and could not afford to offend easily, so he had no choice but to wave his hands and ask everyone to leave. Nothing happened here.

After everyone had left, the blue-eyed girl started to get angry at Gu Zhongyu angrily: "If you don't have the money to rent a house, you can go make a small movie instead of shooting in a place like this!"

In New York at this time of year, most of the yellow faces who are crazy about shopping are from China, so this yellow couple must be Chinese tourists traveling abroad. She feels that her fame is not big enough to be known to everyone in Asia, so she also Don't worry about the other person recognizing you.

I didn't expect that the Chinese, who are always known for being conservative and introverted, could be so bold and alternative, and they happened to meet him.

"Miss, please don't talk nonsense! I was just helping my girlfriend unzip her skirt in the fitting room. How could you slander us like this? I'll sue you for libel!"

"Zip it? Do you think I'm a fool? Then why did she make that noise?"

While talking, the woman pointed her index finger at Gao Yuanyuan. At this time, Da Meiyuan was already blushing and did not dare to look at her.

"It's very simple! My girlfriend has gained weight recently, and the zipper accidentally pinched the flesh on her back, so she hissed in pain...hiss!"

Gu Zhongyu felt that the flesh on his waist was also pinched. It hurt so much!

Gao Yuanyuan hated this stinky man so much that he kept her in the dark and spread rumors that she had gained weight. She was only 96 pounds, right?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, I pinch, I pinch, I pinch again...

"By the way, I just pushed the door and bumped into you, which means you have been secretly eavesdropping! You still have a mobile phone in your hand. Why, do you want to record it? I think you are voyeuristic. Attack?"

The blue-eyed woman was speechless by this question. She was indeed a little curious just now and wanted to record it with her mobile phone. Unexpectedly, this Asian man suddenly saw that this was not a simple purpose.

"Wait...I think you look familiar!"

He didn't have time to take a closer look, but now that he's looking closely, Gu Zhongyu feels that this big ocean horse looks familiar to him. The glowing blue eyes look like those of a husky, and... this girl is so open-minded!

Compared with her, the powerful ones are stunted!

The blue-eyed woman never expected that this Asian man could recognize her, and she did not dare to continue to pester her. She quickly took out her sunglasses from her bag and put them on: "You have recognized the wrong person. I hope you can restrain your behavior in the future. We'll never see each other again."

Then the woman ran away from here as if she was running for her life. She didn't want to be filmed peeping at foreign lovers here and then make the front page of entertainment news.

"Hey! Stop pinching my sister, she's about to turn purple!"

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Gao Yuanyuan, who saw the man gone, immediately started attacking his waist with two fingers.

"I let you bastard bully me like this. Next time, I won't pinch your waist, and I'll just crush your fish roe lucky bag, hum!" Gao Yuanyuan didn't want to buy any more clothes. She just wanted to go back and wash them right now. A bath.

Gu Zhongyu rubbed the sore flesh on his waist and recalled the appearance of the blue-eyed and white girl. He did have some memories, but he couldn't remember the name for a while.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, tonight is exciting enough, Da Meiyuan is still a little angry, so I have to go and coax her.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a hard object like a stone stepping on his feet.

He raised his foot and found a shiny gadget. When he picked it up again, he found that it was a diamond earring. The brand could not be seen, but it must be worth a lot, and the workmanship was relatively retro, belonging to a very old style.

Needless to say, it must have been left by the husky-eyed ocean horse.

In the spirit of picking up gold, Gu Zhongyu originally planned to hand it over to the front desk. For such a valuable item, the other party would definitely come back to look for it.

But thinking about the arrogant attitude of that woman just now, he felt very unhappy.

Anyway, I will be here for a while, so I might as well just send the earrings back before I leave. Let this woman be worried for a few days. It would be best to think that her things have been picked up and never be found again. She will be so sad. shed tears.

Gu Zhongyu felt that he was really wilted when he thought about it!

(Has any reader guessed who this actress is? Win a prize if you guess)


Two days later, at the Stock Exchange on Wall Street in New York, Gu Zhongyu sat at the conference table with a bunch of old friends to film the final scene.

Gu Zhongyu, who has successfully gained weight and has magical makeup skills, looks like a forty-year-old Chinese boss. Now he is reciting his last few lines in a rustic manner.

"Mr. Bono, we formally apologize and agree to pay for this."

"But not 15 million." Wang Yang added.

"We don't like to be called thieves, and we will not lose a penny of the compensation we have to pay for infringement. But what I want to tell you is that today's Chinese students did not come to the lighthouse just to wash dishes. After getting a green card, they are willing to go back, but you still naively think that their good grades are because of cheating..."

At this time, Cheng Dongqing was no longer submissive, but as impassioned as a real entrepreneur, neither humble nor overbearing.

After a wonderful speech, he not only impressed the foreigners opposite, but also made his brother feel the spirit of his entrepreneurial days in the past.

"I announce that "Partners in China" is finished!"


After announcing the completion of filming, Chen Kexin couldn't help but shed tears at this time and said with choked eyes: "Today my eyes are red. This is not the first time. It happened often in previous movies, but this movie is especially so. I think back to my youth Isn't that why I wanted to make movies? "The Chinese Partner" made me reaffirm that I am on the right track in life. I should be grateful for your efforts as a director. I just hope that I can continue to make movies. , Occasionally my eyes will get red, it would be great if I can keep this feeling of this job for a few more years.”

He was really touched by the scene. He recalled his previous experience when he studied abroad in the United States, and he was especially touched by the role of Meng Xiaojun.

It can actually be seen in the original version of "Partners in China" that although Meng Xiaojun is the second male lead, his scenes and highlights are completely portrayed as the male lead. They are basically Chen Kexin's own personal additions.

Gu Zhongyu could understand his feelings, but he didn't feel the same way. He never had any good expectations for a foreign country, and a golden den or a silver den was still not as comfortable as his own kennel.

After photographer Du Kefeng recorded Chen Kexin's closing speech, he did not turn off the camera, but turned the lens so that several leading actors could also make speeches. These materials will be added to the behind-the-scenes documentary and posted online together with the film's release.

Gu Zhongyu is more concise: "The luckiest thing for an actor is to be able to come across a play that makes others unrecognizable and startled. How many people can remember Cheng Dongqing and forget Gu Zhongyu? This is all the value of these two months for me!" "

Deng Chao said eloquently: "This movie is of course the biggest nightmare in my recent life! Really, it is devastating. It destroyed the virtue that I have been holding on to for so many years and not learning English well..."

It seems that these two months of non-stop learning and speaking English have really tortured Deng Chao.

Tong Dawei's words were concise and to the point: "It's rare that the main creators all have a very chemistry-based creative process!"

Gao Yuanyuan even cherished her words: "Thank you to the director and crew, I am Su Mei. It feels great to be involved.

After the filming was completed, the crew did not plan to return home immediately, but booked a hotel in Wall Street in the evening to hold a wrap-up party.

Except for Gu Zhongyu and Chen Kexin, no one else had ever had a wrap-up party in a foreign country, and it was in Wall Street, the global financial center, so everyone was in high spirits.

Dawei's wife and children and Deng Chao's parents also came, and they planned to play in New York for a few days before going back. Gu Zhongyu really didn't understand what there was to do in New York. It was a pure steel metropolis with no famous places of interest, and they only bought some luxury goods.

If it weren't for Shariz telling him that there was a banquet to expand his network and invite him to attend, he wouldn't bother to stay here!

"I really want to thank Teacher Gu this time for bringing our Dawei to the United States to film. I'll treat you to a meal when I return to China!" Seeing that there were fewer people, Guan Yue came over and grabbed Gu Zhongyu's hand to express her gratitude.

Since the financier behind Tong Dawei went to work on the sewing machine, he disappeared from the crew and had no scenes for almost two years. It was all thanks to Gu Zhongyu's support that he was able to star in this cross-border commercial blockbuster.

"You're welcome. Teacher Tong performed very well this time. It seems that he has received a lot of advice from his senior sister!" Gu Zhongyu felt that Tong Dawei's performance was indeed good this time, not worse than Deng Chao.

"No, I haven't filmed for a long time. Now I'm just a full-time yellow-faced woman."

Seeing Guan Yue's attentiveness, the two villains in Gu Zhongyu's brain began to talk. One of them said: Wake up my thief heart. Since she wants to thank him so much, she should find someone to have a good time first.

And the other villain said: OK, OK!

Everyone was busy finishing work, and they stood with their backs to everyone. Gu Zhongyu scratched Guan Yue's palm calmly, and then wrote a number in her surprised eyes.

Guan Yue never expected that there would be a sequel between the two of them, and she actually hinted at herself on the set.

Is he really interested in me?

She didn't know whether she should be panic or happy at this time, but since Gu Zhongyu was pestering her, she had to "sacrifice" a little for her family and her husband.

However, Gu Zhongyu's little action could be hidden from others, but it did not escape the eyes of Bai Lu, the little assistant behind him.

At a young age, her heart was shocked again, and she also had a new understanding of the shamelessness of her boss.

However, after following Gu Zhongyu for so long, her three views have long been distorted. Bai Lu was not surprised for too long, and soon started her job—recording a small notebook!

Because there are too many sensitive contents in the small notebook, Gu Zhongyu has now upgraded it, and recorded the information of his confidantes in a password, so that even if the notebook is really lost, others can't understand it.

It's just hard for Bailu, who is still learning cryptography. It's not easy to work for Gu Zhongyu. She has to learn the skills of an agent, such as reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, sentry duty, counter-espionage, cryptography...

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