Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 206 Where is the promised win party?


Bai Lu burped loudly after drinking. She didn't expect that papaya milk was also sold in the United States. This flavor was her favorite. It was said that it not only made her grow taller, but also helped other parts of her body develop!

Seeing Bai Lu's greedy look like a child, Gu Zhongyu was also amused.

"I'm going to a dinner party tonight. It's full of foreigners. You don't have to accompany me. Stay here and look after the house!"

When he came to the United States to shoot "Inception", Gu Zhongyu bought a small villa in Los Angeles as a temporary home because he didn't want to stay in a hotel for a long time. Now it comes in handy again.

In fact, he originally wanted to buy a house in Beverly Hills. Although it is known as the most prestigious residential area in the world, the average land price is only more than 10,000 US dollars, which is not as expensive as many places in Shanghai. You can buy a nice villa for 20 to 30 million US dollars.

However, the United States has real estate taxes. According to the materials used in the building and the area occupied, the highest annual charge is 3%. Add property taxes and maintenance costs, and more than one million US dollars a year is gone.

Damn America, why do they collect property taxes for no reason!

So he thought about it and decided to forget it. Wouldn't it be nice to use the money to buy spareribs? Anyway, he doesn't live in America all the time, so having a house to live in is enough.

"Then... Boss, when will you come back? I'm scared to be alone."

Gu Zhongyu glanced at her. She was so timid. Why was she so brave in the car before? The most important thing was that her movements were not unfamiliar at all. How many times have you peeped at her?

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu really had no interest in the little girl. Although Bai Lu's temperament was no longer rustic and she became more beautiful after this period of experience and dental treatment, he couldn't help but recall her expression pack of grinning in a flowery cotton jacket.

BGM sounded: You exist in my aunt's mind, in my dreams, in my heart, in my singing...

He didn't know what the relationship between the two of them was now. This was unique. In a relationship between a man and a woman, he was completely passive, and he had no intention of teasing the woman throughout the whole process.

I don't know when this girl started to be in love. I am such a scumbag, and you dare to jump into the fire pit in front of you?

"Why, are you looking forward to coming back to cheer me up?"

"Ah? If it is the boss's request, then I, as an assistant, have to be on call at any time." Bai Lu was a little shy when she said this, but she did not regret her actions yesterday.

BGM sounded again: I finally made this decision. I don't care what others say. As long as you are also sure, I am willing to follow you to the ends of the earth...

Gu Zhongyu smiled bitterly with his forehead in his hand. The originally simple working relationship is not simple now. The main reason is that she is afraid that Bai Lu will be jealous like other women in the future and will not be able to stand guard for her properly.

It seems that I have to change an assistant sooner or later. This time I have to find an ugly one, preferably one that can make people lose worldly desires at first sight.


In the evening, Gu Zhongyu took a stretched Lincoln sedan to the Baccarat Hotel where the dinner was held.

After handing the car keys to the waiter at the door, the lobby manager came up to greet him warmly. After confirming that he had received the invitation, he led him to the Blue Room on the top floor, which is also a common place for Hollywood celebrities to hold dinners.

There were not many people in the Blue Room, and they were all holding cups and talking to each other in twos and threes. Except for some unknown film company management, the others were invited guests, Hollywood first- and second-tier male and female stars, producers and directors of various companies, etc.

Gu Zhongyu looked around casually and saw Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., Jason Statham, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Hugh Jackman and others, toasting and exchanging cups, and the atmosphere was warm.

It can be seen that the specifications of this banquet are still very high, with so many big names present, but compared to men, Gu Zhongyu certainly pays more attention to female stars.

Scarlett Johansson is indeed very sexy, but she is a little short. Fortunately, her head-to-body ratio is good. Although Gu Zhongyu doesn't want to drink her bath water, he doesn't mind treating her to some high-protein energy drinks if he has the chance.

Jessica Alba, of Mexican descent, debuted as a child star and became famous for comic-adapted movies such as Fantastic Four and Sin City. Her amazing figure made her an idol obsessed by the American people. She often appeared on the big screen as a sexy beauty. Unfortunately, she married young. Although she has given birth to two children, her smile is still sweet, like a girl, which is impressive.

Keira Knightley is also a beauty, but compared with the hot Jessica, she can barely have a cleavage. The most famous role of this English rose is the heroine of "Pirates of the Caribbean", but the biggest attraction of Pirates of the Caribbean is definitely the captain. Keira has established a foothold in Hollywood with this series, but she is more willing to star in some art films. She has also been nominated for the Best Actress at the Oscars and Golden Globes many times. Because of her excellent acting skills and temperament, she is known as one of the four most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, and the other three are Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, and Scarlett Johansson.

Jessica Alba, who was once in the limelight, put all her thoughts on men and children after starring in "Fantastic Four". She has not starred in any important movies since then, and has gradually distanced herself from these four. If they are included, it is probably equivalent to Gao Yuanyuan's embarrassing position outside the four actresses and two ice queens.

His Asian face is relatively rare at parties, but no one paid too much attention to Gu Zhongyu. They were all courting people they knew or wanted to get to know.

Parties and banquets are an indispensable part of American life. Those who are known as party animals often don't feel tired even if they attend several events in one night.

But parties are not just for carnival. Charity dinners, political fundraising dinners, celebrity gatherings, etc. can all be summed up in the definition of party. Therefore, parties are sometimes important social occasions, which are very helpful for meeting and developing connections.

"Hi, Max, you're late." Shalizi spotted Gu Zhongyu immediately, called his English name with a smile on her face, and came over to hold his hand.

Today, Shalizi is wearing a dark black low-bearing evening dress with a retro hairstyle. Coupled with her height of 177cm, she looks more noble and elegant.

"I'm sorry, the movie was only finished yesterday, and the traffic conditions were not very good when we came here. You are so beautiful today, Shalizzy." Gu Zhongyu first praised Shalizi, and then continued to scan the scene, but he didn't find what he wanted to see. people.

"I know who you are looking for, my dear, come with me!" Shaliz grabbed his arm and pulled him to a middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties.

"This is Mr. Frank Gusta, the president of Lionsgate Pictures. Mr. Gusta, this is Max Gu. You should know him." Shalizi introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Gusta." Gu Zhongyu smiled and extended his hand.

This Frank Gusta was originally a Canadian banker. He may have a lot of money to burn. In 1997, he spent huge sums of money to establish Lionsgate Pictures. A few years later, he launched a new pay TV and movie channel. Today, it is the most commercially successful independent film and television company in North America, second only to the Big Six in Hollywood.

"Me too, Mr. Gu."

With the same smile, Gusta said, "I have heard of your name a long time ago. I have talked with Mr. Zhang, the film director of your company, and it is true that the world is dominated by young people now. I have never seen a 30-year-old You’re a movie company boss who’s not even here yet, you’re amazing!”

"It's just relying on the legacy of the family and some luck, some trivial achievements."

"You are too modest. There are too few people who can act and write scripts. I am very optimistic about the development of your company in this country and in Hollywood."

"Yes, but this is also inseparable from the help of Lionsgate Pictures. We hope to cooperate more deeply with your company..."

The two briefly communicated first, and after confirming their new intention to cooperate, they agreed to another time for private discussion and then separated. Shalizi, who had been staying nearby, then came over again: "It seems that you guys had a good chat." pretty good."

“It’s always easy to talk about things that are mutually beneficial.”

In this cooperation with Lionsgate Pictures, in addition to the previous distribution business, the two parties will also reach a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly invest in film production and distribution, and develop and operate film derivative products. Zongheng Film and Television will separately through wholly-owned subsidiaries Signed a specific cooperation agreement with Lionsgate Films.

For the film projects invested in, Zongheng Film and Television and Lionsgate Pictures will contribute proportionally. The specific proportion and amount will depend on the subsequent negotiations, but this will be handled by others.

In addition to movies, TV series are also not neglected. For example, "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" will be broadcast soon. This drama can actually be obtained by foreign shows.

Even the chatty Qing Dynasty drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can be broadcast in the United States, and the action + history type Chang'an can also be broadcast, and Lionsgate's TV station is still comparable to HBO and Showtime.

"My appetite is quite big, so when can our movie start?"

"Next year! It's September now, and there are still many things waiting for me to deal with when I return home soon. You can come to China when you have time, just treat it as a trip to relax."

Shalizi also wanted to travel abroad. She nodded and was about to say something. Suddenly, a very masculine-dressed actress came up to greet her: "Hi! Shalizi, I invited you to join me last time. Why don’t you give me a compliment at your birthday party?”

"Sorry Christine, I have a movie we're talking about, so I can't get away."

The person who came was none other than Kristen Stewart, who had previously collaborated with Sharize in "Snow White and the Huntsman". This post-90s actress, like her eldest cousin Jennifer Lawrence, is now a popular star in Hollywood. With her success in "The Twilight Saga" ” series is world-renowned. She won the North American box office championship at the age of 21 and became the highest-paid actress in Hollywood the following year.

Originally, her relationship with the male protagonist of "Twilight" was favored by everyone and received many blessings. Everyone thought that they were a divine couple together.

Unexpectedly, she later cheated on her boyfriend with a movie director. When the news came out, it shocked everyone. Not only that, after breaking up with the male director, Kristen did something that people couldn't believe. She actually came out to the public!

Christine was still worried about Shalizi not being able to come to her house last time. Now that she took the initiative to talk to her, the other party had a cold attitude. She could only smile to show her understanding and then walked away.

But before she left, she gave Gu Zhongyu a slightly unkind look.

"Sisters...what's going on?"

Salize smiled bitterly: "What else could it be? You can see it, right? I don't know how she got on this path at such a young age."

"Okay! But this also shows that you are charming enough, and you can attract both men and women!"

"This kind of charm sometimes makes me distressed."

Salize looks like a queen, and she is domineering. Especially in recent years, the number of her female fans has far exceeded that of male fans, so this kind of trouble is not the first time she has encountered it, but it is the first time for a young actress like Christine.

At this time, Tom Hanks stood on the podium as the host and began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as of today, we have not only ended the two-year box office decline, but also 11 films have broken the 200 million mark, tying the film history record in 2007, and three commercial blockbusters have crossed the 400 million US dollars together, which is an unprecedented feat. This year will not be the end of the world, but only a new life for our film industry!"

"We have witnessed together that the second Whedon after the God of Cards has entered the once "box office forbidden zone" with a well-received "Avengers"; and with the strong money-making of the latest 007 episode on the occasion of Bond's 50th anniversary, Sony has also successfully entered the North American billion club...".

Tom Hanks on the stage danced with joy, and the artists and workers in the audience were also proud of it. This is a miracle they created together. Although 2012 has not yet ended, it is certain that the box office market records in the United States and even the world will be refreshed by them!

It has to be said that Hollywood movies are still very powerful nowadays, conquering cities all over the world. Although China has begun to catch up, it is still far behind, and this situation will continue until the release of "Avengers 4" in 2019 and reach its peak.

The theme of today's banquet is actually to open champagne at halftime, to celebrate the big sales of this year's film market in advance, and to congratulate several company bosses and big directors.

After Tom Hanks stepped down, several big directors took turns to brag on the stage, and Gu Zhongyu yawned when he heard it.

I should not have come earlier. I thought I was going to attend the Win Party or Hai Tian Sheng Yan or something, but I didn't expect it to be such a boring business banquet. If it was just to discuss cooperation with the CEO of Lionsgate, he could just go to the door and leave after chatting.

What Gu Zhongyu didn't know was that when he was idle and talking about love with Shariz in the corner, someone had already set his sights on him...

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