Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 208 Donuts are so delicious!

Just when Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to extend his sinful hand, suddenly, he thought of Brother Dong a few years later, the classic photo of him wearing an orange vest and his teachings.

You must follow the right path. You cannot make money by yourself, and your wife and children will follow others with the money...

Although Gu Zhongyu doesn't have a wife and children yet, he has countless confidante and a fat cat waiting for him to come home, so it's better not to seek death. If he accidentally enters, it will be ruined.

"found it!"

Alexandra rummaged for a long time and finally found the earrings in the middle of a book. In her joy of finding them, she forgot that Gu Zhongyu had taken them and kept thanking him.

"Thank you. Although you took the things away, you finally kept them and returned them to me. I should say thank you."

"You're welcome. It seems that these earrings are very important to you. Are they a gift from a relative?"

"Well! This is a coming-of-age gift from my grandparents. If I can't find it, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

But then Alexandra said again, "I'm grateful, but you just deliberately asked me to get into the car to look for it myself, and you took the opportunity to watch me pg. I'm still a little angry."

Well, I didn't expect that this little idea would be discovered by others, but she also knew that she had sex with Da Meiyuan in the fitting room before, so Gu Zhongyu simply stopped pretending to be a gentleman.

"That's right! Isn't it normal for me to want to take advantage of you being so beautiful? Isn't it interesting to be secretive?"

This man's frankness shocked Alexandra. Good guy, he is clearly a scumbag and he is indeed a rare animal. He asked curiously: "Are you really from China? Or did you grow up in the United States?" Big? It doesn’t feel like it at all.”

Even the Chinese ABC is relatively conservative in the lighthouse country. She has several Chinese classmates. Boys are generally shy, modest and dull. She has never seen someone as domineering as Gu Zhongyu.

"A native of China, okay? Why, do you think our country is not worthy of sp. Are you looking down on us or is it racial discrimination?"

A big hat was thrown down and almost knocked Alexandra unconscious. As a lighthouse person, she was naturally sensitive to words such as race. She quickly explained: "Of course not, this is your freedom, I just think You are just different from ordinary Chinese people.”

"I used the wrong words, and I dragged you out of the banquet so late at night that you didn't even have dinner. As a thank you and apology, can I treat you to dinner?"

This girl's attitude changed very quickly. She was grinning an hour ago, but now her tail is wagging. Could it be that she is impressed by her own charm?

Gu Zhongyu was really hungry, so he nodded in agreement, and the two of them drove out to find a restaurant together.

At this time, the difference in nightlife between Tianchao and Dengtao becomes apparent.

It's past eleven o'clock in the evening. If you were in China, various barbecue, spicy hotpot, fried rice and fried noodles stalls would be booming at this time, so you wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to eat. But in the United States, it's It’s different.

Even in a big city like Los Angeles, the business hours of restaurants are from 8 or 9 in the morning to about 10 in the evening. Places with a lot of Chinese people will be better, but it will not be too late. Basically, the only ones open all night are fast food restaurants.

After driving around but not finding a suitable place to eat, Alexandra held the steering wheel and carefully looked at the restaurants that were still open on the roadside, and asked: "How about we go to Chinatown? There must be a Chinese restaurant somewhere. Open for business.”


Why did he have to eat those weird Chinese food when he came to the United States? Gu Zhongyu didn't want to see that "General Tso's Chicken" again, and someone might recognize him in Chinatown, which would cause unnecessary trouble.

"The American emperor doesn't have any special delicacies that he can offer? You have a grudge against delicious food, right?"

When she heard others slandering her country's food, Alexandra was so angry that she slapped the steering wheel: "Shut up! Of course that's not the case. We are not Britain."

Suddenly she remembered something and said excitedly to Gu Zhongyu: "Okay, I'll take you to eat donuts!"

She drove to a dessert shop that was still open. There was a huge donut sign above it, and Gu Zhongyu looked familiar.

"Dangdengdengdeng! This is the dessert shop that appeared in the movie "Iron Man 2". Tony Stark once sat on the huge donut and ate donuts leisurely. You should have seen this. A movie?"

When she said this, Gu Zhongyu remembered that there was a scene in the movie where Stark sat on a donut, and then the bad guy came running to find him. He didn't expect that there really was such a restaurant, and it was in Los Angeles. .

This seems to be an old store, and celebrities should often visit it. The clerk showed no surprise when he saw Alexandra. He calmly took orders and collected money. After a while, he took out an oversized food box and handed it to her. Got her.

Alexandra excitedly returned to the car holding a large gift box of donuts and said, "I'm lucky. This store usually has a queue for half an hour even at night. I didn't expect there was no one there tonight."

"Are you going to treat me to this?"

"Don't underestimate this donut. This store has a history of more than 60 years. Many celebrities and wealthy businessmen usually come here to consume it because it tastes so good. Come and try it."

When I opened the box and took a look, oh, there are quite a lot of varieties. There are a total of twelve flavors of donuts, including chocolate, matcha, blueberry, M\u0026M beans... they are richer than the Want Want Gift Pack.

Looking at the price list again, 23 US dollars, less than 200 RMB, not expensive, after all, they are all freshly made, and the food prices in the United States are really cheap.

Gu Zhongyu picked up a donut with lemon sauce and took a bite...

I feel a little bit like yue!

It feels no different from eating a mouthful of candy. This TM must be taken with insulin, right?

It's still the old problem of European and American desserts, too sweet! Maybe it's really that white people have a low perception of sweetness. They think that food that is just a little sweet is basically too sweet for yellow people.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu's face looked a little strange, Alexandra also reacted and picked up another donut and handed it to him: "This is a macho pink donut, the same as Iron Man, a little lighter, you should be used to it."

He took it and took a bite. This one is really okay, the dough is relatively fluffy, and the sweetness is just right.

The two of them sat in the car and ate donuts. It must be said that although this high-sugar and high-fat food is not healthy, it is really delicious. Gu Zhongyu showed off five or six by himself.

"How is it? It tastes really good!" Alexandra had just finished a sandwich donut, and the strawberry jam inside was still on the edge of her mouth.

"It's really good." No wonder the later famous runner Wang Weiheng ate donuts in front of the camera and praised it. It seems that he really loves this kind of sweet food.

"It's a pity that you didn't taste the strawberry sandwich donut. It's the best one in this combination. I've eaten it."

"Strawberry sandwich? It doesn't matter, then I'll eat your leftovers."

"Haha, sure! Then you can see if there are any donut residues in the box, maybe..." Before Alexandra finished speaking, Gu Zhongyu stepped forward and "sucked" hard at the corner of her mouth!

Gu Zhongyu ate it and smacked his lips: "This jam tastes really good. It just blends with the donut in my mouth, and it can be regarded as a strawberry filling."

"Ah!... How can you take advantage of me?"

"Didn't you ask me to eat it? There are some donuts left, but the strawberry jam is only left on your mouth. I had to reluctantly taste it."

Alexandra didn't expect that this man would dare to take advantage of her like this. No, I can't stand it. She has never given up since she was a child and decided to get back at him!

He immediately grabbed Gu Zhongyu's head and pointed it at himself, and "sucked" back forcefully.

Gu Zhongyu also fought back, not to be outdone. What else can you do if you suppress me, a little bitch?

At first, everyone just coveted the donut residue on the other's mouth, but soon, the area around the lips was eaten clean. So they started to eat each other's mouths!


I don't know how long it took, but a gunshot suddenly came, and finally the man and woman woke up, and they immediately looked in front of the gunshot.

Not far away, a robber with his head covered was pointing a gun at a poor old man on the roadside and yelling. I couldn't hear what he said, but it should be something like ordering him to hand over all the money on him.

"There are robberies here?"

No wonder there are few people left on the streets of the United States at night. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States, but the public security is so bad. I can only praise them for their martial virtue.

After the robber robbed the old man of all his money, he shot him in the thigh. The old man fell to the ground and fainted. Then he walked towards Gu Zhongyu's car.

Just now he noticed that there was a couple in the black Cadillac making out. I believe they should have a lot of cash on them.

"Oh my God! That person is coming towards us. What should we do, Gu?"

The direction where the robber is standing now is stuck at the exit of this square. Unless he is willing to drive through the gunfire, there is no place to run.

Alexandra stared at the front, she was so scared that she didn't expect to encounter such a thing when buying a donut. As a woman, she instinctively wanted to rely on the only man around her at this time.

But no one answered. She turned around and saw that the car door had been opened at some point. Gu Zhongyu had already disappeared!


Alexandra thought that Gu Zhongyu had left her alone to escape. She was alone and looked at the robbers who were getting closer and closer. She was so scared that she began to tremble.

Just as the robber walked to the windshield and raised his gun to let the people in the car roll down, he found that there was one less person in the front seat. Only a woman was left trembling, and the left door was also open.

"Damn it!"

After he felt something was wrong, he immediately began to look around, trying to find the man's trace. This is free America. Who knows if this man has a gun on him.

The parking lot is not big, and there are only a few empty cars parked around. Where can this man run?

Just as the robber was looking for someone, suddenly, there was another "bang" sound, followed by his scream. Gu Zhongyu's shot hit the other's calf directly, and the robber immediately fell to the ground with a look of pain on his face!

Almost at the moment he fell to the ground, another bullet hit his abdomen. The robber was wailing in pain from the huge wound caused by the bullet. He realized that the man had not left, but had been hiding under the car.

Although the robber fell to the ground and couldn't get up, Gu Zhongyu didn't stop shooting. It was a good habit to make up for the gun. He was lying under the car and gave him two more peanuts.

Blocking vision and shooting from the dark, this is the tactic that a sixth-year man should adopt when facing an enemy.

The gun is fast at seven steps away, and the gun is accurate and fast within seven steps!

After several consecutive shots, seeing that the robber had fallen to the ground and lost his ability to move, Gu Zhongyu still did not dare to be careless. He carefully got out from under the car, slowly approached him, and then kicked the pistol on the ground to the side, and then he was relieved.

It is right to follow the local customs. The hunting license and this Glock that I spent tens of thousands of dollars to get really came in handy today.

Tourists or international students are not allowed to carry guns in the United States, but there are backdoors for everything. As long as you can get a hunting license issued by the government, even foreigners can carry guns.

And whether you use it for hunting or not, you can just hold a study visa, a tourist visa or a work visa, as long as you can afford to buy a license.

Gu Zhongyu's shooting is quite accurate. If the old man knew that he did not live up to the training he gave him when he was a child, he would definitely be very pleased.

Alexandra huddled in the driver's seat with her head in her arms. She was so frightened by the continuous gunshots outside that she dared not look out. Gu Zhongyu knocked on the glass several times, and she slowly raised her head.

"Okay, come out, make a phone call and ask the police to come and clean up the mess!"

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu did not run away and was still holding a gun in a proud manner, Alexandra was sure that she was saved. She rushed out of the door, hugged Gu Zhongyu, and cried while talking.

"Woo woo woo ~ I was almost scared to death, I thought you left me alone and ran away..."

"Don't worry, unless the other party's husband comes back to catch the adultery, otherwise, I will definitely not leave a woman alone and run away."

Alexandra burst into laughter: "You are such a bastard, even at this time, you still don't forget to make such a dirty joke."

The police are always late. After Alexandra made the call, the cop came more than ten minutes later. They were very surprised when they learned that it was Gu Zhongyu, a Chinese, who shot the gangster. After confirming that he was legally armed, they praised him.

Then they took the gangster back to the police station to take a statement.

Gu Zhongyu called Bai Lu in the car and gave instructions. It would be a pity not to hype this once-in-a-lifetime heroic act.

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