Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 210 They actually have a group?

"This time you fought for our countrymen in the United States. My old comrades all praised you! How is it? I asked you to join the army but you didn't want to. Do you regret it now?"

"What's there to regret? With your son's character, I will be punished for violating military law sooner or later. I don't join the army because I don't want you to send my son away!"

"Bah! Unlucky, a dog can't spit out ivory!"

At the dinner table, Gu Zhongyu picked up his chopsticks and prepared to start eating. He was really hungry after sitting on the plane for more than ten hours.

But he didn't expect the old man to keep asking questions, so he couldn't eat at ease. He had to choose to anger his father and let him save his saliva a little and stop persecuting his youngest son.

"Uncle, how is your progress with Aunt Zhang? Did you get dumped?" As a result, he had just eaten two bites of the food, and the little bean, who was originally busy eating, suddenly said this, almost making Gu Zhongyu vomit again!

Are all children nowadays so precocious?

However, he soon noticed the snickering sister-in-law and mother. Well, it seems that Xiaodouding is just a mouthpiece. What he really wants to ask is these two.

"How should I put it? Xiaodouding, let me ask you, how many aunts do you want to have?"

Xiaodouding was shocked: "Aunts... can there be many?"

"Of course, my uncle can find you many aunts. Think about it, the more aunts you have, the more lucky money you will receive during the Chinese New Year? Will there be more people who buy snacks and toys for you?"

"Oh oh oh! Then I want a hundred aunts!" Xiaodouding was very happy. In her cognition, uncles and aunts are elders who give her gifts like Santa Claus.

"You are itching, right? What are you talking to the child!"

Gu Bohua was dissatisfied with his brother's glib talk, and gently covered his daughter's ears so that she could not hear the nonsense of the bastard uncle.

The eldest nephew Gu Jiaming gave him a thumbs up. The little brat is now in his rebellious period and is extremely annoyed with his father. He appreciates his uncle's shameless words and deeds.

"Seriously, how are you and Zhang Zilin? It's been a year. You should let our family know how the relationship is now?"

Gu Zhongyu didn't know how to describe it, so he had to give them an analogy: It's like sawing wood, sometimes forward, sometimes backward, but generally speaking, it develops in depth.

Due to the strict family tradition of the Gu family, the family members didn't seem to understand it very well, but they understood the meaning. Anyway, they didn't break up, and everything was developing normally!

At this time, the eldest sister-in-law Hu Mei's gossiping heart got up and asked, "But I heard that you didn't stay still in the United States. Didn't you get robbed when you were in a car with a foreign actress?"

Gu Zhongyu has explained this many times. The focus of Chinese and foreign media is whether the two are dating. Naturally, he refused to admit it. He insisted that they just met at the party and got along well, so they made an appointment to eat donuts.

This explanation is really far-fetched. A man and a woman got in a car in the middle of the night to eat donuts. Are you eating real donuts?

But both of them insisted that this is the reason. No matter what outsiders speculate, our relationship is very pure!

Because of this incident, Alexandra also became popular in China. Originally, she was not well-known on the Internet in simplified Chinese. Now because of the scandal with Gu Zhongyu, her popularity has soared, even surpassing Taylor Swift and Bieber.

I hope that Alexandra, who is now on the other side of the ocean, has recovered. Gu Zhongyu played with her without restraint before leaving. Maybe this silly girl won't be able to go out in the next few days.

Noticing that the two old people's eyes began to become unfriendly, Gu Zhongyu quickly expressed his attitude: "Nonsense! I have always been a red star facing the sun since I was a child. Foreign girls are the most annoying. They smell strong and have a lot of body hair... Um!"

Before he finished speaking, his sister-in-law and brother covered his mouth at the same time.

Knowing that Xiao Douding is here, you deliberately said these things that are not suitable for children. We are afraid of you, okay! We won't ask anymore!

After getting rid of the torture, the meal was eaten with relish. Gu Zhongyu even ate the last bit of sweet and sour pork in front of Xiao Douding, and the angry little girl screamed!

Okay, now the revenge for the toy being stolen has been avenged, and all thoughts are clear.

After eating and drinking, the women watched TV and played with the children, while the three men made a pot of tea and started drinking and chatting in the study.

"Honestly, when you shot and killed the robber, were you a little scared?"

Mr. Gu wanted to ask just now, but he didn't speak because there were women and children at the dinner table.

Many policemen and soldiers will be left with psychological trauma when they shoot and kill for the first time, and basically need to receive post-war psychological counseling to get out of it. Gu Tiejun was also a soldier when he was young, and he fought bloody battles on the front line in southern Xinjiang, so he has a deep understanding of this and is afraid that his young son, who has never seen blood, will not be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

This is commonly known as post-war trauma PTSD. This term was later overused. Any trivial matter can cause PTSD. The most famous one is "Wolf Warrior" or Wu Jin PTSD.

"Wolf Warrior", "Wu Jin", "Evacuation of Overseas Chinese" and other words related to patriotism usually show symptoms such as irrationality, cursing, stigmatization, misinterpretation of patriotism, double standards, and "opposition to Wolf Warriorism".

"When I fired the first shot, I was really a little nervous, but after it was over, I looked away. If I don't kill him, I might be the one who dies. This is killing harm for the people, and I don't have any psychological burden."

Gu Bohua nodded: "Well, I originally wanted to find a psychiatrist for you, but looking at your boy's overly active sex just now, I think I was overly worried. By the way, I heard... what kind of short video are you making? APP?”

"Yes, it's a waste of money. It's cost me tens of millions every year since last year!"

Ever since Zhang Nan led the team to join Light and Dark Technology, the development of Douyin has entered the fast lane. It should be fully launched next year at the earliest and the year after the next at the latest. By then, this will be the biggest killer weapon in Gu Zhongyu's hand.

"The country is now strongly supporting the development of high-tech Internet industry. It is at the peak of the trend. You have finally done something serious. Do you need my help?"

"It's not necessary for now. Maybe then, brother, you will have to ask me for help!"

Mr. Gu couldn't understand the chat between his two sons. Short videos, the Internet and other things were like fantasy to him. He could only continue to emphasize as a father that no matter what career he was doing, he must abide by the rules and laws. And so on.

Seeing that Gu Tiejun, who used to be steady and taciturn, became more and more verbose, Gu Zhongyu had to sigh, after all, his father is still old!


After dinner, Gu Zhongyu originally planned to stay at his hometown for the night, but at this time, Secretary Jiang Shuying called him and said, "The matter you want to investigate has been found."

whats the matter?

Of course, there is a ghost around Gu Zhongyu, and his personal information is always leaked out inexplicably!

In the beginning, he asked Yang Mi to be the heroine. People like Liu Shishi found out before it was made public. It was kept secret at the time. Except for a few senior executives of the company, he didn't tell anyone.

Wherever he went and who he met, these women always kept track of him, as if someone was watching him.

The blind date with Zhang Zilin was even weirder. He had only mentioned Jiang Shuying or Bai Lu before, but when they went to Jinmen to visit the class, Gao Yuanyuan, whom they had never met before, actually recognized her!

Jiang Shuying didn't say much on the phone because it wasn't safe, and asked Gu Zhongyu to come to the company tomorrow to talk in person.

But Gu Zhongyu didn't have time to wait, so he immediately drove straight to the company...

Although it was already past the off-duty time, Jiang Shuying was still working diligently at the office. It was not because she wanted to take the exam, because in addition to Zongheng Entertainment, she also had to keep an eye on the financial affairs of Light and Dark Technology, which was equivalent to getting one salary to work for two companies. .

Looking at Gu Zhongyu, he felt a little sorry for Secretary Jiang. While comforting her, he also promised to find someone as soon as possible to share the burden on her shoulders.

Jiang Shuying turned on a computer expressionlessly and asked Gu Zhongyu to take a look for himself.

He sat in front of the computer. He had already logged into a QQ account on the desktop, which belonged to Jiang Shuying. Gu Zhongyu clicked on it and saw that the latest message was sent from a QQ group.

Clicking on the QQ group, there are not many members in the group, only 23 people. It was established a year ago, around the time when Gu Zhongyu was about to end his career as a lecturer at Nortel.

Then click on the information of the group members one by one. Everyone uses nicknames, and there is no pattern. The nickname of the group leader is "If you don't love me, you are sick." Fever, refreshing apple smell...

Most accounts have a level of only two or three stars, and they look like trumpets at first glance.

There is also a group announcement at the top, which was also edited last year. The content is as follows: "This group is specially created for a certain scumbag who is about to make a comeback. I hope everyone will put aside their disputes and develop together. Sisters should exchange information and strictly guard against clinging to it." , try to keep the number of people in the group the same.”

There are not many group files, they are basically Gu Zhongyu's itinerary records and filming plans, but there is a photo in it that caught his attention.

That is a life photo of Zhang Zilin!

The group was quiet at this time, no one spoke, it seemed that everyone was diving.

"This is the result of the investigation you asked me to investigate. I don't know if it is a group established by your enemy. According to your previous feedback, it is certain that among the current members of this group, there are Yang Mi, Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Shishi, and Fan Binbin. But basically everyone in the group is diving, so I can’t guess the specific identity yet.”

"This group owner should be a small account. He has not been online much since the group was established. He is only responsible for private chats, asking questions, and then agreeing to allow people to join the group."

Unfortunately, new members cannot view previous chat records. The last speech in this group was three days ago. The last person to speak was a person named "Love is in arrears" who asked in the group: Who Sisters, do you know what happened to Gu Zhongyu and that big bear monster in the United States?

Unfortunately, no one answered her, only a few followers clicked +1 from behind.

Gu Zhongyu became more and more frightened as he watched, and couldn't help but take a breath!

Originally, he thought it was a traitor among his own people who was selling information, but he didn't expect that it was an alliance formed by a bunch of pillowmates, and they even formed a fucking group!

No wonder you feel like there is no secret at all on weekdays, so you secretly linked up to play me together?

It turned out that Gao Yuanyuan had seen Zhang Zilin's photo a long time ago, so she took the initiative to chat with her and brought her in that day. She didn't expect that the kind-hearted third sister Gao San would be so thoughtful!

I don’t know where this photo came from. It only shows that the uploader is the group owner.

"Then how did you find this group? How did you join it?"

Gu Zhongyu was very curious. Jiang Shuying knew his affairs best, so why didn't she join in at the beginning?

Jiang Shuying sat on the table and answered his questions one by one: "This group was told to me by your other lover. Don't worry about who it is. I promised her to keep it a secret. She just thought I wanted to join it."

"When I first applied to join the group, the group owner asked me a few questions in private chat, all about you. After I answered them, when I said it was Jiang Shuying, she deleted and blocked me!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Shuying was also a little angry. We all beg for food under the same corn cob, why treat me specially? Such a fun group won't let me join?

After reflecting on it, it might be because the two of them are too close. After all, Jiang Shuying is almost Gu Zhongyu's shadow on weekdays. The group owner should be afraid that she will come to be a spy, so he decisively refused.

"Then how did you join in later?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Shuying chuckled: "Then I took a few days off and created a new account, and joined in with Bailu's identity."


"Bailu is also my assistant! Are they so confident to let you join?"

"Playing pitiful! I said that I was sexually exploited by your bastard boss, and then I played miserable and scolded you. The group leader thought I was quite sincere and asked me to talk more about your privacy in the future, and then agreed to let me join the group."


My reputation was ruined by you! With Bailu's silly look, do I have to sexually exploit her? It's obviously her who harassed me, okay?

At this time, Gu Zhongyu had not told Jiang Shuying about Bailu's initiative to relieve his boredom, and Bailu was also gagged by him, and no one was allowed to tell. There was no way, I couldn't afford to lose this person!

"I applied to join the group two days ago, and it was just approved today. I told you right after I joined the group. Should I get a raise?"

"Yes! It must be raised! Did no one speak after you joined the group?"

"No, these people are very stingy with words. After I joined the group, no one even welcomed me. They are very defensive and don't want others to guess their true identity."

Okay! Although I have been cheated for so long, I finally figured out the truth. With this group, I don't have to worry about my whereabouts being leaked anymore, and I can even monitor these women in return!

"I will use your QQ number in the future."

"No! This group is so fun! I can just keep an eye on it for you in the future!"

I'm afraid you will be led astray by them and cheat me together!

Gu Zhongyu had to promise to sign a bunch of unequal treaties in exchange for the right to use this QQ number.

"I'm warning you! If these people find that they can't catch you or the source of information is inaccurate, they will suspect me as a newcomer at any time. You'd better be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't show my hand, and I will mess them up!"

I'm asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes, big guys, if you have spare time, please give me rewards!

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