Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 209 The benefits of being a hero saving a beauty

Gu Zhongyu's heroic deeds of saving the United States and killing the gangsters in the United States were quickly reported back to China.

"Last night, the famous actor Gu Zhongyu was robbed in Los Angeles, and successfully killed the gangster in self-defense~" This is a report from the central media.

"When the movie shines into reality, a lone hero in a foreign country~" This is a normal website title.

"The light of the Chinese people, the heroic deeds of justice are worthy of the passionate youth~" This is the cover of

"Shocked! Gu Zhongyu actually went to the United States to do such a thing~" This is the shocking style of UC.

On Weibo, the official V of Zongheng Entertainment and Gu Zhongyu's Chaohua Community both wrote about the incident in detail, and there were also photos of Gu Zhongyu in Los Angeles. It dominated the hot search list for several consecutive days, ensuring that even users surfing on 2G can see it.

From portal websites to big V marketing accounts, this incident has been reported extensively. No matter when, this kind of positive energy and bravery is popular with the public, and the person involved, Gu Zhongyu, is a celebrity, which makes it even more eye-catching.

Especially Gu Zhongyu's fans, their idol's bravery overseas makes them feel proud. Let's see which artist who is not afraid of death dares to provoke them in the future. At that time, just say: Has your idol also killed a robber in person? They can eat them to death.

Various words of praise are rolling in, and under the propaganda of those who are interested, Gu Zhongyu's unintentional righteousness is about to become his active fight against crime, and he has become the Gotham Batman!

The new drama "The Longest Day in Chang'an" that will be broadcast soon by Zongheng Film and Television has also received a wave of dividends. Zhang Xiaojing himself plays a role in the ancient Chang'an, one fighting terrorism, and the other killing thieves in the modern American Empire. This character is too stable.

In order to keep up with the popularity, "The Longest Day in Chang'an" was directly moved up to October 1, the National Day broadcast. Fans and viewers are looking forward to seeing Gu Zhongyu's majesty on the screen.

The only regret is that many people think that Gu Zhongyu used "American Iai" to beat the gangsters, not Chinese Kung Fu, otherwise it would have been more legendary.

Gu Zhongyu sneered at this: What era is still using Kung Fu?

I'm going to shoot this shuttle, the achievements of the human industrial revolution for two hundred years, can your iron shirt or golden bell cover stop it?

The commotion in the United States was not small. The mayor of Los Angeles came to thank Gu Zhongyu in person, shook hands with him and took photos, and gave him a cash reward of 50,000 US dollars on behalf of the city government. It's a pity that Gu Zhongyu is not American, otherwise he would definitely give him a good citizen award.

There was also Alexandra's father Richard who rushed over after hearing the news. The old man was the head of the New York City Police's counter-terrorism department. He looked solemn and thanked Gu Zhongyu for saving his daughter, and told him that he could ask him for help if he encountered any trouble in the United States in the future.

As the head of a powerful department, such a promise is much more valuable than the 50,000 US dollar reward.

Before he returned to China, there were reporters stationed in the United States vying to interview him. Of course, local media reports were also indispensable. After all, personal heroism is what the American people love, not to mention that one of the parties was Alexandra. They all thought that the two must be in love again, otherwise why would they go out to eat donuts in the middle of the night.

When Gu Zhongyu just walked out of the police station the next morning, he was drowned by the surging reporters...

This was just the first wave. After sending away these reporters, various media at home and abroad wanted to interview him. At first, Gu Zhongyu was very interested, but after a few times, he was also a little annoyed.

The main reason is that in addition to wanting to know about his heroic deeds, these reporters are also particularly interested in his and Alexandra's affairs, and want to know whether the two are really together.

How dare Gu Zhongyu say anything nonsense? Now he is still single on the surface, and he has no public girlfriend. The fish in the pond are relatively quiet, because everyone is treated the same, sitting in a row and eating fruit, and no one is better than the other.

If a wife suddenly appears, those women will rebel one by one!

So Gu Zhongyu declined all interviews later and stayed in Los Angeles for a few days. Even when Shariz wanted to come to see him, he refused. After deciding to settle the cooperation with Lionsgate, he immediately set off to return home.


"Knock knock knock!"

"Come in."

Bai Lu brought a plate of food to Gu Zhongyu's room with an expressionless face. The room was full of scattered clothes, which showed how fierce the previous battle was.

Gu Zhongyu, who was leaning on the bow, had already entered the state of a sage, but the goblin next to him still refused to let him go, just like Xiaoqing in "Green Snake" seduced the monk Fahai, and had to provoke him to fight again.

Fortunately, Bai Lu brought lunch in time, and Alexandra spared him.

The two of them didn't get out of bed and just started eating. At first, they were quite polite, but soon they started playing with food.

You grab the steak in my mouth, and I will smear ketchup on your face...

What a waste of food!

Bai Lu, who felt that she had eaten a mouthful of dog food, quietly withdrew. She had originally wanted to cultivate a good relationship with her boss in the next few days, but this foreign bitch ran over.

The scumbag boss and this woman have been staying together in the room for two days. He never went out. He asked her to deliver all the food and daily necessities. Poor me, a poor guy, even ordering a pizza requires me to use an English dictionary to argue with people for a long time!

She was willing to serve Gu Zhongyu, but now she has to serve this foreign woman. This reminds Bai Lu of the compatriots who were oppressed by foreigners in the old society, and then thinks of the Opium War and the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the Eight-Nation Alliance...

The memory of the ancestors is deeply rooted in her bones, and the humiliation and unwillingness turned into anger!

The more Bai Lu thought about it, the more angry she became. In a fit of anger, she took a risk and picked up a fruit knife...

She peeled an apple for the two people upstairs!

Eating steak and pizza alone is too dry. I need to supplement some water and vitamin C. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dead foreign woman, but I can’t let my boss be malnourished.

Picking up a piece of apple and putting it into her mouth, Alexandra asked lazily: "Don't leave so quickly! Stay with me for two more days, dear."

"There is still a lot of work waiting for me! I have stayed in the United States for a long time this time, and I must return home as soon as possible."

"That's a pity!" Alexandra pouted her lips to express her disappointment.

Ever since the hero rescued the beauty that night, Alexandra has been clinging to him like a koala, even when she arrived at the police station, she looked like she was throwing herself at him for free. It hadn't been two days since her father took her back, and the girl sneaked back to find him.

At this time, in Alexandra's heart, Gu Zhongyu was her superhero!

As for the previous incident of Gu Zhongyu having sex with someone in the fitting room, what did that count for? Didn't you see that Iron Man, Wolverine, and Thunderbolt in the superhero are all unruly and have many students all over the world?

Gu Zhongyu wanted to pretend a little at first for this beautiful girl who came to his doorstep. After all, her father was not an ordinary person, and it didn't sound very authentic to save someone and then sleep with him immediately.

However, as Alexandra walked around his house in only underwear, Gu Zhongyu's persistence did not last long. After about ten minutes, he couldn't control himself!

"You will play the heroine in the movie that will start shooting next year!" After another battle of goblins, seeing that Alexandra had been embarrassed to say it, Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to bring it up.

"But hasn't the heroine been decided to be Shariz?"

Although his father Richard was the head of a powerful department in New York City, he was not a wealthy businessman after all. He could only protect her from those people, but he couldn't provide too much help, and there was no need to think about resources. She could only rely on her own efforts.

Especially after the box office failure of the "Percy Jackson" series starring Alexandra, she couldn't get any good scripts. They were all horror, comedy, and low-cost movies showing off sexiness.

So Alexandra invited Gu Zhongyu to dinner that night, with the idea of ​​building a good relationship and seeing if she could get some resources.

As for the accident that happened later, it completely changed her mind. Resources and the like no longer mattered. I loved this brave man so much. Come here and let me kiss him again!

"Then I have to tell you the truth. The most outstanding character in this movie is actually the victim's mother played by Shariz. Although your role is the heroine on the surface, your importance and room for development are definitely not as good as hers."

Gu Zhongyu wanted Alexandra to play the male protagonist's photographer mistress Laura. This role is quite suitable for him. This sister's figure is a replica of Yang Mi, and she is even taller. It's just that her temperament is a little silly, but it doesn't affect much.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can act with you, I feel very happy."

Alexandra rested her head on his shoulder. Unfortunately, his super hero was a foreigner and was about to leave. It would be a few months before they met again.

I don't know how many women are waiting for him in the far east. How can I make this man remember me and never forget me?

She thought about it and made a decision that would make her feel painful for a long time.

"Dear, do you want to know how to distinguish between S and M sizes?"



In the early morning of September 20, Gu Zhongyu took Xiao Bailu and took off secretly without notifying anyone. After more than ten hours, he arrived in Yanjing in the evening.

Because Xiao Bailu hadn't been home for a long time, after getting off the plane, Gu Zhongyu was kind enough to give her a long vacation and let her go home to visit her parents.

In order to make Bailu more glorious when she returned, Gu Zhongyu gave her a large bonus and allowed her to drive her own car on the road. The happy Bailu directly entertained him again in the car.

It's over. This girl has been with him for so long that she has completely figured out Gu Zhongyu's preferences. Moreover, unlike other women, Bailu is really frugal and never wastes every grain of rice in the bowl.

As for Gu Zhongyu himself, he also had to go back to report his safety to his family. The old man and his elder brother were still waiting for him to eat~

The dusty Gu Zhongyu returned to his childhood room and took a bath. The furnishings here were still exactly the same as before, except that the toys on the shelf were all taken away by the little kid.

This little niece is so unfilial. She started to explode her uncle's gold coins before I died!

After washing off the fatigue, I returned to the living room on the first floor. The old man Gu Tiejun was sitting on the sofa watching the military and agricultural channel, and the mother Wen Hongqi was preparing the family dinner with the housekeeping aunt.

"What do we see so funny in India? This is an aircraft carrier I particularly like, more than 30,000 tons, but it turns out that the tractor is used to tow fighter jets! His mind is completely improvisational, so I don't have much hope for the subsequent sea trials of this Indian aircraft carrier, as long as it doesn't catch fire..."

On TV, the handsome director was talking to India's new aircraft carrier, trying to use the mysterious causal weapon to attack the other party. If Gu Zhongyu remembered correctly in his previous life, this second-hand new aircraft carrier of India seemed to have caught fire as soon as it went out to sea. The director was really smart!

"This analysis is quite accurate. I also think that if this aircraft carrier goes out to sea, it will most likely catch fire. With the Indians' character, it's better not to play with aircraft carriers, but with model airplanes!"

Gu Tiejun looked at his youngest son with a playful look and said, "Aren't you not very interested in military weapons? How come you have become smart after firing a gun in the United States?"

Gu Tiejun didn't say anything about Gu Zhongyu's killing of criminals in a foreign country, but he was very happy in his heart. He felt that a good father will have a good son. These days, the first thing he said to people he met was: How did you know that my youngest son killed a reactionary abroad?

"I just trust the judgment of the bureau chief. He is still quite capable."

"Bureau chief... Lao Zhang has a new position? Why don't I know?"

Gu Tiejun was shocked. Could it be that his youngest son was hiding something and had a deeper network of relationships behind him, and he even knew such secrets?

I almost forgot that the name of the Strategic Deception Bureau has not become popular yet, so Gu Zhongyu explained to his father the origin of the word "bureau chief".

"Hearing what you said, it seems to make sense... No, I have to ask Lao Zhang later if he really has a new mission."

"Goodbye, Dad. What if he is really the director of the Strategic Deception Bureau? If you ask him like this, won't you force him to reveal secrets!"

"Yeah, forget it then."

At this time, the mother came out with the dishes. Seeing that the father and son had a rare chat together, she didn't want to disturb them, so she went outside to prepare to welcome her eldest son and granddaughter home.

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