Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 205 Let me relieve your boredom

At the wrap-up banquet in the evening, everyone sat together at a long table. Since the filming was in the United States, there were not many crew members from the crew, so it was lively to sit together.

"Where is Teacher Gu? Why didn't he come?"

The dishes were served, and Deng Chao realized that Gu Zhongyu had not come yet, including the little assistant.

"He must have gone to take care of Bai Bin. You know she has been feeling unwell recently, and she has been filming while sick. Teacher Gu must be distressed!"

Tong Dawei didn't say anything about Gu Zhongyu's behavior of dragging two or three people on the crew, but he was envious in his heart. If it weren't for his wife's strict control, he couldn't help but want to go out and pick up someone.

"Our Teacher Gu is really considerate!" Gao Yuanyuan snorted unhappily. If it weren't for Bai Bin's illness, she would have to go and drag Gu Zhongyu back now.

"Don't be so sad, let's have a drink!"

Deng Chao saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, so he picked up the wine glass and started to liven up the atmosphere. Gao Yuanyuan then clinked glasses with him, and then saw that the seat next to Tong Dawei was also empty, and asked: "Why doesn't Teacher Guan come to celebrate together?"

"Oh, she's coaxing the child to sleep! She'll come over later."

Gu Zhongyu was not there, and Chen Kexin was a taciturn person, so the job of livening up the atmosphere fell on Deng Chao and Dawei. As the delicious food entered their stomachs and the cups were exchanged, the atmosphere in the restaurant soon became lively.

But at this moment, Bai Bin, who looked a little haggard, rubbed his eyes and joined the banquet, but Gu Zhongyu did not follow.

Everyone looked at each other, Deng Chao asked: "Didn't Teacher Gu go to take care of you? Why didn't he come?"

Bai Bin sat down with a confused look on his face: "No! I took some medicine and have been sleeping until now. I just got up and came here to eat something hungry. When did Mr. Gu go to my room?"

Oh, everyone understood after hearing this. It seems that Teacher Gu has a lover outside!

Gao Yuanyuan's face was not good, but Tong Dawei was even more envious and jealous. He was not satisfied with having a beauty like Bai Bin and Da Meiyuan, and he was still planting flags outside. I don't know which girl he was harming.

After a long time, Gu Zhongyu and Bai Lu finally came late.

"Where have you been for so long?" Gao Yuanyuan and Bai Bin asked almost at the same time, then looked at each other and silently glanced to the side.

This scene is really suitable for drinking!

Others ate and drank silently as if they didn't hear anything, and Tong Dawei even drank the red wine in the glass. It's amazing that Gu Zhongyu maintained an ambiguous relationship with two women and made them live in harmony.

"I'm going to meet someone and prepare to make a movie with Hollywood."

"Will you die if I don't brag?"

Gao Yuanyuan thought this reason was too far-fetched. If you come to the United States to shoot a few days, you have to cooperate with Hollywood. If you go to Neon to shoot, then are you going to make a movie with Tokyo Hot Company?

"Why would I lie to you? In the first half of next year, the new Sino-US co-production movie will start shooting. I will continue to play the leading role and make my own contribution to the cultural exchange between the two countries."

Gu Zhongyu picked up a piece of lamb chop and put it into his mouth. He just exercised a little too much. Teacher Guan Yue is indeed worthy of having taught a physical education class. He was too hasty before and didn't experience it carefully. Today, he knows what it means to be soft and resilient. I just don't know how long it will take for her to wake up.

Chen Kexin is very interested in the co-production movie that Gu Zhongyu talked about. Others are also curious and waiting for him to reveal some inside information.

"It's not a big production, just a suspense film. As for the actors, besides me, there is only one foreign actress who will play the leading role."

"Foreign actress? Is she famous?" a staff member asked curiously.

Hearing that it was a low-budget movie, Chen Kexin was not interested. It was probably a co-production that was a fake. There are only a few of them every year, just to fool fools.

"Is she famous? It's okay! She only won an Oscar for Best Actress."


Not only Chen Kexin, many others also spit out the wine in their mouths, which made the waiter next to them feel painful. If these Chinese can't drink it, don't waste this good wine!

"The Oscar winner is your leading actress? Who is it?"

Gu Zhongyu wanted to keep it secret, but it seemed unnecessary. The news would be good news, so he told them openly that it was the South African beauty Charlize Theron.

Chen Kexin couldn't sit still. It seemed that Gu Zhongyu's network resources were much larger than he thought. If he could invite an Oscar winner, the film must have either a huge investment or a good script.

So he asked indirectly if there was a suitable candidate for the director.

Gu Zhongyu certainly knew what he was thinking, but it was a pity that Chen Kexin was good at period dramas and romance films, and the film language was full of humanistic care and wandering nostalgic emotions, which was obviously not suitable for directing a dark suspense film like "The Invisible Guest".

In fact, Gu Zhongyu was also quite troubled about the director. If he found the original Spanish director Oriol, he would definitely have a good grasp of it, but this time he wanted to train his own people, not to make wedding clothes for others.

Guo Fan was good at science fiction, Ning Hao focused on comedy, Cao Baoping seemed to be insufficient, and as for people like Kaizige and Feng Kuacha, he had never considered them at all.

Who else was suitable?

He made up an excuse and didn't answer. Chen Kexin sighed in disappointment. He also knew that Gu Zhongyu would not give him such an important movie. After all, this was not a subject he was good at. But he still asked with the hope of just in case.

For Hong Kong directors like them, being able to direct Oscar-level foreign actors is a good thing that cannot be obtained even if they kneel on the ground and beg. He is willing to accept it even if the director does not charge a penny.

When he chatted with Wu Baige before, the other party said that what he was most proud of in his life was not the movies such as "A Better Tomorrow" and "Hard Boiled", but the fact that he had directed white movie stars such as Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage in Hollywood. The feeling of success and fame is simply not experienced in China.

He also agreed with this very much. He believed that only when he made a name for himself in the United States, stepped onto the Oscar podium like Li An, or like Wu Baige, he got addicted to directing foreign actors to shoot movies, that would be the peak of a director's life.

Gao Yuanyuan was still angry, but when she heard that Gu Zhongyu was really going to make a co-production, she was a little excited, thinking about whether she could compete for the leading actress.

But after learning that the leading actress was Charlize Theron, she gave up. She couldn't compete, she couldn't compete at all!

"Boss Gu is so awesome, he made a big move without making any noise. He took down Wall Street today. Remember to lead us to the moon tomorrow!" Deng Chao led everyone to raise a toast to Gu Zhongyu.

In Sino-US co-productions, Chinese actors basically have a single role type and insignificant status. The main reason why Gu Zhongyu can become the male lead this time is because of his identity as a capital boss, which they can't envy.

I just hope that this time, relying on the friendship of filming, Gu Zhongyu will think of them in the future when there is any opportunity, even if it is just a soy sauce.

"You'd better ask for help in hitting the moon!"

While drinking, other staff members of the crew also prepared a special gift for the creators - a yearbook, which recorded the blessings of all the members of the "Mr. China" crew.

Gu Zhongyu was very generous and gave each of them a gold bracelet in return, which made everyone call the boss generous!


After the wrap-up banquet, Tong Dawei returned to his room. There were many people today, and it was in a foreign country, so everyone was more restrained in drinking. At this moment, his face was only slightly red.

He went to see his four-year-old daughter first, who was sleeping soundly, but his wife Guan Yue was nowhere to be seen. It is estimated that she may have gone downstairs to buy things.

Sure enough, Guan Yue came back with a lot of bags after a while.

"Where have you been, wife?"

Guan Yue picked up the bag in her hand: "Aren't we going back to China soon? Buy some American ginseng for your parents. It's good for the health of the elderly."

"Teacher Guan, you are so thoughtful. I forgot about this."

"You men are all careless. You only care about your own comfort. How can you think about the people around you?"

Tong Dawei was moved by his wife's kindness. He walked up to hug his wife, but found that her hair was a little wet, and the ends of her hair were knotted, and there was a little paste on it.

Seeing her husband's strange eyes fall on her shoulders, she immediately touched her hair with her hand and cursed someone in her heart.

"I went to do my hair by the way, and I was afraid that no one would take care of the child when he woke up, so I ran back without washing my hair."

"Oh, then go wash your hair quickly! I'm here for the child!"

It was all because of this Gu Zhongyu. After finishing the work, he didn't let her take a shower in peace. He came back in a hurry and didn't have time to clean it carefully. The ends of her hair were stuck all the time without knowing it.

The next morning, Gu Zhongyu watched the crew enter the airport. Gao Yuanyuan and Bai Bin wanted to stay with him, but Gu said, "You can stay. I'll take you to experience the Hollywood party!" After getting two spit, they followed the crew and left. Gu Zhongyu must have a lover in Hollywood and didn't want them to meet. "Boss, shall we go back to the hotel or where else?" Bai Lu asked listlessly while driving. "Let's go back and pack up. Why are you talking so weakly when we go to Los Angeles? Are you not used to the local climate?" "No, I just feel like I don't know anything. I'm at a loss when I arrive in a foreign country. I still need you to take care of me." These days in the United States, Bai Lu is walking on thin ice every day, just like in Cannes. She is unfamiliar with the place and doesn't speak English. When she encounters problems, she has to rely on her boss for help. She feels that she is useless as an assistant, so she is deeply shocked. "I'm not staying abroad every day, so I can't learn English. It won't affect your continued service as my assistant."

Seeing that Bai Lu, who has always been heartless, has a tendency to learn from shame and then be brave, he feels relieved like his old father. This little guy has finally grown up again.

Looking at the boss who was driving seriously, Bai Lu thought deeply for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "Boss, why did you choose me as your assistant in the first place?"

She has been holding this question in her heart, and she can't figure it out no matter how hard she tries. She is young, has no background, low education, bad temper, and looks like a human being. Compared with Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Yufei, she is just a foot-washing maid. Why does Gu Zhongyu like her?

Now the two of them have been together for almost a year, and their feelings are deep, so Bai Lu took the courage to ask the boss.


In fact, it is hard for Gu Zhongyu to say. At the beginning, he was indifferent when recruiting people. He just wanted to do odd jobs. Later, he found Bai Lu among the applicants, and he kept her by his side for fun.

Of course, it is rare for Bai Lu to work hard, so he must encourage her no matter what.

"I found you from many resumes at first sight. You are very funny when I saw you during the interview... Oh no, you look very beautiful when you smile. You will definitely be a good seedling to become a big star in the future..."

As Gu Zhongyu said the rainbow fart for free, Bai Lu started to blush.

Oh! How can I be so outstanding? I didn't expect that Bai Mengyan hid it so well, and was discovered by the boss at first sight.

"Then... then boss, do you think I am really beautiful?" Bai Lu asked the last question shyly.

"Uh... of course I am beautiful. Milky skin, peerless beauty, fairy descending to the earth, are not enough to describe you!" It's over. Gu Zhongyu lied. He felt that he would go to hell after his death.


Bai Lu covered her mouth in disbelief, her mind full of adjectives such as milky skin and peerless beauty. He thought the boss had always looked down on him, but he didn't expect that he would give such a high evaluation of her appearance!

Excited, Bai Lu didn't care about the occasion, she sat up directly and started to forcefully kiss Gu Zhongyu who was still driving!

Because he was looking forward and holding the steering wheel, Gu Zhongyu didn't notice at all, and saw a pair of teeth coming towards his face...

"Um...Pah! What are you doing?"

It's retribution! He used to molest others in the car, but he didn't expect that there would be such a day for him. The key is that Bai Lu didn't know where she learned it from, and she even gave a French kiss!

He now feels the taste of Bai Lu's teeth in his mouth!

"Boss, didn't you say I'm beautiful? Then I'm giving you a kiss now, shouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm driving, you big fool. If there's a car accident, we'll both die in a foreign land!"

Bai Lu said, yes, she forgot that they were still in the car.

But she recalled the boss's past interactions with those women, and then looked at Gu Zhongyu who was driving bored, and asked for some reason: "Boss, when you drive, are you easily bored?"

Nonsense, of course it's boring to drive alone, it's more interesting to drive with others.

After getting a positive answer, Bai Lu smiled, then put her face close to Gu Zhongyu's ear again, and said shyly: "Then I'll help you to relieve your boredom!"

Gu Zhongyu said unhappily: "Why, do you want to perform singing or crosstalk? Hey, what are you doing..."

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